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MARCH, 2024






MARCH, 2024





This is to certify that the thesis proposal entitled “Determinants of Destination Competitiveness:
A Case Study of Wolaita Zone.’’ Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Masters of art with specialization in tourism and hospitality management, the Graduate
Program of the Department of tourism and hotel management, has been carried out by Amanuel
Arba; ID No PRBE/008/15, under our supervision. Therefore, I recommend that the student has
fulfilled the requirements and hence hereby can submit the proposal to the department for

Name of Advisor Signature Date

Henok Bekele (Asst. Prof.) ——————————— ——————————

ii | P a g e




We, the undersigned, members of the board of examiners of the proposal defense by Amanuel
Arba have read and evaluated his proposal entitled “Determinants of Destination
Competitiveness: A Case Study of Wolaita Zone,” and examined the candidates oral
presentation. This is, therefore, to certify that the proposal has been accepted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree with minor/major corrections.


1.—————————————– Sign.————— Date.——————–


2. —————————————– Sign.————— Date.——————-

Internal Examiner

3. —————————————– Sign.—————- Date.——————

Department head

4. —————————————– Sign.—————- Date.——————

iii | P a g e

I hereby declare that this MA thesis proposal is my original work, and as far as I am aware, it has
not been done for a degree at any other university, and that all sources of the material used for
the proposal have been duly acknowledged.

Name: —————————————————

Signature: ———————————————

Date: —————————————————–

iv | P a g e

First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Almighty God for His
unwavering guidance and blessings throughout the process of writing this proposal. I
acknowledge His grace and thank Him for giving me the strength and wisdom to undertake this

I also extend my heartfelt appreciation to Mr. Henok Bekele (Assistant professor), for his
invaluable support and guidance. His expertise and dedication have played a crucial role in
shaping this proposal and ensuring its quality. I am truly grateful for his mentorship and for
pushing me to strive for excellence.

Furthermore, would like to extend our sincere thanks to my friends who have supported me in
writing this proposal. Their encouragement, brainstorming sessions, and constructive feedback
have greatly contributed to the overall development and refinement of my ideas. Their
unwavering belief in my capabilities has been a constant source of motivation.

To each and every individual who has provided their assistance, advice, and encouragement, I
express my deepest appreciation. Your contributions have undoubtedly played a pivotal role in
the successful completion of this project. I am truly grateful for your unwavering support and
trust in our abilities.


This study aims to analyze the Determinants of Destination Competitiveness: A Case Study of
Wolaita Zone. Focusing on identifying the determinants of destination competitiveness the
research will utilize explanatory and descriptive survey method. Through accidental sampling
and purposive sampling techniques, 384 respondents will be used. Data will be collected through
questionnaires and interviews. The analysis of collected data will employ statistical technique as
descriptive statistics. The collected data will be analyzed using statistical techniques such as
descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. Both qualitative and
quantitative analyses will be utilized to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
Determinants of Destination Competitiveness. This study will be significant as it will contribute
to the existing literature on the determinants of destination competitiveness specifically in the
context of Wolaita Zone. By identifying the determinants of destination competitiveness: a case
study of wolaita zone, the findings of this study will inform policymakers and stakeholders in
making informed decisions to enhance the destination competitiveness of tourism in the area.

Key Words: Destination Competitiveness, determinants, Wolaita Zone.

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Table of Contents


CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1


1.1. Background of the study.......................................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the Problem.......................................................................................................2

1.3. Objectives of the Study.........................................................................................................3

1.3.1. General Objective..........................................................................................................3

1.3.2. Specific Objectives........................................................................................................3

1.4. Research Questions...............................................................................................................3

1.5 Significance of the Study.......................................................................................................4

1.6. Scope of the Study................................................................................................................4

1.7. Limitations of the study........................................................................................................5

1.8. Definitions of Key Concepts................................................................................................6

1.9 Organization of the Study......................................................................................................6

CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................7

LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................................7

2.1. Theoretical Review...............................................................................................................7

2.1.1. Definition of destination competitiveness.....................................................................8

2.1.2. Importance of destination competitiveness in the tourism industry............................11

2.1.3. Destination Competitiveness and Infrastructure development....................................11

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2.1.4. Destination attractors...................................................................................................12

2.1.5. Safety and security.......................................................................................................15

2.1.6. Potential Opportunities for Competitiveness of Destinations in Wolaita Zone...........17

2.1.7. Challenges and Opportunities for Enhancing Destination Competitiveness in Wolaita


2.2. Empirical Reviews..............................................................................................................19

2.3 Theoretical Frame Work......................................................................................................23

2.4. Conceptual Framework.......................................................................................................25

MATERIALS AND METHODS...................................................................................................27

3.1. Description of the Study Area.............................................................................................27

3.2. Study Design and Approach...............................................................................................27

3.3. Target Population................................................................................................................28

3.4 .Sample Size and Sample Techniques..................................................................................28

3.4.1. Sample Size.................................................................................................................28

3.4.2. Sampling Techniques...................................................................................................29

3.5. Data Collection Methods....................................................................................................29

3.6. Description of the Method of Data Analysis......................................................................30

3.7. Ethical Consideration..........................................................................................................30

3.8. Financial Requirements......................................................................................................32

3.9. Work plan...........................................................................................................................33


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1.1. Background of the study

Destination competitiveness has become a critical concept in the field of tourism and regional
development. A destination's competitiveness refers to its ability to attract and retain visitors in a
highly competitive global market. Understanding the determinants of destination competitiveness
is crucial for policymakers, destination managers, and other stakeholders to develop effective
strategies to enhance a destination's attractiveness and sustainability.

Destination competitiveness has become a critical concept in the tourism industry, as destinations
are continuously seeking ways to attract and retain tourists in a highly competitive global market.
Destination competitiveness refers to a destination's ability to attract and retain tourists by
offering unique and attractive tourism products and services that meet the needs and expectations
of travelers (Crouch & Ritchie, 1999). A destination's competitiveness is influenced by a variety
of factors, including natural and cultural resources, infrastructure, government support,
marketing strategies, and the overall tourism experience.

In the African context, tourism has been recognized as a strategic sector for economic
development and poverty reduction. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO),
Africa saw a 4% increase in international tourist arrivals in 2019, with countries such as
Ethiopia, Kenya, and South Africa leading the way (UNWTO, 2020). However, despite this
growth, African destinations face challenges in enhancing their competitiveness, such as limited
infrastructure, political instability, security concerns, and environmental issues.

In Ethiopia, tourism has been identified as a key sector for economic growth and job creation,
with the government launching the Tourism Sector Transformation Strategy in 2020 to enhance
the country's tourism competitiveness (Ethiopian Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 2020).
Ethiopia boasts a diverse range of tourism attractions, including historical sites, natural
landscapes, and cultural festivals. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed to
improve destination competitiveness, such as infrastructure development, marketing strategies,
and quality of services.

The Wolaita Zone, located in the Southern Ethiopia, is a promising tourist destination known for
its rich cultural heritage, traditional ceremonies, and scenic landscapes. However, the destination
faces challenges in terms of infrastructure, service quality, and marketing efforts. Therefore,
understanding the determinants of destination competitiveness in the Wolaita Zone is crucial for
developing effective strategies to enhance its tourism industry.

