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Self-reflection paper

Victoria Oliveira Danielides

Engineering and Technology Stream: Twente Pathway College

NVFSSE3 Melisa Ince

April 29, 2024


Teamwork is a skill required since all the students arrive in TPC. For the project, it

was only possible to have a good outcome if the term worked well. so we must find a

balance between relations and tasks. During term two I kept a lot of relations in mind Which

resulted in me and another teammate being overwhelmed because we weren't one to make the

meeting with other teammates and comfortable in any way. towards term 2 I felt so much in

the task that I even forgot to make my position clear when I felt emotionally damaged

because another teammate erased my work, and delivered the report without my knowledge

which was not fair because we had assigned me and other people in our group to work in the

report. but as it was already done and we still had to do the poster I didn't complain about it

and kept all my focus on the final assignment. now in term three, I can say that I finally

found a good balance between accomplishing in the best way possible and having a great

relationship with my teammates.

Having the ability to use the time you have in the best way you can is an essential

ability for a good academic journey, this is something that has a direct impact on my grades.

During term one I did a lot of things last minute, by the end of the day I was able to deliver

all the assignments I had to but sometimes I not even have time to double-check. for the

presentations and the report in term one, we did that right on time, the presentation was done

on the same day as it was presented, and the entire report was built in two days by a


Improving my time management Impacted my grades directly for term 2 where the

report was built through the wax and finalized on the day we had to submit it, resulting in

approximately 20% improvement in my grade.

Conflict resolution in the project I did not use my ability for conflict resolution when

I had two teammates arguing over who would present our PowerPoint in the project

development plan, I decided to not get involved since I didn't want to cause any heart

feelings with anyone, but I feel I could have solved the discussion pretty quickly just

informing them that who was going to present is chosen randomly

A moment that I had a great conflict resolution not necessarily involved directly me

but I have two friends fighting for different ideas during a physics assignment. even though

both could be right they were not just fighting for their ideas but also for their ego noticing

the situation I started asking them about their ideas which made them explain their ideas to

each other as a consequence of explaining to me in this way they could realize they are

complementary ideas and stop the argument

Overall for all the groups that I have participated in and friends that I have the Honor

to keep in this academic journal, I can realize that all of them have improved their soft skills

in at least for area. I would say that my highlight point would be communication and

intercultural adaptation I think this happened because of a lot of dialogues learning how to

communicate to each other and about our cultural differences and how to find a Midway

where everyone can work and have mutual respect doing all the process.

After going through various project groups as well as scholastic responsibilities; I

identified that interacting with others is one area of my study in which I excel, however, I was

able to realize my weakness in organizing myself concerning time and solving conflicts. As a

result, I have effectuated time management by planning out my days properly while knowing

how to deal with problems via confrontation or being tactful in words. I have also been good

at maintaining that unity between my duties and friends since every situation came with its

share of obstacles which I kept on scaling despite this is not easy. We have all gone through a

lot academically with time; change happens so often which means different aspects exist


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