Water As Dielectric Review Gerasimov2005

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Instruments and Experimental Techniques, Vol. 48, No. 2, 2005, pp. 141–167.

Translated from Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No. 2, 2005, pp. 9–38.

Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Gerasimov.

Water as an Insulator in Pulsed Facilities

A. I. Gerasimov
Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russia Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics,
pr. Mira 37, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod oblast, 607190 Russia
Received June 3, 2004; in final form, October 12, 2004

Abstract—Transmission lines with distributed parameters are often used as electrical energy storage units and
high-voltage (high-current) pulse shapers in electrophysical facilities. To increase the pulse power and reduce
the dimensions of the equipment, deionized water, purified from mechanical impurities and gas, is used as an
insulator in lines. Water has a high breakdown strength ((BS) ~ 130 kV/cm) at pulses with a duration of ~1 µs
and electrode areas of up to tens of square meters, a large value of the relative permittivity (~80), and a small
loss tangent in the frequency range 0–1 GHz. Water also possesses a number of characteristics needed to
achieve the above aims. We review here the data on the electrical properties of water and the studies of it pub-
lished over the last three decades; the methods for increasing the water BS and the influence of numerous factors
on the BS; the physical mechanism of water breakdown and the basic regularities of the BS in strong electric
fields; the BS in the most frequently used electrode systems; formulas for calculating the water BS under dif-
ferent conditions and over the surfaces of solid dielectrics; the characteristics of mixtures of water and ethylene
glycol or methanol; water purification systems for electrophysical facilities; the comparative parameters of
coaxial energy storage units having various insulators, etc. The summary generalizes the brief and predomi-
nantly reference information on the electrical properties of water and its applications for researchers, engineers,
and the users of the equipment having water insulation; it can help to solve related problems more quickly and

INTRODUCTION spark; weak decomposition under exposure of pulse

electric fields E and discharges; radiation hardness to
Lines with distributed parameters (strip, coaxial, penetrating radiations; harmlessness; and low cost.
double (Blumlein), radial lines, lines with stepwise-
changing wave impedance, etc.) and equipped with the Deionized water, purified from mechanical impuri-
corresponding switches usually serve as electrical ties and gases and exposed to short voltage pulses, pos-
energy storage units and pulse shapers in various elec- sesses almost all of these characteristics.
trophysical facilities (EPFs).1 An electric capacitor with water insulation was first
applied in studies of electric implosions of conductors
Increasing the power and energy capacity of such [1]. The capacitor had flat electrodes, was charged to
facilities in combination with reducing their mass– 240 kV, and stored an energy of 30 kJ. Water has since
dimensional parameters is a constant scientific and been widely used in facilities with high pulse currents
practical requirement. Providing such features for these (>100 kA) and voltages (up to ~10 MV) with rise times
facilities is directly associated with the electrical, phys- of a few nanoseconds and longer. Such generators are
icochemical, technological, radiation hardness, opera- used
tional, and cost characteristics of the insulating medium
used in an energy storage. The same insulator parame- • to produce bremsstrahlung pulses and beams of
ters determine the operating efficiency of the lines accelerated electrons and ions;
transmitting electromagnetic pulses to the consumer. • in plasma studies;
A set of requirements is imposed on such a dielectric; • to generate microwave radiation and implosion of
the most important of these are as follows: a high pulse conductors;
breakdown strength (BS) (~130 kV/cm for an area of
electrodes of >1 m2); a large relative permittivity ε at • for a variety of other purposes (see, e.g., [2–4]).
frequencies of 0–1 GHz; a small loss tangent tan tan δ Water is used as insulation in the LIU-10, LIU-30,
up to 1 GHz; a low active conductivity; a rapid recovery I-3000, LIU-10M, STRAUS, STRAUS-2, and other
of electrical properties after a breakdown; safety in the high-power, iron-free linear induction electron acceler-
event of fire or explosion under the action of an electric ators on the basis of radial lines and with a stepwise-
varied wave impedance; these were developed at the
1 The main abbreviations and notation are also presented in Appen- Russian Federal Nuclear Center’s All-Russia Institute
dix. of Experimental Physics (RFNC–VNIIEF) (see, e.g.,

0020-4412/05/4802-0141 © 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.


[5, 6]), and will be used in new high-current accelera- Not considered are certain problems dealing with
tors. water conductivity and breakdown. These include, e.g.,
Studies on the use of water as an insulator in low- such important characteristics of ions in water as their
resistance generators of high-power electric pulses mobility. Many works have been devoted to studies of
were initiated in the USSR in 1963, on the initiative of this characteristic, and a number of different hypothe-
Academician G.I. Budker at the Russian Academy of ses and explanations of the mobility’s diverse depen-
Sciences’ Institute of Nuclear Physics (Novosibirsk). dences on various factors have been proposed. How-
A number of high-current accelerators were subse- ever, no comprehensive and summarized mobility the-
quently designed on this basis. Studies of the water BS ory yet exists. It would hardly be expedient to expound
and the influence on it of various factors were begun here on the vast quantity of data on charge transport in
almost simultaneously under the supervision of Profes- water, since they are often contradictory. Those who are
sor V.Ya. Ushakov at the Tomsk Polytechnical Institute. interested in such data can find them in an earlier
The results from these studies and from other works review [9]. Also not presented are materials on break-
devoted to the electrical characteristics of water are down at E ≈ 1 MV/cm in submillimeter gaps having dif-
summarized in [7, 8]. Unfortunately, these books were ferent discharge-channel development dynamics, the
published in small quantities and are now bibliograph- generation of shock waves, the formation of gas bub-
ical rarities; moreover, some of the information is obso- bles, etc. (e.g., [10]). Neither are the following consid-
lete or is not presented at all. ered: triggered and untriggered gaps with water insula-
tion, their features, characteristics, and application; the
A great deal of information on various aspects of the development and parameters of the discharge channel;
electrical characteristics of water has been obtained etc. These data are contained in [11, 12] and in the ref-
over the recent 30 years or so, and can be found in peri- erences therein. Finally, the characteristics of particular
odicals and in collections of the proceedings of confer- EPFs with water insulation are not presented in this
ences and symposia. The author felt it would be both review, although there are many references to descrip-
useful and interesting to integrate the available data on tions of such facilities.
the properties and use of water in a single article.
Nevertheless, the brief data presented here on vari-
This review presents and analyzes the published ous aspects of water as a pulsed insulator in high-power
data obtained from the studies and use of water as an EPFs are mainly of a reference nature and will be useful
efficient pulse insulator. The following are examined: to specialists who deal with the development, study,
• the main electrical characteristics of water; and operation of such systems.
• the influence of numerous factors on its BS;
• the physical description of water breakdown at var- 1. BASIC ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF WATER
ious pulse durations of an applied voltage;
• empirical formulas for estimating the BS for dif- 1.1. Permittivity
ferent electrode systems and their materials; The relative permittivity of water ε and the operating
• the main regularities for the water breakdown volt- pulse electric field strength E are the most important
ages for structures consisting of solid dielectrics and characteristics of the liquid when used as an insulator,
formulas for calculating these voltages; since they determine the electrical energy density
• the electrical characteristics of mixtures of water stored in the dielectric,
and ethylene glycol or methanol developed for opera- W = εE 2/2 (1)
tion at low temperatures (down to –40°ë) and to extend
the storage unit’s charging time; and, correspondingly, the impedance of the energy stor-
• information on the water-purification systems for age or the transmission line.
EPFs; The permittivity of a substance is a complex quan-
• the parameters of coaxial energy storage units with tity, and is dependent on the electromagnetic field fre-
various media as insulators; quency. According to the Debye theory [13],
• the advantages of water insulation; ε = ε∞ + (εs – ε∞)/(1 + jωτD), (2)
• other aspects of using water as insulation. where ε∞ is the permittivity at infinitely high frequen-
Certain details of studies, different measurement cies, εs is the static permittivity at the zero frequency,
techniques, and instruments and experimental devices and ω = 2πf is the circular frequency. For polar liquids,
can be found in the list of original sources and the ref- ε∞ << εs and can therefore be ignored in (2). Quantity
erences in them. Most of the formulas in this review are τD is the Debye relaxation time—the time required for
presented not in system units but in practical units of changing the orientation of molecular dipoles under the
measurement; this is more convenient for engineering action of the electric field. For water, τD ≈ 10–11 at 25°ë,
calculations. Numerical factors of specified dimension and the dependence of ε on f can be ignored when con-
should therefore be substituted into formulas. sidering high-power pulsed facilities.



In practice, it is necessary to know the dependence Table 1. Relative permittivity ε as a function of temperature
of ε on the water temperature T and the frequency f of T and frequency f
voltage changes or the frequency equivalent to the dura-
T, f, Hz
tion of the acting pulse. The experimental data agree
well with the changes in the relative water permittivity °C 105 106 107 108 3 × 108 3 × 109 1010 2.5 × 1010
ε depending on T and calculated using the formula [14]
1.5 87 87 87 87 86.5 80.5 38 15
ε = 78.54 ( 1 – 4.579 × 10 T 1 15 81.7 81 78.8 49 25
–5 2 –8
+ 1.17 × 10 T 1 – 2.8 × 10 T 1 ,
3 25 78.2 78.2 78.2 78 77.5 76.7 55 34
35 74 74 58 41
where T1 = T ° – 25 is the centigrade temperature. As T 55 68 67.5 60 49
rises, the ε value falls slowly, decreasing from 88.1 at
0°ë to 78.2 at 25°ë and to 70.1 at 50°ë. 75 61.5 61 60.5 57 51.5
Table 1 lists the ε values for different T and f [14]. 95 55 52 52
At a temperature close to room T = 20°C, ε = 79.8 and
remains virtually independent of f up to f = 3 × 109 GHz,
above which it abruptly falls. This means that, at fre- Table 2. Dependence of tan δ on the frequency f and water
quencies of 0–3 × 109 GHz, the electrical length of a temperature T
water-insulated line holds constant: f, Hz
tl = lε0.5c–1, (4) °C 105 3 3 2.5
106 107 108 1010
where l is the line’s geometrical length and c is the × 108 × 109 × 1010
velocity of light in vacuum. 1.5 0.190 0.019 0.002 0.007 0.032 0.310 1.030 0.425
The line’s wave impedance, which, e.g., for a coax- 15 0.031 0.021 0.205 0.700 0.330
ial line at a high frequency, is equal to
25 0.400 0.040 0.046 0.005 0.016 0.157 0.540 0.265
Z = (L/C )0.5 = 60ε–0.5ln(a/b), (5) 35 0.048 0.012 0.127 0.440 0.215
where L and C are the line inductance and capacitance 55 0.072 0.009 0.089 0.360 0.245
per unit length, and a and b are the radii of the outer and 75 0.103 0.007 0.066 0.280
inner conductors, respectively.
95 0.143 0.007 0.047

1.2. Dielectric Loss Tangent

The ratio between the imaginary and real parts of ε into the equivalent circuit an active resistance with a
in (2), i.e., the loss tangent tan tan δ , also depends on T value dependent on tan tan δ and determined by a
series or parallel connection of the resistor to the stor-
and f. Generally speaking, tan tan δ affects the slopes age capacitance C, respectively,
of the pulse leading and trailing edges and the decrease
in the voltage amplitude, especially during its transmis- Rser, Ω = ( tan δ )/ωC, Rpar, Ω = [( tan δ )ωC]–1, (6)
sion along a water-insulated line with a large electrical where C is expressed in farads. When the characteris-
length. In practice, the rise time of the output pulse at tics of transient processes in water-insulated lines with
the load is determined by other factors: the response distributed parameters are calculated, an active resis-
speed of the switch connecting the line to the load, par-
asitic inductances and capacitances of the load’s ele- tance R per unit length, relating to tan tan δ , is intro-
ments, etc. Values of tan tan δ for water (Table 2) are duced into the equivalent linear LC chain.
presented in [14], where it is pointed out that these high
values at low frequencies are explained by the measure- 1.3. Electrical Resistivity
ment error caused by the presence of foreign impurities
in water, since the measurements were performed in The electrical resistivity ρ of water and its inverse
insufficiently purified water before the application of quantity, conductivity σ, are its important characteris-
ion-exchange resins. A complex dependence of tan tics. The water resistivity ρ is determined by the num-
ber and motion of the ions of the substance dissolved in
tan δ on f and T follows from Table 2. it, by the intrinsic conductivity caused by a dissociation
Knowledge of tan tan δ for given f and T allows the of water molecules, and by the electric-field-induced
account of the energy loss during the charging (dis- emission of charges from the electrodes into water.
charge) of the storage unit with water insulation and the A portion of the water molecules are always disso-
corresponding calculation of the decrease in the ampli- ciated into H+ and OH– ions. Therefore, there is no kind
tude and the change in the shape of the pulses at the of purification that can help to attain a water resistivity
storage and load. This can be achieved by introducing of ρ ≥ 80 MΩ cm. In addition, the applied field polar-