This study aims to investigate the determinants of destination competitiveness in the Wolaita
Zone, focusing on factors such as natural and cultural resources, infrastructure, marketing
strategies, and visitor experience. By examining these factors, the study seeks to provide
valuable insights for policymakers, tourism stakeholders, and local communities to enhance the
destination's competitiveness and attract more tourists to the region.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The tourism industry in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia, faces various challenges that hinder its
competitiveness in the global market. Despite having rich cultural and natural resources, the
destination is still relatively unknown compared to other popular tourist destinations in the
country. This lack of recognition can be attributed to various factors such as limited
infrastructure, insufficient marketing efforts, and lack of coordination among stakeholders. In
order to enhance the competitiveness of Wolaita Zone as a tourist destination, it is crucial to
identify and understand the determinants that influence its attractiveness and appeal to tourists
(Wolaita Zone Tourism Potential Assessment Report, 2018)

Despite the growing importance of tourism as a key economic driver in Ethiopia, there is a lack
of research on the determinants of destination competitiveness in specific regions such as
Wolaita Zone. Understanding the factors that contribute to destination competitiveness is
essential for the sustainable development of tourism in the region (Alemu, & Asres,2020)

Problem Context: Tourism plays a significant role in poverty reduction, economic growth, and
job creation in developing countries like Ethiopia. However, without a thorough understanding
of the determinants of destination competitiveness, it is challenging to develop effective
strategies to enhance the attractiveness and competitiveness of a destination (World Travel &
Tourism Council. ,2019)

Consequences of Not Solving the Problem: Failure to address the lack of research on destination
competitiveness in Wolaita Zone could result in missed economic opportunities,
underdevelopment of the tourism sector, and a lack of sustainable growth. This, in turn, could
lead to a loss of revenue, jobs, and overall economic benefits for the region (Alene, &

Gaps: There is a lack of empirical studies on the determinants of destination competitiveness in

Wolaita Zone. Tadele, (2017) explains that Existing research on tourism in Ethiopia often focuses
on broader national or regional levels, neglecting the specific context and unique characteristics
of Wolaita Zone. There is a limited understanding of the factors that contribute to the
competitiveness of Wolaita Zone as a tourist destination.

This study aims to fill the gap in the literature by identifying and analyzing the determinants of
destination competitiveness in Wolaita Zone. By doing so, it will provide valuable insights for
policymakers, tourism stakeholders, and researchers to develop targeted strategies to enhance the
competitiveness and sustainability of tourism in the region.

1.3. Objectives of the Study

1.3.1. General Objective

The general objective of the study is to analyze the determinants of destination competitiveness
in Wolaita Zone.

1.3.2. Specific Objectives

 The study will be guided by the following specific objectives

 To examine the effect of destination attractiveness on destination competitiveness.
 To establish the effect of support resources on destination competitiveness.
 To determine the effect of destination management on destination competitiveness.
 To examine the effect of safety and security on relationship between destination
competitiveness determinants and destination competitiveness.

1.4. Research Questions

1. What is the effect of destination attractiveness on destination competitiveness?

2. What is the effect of support resources on destination competitiveness?

3. What is the effect of destination management on destination competitiveness?
4. What effect of safety and security on relationship between destination competitiveness
determinants and destination competitiveness?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in the fact that it explores the determinants of destination
competitiveness in Wolaita Zone. By identifying these determinants, the study can provide
valuable insights for policymakers, local authorities, and tourism stakeholders in the region to
enhance the competitiveness of Wolaita Zone as a tourism destination. This research is
significant for a variety of stakeholders, including:

Local authorities: By understanding the determinants of destination competitiveness, local

authorities can develop targeted strategies and policies to enhance the tourism industry in
Wolaita Zone. This can lead to increased investment, job creation, and economic growth in the

Tourism stakeholders: Businesses in the tourism industry, such as hotels, restaurants, tour
operators, and transportation providers, can benefit from this research by gaining a better
understanding of the factors that influence destination competitiveness. This can help them tailor
their products and services to meet the needs and preferences of visitors, ultimately leading to
increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Tourists: By improving destination competitiveness, tourists visiting Wolaita Zone can expect to
have a more enjoyable and fulfilling travel experience. This can lead to positive word-of-mouth
recommendations, increased visitor numbers, and ultimately, sustainable tourism growth in the

The beneficiaries of this research include local authorities, tourism stakeholders, and tourists,
who can all benefit from the insights provided by this study to enhance the competitiveness of
Wolaita Zone as a tourism destination.

1.6. Scope of the Study

Geographic Scope: This study focuses on the Wolaita Zone, which is a region in southern
Ethiopia. Specifically, the research will examine the determinants of destination competitiveness

within this particular area. The geographic scope of the study is limited to Wolaita Zone and does
not extend to other regions or countries.

Methodological Scope: This research will employ a mixed methods approach, combining both
qualitative and quantitative research techniques. Qualitative methods such as interviews and
focus groups will be used to gather in-depth insights from key stakeholders in the tourism
industry in Wolaita Zone. Quantitative methods such as surveys and statistical analysis will be
used to analyze primary data collected from tourists and secondary data from existing literature
and reports.

Theoretical Scope: The study will be guided by theories and concepts related to destination
competitiveness, such as the destination competitiveness model proposed by Ritchie and Crouch
(2003). In addition, concepts from areas such as tourism management, marketing, and economics
will also be utilized to analyze and interpret the data collected. Theoretical frameworks will be
used to explore the various determinants of destination competitiveness, including factors such
as tourism infrastructure, marketing strategies, and government policies.

This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the determinants of destination

competitiveness in Wolaita Zone, drawing on a wide range of methodological and theoretical
approaches to address the research objectives.

1.7. Limitations of the study

Scope of analysis: The study may have focused on a limited number of determinants of
destination competitiveness in Wolaita Zone, which may not have provided a comprehensive
picture of all factors influencing competitiveness in the region.

Time constraints: The study may have been limited by time constraints, which could have
restricted the depth of analysis or the extent of data collection.

Funding constraints: Limited financial resources may have constrained the researchers' ability to
conduct a more extensive and in-depth study of destination competitiveness in Wolaita Zone.

1.8. Definitions of Key Concepts

Destination competitiveness: Destination competitiveness refers to the ability of a

destination to attract and retain visitors in the face of competition from other destinations. This
includes factors such as the attractiveness of the destination, the quality of its tourism
infrastructure, the efficiency of its services, and the effectiveness of its marketing efforts
(Albors-Garrigos et al., 2016).

1.9 Organization of the Study

The research will be organized into five chapters. The first chapter which is this chapter
comprises of the background of study, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of
the study, and delimitation of the study, limitation of the Study, definitions of key concepts and
organization of the study. Chapter two discusses the theoretical and empirical literatures. The
third chapter will contain the overview of methodological procedures for data collection and
analysis and also presents validity, reliability test and ethical considerations. Chapter four will
deal with results and discussions. Finally, chapter five will give conclusions, recommendations.



