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Topic 1: Online learning is beneficial to students

- Flexible
- Affordableinteresting
- Your own ideas
- Follow up questions:
1. Who may benefit from e-learning the most?
2. What are disadvantages of e-learning compared to traditional
3. Do you think online learning will be more popular? Why/why

- I totally agree with the statement that online learning/learning on the

Internet brings a lot of benefits to students for the following reasons.
- Firstly, online learning is very convenient and flexible. You know,
students can study whenever and wherever they want. They just
need a smart phone, a tablet or a computer connected to the
Internet, they can get access to a rich source of information on any
subject and attend any online courses.
- Secondly, it is very affordable to study online. Students can search for
information using online sources at very low cost (chi phí thấp) or
even for free. Many websites provide free access to information,
some others offer online courses at a cheap cost.
- Finally, In my opinion online courses are more interesting thanks to
the use of technology. It is a good way to engage students, make
students more interested in the lessons thanks to sounds, images,
=> to open -up the topic, ( chỌn câu 1 trả lời) In my opinion, students
and teachers benefit from e-learning the most because students can
study online and broaden their knowledge , and the teachers use the
Internet on their teaching ( your own ideas)
- In short, studying online is beneficial to students/ studying on the
Internet is good for students. ( because of the ideas that I have
expressed above)
Follow up questions:
1. Who may benefit from e-learning the most? Students, teachers
(students can study online and broaden their knowledge; the
teachers use Internet in their teaching)
2. What are disadvantages of e-learning compared to traditional
learning? Lack of face-to-face communication/ direct
communication between teachers and students; students and
students; sometimes power cut/ Internet disconnectivity; cheating
prevention is complicated; it is hard to control the students,
teachers don’t know whether students are studying or playing
3. Do you think online learning will be more popular? Why/why
not? Yes, because in the future information technology is more
and more developed/ more advanced; people use Internet more,
online learning has a lot of benefits to students and teachers.

1) What advice would you give someone on how to study English?

- There are many ways to learn English depending on learner’s
conditions, interests and proficiency. The best way is that you put
yourself in an English speaking environment. You can listen to English
songs, see English films. Furthermore, communicating with a native
speaker, participating in an English speaking club are very good to
improve your English as well.
2) Do you think being a student is the best time of your life? Why/
why not?
- In my opinion being a student is the best time of one’s life because
we have an exciting, wonderful time with friends at university. At that
time, people are young, strong, carefree and eager to explore new
knowledge. They are willing to do voluntary work without thinking
about themselves.
3) Should a student’s university education be free (học phí miễn phí)
or should the students have to get a loan (vay tiền đóng học phí)?
Explain your choice.
- In my view university education should be free for some specific
majors, such as police, military education because those are
demanding jobs. People who are devoted to them may sacrifice their
life to defend the motherland. However, most fields in education
should not be free. Students should understand the value of their
education in order to try harder. The money should be paid for training
facilities, materials, administration and education affairs.
Topic 2: Living in the countryside has many advantages

- Fresh air
- Friendly neighbours
- Cheap cost
- Your own ideas

- I totally agree with the statement that country life has some benefits
for the following reasons.
- Firstly, people living in the countryside are very friendly and
hospitable (mến khách). They are helpful, they often get on well with
each other. They often help each other in life. Sometimes, they hold
parties in each other’s house.
- Secondly, it is cheap to live in the countryside. They can grow their
own food such as fresh vegetables, fruits. They also raise chicken or
pigs for food. They pay lower fees for all products and services.
- Finally, people in the countryside can enjoy the fresh air. In the
countryside there are not many factories, not much traffic. There are
more green trees, lakes and rice fields which make the air clean.
- I think there are beautiful landscapes, people visit the countryside to
relax, reduce stress after hard working hours. Children can play a lot of
interesting games. They have more knowledge about nature and
- In short, it is good to live in the countryside.
Topic 3: There are some benefits of living in the city

- More chances for good jobs

- Better education
- Higher quality of health care services
- Your own ideas

- I totally agree with the statement that city life has a lot of advantages
for the following reasons.
- Firstly, the cities offer higher quality of health care services/ good
healthcare services because the central hospitals with modern
technologies and good doctors are located in the big cities. / = the
cities have high quality healthcare services, good hospitals, good
doctors and modern technologies.
- Secondly, people living in the city can have more chances for good
jobs/ more employment opportunities with higher salaries because
more factories and big companies which offer well-paid jobs are
located in the big cities. People find it easier to find work. / = City life
has more good jobs because there are more factories and big
companies located in the city. It is easier to find a good job with high
- Finally, people living in the city can benefit from better education. The
education system from kindergartens to universities in cities are good
because a lot of money is invested in facilities and excellent teachers.
There are more top universities located in big cities. (with good
- In my opinion, there are more entertainment facilities in big cities for
example/ such as cinemas, theme parks, shopping centers, games
center. This makes city life more attractive and comfortable.
- In short, living in the city brings a lot of benefits to people.

