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Kukuh Ahmad Prasetiyo.2017 : “Implementation of Quality Management in Integrated Islamic

School (Case study in Integrated Islamic Elementary School Harapan Umat of Jember). Thesis,
Islamic Education Management Studies Program, Postgraduate IAIN Jember. Supervisor : (1)
Prof. Dr. H. Babun Suharto, SE, MM. (2) Dr. Mashudi, M.Pd

Keywords : Quality Management, Integrated Islamic School

The public views that Islamic schools can be the best alternative in protecting children from
moral damage. However, it is undeniable that Islamic educational institutions identic with
institutions that are less professional management. Integrated Islamic schools, especially those
under the auspices of the Integrated School of Islamic network (JSIT) are felt to be present at the
right time and answer the community’s need for a qualified Islamic school. Because, besides
conducting education with a thick Islamic nuance, integrated Islamic school also get supervision
from quality team of JSIT to maintain the implementation of quality. Therefore, the
implementation of quality management in the integrated Islamic school becomes feasible and
interesting to be studied more deeply.

This thesis discusses the focus of research as follows : 1) How the implementation of quality
management on curriculum in Integrated Islamic Elementary School Harapan Umat of Jember.
2) How effort to build school commitment in implementation of quality management at
curriculum in Integrated Islamic Elementary School Harapan Umat of Jember.

The research objectives are : 1) knowing the implementation of quality management on

curriculum in Integrated Islamic Elementary School Harapan Umat of Jember. 2) knowing the
effort to build school commitment in implementation of quality management at curriculum in
Integrated Islamic Elementary School Harapan Umat of Jember.

This research uses qualitative approach technique with descriptive method of analysis through
case study design. The data collection technique is done by: 1) Interview, 2) Observation, and 3)
Documentation. Data information is taken by purposive sampling technique. The informants on
this study are principals, teachers, and some people involved in the implementation of quality in
schools. While data analysis systematically started from data collection, data reduction, data
presentation, and verification or withdrawal of conclusion. The data validity is using
triangulation of source and method.

From the result of this study can be drawn conclusions about the implementation of quality
management in Integrated Islamic school. First, the implementation of quality management on
the curriculum in Integrated Islamic Elementary School Harapan Umat of Jember is reflected in
three main activities: curriculum planning, curriculum implementation and curriculum
evaluation. Secondly, the effort to build school commitment in the implementation of quality
management can be seen from the commitment to create a culture of discipline and
responsibility, standardization implementation, performance evaluation followed by continuous
improvement of competency and competence, and build good communication with various

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