2.1. Theoretical Review

Destination competitiveness is a crucial aspect in the tourism industry as it determines the ability
of a destination to attract and retain visitors. One of the key determinants of destination
competitiveness is destination attractors, which include natural attractions, cultural heritage, and
recreational activities. These attractors play a significant role in influencing tourists' decisions to
choose a destination over others (Morgan, Pritchard, & Pride, 2011). Moreover, supportive
resources such as transportation infrastructure, accommodation facilities, and tourist services
also contribute to the competitiveness of a destination by enhancing the overall visitor
experience and satisfaction (Crouch & Ritchie, 1999).

Destination management is another determinant that influences destination competitiveness, as

effective destination management strategies help in enhancing the overall destination image,
branding, and marketing efforts (Pike, 2009). Safety and security are also crucial determinants of
destination competitiveness, as tourists tend to prefer destinations that offer a safe and secure
environment for them to explore and enjoy their stay (Hall, Timothy, & Duval, 2009). Therefore,
destination stakeholders need to focus on improving safety measures and security protocols to
attract and retain visitors, ultimately enhancing destination competitiveness and sustainable
growth in the tourism industry.

Destination attractors refer to the unique features or experiences that draw tourists to a particular
destination. These can include natural attractions, cultural heritage, events and festivals, or
recreational activities. According to Crouch and Ritchie (1999), destination attractors play a
crucial role in influencing tourists' decision-making process and can significantly impact a
destination's competitiveness. Therefore, destinations need to continuously invest in developing
and improving their attractors to maintain a competitive edge.

Supportive resources are the infrastructure and facilities that contribute to the overall tourism
experience at a destination. This can include transportation networks, accommodation options,
dining establishments, and tourist services. As noted by Dwyer and Kim (2003), the availability

and quality of supportive resources are vital for enhancing visitor satisfaction and loyalty.
Destinations with well-developed supportive resources are more likely to attract repeat visitors
and positive word-of-mouth publicity, ultimately boosting their competitiveness.

Destination management refers to the coordinated efforts of various stakeholders in monitoring

and enhancing the overall tourism experience at a destination. Effective destination management
involves strategic planning, collaboration among public and private sectors, and sustainable
development practices. As emphasized by Buhalis and Costa (2006), destination management
plays a crucial role in shaping a destination's image and competitiveness. Destinations that
prioritize effective management are better positioned to attract and retain tourists, strengthen
their brand reputation, and drive economic growth.

Safety and security are critical factors that influence tourists' perceptions of a destination and
their overall travel experience. Destinations that are perceived as safe and secure are more likely
to attract a diverse range of visitors, including families, solo travelers, and business tourists.
According to UNWTO (2019), ensuring the safety and security of tourists should be a top
priority for destination management organizations. Destinations that actively address safety
concerns and implement effective security measures are more likely to build trust and credibility
among potential visitors, ultimately enhancing their competitiveness in the global tourism

2.1.1. Definition of destination competitiveness

According to Faulkner, B., Moscardo, G., & Laws, E. (Eds.). (2003) Destination competitiveness
refers to the ability of a destination to attract and retain tourists in comparison to other
destinations. It is an essential concept in the tourism industry as it determines the success and
sustainability of a destination in the long run. Understanding destination competitiveness
involves identifying the factors that influence it, the components that contribute to it, and the
models and theories that explain its significance.

Factors that influence destination competitiveness include natural and cultural attractions,
infrastructure and accessibility, hospitality services, marketing and promotion, pricing, and
political and economic stability. These factors collectively contribute to the attractiveness of a

destination and its ability to compete with other destinations for tourist flows (Ritchie, & Crouch,

The components of destination competitiveness typically include a destination's natural and man-
made attractions, tourism services and infrastructure, marketing and branding efforts,
government policies and support, and the overall visitor experience. These components are
essential in shaping the overall competitiveness of a destination and in positioning it as a
desirable location for tourists.

Several models and theories have been proposed to explain destination competitiveness. Porter's
Diamond Model, for example, emphasizes the role of factor conditions, demand conditions,
related and supporting industries, and firm strategy, structure, and rivalry in determining the
competitiveness of a destination. Crouch and Ritchie's Destination Competitiveness Model
focuses on the interrelationships between demand conditions, destination resources, destination
management, and stakeholder collaboration in shaping destination competitiveness. Dwyer and
Kim's Tourism Competitiveness Index, on the other hand, provides a framework for measuring
and analyzing the competitiveness of tourism destinations based on a set of indicators and
variables (Dwyer, & Kim, 2003)

Case studies of successful destinations with high competitiveness can offer valuable insights into
the strategies and practices that contribute to their success. Strategies to improve destination
competitiveness may include investment in infrastructure and product development, effective
marketing and branding campaigns, partnerships with the private sector, and the implementation
of sustainable tourism practices. However, destinations may also face challenges in enhancing
their competitiveness, such as environmental degradation, over-tourism, lack of funding and
resources, and political instability (Crouch & Ritchie,1999)

In the understanding destination competitiveness is crucial for the sustainable development of

tourism destinations. Future research in this area could focus on exploring the interactions
between different factors influencing destination competitiveness, developing more
comprehensive models and frameworks for measuring competitiveness, and identifying best
practices and strategies for enhancing destination competitiveness. The implications of
destination competitiveness for tourism policy and planning are significant, as governments and

destination managers can use this knowledge to inform their decision-making and improve the
overall performance of their tourism industry (Gill,2016).

Understanding destination competitiveness is crucial in the tourism industry as it plays a

significant role in attracting visitors and sustaining growth. Destination competitiveness is often
defined as the ability of a destination to attract and retain tourists in comparison to other
destinations. It involves a combination of factors such as marketing strategies, infrastructure,
natural and cultural resources, and overall visitor experience. (Pike, 2017)

Several factors influence destination competitiveness, including the attractiveness of the

destination, the quality of infrastructure and services, the overall destination image, and the
efficiency of destination management. The development and maintenance of destination
competitiveness require a comprehensive understanding of these factors and the ability to
effectively leverage resources to enhance the overall destination experience. (Dwyer & Kim,

Various models have been developed to conceptualize destination competitiveness, including

Porter's Diamond Model, which explores the competitive advantage of destinations based on
factors such as factor conditions, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, and firm
strategy, structure, and rivalry. (Porter, 1990) Crouch and Ritchie's Destination Competitiveness
Model focuses on the internal and external factors that influence destination competitiveness,
such as destination policy and planning, destination resources and attractions, and destination
image and positioning. (Crouch & Ritchie, 1999)

Measurement of destination competitiveness is essential for assessing the performance of

destinations and identifying areas for improvement. Dwyer and Kim's Tourism Competitiveness
Index is one of the widely used tools for measuring destination competitiveness, which evaluates
factors such as tourism policy and regulations, tourism infrastructure, natural and cultural
resources, and price competitiveness. (Dwyer & Kim, 2003)

In understanding destination competitiveness is crucial for the sustainable growth of tourism

destinations. By exploring different models and theories of destination competitiveness,
destinations can develop strategies to enhance their competitiveness, attract more visitors, and
create unique and memorable experiences for tourists. Future research should focus on

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identifying new factors that influence destination competitiveness, developing innovative
measurement tools, and exploring new strategies to improve destination competitiveness.
Implications for tourism policy and planning include the importance of collaboration between
public and private sectors, investing in infrastructure and services, and promoting sustainable
tourism practices to maintain destination competitiveness in the long term.

