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Juanuary 17th


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Function negative prefix – negative statements are the opposite of affirmative



A Words that take A as a negative - Political - Apolitical
prefix, always begin with a - Typical - Atypical
DIS Words that take DIS as a negative - Agree - Disagree
prefix, always begin with a vowel - Comfort - Discomfort
or a consonant
IL Words that take IL as a negative - Legal - Illegal
prefix, always begin with the letter - Logical - Illogical
IM Words that take IM as a negative - Moral - Immoral
prefix, always begin with the letter - Perfect - Imperfect
M or P - Possible - Impossible
IN Words that take IN as a negative - Accurate - Inaccurate
prefix, can begin with a vowel - Organic - Inorganic
(except I or u) or a consonant - Decent - Indecent
- sane - Insane
IR Words that take IR as a negative - Rational - Irrational
prefix, always begin with the letter - Regular - Irregular
R - Resistible - Irresistible
NON Words that take NON as a - Essential - Nonessential
negative prefix may begin with a - Fiction - Nonfiction
vowel or consonant - Sence - Nonsence
UN Also you can use the negative - Happy - Unhappy
adverb NOT - Happy - Not happy


Pages 37 – 38

What makes a hero?

What qualities do hero have?


Compassionate - Compasivo

Courageous - Valiente

Heroic – Heroico

Moral - Moral

Reckless – Temerario

Selfless – Desinteresado

Stand up for – Defiende

Show leadership – Muestra liderazgo

What do heroes do?

- Take care and defend people

1. Heroes are courageous, because they face danger to help other people.
2. The heroes reacts recklessly and adapts
3. Because they don´t have self-confidence and they feel afraid
4. The type of jobs are
a. Police, military and security agents,
b. Firefighters
c. Miners
d. Healthcare professionals (Pandemic) save lives
e. Trash collectors - because with their work they maintain clean and healthy
This exercise in class………….

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