Table 3. Coefficients a1 and a2 for several substances at con- 1.4.1. Resistivity. The vast experimental data on the
centrations of 1 mol/l influence of ρ on the BS of water and water electrolytes
were systemized in [7, 8] and, to our knowledge, have
Substance 104 a1 107 a2 Substance 104 a1 107 a2
since 1980 remained unchanged in subsequent publica-
H2SO4 165 –16 KOH 190 32 tions. The results from these studies can be reduced to
HCl 164 –15 NaCl 226 84 the following: Solutions of NaCl, KCl, CuSO4,
K2Cr2O7, Na2SO3, and other salts and solutions of acids
HNO3 163 –16 KCl 217 67 were studied depending on the concentration of these
substances in water, the duration, shape, and polarity of
the applied voltage pulse, and the electrode system and
izes the H2O molecules and strips their electrons to the material. The results obtained are contradictory: in
anode. Ionized H2O+ molecules react with H2O, form- some works, the pulse breakdown voltage for water
ing radicals OH– and H2O+ hydroxonium ions. The increased with rising ρ, while a decrease was observed
duration of this reaction is ~10–13 s, and it can be con- in other works. It is difficult to draw an unambiguous
sidered inertialess compared to the duration of the pulse conclusion from these experiments, since the periph-
field action in an EPF. Moreover, water is to a certain eral conditions under which they were performed are
degree one of the best solvents of almost all substances, usually not presented. For this reason, the effect on BS
including the different types of stainless steel most fre- of the chemical composition of salts and acids has not
quently used as an electrode material. been determined precisely, even though they may react
The water or aqueous solution conductivity with the material of the electrodes and modify their sur-
increases as T rises from 0 to 100°ë; its change is faces, thereby affecting the BS of a device. This review
described by a quadratic function [15] does not contain details of the aforementioned studies,
which can be found in [7, 8] and the references therein.
σ(T), Ω–1 m–1 = σ18[1 + a1(T – 18) + a2(T – 18)2], (7) Nevertheless, an analysis of these studies and those
presented below in Section 2 allows us to make the fol-
where σ18 is the water conductivity at 18°ë, and a1 and lowing conclusions. Increasing the ρ of water via its
a2 are factors depending on the substance dissolved in thorough deionization is not a way of enhancing its
the water (Table 3) and weakly depending on its con- pulse (~1 µs) BS and only increases the cost of a facility
centration. A rise in the water conductivity may con- and its operation and complicates its maintenance. The
tribute to the liberation of microscopic bubbles at the optimal ρ value must be chosen with allowance for the
electrodes due to electrolysis and the heating of admissible energy loss during the storage charging
micropoints, which increases the probability of an time, or for the admissible decrease in the voltage
uncontrolled breakdown of water. amplitude at the output of the energy-transmitting line.
The author of this review has derived a formula that
1.4. Pulsed Water Breakdown Strength takes into account this decrease in the voltage ampli-
tude at the storage. He considered the transient process
The principal characteristic of water in an EPF is its in which a capacitor C1 charged to a voltage U1 is
breakdown strength (BS). However, despite extensive instantaneously (without losses) connected through a
experimental and theoretical studies and the interest in lumped inductance L and the common active resistance
this problem in connection with various applications, r to the initially uncharged capacitor C2. Active resis-
the physics of interelectrode electric pulse breakdown tance R (in this case, the total resistance of the leakage
of water is still not quite clear. This is associated with through water) is connected in parallel to C2. Assuming
the complex character of a breakdown’s onset and that r << 2z (the condition for a damped oscillatory pro-
development and with their dependence on a combina- cess in the circuit) and where z = (L/C)1/2 and C =
tion of factors: the duration, amplitude, and shape of the C1C2/(C1 + C2 ), and ( f0τ)–1 << 1 (the condition for the
applied pulse electric field E; the geometry and material vastly larger time constant τ = ερ of the C2 discharge
of the electrode system; the degree of water degassing; through R compared to its charge time from C1), and
the presence and material of the mechanical particles in using the formula f0 = (LC)–1/2 for the current oscilla-
the water volume and at the electrodes' surface; water tion frequency in the circuit, we obtain the expression
resistivity ρ, etc. It seems to be impossible to find a for the voltage across C2 depending on time t:
quantitative analytical regularity for the aggregate –1 2 2 –1
effect of these factors on the water BS, especially if U 2 = U 1 ( LC 2 ) [ ( b – a ) + ω 1 ]
there are no conventional and consistent methods for × { exp ( – at ) – [ cos ω 1 t + b/ω 1 sin ω 1 t ] exp ( – bt ) },
determining their physicochemical characteristics.
Therefore, on the basis of the experimental data, we where a = [R(C1 + C2)]–1, b = r/2L + a(C1/2C2), ω1 =
briefly discuss below the influence of the main factors 2
on the water BS and present empirical formulas for cal- ( f 0 – b2)1/2.
culating the breakdown strength Eb for a water layer For an ideal dielectric (i.e., for R = ∞ and τ = ∞), Eq.
and over a surface of solid dielectrics in water. (8) transforms into an ordinary equation for a transient



process of charging capacitor C2 from capacitor C1 in Table 4. Effect of electrode material on water BS
the rLC circuit (a = 0, b = r/2L):
Specific sublimation
0 –1 Anode Cathode Eb, kV/cm
U 2 = U 1 C1 ( C1 + C2 ) heat, kJ/g
× [ 1 – ( cos ω 1 t + b/ω 1 sin ω 1 t ) ] exp ( – bt ). Steel Steel 950
Mo Mo 850 6.98
Comparing U2 to U 2 at moment t = π(LC)1/2, we find Al Al 800 11.90
that, e.g., at ρ = 1 MΩ cm, U2 is smaller than U 2 by Cu Cu 770 5.35
6.8%, and at ρ = 2 and 6 MΩ cm, U2 is smaller by 3.4 Pb Pb 750 0.96
and 1.1%, respectively. Cu Steel 820
On the other hand, ρ must not be so small that, due Steel Cu 910
to a leakage current through water and a charge trans- Pb Steel 810
ferred during the voltage action, gas bubbles caused by
Steel Pb 890
electrolysis would form at the electrodes. To provide
such conditions, it is sufficient that ρ ≥ 2–5 MΩ cm.
From the data summarized in [7, 8], a qualitative crite-
Table 5. Effect of electrode material on coefficient K
rion follows for the onset of formation of microbubbles
through electrolysis at tef ~ 1 µs and a field of Material Stainless steel Brass Cu Al
~100 kV/cm; this can be represented as
K 584 ± 76 580 ± 58 549 ± 40 408 ± 65
jti ≤ 10–7 Ä s/cm2, (10)
where j, A/cm2, is the current density through water and
ti, s, is the current-flow duration. Inequality (10) deter- “weak” areas, the roles of which are played by, e.g., the
mines the minimum resistivity value, ρ ~ 1 MΩ cm. geometrical inhomogeneities of the electrode surfaces,
It is shown in Section 2.4 that, for ti> 65 µs, the the metal oxidation products, and the adsorbed gases.
effect of the ρ value on the BS is quite considerable. 1.4.5. Electrode material. In a homogeneous field,
1.4.2. Water temperature. The temperature the material of the electrode from which the breakdown
changes the solubility of gases in water and their is initiated affects Eb. In electrode systems of the point–
release at the electrodes, which influences the moment plane type, the point material influences Eb.
of discharge initiation. Increasing the temperature Table 4 lists the data on the water BS (ρ ≈ 1 MΩ cm)
improves the conditions for microbubble formation. for different materials of sphere–sphere-type electrodes
However, for properly degassed water, the BS is inde- 2 mm in diameter and having a ~3-mm interelectrode
pendent of T up to the boiling temperature. However, as gap [7]. A rectangular voltage pulse with a rise time of
the temperature rises, the conductivity of the liquid 10 ns was applied. The time before the breakdown
increases according to formula (7), which may contrib- moment maintained for all of the materials was ~0.5 µs.
ute to the additional formation of microbubbles through It was found that it is the anode material that mainly
electrolysis. affects the BS. A trend toward a decrease in the BS is
1.4.3. Solid particles. Solid conducting and dielec- observed when the sublimation heat of the electrode
tric particles generally reduce the water BS, in particu- material declines.
lar, due to changes in the topography of the electrodes’
surfaces when bombarded by microparticles. Their The effect of the electrode material on the BS in a
effect on Eb at tef ≤ 1 µs has not been definitively estab- virtually homogeneous field was studied experimen-
lished. As tef increases, Eb decreases, especially at tally in [16] in a hemisphere–sphere (diameters of 5.08
tef >> 1 µs, since, e.g., impurity particles have enough and 10.2 cm, respectively) electrode system. The inter-
time to be polarized and to locally distort the field, thus electrode gap was varied from 0.25 to 0.8 cm. The
reducing the BS. water was well degassed and had ρ = 18 MΩ cm at
25°C. The voltage buildup time to an amplitude of
1.4.4. Geometry of electrodes. An increase in the ≤500 kV was varied from 2 to 10 µs. Field E was con-
field inhomogeneity in water causes a decrease in the trolled in the range 150–500 kV/cm. The value of coef-
breakdown voltage Ub; the dependence of the water BS ficient K in formula (13), which is directly proportional
on the micro- and macrogeometry of the electrodes' to the breakdown field strength Eb, was refined in these
surfaces is stronger than it is on the concentration of studies. The results obtained for the positive polarity of
gases. For any field configuration, increasing the inter- the hemisphere are listed in Table 5; the K values for the
electrode gap reduces the average breakdown Eb values. negative polarity of this electrode were 5% higher.
The effect of the geometry of the electrodes and their
effective area S (see formula (13)) on Eb is considered A comparison with the data in Table 5 shows the
further in Subsections 1.4.8–1.4.10. An increase in S same trend toward decreasing Eb with a decrease in the
reduces the BS due to an increase in the number of sublimation heat, as in Table 4. A considerably reduced



Eb value was obtained for Al electrodes; this was also lower than several tens of hertz. The intervals between
noticed in [16] without analyzing the possible reasons. pulses were long enough for the insulating properties of
1.4.6. Pulse repetition rate. The frequency gener- the water to recover. (The solid products of oil decom-
ally affects the BS of water depending on its intrinsic position are formed in the transformer oil; BS recovery
and impurity conductivity, the pulse profile and dura- requires from tens of seconds to tens of minutes, or the
tion, field E, permittivity ε, and tan tan δ at a given fre- forced circulation of the liquid.)
quency f. When the dielectric losses in the liquid, which When a repeated voltage pulse U2 (the amplitude of
are defined by the well-known expression which is close to that of the first breakdown voltage U1)
is applied, the duration t of the BS recovery to U1
P = 1.8 × 10–12εfE 2 tan δ , (11) depends on the value of energy Ψ released in the spark
and the conduction losses are insufficient to substan- channel during the breakdown by the first pulse (Ψ was
tially heat the medium, the BS in a homogeneous field varied in the experiment from 20 to 380 J at U1 =
is virtually independent of f when the electric heating 63 kV). Complex measurements showed that the BS
(bubble) breakdown mechanism can be activated. In recovery dynamics is clearly related to the characteris-
formula (11), P, W/cm3, is the specific loss (the power tics of the vapor–gaseous cavity (VGC), into which the
dissipated in 1 cm3 of a dielectric); f, Hz; and E, V/cm. discharge channel in the liquid is transformed after the
energy release stage terminates. Immediately after the
A discharge in water at ρ = 10 MΩ cm under multi- current pulse, the temperature of the substance in the
ple actions of bipolar pulses with amplitudes of up to VGC reaches a value of several thousand degrees and
700 kV and f = 0–10 Hz was studied in [17]. A point– the pressure is much higher than the hydrostatic pres-
plane electrode system allowed the behavior of uncom- sure. This leads to the rapid expansion of the VGC at a
pleted discharges to be studied and the discharge initia- speed of ~400 m/s. The substance in the VGC is par-
tion and quenching voltages to be measured. Rogowsky tially ionized; therefore, the BS is no higher than a few
electrodes 15.24 cm in diameter were used in certain kilovolts per centimeter. An exchange of energy with
experiments. The influence of previous uncompleted the environment then rapidly cools the substance in the
discharges and complete breakdowns on the BS was VGC, the latter contracts, and, several hundred micro-
determined. A very low voltage of initiation was deter- seconds later when the second pulse U2 is applied, the
mined for the first discharge in a series. The voltage of BS of the gap is determined by the composition and
initiation of uncompleted discharges was then (after n density of the substance in the VGC.
pulses were applied) increased.
After the gap was completely broken down, many The experimentally measured function U2/U1 = f(t)
vapor and gaseous bubbles remained in it; these had has two temporal regions. In the first of these, with a
enough time to collapse at f ≤ 4 Hz. At f > 4 Hz, part of duration of ~1 ms, the BS increases slowly to a level
the bubbles nevertheless remained inside the water vol- U2/U1 ≈ 0.2. The rise rate then increases to U2/U1 ≈ 0.8,
ume; however, the gap BS was recovered. Experiments but it depends appreciably on Ψ: e.g., for Ψ = 20 J, this
with voltage applied to degassed and nondegassed level is reached in ~50 µs and for Ψ = 380 J, ~8 ms. In
water (the degree of degassing was not given) showed the third region, the BS rise rate again becomes lower
that, in the first case, the threshold at which uncom- and the breakdown voltage reaches the initial level in
pleted discharges are initiated has a stable voltage several seconds.
value; in the second, a large scatter is observed. Upon There are several works on the practical use of
the application of a voltage of 700 kV to a spherical water-insulated devices operating in frequency modes.
(rather than point) Al electrode 5.08 cm in diameter Paper [19] describes a powerful Éààê-4 high-voltage
(with a field of 275 kV/cm at its surface), it was imme- generator, in which a water-insulated twin double form-
diately covered with a continuous layer of bubbles. ing line (TDFL) with coaxial electrodes (with a maxi-
Upon subsequent application of 100 pulses at a repeti- mum diameter of 48 cm) serves as the storage and pulse
tion rate of 4 to 10 Hz, no breakdown developed from shaper. The TDFL has a double electrical length of
this electrode. This can be explained by the gas ioniza- 17 ns and an output wave impedance of 0.45 Ω. It was
tion in the bubbles and by the displacement of the elec- charged for 0.5 µs to 100 kV. The TDFL was switched
tric field to their outer surface, which actually increased with a gas-filled spark gap having 81 control electrodes
the effective electrode diameter and reduced the field at and discharged through a series of cable sections with a
its surface. total wave impedance of up to 0.5 Ω connected in par-
The BS recovery dynamics after the completed allel to its output. This generator produced a voltage of
breakdowns in purified water (no data on ρ or on the 100 to 200 kV and a current of <200 kA in the load and
degree of degassing were given) was studied in [18]. At operated in the repetitively pulsed and pulse-train (with
low probabilities of breakdown in the point–plane sys- a train duration of 1–1.5 s) modes at a repetition rate of
tem (i.e., under the action of voltage pulses with ampli- up to 20 Hz without cooling. No studies of the water BS
tudes lower than the breakdown magnitude applied to were performed.
the discharge gaps), random breakdowns had virtually Paper [20] describes a modulator for a klystron
no effect on the breakdown probability at frequencies operating at a frequency of up to 50 Hz, in which, to