2.1.2. Importance of destination competitiveness in the tourism industry Importance of Destination Competitiveness

Destination competitiveness plays a crucial role in the success of the tourism industry.
Competitiveness refers to a destination's ability to attract and retain tourists in the face of
competition from other destinations. This concept encompasses a wide range of factors,
including the quality of tourism infrastructure, the diversity of attractions, the level of service
offered, and the overall destination experience. A competitive destination is one that can
differentiate itself from others and offer unique and compelling experiences to travelers. Economic Benefits of Destination Competitiveness

A. Increased tourism revenue

B. Job creation and economic growth

A competitive destination can reap a host of economic benefits. By attracting more visitors,
destinations can generate increased tourism revenue, which can then be reinvested into the local
economy. Additionally, a thriving tourism industry can create job opportunities for residents and
stimulate economic growth in the region. This, in turn, can lead to improved infrastructure,
increased investment, and a higher standard of living for local communities.

2.1.3. Destination Competitiveness and Infrastructure development Assessment of existing infrastructure and facilities

Destination competitiveness is a key factor in attracting tourists to a particular location.

Infrastructure development plays a crucial role in determining the competitiveness of a
destination. According to Crouch and Ritchie (1999), infrastructure includes physical facilities
such as transportation systems, accommodation, and attractions, as well as services such as

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health care and security. The availability and quality of infrastructure can greatly impact the
overall visitor experience and influence their decision to visit a destination.

Assessing existing infrastructure and facilities is essential in determining the competitiveness of

a destination. This involves evaluating the quality, accessibility, and capacity of transportation
systems, accommodation options, attractions, and other amenities. By identifying strengths and
weaknesses in the existing infrastructure, destination managers can prioritize areas for
improvement to enhance the overall visitor experience. A study by Majeed and Ramkissoon
(2017) found that destinations with well-developed infrastructure tend to attract more tourists
and generate higher revenues, highlighting the importance of infrastructure development in
destination competitiveness. Comparison of Wolaita Zone with other competitive destinations in the region

When comparing Wolaita Zone with other competitive destinations in the region, it is important
to consider factors such as accessibility, accommodation options, attractions, and the overall
visitor experience. By benchmarking against other destinations, destination managers can
identify areas where Wolaita Zone may fall short and develop strategies for improvement. This
comparative analysis can provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of Wolaita
Zone's infrastructure and help guide future development efforts. By identifying gaps and areas
for improvement, destination managers can prioritize investments in infrastructure development
to enhance the competitiveness of Wolaita Zone as a tourist destination. This approach can help
attract more visitors, increase revenues, and create sustainable tourism growth in the region.

2.1.4. Destination attractors

Destination attractors play a crucial role in enhancing destination competitiveness by creating a

unique market position and drawing in tourists. These attractors can come in various forms,
ranging from natural attractions like beaches or national parks to cultural sites such as historical
landmarks or museums. Understanding the impact of these attractors on destination
competitiveness is essential for destination marketing organizations to effectively promote their

In the study by Ritchie and Crouch (2003), They argue that destination competitiveness is
influenced by a variety of factors, including the presence of unique and compelling destination

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attractors. These attractors can differentiate a destination from its competitors and create a
distinct image in the minds of potential visitors. The authors also emphasize the importance of a
holistic approach to destination management, which involves integrating various aspects of the
destination, such as infrastructure, services, and attractions, to enhance competitiveness.

Dwyer and Kim (2003) explore the role of destination attractors in destination development and
competitiveness. They propose a framework that highlights the interplay between supply-side
factors (e.g., attractions, infrastructure) and demand-side factors (e.g., consumer preferences,
market trends) in shaping destination competitiveness. The authors argue that destination
attractors serve as key drivers of destination competitiveness by influencing visitor perceptions
and preferences. They also stress the importance of continually investing in attractors to maintain
a competitive edge in the tourism market.

These theoretical reviews underscore the importance of destination attractors in enhancing

destination competitiveness and attracting visitors. By understanding the role of attractors in
shaping destination image and market position, destination marketing organizations can
effectively leverage these assets to drive tourism growth and economic development. Supportive resources

According to Jobert et al. (2017), support from government agencies and industry associations
plays a crucial role in enhancing destination competitiveness. These supportive resources can
provide destination management organizations with valuable insights, networks, and funding
opportunities to improve the overall attractiveness and sustainability of a destination.

In a study by Claudia C. Henderson (2014), the importance of community partnerships and

collaboration in destination competitiveness was highlighted. By working together with local
communities, destination management organizations can leverage resources and expertise to
create unique tourism experiences that set them apart from competitors.

Sharma et al. (2015) emphasized the role of technology and digital marketing strategies as
supportive resources for destination competitiveness. In today's digital age, destinations need to
leverage online platforms and social media to reach and engage with potential visitors

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Supportive resources such as government support, community partnerships, and technology play
a crucial role in enhancing destination competitiveness. By leveraging these resources
effectively, destination management organizations can create sustainable and attractive tourism
destinations. Destination management

Destination management plays a crucial role in achieving destination competitiveness, as it

involves coordinating and integrating various stakeholders and resources to ensure the
sustainable development and promotion of a destination. In a study by Buhalis and Costa (2006),
they emphasize the importance of destination management organizations (DMOs) in enhancing
destination competitiveness through strategic planning, stakeholder collaboration, and marketing
efforts. The authors highlight the need for DMOs to adopt a proactive approach in managing the
destination, focusing on enhancing visitor experiences, sustainable development, and destination

Furthermore, Wang et al. (2018) explore the factors that influence destination competitiveness,
including destination management strategies, government policies, infrastructure development,
and stakeholder collaboration. The study emphasizes the need for effective destination
management practices to address challenges such as overcrowding, environmental degradation,
and competition from other destinations. By implementing comprehensive destination
management plans, destinations can enhance their competitiveness and attract more visitors.
Destination management is a key factor in achieving destination competitiveness, as it involves
coordinating various stakeholders and resources to enhance the attractiveness and sustainability
of a destination. By implementing effective destination management strategies, destinations can
overcome challenges and capitalize on opportunities to attract more visitors and generate
economic benefits.

Destination management is crucial for ensuring the sustainable development and competitiveness
of a destination. In a study by Ritchie and Crouch (2003), they discuss the importance of
destination management strategies in enhancing destination competitiveness through effective
planning, marketing, and stakeholder collaboration. The authors highlight the role of destination
management organizations in coordinating efforts to develop and promote the destination, as

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well as addressing challenges such as over-tourism, environmental degradation, and economic

Kim et al. (2019) explores the impact of destination management practices on destination
competitiveness, focusing on factors such as destination branding, product development, and
stakeholder engagement. The study emphasizes the need for destinations to adopt a destination
management approach that integrates both marketing and planning efforts to enhance
competitiveness and attract more visitors. By implementing sustainable tourism practices,
destinations can differentiate themselves from competitors and appeal to environmentally-
conscious travelers. Destination management strategies play a crucial role in enhancing
destination competitiveness by coordinating efforts to develop and promote the destination
effectively. By adopting comprehensive destination management plans that focus on
sustainability, stakeholder collaboration, and visitor experiences, destinations can overcome
challenges and capitalize on opportunities to attract more visitors and generate economic

2.1.5. Safety and security

Safety and security are crucial factors that can significantly impact the competitiveness of a
destination. Tourists are more likely to choose destinations that offer a safe and secure
environment, as they want to have a worry-free and enjoyable experience during their travels. In
this theoretical review, we will discuss how safety and security can contribute to the
competitiveness of a destination.

