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Exhibit 1

• Were there differences in opinions among group members?

• How did you manage those differences? What approach was followed? Be specific about
how each difference was handled?

• Were all members equally active in the group discussion? If there were some members
who were relatively silent, how did you involve them? If there were some members who
were taking a lot of air time, what did the group do?

• Were there instances where individual members changed their views to reach a closure
on the decision? Were they convinced by the others? Were they under subtle pressure
to conform to the views of remaining group members?

• Were there instances where an individual could persuade other members of the group
to change their views? How did the person influence others?

• As a group how did you arrive at the decision? What were the unsaid rules for reaching a

• In general, what are the challenges you face while acting as a group?

• In general, what are the dilemmas have you experienced in the group activity? What are
one or two questions/ dilemmas that you would like to pose to the class?

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