reduce its dimensions, a storing forming line (SFL) refined, the second version of the facility (the RHEPP-2)
with water insulation, a double electrical length of was put into operation in 1997 for commercial applica-
700 ns, and a wave impedance of 2.2 Ω were used. The tions (primarily for treating surfaces with charged par-
SFL was manufactured in the form of a symmetrical, ticle beams) with the following characteristics: an
multiple-fold, zigzag three-electrode line with a total energy of 2.5 MeV, a current of 25 kA, a pulse duration
geometric length of 15 m; this was switched to the pri- of ~60 ns, a pulse repetition rate of 120 Hz, and a mean
mary winding of a step-up transformer with a magnetic power of 300 kW. The facility operated continuously in
switch. A voltage of 600 kV with a flat top and a dura- this regime 14 h per day for several weeks. The numer-
tion of 400 ns was generated across the secondary ous papers on the development and tests of the units and
winding. The line’s electrodes, 6 mm thick and 140 mm the accelerator as whole did not report on the character-
wide, were made of stainless steel; the water insulation istics of the water used.
between them was 12 mm thick; and the design BS was 1.4.7. Gases dissolved in water. Water actively dis-
120 kV/cm. The water temperature was maintained solves the following gas volumes per 1 m3 at atmo-
equal to 30 ± 2°ë to stabilize the line impedance to an spheric pressure and a temperature of 20°C: 16 l N2,
accuracy of ±1% under temperature changes in ε of 18.4 l H2, 31 l O2, and 878 l CO2; at T = 0°C, 1.7 CO2
water. The SFL was charged by pulses to 90 kV, when volumes are dissolved per one water volume [23].
a 0.169-µF capacitor was discharged into it through an Hydrogen is virtually absent in the near-ground layer,
inductor (the charging duration is unknown). The and therefore may be ignored. Gases are confined
degree of water ionization and degassing was not pre- inside the volumes between water molecules and form
sented; neither were the results from studies of the microbubbles near the electrode surfaces in a high elec-
water BS. tric field. The discharge that can be initiated in these
Paper [21] describes an ETIGO-4 high-voltage gen- bubbles reduces the water BS, especially for acting
erator continuously operating at a pulse repetition rate pulse durations of >1 µs.
of 1 Hz. It was used in studies of the acceleration of 1.4.8. Physical picture of pulsed water break-
electron and ion beams and the generation of micro- down. When powerful electric pulses are generated in
waves, in the development of new materials, etc. A high-power-consuming EPFs with water insulation, the
coaxial line with water insulation having an impedance energy is usually stored in storage units in a time
of 1.8 MΩ and an electrical length of 120 ns serves as shorter than or about 1 µs. Marx generators of voltage
one of intermediate storages. A capacitor with a capac- pulses are commonly used as current sources that
itance of 35 nF charged to 240 kV discharges into it charge storage units in this time. After the storage is
through a magnetic switch. The line was also connected connected to the load, the energy is consumed for sev-
to the primary coil of the step-up transformer by a mag- eral tens of nanoseconds. In this case, the actual peak
netic switch. The transformer’s secondary coil was con- powers are as high as megawatts and even terawatts,
nected to the load and produced a voltage amplitude of thus corresponding to megavolt voltages and megaam-
400 kV across it and a current of 13 kA of 120-ns dura- pere currents. During the comparatively long storage
tion through it. The pulse repetition rate of 1 Hz was charging process, one must take measures to prevent
restricted by the power of the primary dc source and the uncontrolled breakdown of a water layer. This
could be raised. No data on the water characteristics requires a knowledge of the regularities of the water BS
were reported. and the initiation and development of a discharge in
In 1987, work to develop a frequency (up to 120 Hz) water.
generator of pulsed (~60 ns) accelerated electron or ion However, as was mentioned above, the physics and
beams with a mean power of as high as 300 kW was mechanism of water BS have not as yet been clearly
announced (the RHEPP project in the United States) determined. Nevertheless, a number of breakdown
([22] and references therein). It was designed to perform models that qualitatively describe its development have
a wide range of various studies and to solve applied prob- been proposed. It is generally agreed that an electric
lems. All of the accelerator’s components had lifetimes breakdown has three stages: discharge initiation, its
of >104 h. The accelerator included a double forming line development and propagation, and, finally, the forma-
(DFL) and a single water-insulated coaxial line with tion (as the current rises) of an ionized channel that
matched wave impedances (0.88 Ω). The DFL, which short-circuits the electrodes and is considered a section
had to be charged for 1 µs to 250 kV, had an outer diam- with a time-dependent ohmic–inductive impedance.
eter of ~1 m, an internal operating field E = 100 kV/cm, The discharge initiation depends substantially on
and a breakdown field of ~142 kV/cm. the duration tef of the electric-field action (tef is defined
The first version of this accelerator (the RHEPP-1) below in formula (13)). This parameter allows us to dis-
ran in 1994 for a prolonged period at a frequency of tinguish three ranges: tef ≤ 1 µs, 1 µs ≤ tef ≤ 10 µs, and
5 Hz, an output voltage of 1 MV, and an electron beam tef ≥ 10 µs.
pulse current of 25 kA from a diode. It was also suc- In the first range, the duration of the development of
cessfully tested at a frequency of 120 Hz and provided a discharge from a cathode in a strong inhomogeneous
an output power of 100 kW. After certain units were electric field is treated as the ionization breakdown



mechanism. The electrons emitted from micropoints at When the duration of the applied voltage pulse is
the cathode surface form a weakly movable volume ≥10 µs, the electrothermal (bubble) breakdown mecha-
charge near the tops of the micropoints. A layer of nism takes place. This is explained by the liquid over-
water containing this charge can act as a piston that heating from the conduction currents, especially in the
generates a shock wave. Behind the wave front near the vicinity of the micropoints' tops, where a thermal
micropoint, a cavitation microcavity is formed, into explosion with vaporization and the formation of
which the liberation of gases dissolved in water is prob- vapor–gaseous bubbles may occur. Water electrolysis
able. Electrons in the cavity are accelerated more than also can contribute to bubble formation. The subse-
those in the water and gain an energy sufficient for the quent breakdown develops in a manner similar to the
impact ionization of gases and water. In strong fields, above process.
these electrons may not be lost and can move farther in
The above picture of water breakdown development
the liquid heating it. At a certain density of the energy
was summarized using the results from numerous
release in water, gaseous–vapor macrobubbles are pro-
experiments employing fast optical and electron–opti-
duced, in which a discharge finally develops.
cal chronography, high-speed interferometry and spec-
A discharge from the anode at tef ≤ 1 µs in a field trography, and shadow imaging techniques; field stud-
close to homogeneous is initiated by stripping electrons ies using the Kerr electrooptical effect; etc. The original
from polarized water molecules, i.e., by the autoionisa- sources of the first studies are contained in [7, 8], while
tion effect in the liquid. It is considered that the field the data of later works are available from [24].
strength near the cathode is reduced by the space charge
Recent works [25, 26] present data on discharge ini-
of the electrons emitted by micropoints. Electrons
tiation in water upon the artificial production of
begin to move to the anode; this leads to the impact
microbubbles with dimensions of 20–100 µm produced
boiling of local regions of the near-anode water layers
near electrodes by the pulsed heating of a thin wire.
and to the formation of gaseous–vapor macrobubbles.
A microbubble was photographed with magnifications
The ionization of these bubbles marks the onset of ini-
of up to 100 using a pulsed (~3 ns) laser or a multiframe
tiation of the water breakdown channels.
system with mandatory locking to the moment a volt-
When the voltage-exposure duration is several age pulse (up to 100 kV) of controlled polarity was
nanoseconds, the development of a discharge begins applied. The field between the electrodes was slightly
with the explosive destruction of micropoints on the inhomogeneous and had a value of <300 kV/cm.
electrodes as a result of their resistive heating by field- A streamer appeared from the bubble top at the cathode
emission and capacitive currents. Metal vapors enter surface and began to grow at a subsonic speed
the plasma of the developing discharge; the water BS is (<400 m/s). The streamer was controlled by Coulomb
thereby associated with the thermodynamic character- and hydrodynamic forces and had a form of a bush with
istics of the electrode material. a characteristic inhomogeneity scale of <10 µm. It was
concluded that cathode bubbles were broken down by a
When the field action duration is 1 µs ≤ tef ≤ 10 µs,
multiavalanche mechanism. A fan-shaped set of
gas liberation at the electrodes resulting from water
streamers (numbering >100) originated from the
electrolysis (an electrochemical breakdown) plays a
anode-bubble top. These had a supersonic velocity of
significant role in the breakdown mechanism. A dis-
movement in water (~2000 m/s) and filled a hemisphere
charge is initiated at the electrode where the gas libera-
of <600 µm radius. The formation of streamers was
tion is more intense and microbubbles grow and reach
accompanied by a shock wave, at the center of which
a certain critical size. Primary weakly ionized con-
streamers were generated. Approximately 100–150 ns
tracted channels 1–5 µm in diameter begin to grow
later, the shock wave arrived at the end of the streamer
from micropoints into the gap depth at a velocity of
zone and all but one of the primary streamers disap-
105–107 cm/s. The field strength near the channel head
peared. A new fan-shaped set of streamers (with a smaller
is as high as 108 V/cm. The channel develops from the
number of <30) originated from its top, and so on. The
positive electrode as a result of autoionisation in the liq-
velocity of the secondary streamers was ~5000 m/s. The
uid, and from the negative electrode due to impact ion-
main discharge developed along one of the streamers
ization. At the moment the critical temperature is
and was accompanied by a high-power shock wave.
reached near the base of the primary channel, an ioniza-
tion wave begins to move through it, transforming it These experiments showed clearly that, if a
into a highly conducting channel. The pressure in it microbubble is present near the cathode or anode, the
rises to several thousand atmospheres, it expands radi- breakdown channel begins to develop only at the bub-
ally, and the current and glow in it simultaneously ble top, and its appearance substantially reduces the
increase via the impact and thermal ionization mecha- discharge initiation delay time. The delay of a dis-
nisms. When a certain degree of thermalization is charge from a cathode bubble is ~20 times longer than
reached, the primary channel transforms into a highly the delay of the discharge onset from the anode. Thus,
conducting leader channel, from whose head primary in order to raise the water insulation BS, the measures
and streamer channels may grow and be transformed taken must be aimed primarily at reducing the probabil-
into leaders in a similar manner. ity of gas-bubble formation on the electrode surfaces.