One of the main reasons why safety and security are important for a destination's
competitiveness is because they influence tourists' perception of the destination. According to a
study by Del Chiappa and Presenza (2013), tourists prioritize safety and security when choosing
a travel destination. If a destination is perceived as unsafe or risky, tourists are less likely to visit,
which can negatively impact the destination's competitiveness.

Moreover, safety and security can also affect tourists' sense of well-being and satisfaction during
their stay. A study by Ritchie and Jiang (2019) found that tourists who feel safe and secure in a
destination are more likely to have a positive experience and recommend the destination to

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others. Therefore, destinations that prioritize safety and security can enhance tourists' overall
satisfaction and loyalty, which can contribute to their competitiveness in the long run.

In addition, safety and security can also impact the destination's image and reputation. An unsafe
destination may receive negative publicity, leading to a decline in tourist arrivals and revenue.
On the other hand, destinations that are known for their safety and security measures can attract
more tourists and benefit from positive word-of-mouth advertising. This can enhance the
destination's competitiveness and position it as a preferred choice for travelers. Safety and
security are essential factors for destinations to remain competitive in the tourism industry. By
ensuring a safe and secure environment for tourists, destinations can attract more visitors,
enhance their satisfaction, and improve their overall competitiveness. Therefore, investing in
safety and security measures should be a priority for destinations looking to thrive in the
competitive tourism market. Examination of the level of cooperation among various stakeholders in Wolaita


Cooperation and collaboration among stakeholders in the tourism industry play a crucial role in
the successful development and promotion of a destination. In Wolaita Zone, it is important for
various stakeholders such as government entities, local communities, tour operators, hotels, and
attractions to work together towards a common goal of sustainable tourism development. A study
conducted by Aregash et al. (2018) found that while there is some level of cooperation among
stakeholders in Wolaita Zone, there is still room for improvement. This includes the need for
better communication, coordination, and joint planning between different organizations involved
in tourism. Analysis of existing partnerships and collaborations for promoting tourism

Existing partnerships and collaborations in Wolaita Zone are mainly centered around events and
festivals that showcase the local culture, traditions, and natural beauty of the area. These events
not only attract tourists but also help in promoting the destination as a unique and authentic
travel experience. For example, the annual Wolaita Cultural Festival brings together various
stakeholders such as local artisans, performers, government officials, and tour operators to
celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the region. Collaboration in organizing such events not only

16 | P a g e
benefits the local economy but also helps in preserving and promoting the unique cultural
identity of Wolaita Zone. Recommendations for increasing collaboration to enhance destination


To increase collaboration and enhance destination competitiveness in Wolaita Zone, it is essential

for stakeholders to engage in regular dialogue, networking, and capacity-building activities. This
can be achieved through the establishment of a tourism board or council that brings together
representatives from various sectors to discuss issues, share ideas, and strategize on ways to
improve tourism in the region. Additionally, joint marketing campaigns, training programs, and
infrastructure development projects can further strengthen partnerships and collaborations among
stakeholders. By working together towards a common vision, Wolaita Zone can position itself as
a leading tourism destination in Ethiopia.

2.1.6. Potential Opportunities for Competitiveness of Destinations in Wolaita Zone Identification of untapped tourism opportunities in Wolaita Zone

The Wolaita Zone in Ethiopia is a region with tremendous potential for tourism development.
With its rich cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and vibrant community, there are various
untapped opportunities that could significantly enhance the destination's competitiveness. This
theoretical review will explore some strategies and recommendations for identifying untapped
tourism opportunities, exploring new markets and target demographic groups, and capitalizing on
these opportunities to improve destination competitiveness.

One way to identify untapped tourism opportunities in the Wolaita Zone is to conduct thorough
market research and analysis. This can involve studying the current tourism trends in the region,
assessing the demand for different types of tourism experiences, and identifying gaps in the
market that could be filled with new and innovative offerings. For example, the Wolaita Zone has
a rich cultural heritage, including traditional music, dance, and arts, which could be a major draw
for cultural tourists. By promoting and showcasing these unique cultural experiences, the
destination could attract a new segment of visitors and differentiate itself from other destinations
in the region.

17 | P a g e Exploration of new markets and target demographic groups for tourism promotion

To enhance the competitiveness of the Wolaita Zone as a tourism destination, it is crucial to

explore new markets and target demographic groups. This could involve targeting specific niche
markets, such as eco-tourists, adventure travelers, or culinary enthusiasts, and developing
tailored products and experiences to cater to their interests. Additionally, tapping into emerging
markets, such as China, India, and other Asian countries, could help diversify the visitor base and
reduce dependence on traditional source markets. By understanding the needs and preferences of
these new market segments, the destination can create targeted marketing campaigns and
promotional strategies to attract and retain these visitors. Strategies for capitalizing on opportunities to improve destination competitiveness

To capitalize on the identified tourism opportunities in the Wolaita Zone and improve its
competitiveness, several strategies can be implemented. One approach is to invest in
infrastructure development, such as transportation networks, accommodation facilities, and
visitor amenities, to enhance the overall visitor experience and support the growth of tourism in
the region. Additionally, fostering partnerships with local communities, tour operators, and other
stakeholders can help create authentic and sustainable tourism products that showcase the
destination's unique cultural and natural assets.

Furthermore, implementing destination marketing campaigns and promotional activities, both

online and offline can help raise awareness of the Wolaita Zone as a must-visit destination and
attract a larger number of visitors. Leveraging digital channels, such as social media, travel
blogs, and online travel agencies, can help reach a wider audience and increase the visibility of
the destination in the global marketplace.

In the Wolaita Zone in Ethiopia has immense potential for tourism development, and by
identifying untapped opportunities, exploring new markets, and implementing strategic
initiatives, the destination can enhance its competitiveness and position itself as a leading
tourism destination in the region. With a holistic and collaborative approach, involving all
stakeholders and implementing innovative solutions, the Wolaita Zone can unlock its full
potential and attract a diverse range of visitors, contributing to the sustainable growth of the
tourism industry in the region.

18 | P a g e
2.1.7. Challenges and Opportunities for Enhancing Destination Competitiveness in Wolaita

The Wolaita Zone in Ethiopia faces a number of challenges in achieving destination

competitiveness. These challenges include inadequate infrastructure, lack of skilled human
resources, limited marketing and promotional activities, and negative perceptions of safety and
security. A study by Bedane and Mulugeta (2018) highlights the importance of addressing these
challenges in order to enhance the competitiveness of Wolaita as a tourist destination. The
authors recommend investing in infrastructure development, providing training and capacity
building for local communities, implementing effective marketing strategies, and improving
safety and security measures in order to attract tourists and compete with other destinations.

