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Wednesday 18 – Friday 20 October, 2023
Wednesday 18 October: 5.00 – 7.00p.m
1. Opening Prayer – 5 mins
2. Choruses – 10 mins
3. Exhortation – 15 mins
4. Selected Prayer Requests – 25 mins
5. RAIN of Righteousness – ASK: Zechariah 10:1 – 30 mins
6. (i) Personal Spiritual Revival – 15 mins
(ii) Physical, Family and Material Needs – 15 mins
7. Zechariah 10:1 – Showers of Blessing – 5 mins
EXHORTATION: The Priviledge of Prayer by God’s Children - Zechariah 10:1;
Romans 8:14-17; John 16:26-27.
- Our relationship with God determines every other thing in life.
- Being a child of God is the greatest priviledge on earth.
- I John 3:1 – What manner of love to be called sons of God
- Repentance from every known sin is demanded – Acts 3:19; Mark 1:14,15
- Faith in the Atoning Blood of Christ seals the experience – Rom. 5:1; Acts
- Thereafter, we can pray: “Our Father which art in heaven” Matt. 6:9-13.
- Answer to prayer is guaranteed by our Father in heaven to His children –
Jeremiah 33:3
1. Praise, Worship and Thanksgiving (see Prayer and Fasting schedule)
2. Prayer for Converts of GCK, Women Conference and Evangelism outreaches
(see Prayer and Fasting schedule)
3. Prayer for NIGERIA (see Prayer and Fasting schedule)
4. EDO October GCK (see Prayer and Fasting schedule)
5. RAIN of Righteousness:
- Thank God for the Promise of Rain – Zechariah 10:1
- Thank God for the Priviledge of Asking.
- Thank God for the assurance of answer as promised
- “Break up your fallow ground” – Hosea 10:12; Jeremiah 4:3,4
- Remove every impediment – sin, compromise, backsliding, worldliness etc.
- Ask for the cleansing power of the Blood – I John 1:7
- Pray for purity of heart - Inward Sanctification – Titus 2:14; Hebrews
- Matthew 5:6 – Every member to thirst and hunger after righteousness
- Matthew 6:33 – Seek first –GOD’s righteousness: Every member.
- DLBC, Ado Region – A Glorious Church! Ephesians 5:25-27
- Revival of Holiness and Righteousness.
- God’s Glory upon every member of the Church.
- Outpouring of the Holy Ghost upon the Church
6. (i) Personal Spiritual Revival - Psalm 42:1,2.
(ii) Physical, Family and Material needs (Personal Prayer Requests)
7. Zechariah 10:1 – Showers of Blessing – RAIN OF REVIVAL.
Thursday 19 October: 5:00 – 7:00pm

1. Opening Prayer – 5mins

2. Choruses - 10mins
3. Exhortation - 15mins
4. Selected Prayer Requests – 25mins
5. RAIN of Supernatural Wonder – ASK – Zechariah 10:1 – 30mins
6. (i) Personal Rain of Wonders – 15mins
(ii) Family Request for Supernatural Wonders - 15mins
7. Zechariah 10:1 - Showers of Blessing – 5mins

EXHORTATION: Spiritual Preparation for Supernatural Wonders –

Joshua 3:5; Job 11:13-19; 22:23-28; Acts 1: 4, 5.
- Praise GOD: He is the God of Wonders.
- Psalm 72:18 – God only does Wondrous things.
- Put sin far away from you - Job 11:14
- Claim the Blood for your pardon and cleansing - Romans 3:23-25
Hebrews 13:20, 21.
- Separate from every appearance of evil.
- Sanctify yourself – Joshua 3:5
- 2 Corinthians 7:1 – Cleanse yourself from all filthiness.
- Answer to prayer is guaranteed for the pure and holy – 2 Kings 20:1-6.