It will be shown in Section 2 that, according to new ers whose role in the interelectrode medium can be
studies, the above descriptions of water breakdown can played by free (nonhydrated) electrons.
be realized, in compliance with the three ranges of It was therefore suggested in [27] that micropoints
pulse durations, only under specific conditions and are explode in water at the electrode surfaces with the for-
not universal. When water is purified from mechanical mation of “hot” points [29]. If we assume that the field
particles and is degassed and deionized to a high near the miscropoint tops at the anode is
degree, it remains electrically strong up to 1 ms under
the exposure of a field of up to ~100 kV/cm. E ≈ 2U[rln(4d/r)]–1 (12)
Paper [27] presents new results published in 2004 (where U is the applied voltage, r is the miscropoint
from experimental studies of the discharge in water top’s radius of curvature, and d is the length of the inter-
between pointed and flat electrodes (anode and cath- electrode gap), then for U = 30 kV, r ≈ 10 µm, and d =
ode, respectively), when its conductivity σ0 changes 1 cm, the field E is 107 V/cm. The presence on the elec-
from 2 × 10–3 to 0.04 × 10–3 Si/cm through the dissolv- trode surface of a layer (adsorbed gas, oxide films, etc.)
ing of NaCl. This study was undertaken in order to find with a permittivity that is appreciably lower than the
ways of constructing a physical model of water break- water permittivity ε = 80 may considerably amplify this
down, especially at the early stage of its development. field, and it will exceed the field that causes microex-
The interelectrode distance was varied from 2 to plosions [31]. Centers of explosive emission are
20 mm. A pulse with an amplitude of up to 30 kV with sources of intense UV radiation that can increase both
a variable distance of ≤10 µs was applied t0 the gap. the conductivity in the interelectrode gap and the rise in
This established that the breakdown process is charac- the interelectrode current due to photoionisation pro-
terized by several temporal stages that differ in the cesses (the photostripping of electrons from negative
value of the dynamic conductivity σ of the interelec- ions) [29, 32]. The field E near the micropoint top may
trode gap. At the initial stage, with a duration ∆t1 ≈ 100– exceed the ionization threshold of the avalanche multi-
200 ns, σ is constant and equal to the initial conductiv- plication of electrons and the initiation of discharge
ity σ0. At the second stage, when ∆t2 ≈ 200–250 ns, σ development.
increases by a factor of >10 and trends toward reaching However, in the analysis briefly presented above, the
a quasi-stationary value at the end of this interval. At authors of [27] ignored the possibility of the “hydrata-
the third stage, when ∆t3 ≈ 100 ns, σ increases by a fac- tion” of electrons generated by UV radiation. This
tor of >100 with a subsequent drop at the moment when results from the lack of data on the elementary “hydra-
∆t3 terminates. At this stage, a transition occurs from tation” processes, particularly on the photoexcitation
the prebreakdown state to the short-circuiting of the and photoionisation processes. The applicability of the
gap by the discharge channel. During the fourth stage, free electron model may therefore be disputable.
a relatively slow increase in σ is observed in the formed
channel. A “quasi-hole” positive-charge transfer could be
another mechanism of the conduction measured exper-
When ∆t2, UV radiation is detected. It follows from imentally in [33]. The hole mobility is anomalously
measurements that it is emitted from point sources at high and far exceeds the mobility of hydrated electrons.
the anode surface and from incomplete near-anode In this case, a comparatively low concentration of holes
streamers. This radiation in the interelectrode gap and can ensure that the currents measured before the gap are
near the cathode is detected only during the transition short-circuited by a discharge channel (at the ∆t2 stage).
from the ∆t3 stage to the stage of the short-circuited dis- Emissions from hot points at the anode and the photo-
charge channel. The shift between the interelectrode ionisation processes that accompany them can supply
current and the UV radiation peaks is ~40 ns. holes to the interelectrode gap.
The energy released in the gap at the prebreakdown Hence, these latest experiments have confirmed
stage is comparable to and even exceeds the energy once more that the water breakdown mechanism is far
released at the stage of the formed discharge channel from clear.
spanning the gap.
1.4.9. Formulas for calculating the water break-
The results obtained allowed the authors of [27] to down field strength. Since it remains impossible to
draw the following conclusions: The concepts of the determine a priori the water BS, one must use empirical
ionization water breakdown at a voltage pulse duration formulas to perform the calculations required when
of ≤1 µs (see, e.g., [8, 24]) that dominated until recently designing water-insulated facilities.
and were based on the similarity of the discharges in
gases and liquids (when the latter are considered as a To estimate field Eb in a breakdown of water with a
dense gas) are invalid. It must be assumed that, even in resistivity ρ ≥ 105 Ω cm for an action duration of 0.1 to
high fields E, electrons in a “hydrated” state and have 1 µs and a voltage increasing according to the 1 – cosωt
an almost ionic mobility [28]. This means that electrons law in a system of coaxial electrodes with an area of
cannot ionize water molecules through collisions. Con- >104 cm2, J.C. Martin proposed the formula [34]
sequently, to explain the prebreakdown increase in the – 0.33
liquid conductivity, it is necessary to find charge carri- Eb, kV/cm = K t ef S–0.1, (13)



where K is a factor equal to 300 at the positive polarity –

E b = K 2 t ef
– 0.33
– 0.33 – 0.1
d ,
of the inner electrode and 600 for the negative polarity; (16)
tef, µs, is the field strength rise time from a level 0.63Eb +
Eb =
– 0.25 – 0.45 – 0.1
K 1 t ef µ d ,
to Eb; and S, cm2, is the electrode area over which the
field changes from 90 to 100% Eb. Note that this for- where µ is the gain for the mean field E in the gap
mula is applicable to transformer oil, ethanol, and caused by its increase to Emax at the point top (µ =
methanol (K = 500 for both polarities), and for glycerin Emax/E; in experiments, µ was varied from 1 to 15),
and castor oil as well (K = 700). K1 = 290 for a stainless steel point, and K2 = 330, inde-
According to (13), Eb increases with shortening tef. pendent of the point material. Relationships (16) are
Therefore, a common practice is to reduce tef to a min- applicable only at µ < 10. At µ > 10, the dependence of
imum, e.g., by switching the electrical energy storages +
Eb on µ is weaker. The equation for E b is applicable
in the region of a steep voltage buildup as they are being
charged. Reducing tef allows the thickness of the water only at µ > 1.5, while, for µ < 1.5, it is more correct to
insulation to be reduced and E to be increased, which use (13) to calculate Eb.
increases the stored energy density (1) and, correspond- The mean field Eb in the blade–plane electrode sys-
ingly, the storage power. The latter becomes able to tem can be calculated using the formulas
transfer higher currents to the consumer and to main- – – 0.67 + – 0.83
tain a higher voltage across a low-impedance load. E b = 62.5 t ef S–0.1, E b = 27 t ef d–0.667. (17)
Moreover, shortening tef makes it possible to reduce the The BS in a nanosecond homogeneous field at a
device’s mass and dimensions. pulse duration of 50 ns ≤ t ≤ 10–6 s can be calculated
The dependence of Eb on S is weaker. However, in from the formula [38]
facilities with a high energy capacity, the electrodes
have large areas (1–50 m2) and their effect (a decrease Eb, kV/cm = 130t –0.33S –0.08, (18)
in Eb) is appreciable. Typical values of the operating where t, µs and S, cm2.
field strengths in such devices are 70–130 kV/cm at a The BS of a strip transmitting line with water insu-
BS margin of ~30%, i.e., E is lower than Eb by ~30%. lation was calculated in [39] for a pulse duration t = 30–
Formula (13) was refined in [35] with allowance for 70 ns with an amplitude of 400–1100 kV and an effec-
a field inhomogeneity at the negative polarity of the tive area of the electrodes of 103 cm2 (calculations using
central electrode, (13) at t ≤ 30 ns yielded a value of Eb 30% lower than
– – 0.33 – 0.069 that obtained experimentally):
E b = 557t ˝Ù S
Eb, kV/cm = 160d–0.65t–0.39S–0.08. (19)
× { 1 + 0.12 [ ( a – b )/(b ln ( a/b ) – 1 ) ] }, (14)
It should be noted that formulas (13)–(19) allow
Eb =
– 0.33 – 0.058
287t ˝Ù S , only an estimate of the Eb value. It would be more cor-
rect to accompany each formula with all of the condi-
where a and b are radii of the outer and central conduc- tions under which these formulas were derived, in par-
tors, respectively. ticular, the state of the electrode surfaces and the meth-
It was shown in [36] that, in a homogeneous field ods of their conditioning, the electrode material, the
and gaps d = 0.5–5 cm, formula (13) agrees better with degree of water and electrode surface degassing, the
the experiment if a factor d –0.1 is introduced into its concentration, size, and material of mechanical parti-
right-hand part. cles in water, etc.
The BS of purified water was studied in [37] as a 1.4.10. Breakdown strength over the surface of
function of the gap length d = 0.4–5 cm and the elec- solid dielectrics (SDs) in water. Supporting structural
trode surface S = 5–1000 cm2 under the action of a tri- and simultaneously insulating elements made of solid
angular voltage pulse with a duration tef = 0.1–2 µs in a dielectrics are placed in water or in any other liquid
field of Rogowsky electrodes and in highly inhomoge- insulator. The considerable differences in the ε and ρ
neous fields of point–plane and blade–plane systems. values for water and solid dielectrics lead to difficulties
The relationship obtained for the Rogowsky electrodes in designing and using such insulators, since they may
is substantially modify the E value and distribution at the
interface with water. In order to develop a water-insu-
– 0.25 lated device, it is therefore important to know the
Eb = K t ef S –0.1d –0.1, (15)
breakdown (spanning) voltage over the surface of solid
where K is a factor equal to 380 and 320 for stainless- insulators depending on their shape and electrical prop-
steel and Al electrodes, respectively. erties.
The following equations were obtained for mean There are well-known methods for mathematically
breakdown electric intensities for a breakdown in the simulating fields to determine the optimum shapes of
point–plane system at negative and positive potentials certain insulating elements in water-insulated storage
at the point, respectively: units, particularly separating diaphragms [40].



Es, MV/cm
Es, MV/cm (a) (b)
1 1.3
2 1.1
0.9 0.9
0.3 0.5

0.1 0.3
10–8 2 3 5 10–7 ts, s 10–8 2 3 ts, s

Fig. 1. Breakdown strength Es over the SD surface as a function of duration ts of the voltage action before the discharge initiation
in a field with predominantly (a) tangential and (b) normal components: (1) fluoroplastic; (2) organic glass; (3) polyethylene; the
curve was calculated using formula (20).

Attempts to determine the shape of insulators with a higher for the negative polarity at the rod than for the
high BS using electrolytic baths were undertaken. positive polarity; this effect was more pronounced for
However, mathematical and physical simulation does longer rims. The average velocities of creeping dis-
not allow any appreciable increase in the operational charge development for the above polarities were v– ≈
reliability of SD elements, since there are difficulties in 0.03 cm/µs and v+ ≈ 1–2 cm/µs, respectively, and the
considering the quality of the material, the state of the delay in discharge development was in the first case
surfaces of insulators and electrodes, their mechanical ~40 times longer.
loading, the degree of water purification and degassing, The data on the breakdown voltage over the surfaces
and the gradual saturation of insulators with water of organic glass, fluoroplastic, and polyvinyl chloride
whose rate increases in an electric field [41]. Therefore, plastic under the action of pulses with amplitudes of
direct measurements of the breakdown voltage over the 200, 600, and 1000 kV and durations of 3–100 ns (with
insulator surface in water should be considered as the a rise time of 1–3 ns) are presented in [43]. Data on the
most reliable technique. It is desirable that measure- spatial BS of these SDs in sphere–sphere and point–
ments be performed under conditions reproducing the plane electrode systems were simultaneously obtained
actual operation of insulators in high-voltage devices. for the two polarities of the pulses and sample thick-
Paper [42] presents experimental data on the depen- nesses d = 0.1–1 cm.
dence of the voltage for a creeping discharge in techni- It was discovered that the mean field strength Es dur-
cal water (with resistivity ρ ≈ 104 Ω cm) on the SD ing a breakdown is virtually independent of the SD
thickness, the SD rim length and ε, the electric field properties, the specific surface electric capacitance, and
configuration, the voltage pulse polarity, and on other the ratio between the normal and tangential field com-
parameters. Most measurements were performed in the ponents specified by the electrode configuration (Fig. 1).
point–plane system with an SD layer interleaved The mean breakdown field strengths Es averaged over
between the electrodes: polyethylene (ε ≈ 2.2), fluoro- their length d = 0.3–1.8 cm and thickness d = 0.1–1 cm
plastic (ε ≈ 2.5), vacuum rubber (ε = 2.5–5), and texto- satisfy the relationship
lite (ε = 8). A steel rod 5 mm in diameter served as the
point. log E s , MV/cm = (k1 – k2 log d ) – (k3 – k4 log d ) log t s ,(20)
A generator produced negative or positive voltage where ts, ns, is the time for which the voltage was
pulses with amplitudes of up to 60 kV. The initial values applied before the discharge initiation. The values of
of the pulse amplitude at which a discharge was initi- coefficients k1–k4 for various SDs and field configura-
ated were considered as the discharge voltage values, tions are listed in Table 6.
while the completed breakdown between the electrodes It should be noted that formula (20) also yields a
occurred at substantially lower voltages that decreased quite accurate Es value for the above SDs in glycerin
during the development of a creeping discharge along and transformer oil (in fields with prevailing tangential
the rim due to leakage currents. or normal components), and for breakdowns through
It was found that, despite different ε values and a the thickness of layers of transformer- and castor-oil
surface resistance of the above SDs, the discharge volt- and glycerin layers. The corresponding coefficients k1–
ages were quite close for all samples and changed k4 are presented in [43].
almost linearly from 25 to 45 kV, as the rim length Paper [44] presents the results from experiments in
increased from 2 to 12 cm. The discharge voltages were searching for optimum SD shapes in water in a homo-