In addition to the challenges faced by Wolaita Zone, there are also opportunities for growth and
development in the tourism sector. These opportunities include the rich cultural heritage of the
region, its diverse natural attractions, and the potential for community involvement in tourism
activities. A study by Bowale and Belarmine (2019) suggests that leveraging these opportunities
can help Wolaita Zone to differentiate itself from other destinations and attract a wider range of
tourists. The authors recommend promoting local culture and traditions, developing ecotourism
programs, and establishing partnerships with local communities in order to enhance the overall
tourist experience and increase destination competitiveness. Implications for the future development of tourism in Wolaita Zone

Thus, the development of tourism in Wolaita Zone requires a combination of addressing

challenges and seizing opportunities in order to enhance destination competitiveness. By
investing in infrastructure, human resources, marketing, and safety measures, Wolaita can attract
more tourists and compete effectively with other destinations in the region. The findings of
studies by Bedane and Mulugeta (2018) and Bowale and Belarmine (2019) provide valuable
insights for policymakers, businesses, and communities in Wolaita on how to overcome
challenges and leverage opportunities for sustainable growth in the tourism sector.

2.2. Empirical Reviews

Destination attractors such as natural beauty, cultural heritage, and unique attractions play a
significant role in the competitiveness of a destination. A study by Del Chiappa and Presenza

19 | P a g e
(2017) found that the unique cultural attractions of a destination positively impact its
competitiveness. Similarly, the presence of natural attractions has been found to be a key
determinant of destination competitiveness (Prayag et al., 2016).

Supportive resources for instance, infrastructure, accommodation, and transportation are crucial
for enhancing the competitiveness of a destination. A study by Wang and Xie (2017) highlighted
the importance of good infrastructure in attracting tourists and enhancing destination
competitiveness. Additionally, the availability of a diverse range of accommodation options has
been found to positively impact destination competitiveness (Rasoolimanesh et al., 2017).

Destination management practices are essential for ensuring the sustainable development and
competitiveness of a destination. Research by McCabe (2009) emphasized the role of destination
management organizations in enhancing destination competitiveness through strategic planning
and marketing efforts. Furthermore, collaborative destination management approaches have been
found to improve destination competitiveness by fostering cooperation among stakeholders
(Gössling et al., 2012).

Safety and security are critical factors that influence tourists' perceptions of a destination and
ultimately its competitiveness. Studies have shown that a safe and secure environment is a key
determinant of destination competitiveness (Ritchie and Crouch, 2003). Ensuring the safety of
tourists through effective security measures and crisis management strategies is essential for
enhancing destination competitiveness (Tarlow, 2007). Destination attractors, supportive
resources, destination management, and safety and security are important determinants of
destination competitiveness. By focusing on these factors and implementing appropriate
strategies, destinations can enhance their attractiveness and competitiveness in the tourism

Several Empirical researches on the infrastructural development of tourist destinations has

highlighted its importance in attracting visitors and enhancing their overall experience. A study
by Lee et al. (2021) examined the impact of transportation infrastructure on destination
competitiveness, finding that well-developed infrastructure can significantly increase a
destination's attractiveness to tourists.

20 | P a g e
In terms of natural and cultural attractions, research by Zhang et al. (2020) explored the role of
unique landscapes and cultural heritage in influencing tourists' decision-making process. The
study emphasized the importance of preserving and promoting these assets to differentiate
Wolaita Zone from other destinations and enhance its competitiveness.

Effective marketing and promotional strategies are crucial for attracting tourists to a destination.
Research by Wang et al. (2021) investigated the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns in
promoting tourist destinations, highlighting the importance of utilizing social media and online
platforms to reach a wider audience and drive visitor numbers.

The quality of services and amenities available to tourists also plays a significant role in
determining a destination's competitiveness. A study by Li et al. (2020) found that high levels of
customer satisfaction with accommodation, dining, and recreational facilities can lead to positive
word-of-mouth and repeat visits, ultimately contributing to the overall success of a tourism
destination like Wolaita Zone.

The competitiveness of a destination is influenced by various determinants such as infrastructure,

attractions, marketing strategies, and quality of services. In a study conducted by Li and Wang
(2020), it was found that infrastructure development plays a crucial role in attracting tourists to a
destination. Improved transportation networks, accommodation facilities, and other amenities
contribute to the overall satisfaction of tourists and enhance the competitiveness of a destination.
Therefore, assessing the infrastructural development of Wolaita Zone is essential to understand
its potential as a tourist destination.

Natural and cultural attractions are key factors in attracting tourists to a destination. A study by
Li, Song, and Zhang (2021) highlighted the importance of unique attractions in enhancing the
competitiveness of a destination. Wolaita Zone is known for its diverse natural landscapes,
cultural heritage, and traditional practices. Evaluating the natural and cultural attractions of
Wolaita Zone will provide insights into its competitive advantage compared to other destinations.

Marketing and promotional strategies play a crucial role in attracting tourists and creating
awareness about a destination. According to a study by Chen et al. (2020), effective marketing
campaigns can significantly impact the competitiveness of a destination. Analyzing the

21 | P a g e
marketing and promotional strategies employed in Wolaita Zone will enable us to understand the
effectiveness of these efforts in showcasing the destination to potential tourists.

The quality of services and amenities available to tourists is a key determinant of destination
competitiveness. Research by Kim, Lee, and Xu (2021) emphasized the importance of offering
high-quality services to enhance the tourist experience and ensure repeat visits. Evaluating the
quality of services and amenities available in Wolaita Zone will help identify areas for
improvement and enhance the overall competitiveness of the destination.

A study by Becken, Stantic, and Volgger (2020) highlighted the significance of sustainable
tourism practices in enhancing destination competitiveness. Sustainable initiatives such as eco-
friendly accommodations, responsible tourism practices, and community engagement can attract
environmentally conscious tourists and contribute to the long-term success of a destination.
Assessing the sustainability practices in Wolaita Zone is crucial in understanding its
competitiveness in the global tourism market.

The availability of diverse tourism activities and experiences is essential in attracting a wide
range of tourists to a destination. A study by Meng, Li, and Liu (2020) emphasized the
importance of offering a variety of leisure, cultural, and adventure activities to cater to different
tourist preferences. Evaluating the range of tourism activities available in Wolaita Zone will help
assess its competitiveness and appeal to diverse market segments.

Tourist satisfaction and word-of-mouth recommendations play a significant role in determining

the competitiveness of a destination. Research by Wang, Ritchie, and Fong (2021) highlighted
the impact of positive tourist experiences on destination marketing and competitiveness.
Assessing tourist satisfaction levels in Wolaita Zone and analyzing the factors influencing visitor
recommendations will provide insights into the destination's competitive advantage and potential
for growth in the tourism industry.

Collaboration and partnerships with the private sector and local communities are essential in
enhancing destination competitiveness. Research by Lohmann and Knebel (2020) emphasized
the importance of stakeholder engagement in destination management and development.
Evaluating the collaborative efforts in Wolaita Zone and analyzing the role of local businesses

22 | P a g e
and communities in promoting tourism will help identify opportunities for enhancing
competitiveness and fostering sustainable growth.