1. Praise, Worship and Thanksgiving
2. Prayer for EKITI STATE (see Prayer and Fasting schedule).
3. Evangelism and Soulwinning (see Prayer and Fasting schedule).
4. Sections of the Church (see Prayer and Fasting schedule).
5. RAIN of Supernatural Wonders:
- Thank the Lord for the Promised Rain – Zechariah 10:1
- “Bright Clouds” of Supernatural Wonders - RAIN OF REVIVAL.
- Prayer for Wonders of Outpouring of the Holy Spirit – Joel 2:28, 29
- Supernatural Wonder of the Holy Ghost
- Spirit of Prayer and Supplication on the Church - Zechariah 12:10
- Power of the Word of God in the Church - Ephesians 6:17.
- Supernatural Healing for the sick –
- All sicknesses and diseases to melt under the power of GOD.
- Terminal sicknesses, to bow to the name of CHRIST - Acts 3:1-8
- Supernatural Wonder of victory, breakthrough, progress, excellence,
prosperity etc.
- Showers of Blessing upon – our children, youths, young adults,
children for the barren
- All yokes and bondages – broken: failure, delay in marriage,
barrenness, business stagnation, delayed promotion.
- Testimony of Supernatural Wonders - Psalm 71:17
6. (i) Personal Rain of Wonders – ASK – Zechariah 10:1
(ii) Family Request for Supernatural Wonders - ASK
7. Zechariah 10:1 - Showers of Blessing - RAIN OF REVIVAL.
Friday 20 October: 5:00 – 7:00pm
1. Opening Prayer – 5mins
2. Choruses - 10mins
3. Exhortation - 15mins
4. Selected Prayer Requests – 25mins
5. RECEIVING the Keys to the Kingdom – ASK – Zechariah 10:1 – 30mins
6. (i) Personal possession of the key – 15mins
(ii) Opening Doors of Victory, Success, Progress, Healing, Prosperity
Breakthrough, etc - 15mins
7. Zechariah 10:1 - Showers of Blessing – 5mins

EXHORTATION: Confession of CHRIST as the Gateway to Blessing.

Matthew 16:15,16; Acts 8:36,37; Ephesians 2:18
- Knowing and Confessing CHRIST: Essential to Salvation.
- Genuine Conversion: Gateway to Spiritual riches - Proverbs 13:8
- John 17:2, 3 – “Eternal Life” is indispensable.
- Revelation of CHRIST: Foundation of our Faith
- CHRIST is the Chief Cornerstone – Ephesians 2:19-22
- Mark 1:14,15 – Repent and Believe the Gospel.
- Confessing Christ after Repentance is Absolutely Essential to
Salvation – Acts 16:30,31; Romans 10:1,2; Ephesians 2:16-18

1. Praise and Thanksgiving for Answered Prayer
2. (i) Prayer for Karnataka (see Prayer and Fasting schedule)
(ii) Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (Israel) – Psalm 122:6-9
3. (i) Protection and Preservation through the Blood (see Prayer and Fasting
(ii) Revival! Revival!! Revival!!! (See Prayer and Fasting schedule).
4. Pulling Down the Strongholds (see Prayer and Fasting schedule).
5. RECEIVING the Keys of the Kingdom – ASK - Zechariah 10:1
- Thank God for the priviledge to “ASK”
- A – Assurance of Answer
S – Supernatural and Spectacular
K – Keys of the Kingdom
- Pray that all members will receive the KEYS of the Kingdom.
- The Keys of Authority and Power - Luke 9:1; 10:19.
- Matthew 18:18 – Bind all forces of sickness, diseases, failure,
misfortune, loss. untimely death, accident etc.
- Authority over all Principalities and Power.
- All closed doors to be opened.
- Revelation 3: 7, 8 - Open Doors of Joy, Progress, Healing, Health,
Victory, Success, Excellence etc.
- RECEIVE your KEYS of the Kingdom.
6. (i) Personal Possession of the Keys of the Kingdom.
(ii) Open Doors of Victory, Success, Progress, Healing, Prosperity,
Breakthrough etc, HENCEFORTH
7. Zechariah 10:1 – Showers of Blessing - RAIN OF REVIVAL.

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