Table 6. Coefficients for breakdowns over the SD surface in (Figs. 2f–2h); (3) during protection of the edge by
water and water bulk breakdowns rounding an insulator (Fig. 2i).
Electrode system The BS over the SD volume was higher than the
Poly- Orga- water BS by 250% for durations of the applied voltage
Coeffi- Fluoro-
ethy- nic
plastic sphere–
point–plane pulses of ~1 µs.
lene glass sphere (–) (+) It was found that the breakdown strengths Es over
the surfaces of insulators of the simplest shapes (Figs.
k1 0.648 0.314 0.482 0.278 0.649 0.690 2a and 3a) amount to 70–90% of the mean breakdown
k2 0.662 0.709 0.847 0.818 0.462 0.848 strengths for water and are lower than Es for insulators
k3 –0.044 –0.219 –0.14 –0.362 –0.216 –0.153 with internal shielding (Fig. 2f). A shift of the maxi-
k4 0.036 0.06 0.137 0.221 0.06 0.083 mum electric intensity to the gap’s depth, to the water–
solid dielectric interface (Figs. 2c, 2d, 2i and 3b), leads
to lower Es despite an elongation of the insulator sur-
geneous field and in a field of a coaxial water-insulated face length, compared to the insulator surface lengths in
(ρ = 2 MΩ cm) line with diameters of the outer and Figs. 2a and 3a. This is explained by the appearance of
central stainless-steel electrodes of 21 and 10.5 cm, a a field component normal to the surface and resulting in
wave impedance of 4.6 Ω, and a length of 70 cm. The an enhanced field strength at the interface between the
line was being charged to 1 MV for 1 µs. The central two media. For the insulators in Figs. 2c and 2d, a dis-
electrode was at a negative potential. The breakdown charge is initiated not from electrodes, which always
voltage Us in water over the surface of axial and radial happens in the absence of a solid dielectric in the inter-
polyethylene, caprolon, and organic-glass insulators of electrode gap, but from the point at which the radius of
various shapes was measured (Figs. 2 and 3). curvature is minimal and develops from there to the
When Us was measured in a homogeneous field of cathode and the anode.
12-cm-diameter Rogowsky electrodes, the voltage Reducing the field near the contact between the
across the sample was built up in steps of 20–30 kV insulator and the electrode by shielding or imparting a
beginning with 60% of expected Us. In coaxial elec- special shape to the insulator rim yielded no positive
trodes, the voltage at the front of a single pulse for a effect. The best result was obtained for an internal
complete surface discharge was assumed to be Us. If a shield (Figs. 2f–2h). However, no significant rise in Us
breakdown did not occur, the pulse was cut off by a trig- was obtained in this case either, since, when the maxi-
gered spark gap. Insulator samples were milled from mum field region is shifted deeper to the sample, a field
blocks; their surfaces were not exposed to an additional component weakening the action of the first effect
treatment. The insulators were held in contact with appears at the interface between the media. Therefore,
electrodes through friction, a common practice in an increase in Us is observed only until the shield
water-insulated facilities. reaches a certain depth in the insulator body, after
The task posed was solved by testing the following which the effect of the normal field component begins
insulators: to grow. Nevertheless, shielding in the near-anode
region is more efficient.
(i) Those minimally distorting the field distribution,
i.e., with a surface parallel to the field’s lines of force From the data obtained, it follows that Us values for
(Figs. 2a and 3a); the SDs of three different materials are approximately
(ii) With an intricate shape that ensured a field com- equal. Only for polyethylene is it slightly lower, due to
ponent normal to the surface and an increased length of the larger field distortion caused by the smallest ε value.
the discharge trajectory (Figs. 2b–2d and 3b, 3c); When the length l of a cylindrical insulator changes
(iii) With a decreased field strength in the region of from 1 to 5 cm (Fig. 2a), the mean breakdown field Es
the contacts with electrodes: (1) by external shielding changes according to the law
(Figs. 2e and 3b–3d); (2) by internal shielding Es, kV/cm = kl –0.33, (21)

+ + + + + + + + +

– – – – – – – – –
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)

Fig. 2. Shapes of SD insulators tested in a homogeneous electric field.



–108 kV/cm
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 3. Shapes of insulators tested in a field of coaxial elec-

12.5 cm 2.5
where k is a constant depending on the pulse duration tp cm
and the insulator material. For tp = 1 µs, k = 250 and 270
for polyethylene and caprolon, respectively. Fig. 4. Distribution of equipotentials in a capacitor section:
Formula (21) was refined in [24] and proposed in the (1) section body; (2) high-voltage electrode; (3) field atten-
form uator made of acryl plastic (ε = 2.2); and (4) water (ε = 81).

– 0.25
Es, kV/cm = kl–0.33 t ef , (22)
tor. The maximum field in water decreased to
where k = 200 for polyethylene and 220 for caprolon (tef 108 kV/cm at the bevel boundary near the electrode
see in formula (13)). edge (Fig. 4). The field is homogeneous at the greater
In a system of coaxial electrodes, the insulator in part of the electrode surface (106 cm2) and is equal to
Fig. 3a was broken down in some cases in water with- 75 kV/cm. The gap between the water-filled attenuator
out visible traces remaining on the insulator surface. joints that inevitably appeared during its manufacture
The voltages Us for all of the tested shapes in Figs. 3b– was of concern. Numerical calculations showed that the
3d were 40–50% lower, and traces of discharge in the gap width (1.3 mm) ensured capacitor operation at a
form of carbonized (polyethylene and caprolon) or voltage of about 750 kV. The experiments were per-
melted (organic glass) regions were observed at the formed on a section prototype reduced by a factor of
insulators’ surfaces. In this case, the caprolon and two (Fig. 5). It withstood multiply applied voltage
organic-glass insulators cracked. pulses with an amplitude equivalent to 1 MV for a full-
The results from these studies allowed us to con- scale section. The breakdown strength calculated from
clude that controlling the field distribution is not an effi- +
(13) for a full-scale section was E b = 85 kV/cm; i.e., at
cient method for increasing Us over the surface of SD a maximum charging voltage of 940 kV, the field in the
insulators operating in water. The appearance of a field
capacitor was 88% of the breakdown field. The basic
component normal to the insulator surface reduces Us.
operating mode of the capacitor was changed to 750 kV,
In most cases, the optimum shape of insulators is the
simplest one (a cylinder, a flat washer), for which the which made the device more reliable. Tests of the full-
insulator surface is parallel to the field’s lines of force. scale capacitor at a voltage of up to 790 kV confirmed
A solid dielectric may substantially reduce the field
strength at the edge of an electrode in water and thus When it is necessary to separate the water-insulated
raise the BS of the device. A capacitor with water insu- volume from the evacuated volume in the electrical
lation in the form of a set of flat rectangular vertical line, Martin proposed using continuous diaphragm-like
electrodes having a capacitance of 0.58 µF and or sectioned insulators (Fig. 6) [46]. The latter are con-
designed to be charged in 2.5 µs to 940 kV (a stored structed as SD rings arranged in series with metal gra-
energy of 250 kJ) [45]. High-voltage and grounded dient electrodes between them. The former and the lat-
electrodes in the form of sections are arranged in two ter insulators are recommended at operating voltages of
tanks with lengths, widths, and heights of 290, 240, and <1.5 and >1.5 MV, respectively. As a rule, a high-volt-
150 cm, respectively. The dimensions of this storage age conductor for transmitting electromagnetic pulses
unit are much smaller than those of a water-insulated to the consumer (a high-current electron diode, a mul-
coaxial line with the same electrical parameters. A field tiwire liner, etc.) is placed in vacuum along the axes of
attenuator made of acryl plastic (ε = 2.2) with a height such insulators. To reduce the conductor inductance,
of 10.2 cm and a cross-sectional width of 27 cm is the insulator must have a minimum height and a certain
placed along the entire perimeter of the outer edge of breakdown strength margin (as a rule, 30%). The
each high-voltage electrode. insulators manufactured according to the recommenda-
As a result of “pulling” equipotentials into the plas- tions presented below meet these requirements, with
tic volume, the field at the electrode edge decreased to the BS on the vacuum side lower than that on the water
170 kV/cm in place of 340 kV/cm without the attenua- side.




20 cm
7 2
6.25 cm

Fig. 5. Section model: (1) section body; (2) high-voltage electrode; (3) field attenuator made of acryl plastic (ε = 2.2); (4) high-
voltage lead in; (5) attenuator of the lead-in 4 field; (6) radial gap between the ends of the attenuator joint; and (7) water.

The diaphragm must be arranged so that the equipo- For a sectioned insulator with Lucite rings beveled
tentials intersect its surfaces at an angle of ~20° and the at an angle of 45°, Martin obtained the following
field along its radius length is almost homogeneous, expression for the breakdown field at 50% probability:
except in the vicinities of the anode and cathode elec- Eb, kV/cm = 175t –1/6S –1/10, (23)
trodes. The SD rings must be beveled at an angle of where t, µs, is the time during which a field strength of
45°–60° in the vacuum in order to preclude the impact 0.89Eb to Eb was applied to the sectioned insulator, and
of electrons emitted by the rings' metal surfaces. The S, cm2, is the ring surface area in vacuum. This formula
gradient electrodes must have grooves on the anode has been verified experimentally many times. For
side to reduce the field in the vacuum–insulator–elec- example, the best agreement with experiments in which
trode triple joints. In addition, the gradient electrodes a voltage of 0.6 MV with a duration of 60 ns and a rise
time of 20 ns was applied to an area S = 75 cm2 was
must protrude slightly into the vacuum outside the ring
achieved in [46] with an index of power for S of 1/8.
edge in order to shield the insulators from electrons and Other comparative measurements can be found in the
UV light. The gradient electrodes and the rings must be references in [47].
in tight mechanical contact; this includes the circle of Figure 7 shows a sectioned insulator of the “Z”
the truncated cone. The potential must be distributed accelerator [47]. Five SD rings 3 are located between
uniformly over the rings (a nonuniformity of <10%). anode 1 and cathode 2 electrodes, (polystyrene, Rexo-
lite 1422—a rigid copolymer of styrene with transverse
links); each has a thickness h = 5.715 cm and an outer
(a) (b) diameter of 335 cm with a profile of +45° in the evacu-
ated volume. Gradient electrodes 4 0.9525 cm thick
made of anodized Al are positioned between the rings.
3 The rings' edges in vacuum are specially profiled for
reducing the electric field in triple joints by 15%, com-
pared to the field in the case of flat rings. The surfaces
of the insulating and gradient rings were processed
2 until an rms roughness of <81 µm was obtained. The
2 gradient electrodes compose a capacitive divider of the
1 total high-voltage pulse voltage; as a result, an almost
1 4 identical potential difference is applied to each ring,
raising the BS of the device.
Based on an analysis of seven published experimen-
4 6 tal works on the BS of polyethylene and polymethyl
methacrylate (PMMA) rings of the above profile when
5 h changes from 0.254 to 1.59 cm and the voltage action
time tef = 0.5 ns to 10 µs (tef is defined in (13)), the for-
mula for the mean Eb at a breakdown probability of
50% was obtained:
Fig. 6. Schematic drawings of decoupling insulators of (a) Eb, kV/cm = ke0.27/h(tefb/ln2)–0.1, (24)
diaphragm and (b) sectioned types: (1) cathode; (2) anode;
(3) water; (4) vacuum; (5) diaphragm; and (6) sectioned where k = 232 for polystyrene and 221 ± 16 for PMMA;
insulator. h, cm; tef, µs; and b, cm, is the average length of the cir-