Technology and digital marketing strategies are becoming increasingly important in promoting
destinations and reaching a wider audience of potential tourists. A study by Buhalis and Sinarta
(2021) highlighted the role of technology in enhancing destination competitiveness and visitor
experiences. Analyzing the use of technology and digital platforms in marketing Wolaita Zone as
a tourist destination will provide insights into its competitive edge in the digital age and
opportunities for innovation and growth.

By aligning with these empirical findings and focusing on the specific objectives outlined, this
study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the determinants of destination
competitiveness in Wolaita Zone, ultimately offering insights for policymakers and stakeholders
to enhance the region's tourism industry.

2.3 Theoretical Frame Work

Crouch and Ritchie's model on destination competitiveness is a framework that helps to

understand and analyze the factors that contribute to the competitiveness of a tourism
destination. The model is based on the idea that destination competitiveness is influenced by
three key factors: resources, management, and strategy. Resources refer to the natural, cultural,
and human resources that a destination has to offer. These resources are essential for attracting
tourists and creating a unique experience for visitors. Management involves how these resources
are developed, maintained, and utilized to enhance the overall competitiveness of the destination.
Finally, strategy refers to the planning and implementation of marketing, pricing, and
promotional activities that help to position the destination in the market and attract tourists.
Destination managers can identify strengths and weaknesses in their destination's
competitiveness and develop strategies to improve their overall performance. The Crouch and
Ritchie model provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the complex and dynamic
nature of destination competitiveness and can be used as a tool for strategic planning and
decision-making in the tourism industry.

Destination competitiveness is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various determinants

that influence the attractiveness and competitiveness of a destination. Natural and cultural

23 | P a g e
attractions are also important determinants of destination competitiveness. The presence of
unique and diverse natural landscapes, cultural heritage sites, and recreational activities can
differentiate a destination from its competitors and attract a wide range of tourists. As noted by
Dwyer and Kim (2003), the cultural and natural attractions of a destination are often the primary
motivations for tourists to visit, making them crucial factors in determining destination

Destination attractors refer to the unique features and characteristics of a destination that draw
tourists to visit. These can include natural attractions, cultural heritage, recreational activities,
and entertainment options. According to Pearce and Morrison (2011), destination attractiveness
is a key determinant of destination competitiveness as it influences tourists' perceptions and
decisions to visit a particular destination. And Supportive resources include infrastructure,
transportation networks, accommodation options, and other amenities that enhance the overall
visitor experience. Kim, Uysal, and Sirgy (2013) argue that the availability and quality of
supportive resources contribute significantly to destination competitiveness. These resources
play a crucial role in facilitating tourist activities and ensuring a positive visitor experience.

Destination management refers to the strategic planning and coordination of tourism activities
within a destination. Effective destination management involves collaboration between various
stakeholders, including government agencies, local communities, and private sector operators.
According to Jamal and Camargo (2018), destination management practices are essential for
creating a competitive advantage and promoting sustainable tourism development. Safety and
security are also critical factors that influence tourists' perceptions of a destination and their
decision to visit. High levels of safety and security create a sense of trust and confidence among
tourists, leading to increased tourist arrivals. Gursoy and Saayman (2008) highlight the
importance of safety and security measures in enhancing destination competitiveness and
attracting repeat visitor.

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2.4. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this study will be based on the Destination Competitiveness Model
proposed by Dwyer and Kim (2003). This model identifies various determinants of destination
competitiveness, including Destination attractors, Supportive resources, Destination
management, and Safety and security. In this study, Wolaita Zone will be the focal point for

Independent Variables:

Destination attractors,

Supportive resources,

Destination management,

Safety and security.

Dependent Variable: Destination competitiveness

Having this framework, the study will deal with assessing Destination attractors of Wolaita Zone
as a tourist destination: This objective will focus on evaluating the quality and extent of
Supportive resources, in Wolaita Zone, including transportation, accommodation, and other
facilities that are essential for tourism. And analyze the Destination management that contribute
to the competitiveness of Wolaita Zone as a destination. Examining the Safety and security
employed in Wolaita Zone to attract tourists.

Destination attractors

Supportive resources Destination

25 | P a g e attractiveness
Destination management

Safety and security


Attractiveness has significant effect on tourism destination competitiveness.

Support resources have significant effect on tourism destination competitiveness.

Destination management has significant effect on tourism destination competitiveness.

Safety and security have significant effect on destination competitiveness.

26 | P a g e


3.1. Description of the Study Area

Wolaita Zone, located in southern Ethiopia, offers various natural and cultural attractions that
have the potential to attract tourists and generate revenue for the local economy. However, the
region also faces numerous challenges that hinder its competitiveness as a tourist destination.

There is lack of infrastructure and amenities necessary to support a thriving tourism sector. This
includes inadequate transportation systems, limited accommodation options, and insufficient
sanitation facilities. Without proper infrastructure, it becomes difficult for visitors to access the
region and enjoy a comfortable stay, which ultimately affects the overall visitor experience and
deters potential tourists. As a result, the local economy fails to reap the full benefits of tourism.
Destination attractors in the Wolaita Zone include cultural festivals, traditional music and dance
performances, and hiking trails. Supportive resources in the area include hotels, restaurants, tour
guides, and transportation services. Destination management plays a crucial role in ensuring that
the region's tourism industry is sustainable and benefits local communities. Safety and security
are important factors that influence the competitiveness of a destination. The Wolaita Zone has
taken measures to ensure the safety of tourists, including the presence of police stations and
emergency response services. The competitiveness of a destination like the Wolaita Zone is
determined by a combination of these factors, and it is crucial for stakeholders to work together
to enhance the region's attractiveness to tourists.

3.2. Study Design and Approach

The research will employ a mixed-methods approach and explanatory research and design. The
qualitative approach will involve interviews and focus group discussions with key stakeholders
in the tourism industry, such as with key stakeholder like Tourism professionals and key
informants from government officials at the zonal tourism bureau, and tourists. This approach
will help gather in-depth insights and subjective perspectives on the determinants of destination
competitiveness in Wolaita Zone. The quantitative approach will be utilized to collect data on
various indicators of destination competitiveness, such as tourist arrivals, length of stay, tourist
expenditure, infrastructure development, environmental conservation efforts, and local

27 | P a g e
community engagement. Surveys and questionnaires will be distributed to a sample of tourists,
tourism operators, and local residents to gather quantitative data.

The descriptive survey will provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of destination
competitiveness in Wolaita Zone. This research approach will involve collecting primary data
through surveys that will be administered to a representative sample of tourists, local residents,
and tourism industry professionals. The data will be collected using Likert-scale questions, open-
ended questions, and rating scales to capture diverse perspectives and experiences. The research
approach will be a mixed-methods approach combining quantitative and qualitative research
methods. This design will allow for a comprehensive understanding of determinants of
Destination Competitiveness.

3.3. Target Population

The target population for the study includes tourists and Tourism and hospitality professionals.

