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Q1 These questions carry 10 marks each. waeone Discuss, with examples, the influence of diastrophism on the evolution of landscape. Write short note: Role of seismic waves in the study of earth's interior. Write short note on Plate tectonics in about 200 words. Write short note: Geosyncline. Discuss the limitations of the theory of Continental Drift and show how the theory of plate Tectonics is an Improvement over it Q2 These questions carry 10 marks each. 1 2 3. 4, 5. Q3 as Write short note on Seafloor spreading theory, Discuss the limitations of the theory of Continental Drift. Write short note on Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism. Write short note: Classification of Earth Movements. Write short note: Impact of Pleistocene Ice age on the crust of the Earth. With reference to the theory of Plate tectonics, explain the origin and growth of the Young Fold Mountain systems of the World. (20) Explain the concept of Isostasy as postulated by Airy and Pratt. (15) Compare and contrast different types of plate boundaries. (15) State the concept of plate tectonics. How does it help in explaining the formation ofthe Himalayas and Appalachian Mountains? (20) “Weathering is a complex phenomenon involving a number of processes and is influenced by various factors.” Elaborate. (15) Bring out the relevance of seismic study in determining the structure of the interior of the earth, (15) Discuss the processes of mechanical and chemical weathering and show their relationship with soil formation. (20) With the help of suitable sketches describe the mountain genesis and mountain types. Give suitable examples from various mountain systems of the world. (15) Write short notes on Palaeozoic glacial evidence of Continental Drift. (15)

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