Fig. 7. Sectioned insulator: (1) anode; (2) cathode; (3) dielectric ring; (4) gradient electrode; (5) evacuated volume; (6) water; and
(7) sensors for measuring the high-voltage parameters.

cle on the vacuum side of the insulating ring. Calcula- A voltage with amplitudes of up to 700 kV and a rise
tions using this formula for polystyrene rings at a volt- time of 400 ns, in which the flat pulse top was reached,
age pulse half-height duration of 93 ns yielded Eb = was applied to the electrodes between which an insula-
158 kV/cm, while the Eb obtained from formula (23) tor sample was inserted. The onset of the current of the
was ~18% smaller. In experiments, 333 consecutive developing breakdown was usually detected 500 ns
voltage pulses with an amplitude of ~3 MV were after voltage pulse onset with the subsequent complete
applied to the insulator, after which additional five closure of the electrodes by the discharge channel. Five
pulses with an amplitude of 4.52 MV were applied groups with five samples each were tested. The samples
without ring breakdowns; the degree of rarefaction was had equal Rz over the range 0.025–5.080 µm. After each
varied from 1.8 × 10–5 to 6.1 × 10–6 Torr. breakdown, the electrodes were rinsed and polished to
a mirror state. The average delay time t of the break-
The BSs over the surface and through the thickness down of the insulators in each group was measured at
of the SD in water are affected by the state of the sur- the given surface Rz. The time was measured from the
faces near the boundary between the insulator and moment the voltage pulse was applied to the electrodes
metal on the water side at the interface of any three until the moment of the onset of electrode closure by
media (water–metal–etc.). According to both theory the discharge current through the Rexolite breakdown
and experimental studies, the BS rises with a decrease channel. When Rz increased from 1.48 to 5.08 µm,
in the roughness Rz on the metal surface at this point. delay t declined smoothly from 700 to 500 ns. No
Paper [48] presents studies on the effect the Rz of the breakdown was observed at Rz < 0.5 µm.
Rexolite surface in the triple joint has on the BS for
breakdowns through bulk Rexolite samples. Rexolite is 2. METHODS FOR RAISING
a semitransparent material and has a BS of 20 kV/mm THE WATER BREAKDOWN STRENGTH
for a dc voltage and a loss tangent tan tan δ = 0.0066 at
2.1. Increasing the Water Hydrostatic Pressure
a frequency of 500 MHz. It is mechanically strong, and
its characteristics make this material attractive for wide The effect of the hydrostatic pressure p on the water
use in pulsed powerful EPFs under the application of BS was studied in [49]. A discharge gap 0.3 cm long
voltage pulses with a rise time of several tens of nano- with a homogeneous field was formed by 1-cm-diame-
seconds and shorter. ter electrodes placed in a special chamber. The latter
was filled with degassed (the degree of degassing is
Two stainless-steel electrodes, each of which had unknown) water (ρ ≈ 5 MΩ cm) filtered from mechan-
surfaces with a Bruce profile and flat parts 25 mm in ical particles as small as 1 µm. A voltage pulse of up to
diameter at their centers (where the fields were homo- 500 kV with leading and trailing edge durations of 0.1
geneous), were fixed in a test chamber filled with and 30 µs, respectively, was applied between the elec-
deionized water (the characteristics of which were not trodes. When p was increased from 0.1 to 14 MPa, the
described). A Rexolite plate 3.18 mm thick and 80 mm initiation of the prestreamer process was delayed
square was mounted tightly between these electrodes. longer, resulting in a stronger field Eb in the breakdown,
(Such thicknesses are used in breakdown tests of insu- and the maximum stored energy density increased lin-
lators.) Both of the plate surfaces adjacent to the elec- early by almost an order of magnitude.
trodes were preliminarily worked with abrasive paper When a voltage with an oscillation period of 8 µs
of 36 to 800 µm grit. The surface roughness Rz was then was applied to a 3-cm-long gap, it was broken down at
measured using an NT1 100 profilometer with mea- p = 0.3 MPa by the second half-wave at a an amplitude
surement limits ranging from submicrons to 1 mm. of 500 kV and withstood 2 MV at 10 MPa. The



Eb, MV/cm slightly lower than water was injected through the same
1.6 upper electrode. Typical thicknesses of diffuse layers
1.2 3 were ∆d = 0.3–0.4 mm. In the presence of diffuse lay-
ers, the length of the effective gap def ≈ 2 mm differed
0.6 appreciably from the value of the total gap d, which var-
2 ied between 2.5 and 3 mm.
0.3 1 The characteristic time of the electric field displace-
ment from the near-electrode regions can be estimated
as tc ≈ ε/σÒ. When a layer is introduced, the field
strength near the electrode surface changes with time t
0.1 in the first approximation as
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
t, µs E(t) ≈ (U/d)(tr/tc – 1)–1[exp(–t/tr) – exp(–t/tc)], (25)
Fig. 8. Volt–second characteristics of water breakdown: where U is the voltage amplitude, d is the interelectrode
(1) for smooth metal electrodes; (2) with a conducting near- distance, and tr is the voltage rise time. If tr > tc, an
anode layer; and (3) with conducting near-anode and near- increase in the gap BS can be expected, since the influ-
cathode layers. ence of breakdown-initiating near-electrode processes
decrease in Eb during a breakdown is associated with A voltage pulse with a controlled amplitude U = 60–
the formation of gas microbubbles at the electrodes 300 kV was applied to the gap of length d, and tr was
because current flowing through the water over long varied between 0.1 and 1 µs. It was impossible to
periods leads to a change in the ionization development unambiguously calculate the field strength near the
in gaseous inclusions. However, the delay tb of the gap’s center in water using the amplitude of the applied
breakdown moment was also prolonged with increas- voltage and length d. The breakdown field strengths Eb
ing p. For p = 0.3 MPa the delay was tb = 75 ns; for p = in the gap were therefore determined using the Kerr
10 MPa, no breakdown was initiated for tb = 15 µs, thus electrooptic effect in water, and by measuring the gra-
demonstrating the considerable influence of gaseous dients of the refractive index using the Toepler method
processes on water breakdown. with a cylindrical lens (these techniques and equipment
are described in [50, 51] and the references therein).
Increasing the pressure p can be recommended one
way of raising the water BS. This requires, however, Eb was initially measured with smooth electrodes
that the metal body of the electrical energy storage be upon the application of a pulse voltage with tr ≈ 0.3 µs.
substantially strengthened, increasing its mass and It was found that, for breakdown delay times t < 2.5 µs,
complicating its maintenance. In addition, for a voltage a discharge develops from the anode, as was already
action time of <1 µs, Eb is virtually independent of p well known. For t > 2.5 µs, a discharge sometimes
[8]; for a thoroughly degassed liquid, the effect of p on developed from the cathode. The probability of this
Eb becomes much weaker [24]. process increased with t, but remained small compared
to the probability of a breakdown from the anode. The
resulting volt–second water breakdown characteristic
2.2. Changes in the Near-Electrode Conditions of t = 0.3–20 µs is shown in Fig. 8.
Water breakdown is usually initiated at microinho- Experiments with near-electrode layers began with
mogeneities on the electrodes due to amplification of the anodes being shielded by such a layer. A solid elec-
the field E at their tops. Paper [50] described studies on trode served as the cathode. It was found that, for delay
the creation of a conducting layer with a conductivity times t ≤ 2 µs, an almost twofold increase in Eb (curve
σÒ, which fell smoothly with the depth in the liquid, 2 in Fig. 8) was observed in comparison to the case of
near the electrode surfaces (ρ ≈ 1 MΩ cm). The effec- nonporous electrodes (curve 1). As t increased, the
tive thickness of this layer was greater by far than the volt–second characteristics corresponding to the
size of the micropoints but much shorter than the inter- unshielded anode electrode approached one another.
electrode distance. When the cathode was shielded, a breakdown
Solid and porous (with pore dimensions of ~5 µm) always developed from the anode, and the volt–second
stainless-steel disk Rogowsky electrodes were used in characteristic was the same as for a breakdown between
the experiments to create a homogeneous field on an solid electrodes (curve 1).
~1-cm-diameter area. To eliminate the “diffuse” layers' Experiments in the presence of conducting layers
instability in the Earth’s gravitational field, the elec- near both electrodes yielded different results depending
trodes were arranged one above the other, so that their on the duration tr. At tr ~ 1 µs and Eb ~ 1 MV/cm, a
axis of symmetry was vertical. A solution of blue vitriol breakdown occurred only 150–250 ns after U was
CuSO4 with a density slightly higher than water was applied. The breakdown developed independently of
injected through the lower porous electrode into the the polarity of the electrode potential and propagated
water. A solution of FeCl2 in ethanol with a density away from the electrode with the lower layer conduc-



tivity. An almost fourfold increase in the gap BS, com-

pared to the case of unshielded electrodes (curve 3,
Fig. 8), was achieved for t = 0.3–1 µs. The discharge + –
developed simultaneously from the both electrodes.
The results of these experiments showed clearly that
the main role determining the water BS is played by the 1.5 1
near-surface processes at the electrodes. These are 2
determined by microprotrusions on the electrodes; the
former amplify the field and form gas microbubbles, 3
from which a discharge in water is initiated.
The shielding of electrodes by diffusion layers can
hardly be employed in EPFs, since large-area elec- 0.5
0 d
trodes with micropores are difficult to manufacture.
Moreover, the electrodes must have a certain orienta- Fig. 9. Field E distribution in water between the electrodes as
tion in the Earth’s gravitational field. If electrolytes are a function of the polarity of charges injected by the elec-
introduced into the water, it is necessary to replace the trodes: (1) positive; (2) negative; and (3) bipolar. The mean
water after each pulse; otherwise, unrealistic require- field E0 = U/d (U is the potential difference between the elec-
trodes at the field measurement moment, d = 1 cm is the gap).
ments will be imposed on the water purification system.

2.3. Injection of Charges It was established that stainless steel and Cu inject
from the Electrode Materials into Water positive charges; under certain conditions when elec-
trodes of different materials are used, steel and Cu
Papers [51, 52] and the references therein present inject negative charges. Al electrodes inject only nega-
the results from studies of the influence of electrode tive charges, while brass electrodes can emit charges of
materials on the injection of charge carriers from elec- both signs. Brass is an alloy of Cu and Zn; therefore, Cu
trodes into purified water, depending on the duration of is the most probable injector of positive charges, while
the potential difference applied between the electrodes. Zn injects negative charges. Table 7 presents the char-
Stainless steel, aluminum, brass, and copper served as acter of charge injection, depending on the material and
the electrode materials. The length, width, and thick- polarity of the electrodes.
ness of the electrodes were 110, 3.7, and 1 cm, respec- It was not explained in [51, 52] in what facilities it
tively. The radius of rounding their edges was 0.47 cm, is necessary to maintain a high voltage for ~1 ms using
and the interelectrode gap was 1 cm in length. The water water insulation. This is probably associated with the
was preliminarily purified, deionized, degassed, and cir- search for ways of charging storage units from electro-
culated at a velocity of 2 l/min through the interelectrode mechanical generators and inductive storages.
gap. The pulse voltage amplitude was ≤150 kV.
When analyzing the experimental results, it seems
The general results were as follows: The electrodes surprising that the water BS was maintained for such a
begin to inject charge carriers into water 100 µs after long time. The explanation for this is as follows: Water
the voltage was applied. These carriers reduced the ρ is highly deionized (ρ ~ 50 MΩ cm), and the current
value of water and formed a space charge between the density through it is insufficiently high for electrolysis
electrodes, which modified the field E distribution pat- with the formation of gas bubbles near the electrodes.
tern. The value and sign of charges depended on the As was pointed out, it is important that the gas mole-
electrode material. By selecting an appropriate combi- cules adsorbed at the electrode surfaces and reservoir
nation of electrode materials, one can obtain (for an walls be removed. The polishing of electrode surfaces
average E in water of ~100 kV/cm) an uncharged, or by ion bombardment (an electric discharge in argon) is
unipolar (positively or negatively), or bipolar charged mentioned, but it is not clear whether such electrodes
liquid dielectric. A bipolar injection that allowed a were used in these experiments. Passivated electropol-
decrease in E near the electrode surfaces and a 40% ished electrodes were probably applied.
increase in the voltage of a spontaneous water break-
down was especially important. In this way, the operat-
ing voltage can be raised by the same value and the 2.4. Water Purification from Mechanical Particles
stored energy density can be increased by a factor of That Do Not Change the Water Resistivity
almost two. The effect of the degree to which the water is made
The field distributions were measured using the Kerr pure of organic and mechanical particles that do not
electrooptic effect. All measurements were performed change its ρ was studied experimentally in [53]. A pulse
with ρ changing from 40 to 60 MΩ cm and at a water voltage with a duration of ≥65 µs was applied to a gap
temperature of 7°ë in order to reveal more clearly the filled with a water insulator. It is asserted that a water
influence of the space charge. Figure 9 shows the plots BS of long duration is needed for high-power large
of the field distributions. facilities in which the electric capacitor is often charged