3.4 .Sample Size and Sample Techniques

3.4.1. Sample Size

To determine the sample size, the researcher will consider using statistical formulas such as the
sample size estimation formula for a single proportion. it will be obtained using a standard
Cochran formula of Sample size determination which is a critical step in conducting research to
ensure that the sample selected is representative of the target population. The Cochran formula is
commonly used for sample size determination when working with a large population. The
Cochran formula is used to calculate the sample size for a given population when estimating
proportions. The formula is as follows:

Sample size determination using Cochran formula:

n = N / (1 + N(e^2))

Where: n = sample size N = total population size e = level of precision (margin of error)

Let's the total population size in Wolaita Zone is 10,000 and we want a 5% margin of error.

n = 10000 / (1 + 10000(0.05) *2) n = 10000 / (1 + 25) n = 10000 / 26 n ≈ 384

Therefore, the sample size needed for the study is approximately 384.

28 | P a g e
3.4.2. Sampling Techniques

The study will use accidental Sampling Technique in which Tourists will be selected using a
convenience sampling technique, where individuals who are readily available and willing to
participate in the study will be included. This method is cost-effective and time-efficient, making
it suitable for gathering a diverse range of perspectives from tourists visiting the Wolaita Zone.

The study will also use Purposive Sampling Technique. Tourism professionals and key
informants from government officials at the zonal tourism bureau and other key stakeholders will
be selected using purposive sampling. This technique involves selecting individuals who have
specific knowledge or expertise relevant to the research topic, ensuring that the sample includes
individuals who can provide valuable insights and data for the study.

By combining these sampling techniques, the study will be able to gather a comprehensive range
of perspectives and data from tourists and key stakeholders in the Wolaita Zone, allowing for a
detailed analysis of the determinants of destination competitiveness in the region.

3.5. Data Collection Methods

Questionnaires: Design and distribute questionnaires to tourists, local residents, and businesses
in Wolaita Zone to collect data on their perceptions of determinants of destination
competitiveness. The questionnaires can include questions about their satisfaction with the
destination, their awareness of determinants of Destination Competitiveness practices, and their
opinions on the determinants of Destination Competitiveness in the area. Surveys will be
administered to tourists visiting Wolaita Zone using a structured questionnaire. The survey will
include Likert scale questions to measure tourists' perceptions of destination competitiveness
Data will be collected on factors such as infrastructure, attractions, services, environmental
sustainability, and local community involvement.

key-informant interview: interviews will be conducted with key stakeholder like Tourism
professionals and key informants from government officials at the zonal tourism bureau an
interview guide will be prepared in advance, covering topics related to destination. The
interviews will be recorded and transcribed for analysis.

29 | P a g e
3.6. Description of the Method of Data Analysis

Data collection will be carried out through the distribution of questionnaires and conducting
interviews. The collected data will be analyzed using statistical techniques such as descriptive
statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis.

Quantitative analysis: Utilize statistical methods to analyze tourism data such as visitor
arrivals, length of stay, expenditure patterns, and satisfaction levels of tourists. This analysis can
help identify trends, patterns, and correlations that aid in understanding the competitive position
of the destination and its potential for Destination Competitiveness. The survey data will be
analyzed using statistical software (SPSS). Descriptive statistics, such as frequencies and
percentages, will be used to present the results. Inferential statistics, such as chi-square tests and
correlation analysis, will be used to explore the relationship between different variables.

Qualitative analysis: Conduct interviews with tourists, local communities, and other stakeholders
to gather insights into their perceptions, expectations, and preferences regarding Destination
Competitiveness. Qualitative data from interviews will be transcribed, coded, and thematically
analyzed to provide rich insights into the determinants of Destination Competitiveness in Wolaita
Zone's tourism industry. This qualitative analysis can provide a deeper understanding of the
determinants of Destination Competitiveness in Wolaita Zone and guide policy and strategy
development. Thematic analysis will be conducted on the transcribed qualitative data from
interviews and focus group discussions. Themes and patterns will be identified and coded, and
relevant quotes will be extracted. The analysis will help generate a comprehensive understanding
of the determinants of Destination Competitiveness/

3.7. Ethical Consideration

This research will ensure the ethical treatment of participants, with informed consent obtained
prior to data collection. Confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained throughout the
research process. Furthermore, the research will comply with the relevant ethical guidelines and
protocols. Ethical guidelines for research involving human subjects will be followed. Informed
consent will be obtained from participants before data collection. Confidentiality and anonymity
will be maintained throughout the research process. When discussing the ethical considerations
for the title " Determinants of Destination Competitiveness: A Case Study Of Wolaita Zone ," it

30 | P a g e
is crucial to address the potential impacts on the local community, environment, and cultural
heritage. Here are some key ethical considerations to take into account:

Inclusivity and Local Participation: Ensure that the tourism development and
competitiveness strategies actively involve and benefit the local community. Respect the
rights, needs, and aspirations of the local people, including their right to self-determination
and consent in decision-making processes that affect their lands and lives.

Environmental Sustainability: Promote sustainable practices to safeguard the

environment and preserve the natural resources of the Wolaita Zone. Minimize negative
environmental impacts caused by tourism activities, such as waste generation, water
pollution, and habitat destruction. Encourage responsible tourism practices that foster
environmental conservation and biodiversity protection.

Cultural Preservation and Respect: Safeguard the cultural heritage and traditions of
the Wolaita Zone. Foster mutual understanding and respect between tourists and the local
community to avoid cultural commodification or exploitation. Develop tourism products
and activities that promote cultural diversity, while ensuring the preservation of local
customs, traditions, and identities.

Responsible Marketing and Advertising: Adhere to ethical marketing practices that

accurately represent the Wolaita Zone's cultural, natural, and social attributes. Avoid
misleading or exaggerated claims that may compromise the destination's integrity or
misinform potential visitors. Respect the privacy and dignity of local people when
showcasing their cultural practices and traditions.

By considering and implementing these ethical considerations, the Determinants of Destination

Competitiveness: A Case Study of Wolaita Zone can be achieved in a manner that respects the
rights, needs, and aspirations of the local community, minimizes negative environmental
impacts, preserves cultural heritage, and brings lasting benefits to all stakeholders involved.

31 | P a g e
3.8. Financial Requirements

Table 3.8.1. Budget Breakdown

No Item Unit Unit price Total price

1 Paper 2 reams 1000birr 2000 Birr

2 Pen 10 30 birr 300 Birr

3 Copy 300 pages 10 birr 3000 Birr

4 Typing and printing 300pages 15birr 4500 Birr

5 Binding cost 4 500birr 2000 Birr

6 Transportation cost Several 5000 birr 5000 Birr

7 Flash 2 350 birr 700 Birr

8 Miscellaneous 4000 4000 Birr

9 Total 21,500Birr

32 | P a g e
3.9. Work plan

Table 3.9.1. Work plain

Activity April May July Aug Sept Oct Nov

Problem identification   

Review of related

Proposal development

Data collection

Data analyzing and  


Submission of the first 

draft of the research

Activity Dec Jan Feb March June

Problem identification

Review of related 

Proposal development 

Data collection 

33 | P a g e
Data analyzing and  

Submission of the first 

draft of the research

Final submission and 

research presentation

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