Phần trả lời 3 câu hỏi

1. Is it a good idea for universities to be located in big cities?
Sample 1: It’s not a good idea for universities to be located in city centres.
Travelling around in cities is a big problem. There are many cars, motorbikes,
buses and people in the city streets, making traffic very bad. So it’s not
convenient for students.
Sample 2: In my opinion, it is a good idea for universities to be located in big
cities because of the following reasons. The first reason is that it is
convenient for students to travel by public transport which is available in a
big city. The second reason is that the modern facilities in a big city can meet
all the requirements for students to enjoy a good study environment and
living condition.
2. Why do young people want to live in a big city?
B1: Many young people like to live in the city because they have more
chance to find a good job and to have better living condition
B2C1: Most young people want to live in a big city because they have a lot of
chances to get a good job with high salary and higher promotion. The city
brings them a good working condition to express their ability and their
personality. Moreover, living in a city is very exciting to provide the young
people with good service related to education, health care, entertainment that
can satisfy their demand. Last but not least, the public transportation in a big
city is always available and makes their travel more convenient and easier.
3. Do you think the quality of life in big cities will be better in the future?
B1: Life in the city will be better in the future if we can solve the problems of
pollution, traffic, and social evils.
B2C1: The rapid development of economy with the help of modern
technology brings the people in big cities a lot of benefits related to good
working condition, higher standard of living, better service of education,
heathcare and entertainment. Thus, I know for sure that the quality of life in
big cities will be better in the future. However, as well as advantages of
living in a big city, the people’s life is dealing with some problems such as
pollution, traffic jam, obesity and violent crime…. I hope that all these social
problems will be considered by the government to make the city become
ideal places to work and to live.

Topic 4: Internet is a good source to collect information

- Easy access
- Rich information
- Low cost
- Your own ideas

- I totally agree with the statement that the Internet is a good source to
collect information for the following reasons.
- Firstly, people can easily get access to the Internet because nowadays
every family can have Internet connection. Therefore, they find it easy
to collect information on the Internet.
- Secondly, the Internet is a rich source of information. It gives us
instant access to information on any subject. For example, you can use
Google to search for some benefits of the Internet, the results can be
available just after seconds. / It takes a few seconds to get the results.
- Finally, the Internet provides information at a low cost or even for
free. You just have to pay monthly fee for Internet connection.
Moreover, some websites offer sources of information with low cost or
even free sources of information.
- In short, the Internet is a great tool to get information because of its
easy access, rich information and cheap cost.
Follow up questions:

1. In your country what do the young people use the Internet for?

2. Should teachers use the Internet in their teaching? Why?

3. Should parents let their children use the Internet? Why? Yes, to
study online or search for information for their lessons but parents should
control the time their children spend on the Internet.

Topic 5: Taking photos is beneficial to people

- Save memories
- Reduce stress
- Improve imagination (tri tuong tuong tot hon)
- Your own ideas: connect people
Sample 1:

- I totally agree with the statement that taking photos brings people
many advantages for the following reasons.
- Firstly, photos help us save our sweet memories. You know, while we
are on holiday or on special occasions (vào dịp đặc biệt), we often take
a lot of photos so that we can keep our sweet memories in life. Images
document our journey.
- Secondly, for those who are interested in photography it can help them
reduce stress. For example, I have a friend who loves photography. He
often spends time taking photos of landscapes and people after hard-
working days. / You will remember good memories by seeing the
photos, so your mood will get better, less stressful.
- Finally, photography helps people improve their imagination. Pictures
let us come up with new ideas and make us more creative.
- Your own ideas: I think taking photos makes people become closer;
they find it easier to connect with others in an event or in a journey.
- In short, taking photos has many benefits to people.

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