Table 7. Character of charge injection, materials, and polar- in diameter with rounded edges. No information on the
ities of electrode potentials treatment and state of the electrode surfaces is avail-
able. The particles' substances are unknown, but it can
Character Electrode material Potential
of charge
be understood indirectly that small grains of ion-
anode cathode in time, µs exchange resins were entering the high-voltage gap
injection rence, kV
from the deionization columns.
Positive Cu stainless 1260 78 When there were no filters in the water purification
charges steel system, the average water breakdown field measured
stainless stainless 1000 91 over four days was 161 ± 8 kV/cm with Cu electrodes.
steel steel When filters that retained particles of >30 and >0.5 µm
Cu Cu 1500 88 were included in series in the water purification loop,
Negative Al Al 1260 68 the BS increased to Eb = 186 ± 4 kV/cm. When an addi-
charges tional organic filter was present (the size of the retained
Cu Brass 1040 85
particles is not reported, but the discussion allows one
Al Brass 1250 67 to suggest that their size is at least 0.2 µm), Eb = 222 ±
Bipolar in- Brass Brass 1000 96 2 kV/cm.
jection Brass Cu 1250 67 Table 8 lists the measured Eb values for other elec-
Cu Al 752 92 trode materials. It was noted that introducing a filter
with activated charcoal for a short time additionally
stainless Al 1010 73
steel raises Eb. It is assumed that coal actively binds organic
particles with a size of <0.5 µm and >0.2 µm.
Brass stainless 1000 79
steel It was additionally determined that polypropylene
and polyvinylidene fluoride are the best polymer mate-
stainless Cu 752 102 rials for the units of the water purification system.
Brass Al 996 89
In analyzing [53], we should note that neither the
shape nor the amplitude of the testing high-voltage
stainless Brass 752 76 pulse was given, and the breakdown initiation mecha-
steel nism in the presence of inorganic particles in water was
not considered. According to [54], it can be assumed
that grains of ionites represent a strong electrolyte solu-
Table 8. Mean Eb (kV/cm) values at various filters and elec- tion. Such grains on the electrode surfaces are conduct-
trode materials ing macroinhomogeneities that amplify the field E at
Electrode Without With 30- and With an addition- their tops. This field initiates a discharge that is subse-
material filters 0.5-µm filters al organic filter quently transformed into a breakdown through water.
The larger the number of such grains, the higher the
Graphite 137 ± 12.5 breakdown probability.
Stainless steel 145 ± 8 174 ± 8 190 ± 3
304 SS
2.5. Injection of Bipolar Ions
Al 159 ± 4
of Amino Acids into Water
Cu 161 ± 8 186 ± 4 222 ± 2
Paper [55] describes studies of the pulse BS for
W 163 ± 3 217.6 water with ρ ≈ 20 MΩ cm upon the introduction of
Au 168 ± 6.5 bipolar (zwitter) amino acid ions. The water was puri-
Pb 169 ± 4 fied from mechanical particles with dimensions of
>0.5 µm. The electrodes, separated by a 1-cm gap, cre-
ated a homogeneous field; their area was changed from
in a multimicrosecond regime (particular facilities are 60 to 150 cm2. A triangular voltage pulse with a varied
not mentioned). duration t = 1–5 µs was applied to the gap. The most
detailed studies of the effect of additives were per-
Special attention was focused on purifying and formed for β-alanine (NH2–CH2–CH2–COOH) and
degassing the water thoroughly. Tygon tubes were glycine (NH2–CH2–COOH) at concentrations q =
removed from the water purification system, since this 0.01–0.1 mol/l.
material evolves a plasticizer into water, and a UV ster- It was found experimentally that, for t = 5 µs, Eb is
ilizer was introduced into the system. All of the experi- a complex function of the concentration q being deter-
ments were performed at ρ ≈ 18 MΩ cm and a water mined by the electrode material. For ferrite-type stain-
temperature of +10°ë, which reduced the liberation of less steel, Eb exceeds Ew for pure water by a factor of
gas from the water. The tested water gap with a 0.8-cm 1.33 at q = 0.03 for β-alanine. For q ≥ 0.06, the BS of
thick layer was formed by flat disk electrodes 10.2 cm the solution falls to Ew. For austenite-class stainless



steel electrodes, Eb has two peaks, at q = 0.33 (Eb /Ew = 2.6. Formation of Near-Electrode Layers
1.48) and q = 0.055 (Eb /Ew = 1.41), and one minimum, at by Passing a Direct Current through Water
q = 0.04 (Eb /Ew = 1.08). For Al electrodes, the introduc- An analysis of the results of works [50–52, 55],
tion of an amino acid leads to a monotonically decreas- devoted to the formation of near-electrode layers with
ing BS of the liquid with increasing q. enhanced conductivity, allowed the author of this
Similar results were obtained at t = 1.5 µs. The only review to substantiate in 1990 the possibility of concen-
difference was a shift of the minimum to larger q values trating the cations and anions located in near-electrode
and a slight increase in the peaks to Eb/Ew = 1.52 and layers of water by passing a direct current with a den-
1.48, respectively. Almost similar results were obtained sity of up to several mA/cm2 through the water. The
for titanium at t = 1.5 µs, but the Eb /Ew values at the ions released by the electrodes into the liquid and the
peaks were lower, 1.38 and 1.44. H+ and OH– ions resulting from a continuous dissocia-
tion of water molecules were considered as charge car-
When the quality of water purification degrades riers supplied to the near-electrode regions. A combina-
(ρ falls), the positive effect from the introduction of tion of the charge carrier accumulation and concentra-
amino acids is weakened. The highest value Eb /Ew = tion values experimentally determined in [51, 52] was
1.26 was obtained for ρ ≈ 1 MΩ cm. taken as the basis for an approximate selection of the
direct-current parameters: for ρ ≈ 50 MΩ cm and Ew ~
It is important that, in the presence of additives, the 100 kV/cm, the required time was tw ~ 1 ms. It follows
rms spread of Eb values falls by a factor of 3; its maxi- from here that, at a multiply lower field EÒ and a sub-
mum value is 8%. stantially longer duration of current flow tÒ with allow-
ance for the lower mobility of ions and a possible par-
Brass electrodes coated with Cr, Ni, and Sn were tial recombination of charges, a criterion for the cre-
tested in an experimental run. The BS for water doped ation of near-electrode layers is the inequality
with β-alanine was almost equal to the BS for pure
water under identical experimental conditions. Ectc ≥ Ewtw = 105 V/cm × 10–3 Ò = 102 V s/cm. (26)
Apart from amino acids, SF6 (dissolved in water at Thus, tc > 1 s at Ec = 100 V/cm. However, it was unclear
an excess pressure of 3 Mpa) and chloroform (CHCl3) what polarity of electrodes is required, compared to
were tested as water additives. Both agents bring about their polarity upon the application of a high voltage.
insignificant changes in the ρ of the water and are elec- When the voltage sources are connected with the same
tron–acceptor substances; their rates of reaction with polarity, negatively and positively charged ions must be
hydrated electrons is three orders of magnitude higher concentrated near the cathode and anode, respectively.
than those of amino acids. It was established that SF6 The space charges near the electrodes must also depend
did not affect the BS in a homogeneous field, and on the direct-current parameters, the density of the
CHCl3 drastically reduced it at q = 0.03: breakdowns impurity ions, and on the type of ions participating in
were observed even at Eb = 2 kV/cm. It was initially the electrochemical reactions (i.e., on the electrode
assumed that these substances would interact effi- material). When the sources are connected in a manner
opposite to the above, the polarities of the near-elec-
ciently with hydrated electrons, forming low-mobility
trode layers are also reversed. The layer characteristics
products of chemical reactions and thus reducing the may be affected by water electrolysis, during which the
intensity of prebreakdown processes associated with amount of released hydrogen is twice as large as the
the motion of electrons in water. Nevertheless, the amount of oxygen. Moreover, the coefficient of reverse
authors of [55] considered that the BS in a “negative dissolution of hydrogen in the water is 2.2 times less
point–plane” electrode system can be increased, since than that for oxygen [56]. Some other factors could also
prebreakdown electron processes will proceed in the affect the behavior of the layers. Therefore, the final
near-cathode region as distinct from a system with a answer to a number of the questions that arise could be
homogeneous field and a discharge development from found experimentally.
the anode.
Two electrodes 4 cm in diameter and made of
Hence, introducing surface-active bipolar molecules X18H10T stainless steel were installed in a water-filled
of amino acids into water evidently affects the charac- propylene vessel. The length of the interelectrode gap
teristics of the double electric layers in the water near was adjusted. The field in the gap was virtually homo-
the electrodes. Amino acid molecules can be adsorbed geneous. The vessel, electrodes, and the conductors
on their surfaces; this, when their amounts are optimal connected to them were thoroughly degreased and
and stainless-steel or titanium electrodes are used, rinsed. The resistivity of the water was ~1 MΩ cm.
makes it possible to increase the stored energy density A dc current source (a voltage of 500 V and a current of
by a factor of 2. However, using this method to increase 1 A) was connected to the high-voltage electrode of the
E requires that the technology for selectively purifying tested gap through a decoupling choke.
the water of impurity ions be developed, provided the A source of trapezoidal pulses with an amplitude of
concentration of amino acids remains constant. 50 kV and a duration of ~30 ns initially served as the



high-voltage generator. It was connected to the gap ~5 cm, a large area (>105 cm2) of the electrodes, and
electrodes through a blocking capacitor. It followed ρ ~ 5 MΩ cm, high-power rectifiers for voltages of tens
from [7, 8] that, for a density j ≥ 6 mA/cm2 of a current of kilovolts and currents of tens of amperes are needed.
flowing for a long time, water electrolysis may occur, As was made clear later, similar independent studies
accompanied by gases evolved near the electrodes. The had been performed earlier in [57], and the results
initial experimental current densities were therefore obtained were close to those presented above. For
much lower. example, for a duration of test pulses of 1.5 µs, an inter-
The direct-current duration tÒ was estimated from electrode distance of 1 cm, and an area of the electrodes
(26) and totaled 5–25 s. Within these limits, an interval of 30–150 cm2, Eb was ~1.7 times larger and its spread
was chosen during which the initial current with j = is reduced by a factor of 2–3.
0.1 mA/cm2 flowed, and at the end of which a high-
voltage pulse was applied. The length d of the water gap
was adjusted so that it was broken down with 50% 3. CHARACTERISTICS OF WATER MIXTURES
probability at the pulse top. The breakdown was moni- WITH ETHYLENE GLYCOL AND METHANOL
tored both visually and using an oscilloscope. The dc The possibility of using “slower” (with a pulse dura-
source and the high-voltage generator were turned on tion of >300 µs) inexpensive electromechanical stor-
each 5 min. The current density was then increased, and ages (synchronous ac generators or turbine-driven gen-
the procedure was repeated. erators with forced excitation) or inductive storages
A family of functions d = f( j) was obtained for par- (e.g., [58, 59]) rather than voltage pulse generators as
ticular time intervals for the sources connected with the powerful intermediate high-voltage sources in high-
same polarities and for the opposite connection. All of energy-capacity EPFs with water insulation is often
the plots had d minima, at which the BS reached a max- discussed in the literature. These storages have a higher
imum at ~15 s. It turned out that, when the sources were stored energy density per unit volume than capacitor
connected in the opposite fashion, the minimum gap d banks, thus allowing the dimensions and cost of an EPF
was attained at j ≈ 0.6 mA/cm2; for the unipolar connec- to be reduced. In the first case, the voltage must be
tion, the same gap length d was ensured at j ≈ transferred to the EPF final storage (a power sharpener)
1.6 mA/cm2. At these optimal current densities, the BS through a step-up transformer. Since it takes a long time
rose by a factor of ~1.6. to charge the final storage, the relaxation time constant
A source of unipolar pulses that reached an ampli- τ = ρε of its electric insulation must be longer than the
tude of 65 kV in 0.5 µs was then used as a high-voltage charging time.
generator. The measurement procedure was similar to It is known that both the dissociation of water mol-
that presented above, and the results were close to those ecules and the ion mobility decrease as the temperature
already obtained; i.e., the minima of d = f( j) corre- T falls and ε increases; τ for purified water decreases by
sponded to the same current densities and polarities of a factor of ~5, when T falls from 20 to 0°ë. However,
the connected sources. However, the BS increase was pure water cannot be used at negative temperatures.
slightly (~1.5 times) lower. Switching off the direct cur- Therefore, a search was undertaken for mixtures of
rent ~1 s before the application of a high-voltage pulse water with such liquids that would possess suitable
did not change the character of the above dependences. characteristics at a freezing temperature of <0°ë. At
Hence, the preliminary passage of a direct current negative temperatures, the mixture will have a larger τ,
with a density j = 0.5–1.6 mA/cm2 (depending on the which may solve the problem of a slow charging pro-
connection of the sources) through a water gap with cess in the EPF sharpener. In a frequency EPF operat-
X18H10T stainless-steel electrodes for 15 s allows the ing mode in which it is very important that the heat
BS to be raised by a factor of ~1.5. As applied to EPFs, caused by inevitable energy losses in EPF units be
this method allows either the operating voltage to be removed, this liquid at negative temperatures would
increased by a factor of up to 1.5 at a constant length of allow the simultaneous cooling of these units.
the water gap and the energy density to be raised by a A water–ethylene glycol mixture seemed promising
factor of up to 2.2, or a 1.5-fold decrease in the gap at for such applications [14]. Ethylene glycol is a two-
an unaltered operating voltage by improving the atom alcohol with the chemical formula
device’s mass–dimension and performance characteris- HOCH2CH2OH. At T = 20°C, its permittivity is ε = 38,
tics. In this case, it is possible to reduce the storage the density is 1.1088 g/cm3, and the freezing tempera-
impedance in the EPF and to extend its charging time; ture id –115°ë. It is produced by oxidizing ethylene; as
this simplifies the design of the charging source and a result, the final product is contaminated with acetic
reduces its energy loss. acid, which dissociates in the solution and increases the
This method for creating near-electrode layers with conductivity of ethylene glycol. Therefore, “fresh” eth-
increased conductivity can also be applied to glycerin, ylene glycol has ρ ≈ 0.3 MΩ cm and a relaxation con-
ethylene glycol, spirits, and their mixtures with water. stant τ = ρε = 11 µs.
When deciding to use this method for increasing the It turned out, however, that conventional water
BS, one should bear in mind that, for gap lengths of deionization methods are also suitable for water–ethyl-



ene glycol mixtures and allow the ρ of the mixture to be ε

raised to 60 MΩ cm at room temperature. The values of 90
ε and loss tangent tan tan δ as functions of the electric
frequency f at 25°ë are presented below [14]: 40%
f, Hz 104 105 106 107 108 3 · 108 3 · 109 1010 60%
ε 42 41 41 41 41 39 12 7 60
tagδ 3 0.3 0.03 0.008 0.045 0.16 0.78 1 50
q = 100%
The considerable losses at low frequencies are 40
explained by a large error in measurements, caused by
insufficient mixture deionization: the measurements –40 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30
were performed before high-quality liquid-purification T, °C
systems had been widely introduced into practice.
A water–ethylene glycol mixture of 60 : 40 compo- Fig. 10. The mixture permittivity ε as a function of the mass
sition has a freezing temperature of –51°ë. Such a mix- content q and the mixture temperature T.
ture is often used as antifreeze for internal combustion
engines. The ε values of the mixture, depending on its
composition and temperature, are presented in the plots anomalous fall is caused by the charge injection from
in Fig. 10 [14]. The ε increment with falling tempera- the electrode surfaces into the liquid leading to an
ture is ~0.4%/°ë. increase in its effective conductivity from σ to σ + ψν,
where ψ is the time- and spatial-coordinate-dependent
The ε change is described by the Akerlof empirical density of injected charges with a mobility ν (see also
equation [14] Section 2.3).
ε = aexp(–bT), (27) A water–ethylene glycol mixture in EPFs has not as
where a and b are the constants tabulated for various q yet been used in practice. This is associated with a num-
values of the ethylene glycol content in the mixture. ber of additional technical difficulties and expenses, the
need to have a refrigerator as part of an EPF, and the
q, % 0 20 40 60 70 80 90 100 maximum expediency of operating units with this insu-
a 88.33 82.36 76.05 68.22 62.94 56.51 49.95 42.85 lation at negative temperatures of the ambient air. Oper-
b, 10–6 4720 4951 5296 5526 5572 5438 5319 5158 ational expenses increase under such conditions, and
the staff has to maintain the equipment at a uncomfort-
ably low temperature. Ethylene glycol irritates the skin,
Formula (27) was obtained at a frequency of 2 MHz, which must be protected during work.
and can be used down to the freezing temperature of
mixtures. The electrical properties of water–methanol
The data from Fig. 10 and formula (27) allow one to (CH3OH) mixtures were studied in [59]. The objective
choose a suitable concentration of ethylene glycol and was to test the possibility of using this mixture as an
an operating temperature of the mixture with the insulator in a secondary low-impedance, high-voltage
required ε value between 40 and 88. energy storage with an electrical length of ~40 ns; this
allows a reduction in the energy loss during its charging
In measuring BS, it was discovered that a large num-
ber of the bubbles that appear during a breakdown stick
to the electrode surfaces. These bubbles disappear in Table 9. Breakdown electric field Eb for a mixture versus
almost 24 h. The electric fields in breakdowns were the ethylene glycol concentration q in water, temperature T,
measured from interference patterns using the Kerr and effective voltage action time tef
electrooptic effect. Table 9 lists the breakdown fields as
a function of the content q of ethylene glycol in water, Eb, W, 10–2
q, % T, °C tef, ms ε τ, ms
the temperature T, and the effective time tef of the volt- kV/cm J/cm3
age action; the corresponding values of ε, relaxation 130 0 0 0.25 88 0.67 6.6
time τ (calculated from low-voltage measurements),
and energy density W at these parameters are also pre- 160 40 25 0.10 67 0.20 7.6
sented. 160 40 –11 0.40 79 2.70 9.0
It happened, however, that, at fields E > 50 kV/cm, 160 60 30 0.18 58 0.30 6.6
the voltage across the open electrodes of capacitors 140 60 –23 0.97 77 15.0 6.7
insulated by such a mixture declined much more rap- 210 80 25 0.45 49 1.4 9.6
idly than followed from τ measurements at low E. It
was assumed that the mobility of charge carriers might 170 80 –10 1.00 60 23.0 7.7
depend on high fields. It was then discovered that this 270 95 28 0.20 40 2.50 12.9



Table 10. Comparative characteristics of H2O + methanol and H2O + ethylene glycol mixtures
Mixture q, % T, °C τ, ms td, ms Eb, kV/cm ε W, 10–3 J/cm3 A, 10–6 J s/cm 3
H2O + methanol 34 –13 2.23 1.05 121 71 46 48
34 –22 3.71 1.59 118 76 47 74
H2O + ethylene glycol 40 –11 2.7 0.4 160 79 90 36
60 –23 15.0 0.97 140 77 67 65

for a few microseconds from an inductive storage with tor of choice for secondary storages charged in milli-
a superconducting coil made, in particular, from a new second times. Although the maximum field Eb = 125
material, MgB2. It was mentioned above that many of kV/cm in this mixture is lower than Eb = 160 kV/cm in
the ions impairing the EPF characteristics were injected the other, with allowance for the injection of a smaller
into the H2O –ethylene glycol insulation; therefore, it number of ions into the methanol mixture, a storage
was desirable that a more efficient mixture be selected. unit with this insulation will be more efficient during
Methanol has a permittivity ε = 33.6 at 20°ë, which charging and transferring the energy to the load, since
changes almost linearly from 47.5 at –60°ë to 27.45 at the energy density A has a maximum of 74 × 10–6
+50°ë, and a loss tangent tan tan δ ≈ 0.04 at frequen- J s/cm3 at –23°C.
cies of 10 and 100 MHz [60]. The BS for degassed
methanol is ~88 kV/cm, the freezing temperature is 4. WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEMS FOR EPF
−93.9°ë, and the density at 20°ë is 0.7924 g/cm3.
Methanol is toxic and penetrates through the skin. The principles of the design, operation, technologi-
cal processes (mechanical purification, desalinization,
A capacitor with coaxial tubular stainless-steel elec- deaeration, regeneration of ionites, etc.), and the main-
trodes (37 and 50 mm in diameter) was manufactured tenance of the units of water purification systems
for the experiments. It was placed in a chamber filled (WPSs) in heat and nuclear power stations and central
with an H2O + methanol mixture that could be cooled heating plants have been outlined in several books (e.g.,
to –50°ë. To obtain the required resistivity ρ (the value [54, 61, 62]). However, no descriptions of WPSs and
is not given), the mixture was continuously circulated their features for large EPFs are available from the lit-
through a deionization filter (the type is not specified). erature, although more than 50 such EPFs with water-
A voltage with a rise time of 6 µs to the flat pulse top insulated units have been described since 1970 (e.g., 39
was applied to the capacitor every ~4 min. EPFs and their characteristics are listed in [14]).
The following parameters were measured as func- A series of accelerators with water insulation (RIUS-3V,
tions of the mass concentration q(%) of methanol in LIU-10, LIU-30, I-3000, STRAUS, STRAUS-2,
water and the mixture temperature T(°ë) for E = 2– LIU-10M) has also been developed at RFNC–VNIIEF,
122 kV/cm: the time of voltage decay by 37%, i.e., the and other facilities with the same insulation are being
effective field strength duration td; the time of voltage developed.
decay by 63%, i.e., the medium relaxation constant τ ≈
ρε; the breakdown field Eb; the maximum stored energy Several small WPSs, used primarily in studies of
density W; and the operating energy density A = Wtd (the various aspects of the water BS, have been described in
best parameter for characterizing the insulation). The the literature.
maximum concentration q was 34% in order to avoid Along with water deionization, one of the main
the possible combustion of the mixture during break- functions of a WPS for EPFs is removing gases from
downs. the water (see Subsection 1.4.7). Almost 100% of the
The measured mixture characteristics are presented carbon dioxide dissolved in water forms a weak and
as a series of plots. The principal results are listed in low-stability carbonic acid through a reversible CO2 +
Table 10 in comparison to the same data for the H2O + H2é H2CO3 reaction. The acid decomposes

ethylene glycol mixture from [14]. The latter mixture at mainly into H+ and HC O 3 ions and can saturate the ion
–11°C and q = 40% has larger τ and Eb values than the exchange anionite resins in the WPS quite quickly,
H2O + methanol mixture at –13°C and q = 34%. How- making them inoperative. Therefore, all WPSs are
ever, the methanol mixture has larger td and A. At equipped with degasifiers (deaeration columns (DCs)),
−22°C, td and A are also larger for H2O + methanol than in which air is rarefied and part of the gas is removed
for H2O + ethylene glycol at –23°C and q = 60%. The from the liquid.
td-to-τ ratio shows that the number of charges injected
into an H2O + methanol mixture is inferior to that for It was proposed in [16] that the degree of water
H2O + ethylene glycol. degassing η during experiments be calculated using the
These measurements allowed the authors [59] to
conclude that an H2O + methanol mixture is the insula- η, % = 100[1 – ( p – pw)/760], (28)



4 8

3 5 7

Fig. 11. Schematic of the water purification system for preparing water–ethylene glycol mixtures: (1, 6) water pumps; (2) reservoir
with liquids; (3) DIC with a mixed resin layer; (4) thermostat (heat exchanger); (5) test chamber with a discharge test gap; (7) DC;
(8) vacuum pump; and (9) coolant.

where p and pw, Torr, are the pressure of the residual gas autonomous and ensured circulation of the mixture
in the DC and the partial pressure of water vapors at the between the test chamber and the degasifier to achieve
operating temperature. maximum removal of gases from the mixture.
Paper [12] presented a simplified scheme of a WPS
for experimental studies of the water BS for a field of As the temperature fell, the mixture viscosity
150–500 kV/cm with a pulse duration of 2–10 µs (see increased along with the solubility of the gas in it.
also Subsection 1.4.5). The WPS contained the follow- Degassing must therefore be conducted at a positive
ing units: a pump with a water circulation rate of temperature (T ≈ 25°ë), i.e., before the mixture is
>8 l/min; a deionization column (DIC) with a mixed cooled to the operating temperature. It turned out in
resin layer; a DC with a vacuum pump equipped with a practice that it is useful to conduct the deaeration pro-
trap with dry ice at the pump inlet for protecting it from cess at a temperature of down to +5°ë and, only after
water vapors; a thermostat for maintaining a specified this, to shut off the degassing loop, isolating it from the
water temperature; a UV sterilizer for preventing the other systems. When selecting pipelines and pumps of
growth of bacteria in water; and a test chamber with the mixture preparation system that have the required
electrodes. All of the WPS tubes were made of polyvi- characteristics, one must consider the decrease in the
nylchloride, the water pump had a nitrided rotor, and liquid circulation velocity resulting from an increase in
the DC had a Plexiglas body. The test facility, including its viscosity. Polycarbonate (Lexan) and polysulfon
the WPS, had the minimum number of metal parts aside were found to be the most suitable polymer materials
from the electrodes of the breakdown gap, a copper for the system, since they absorb practically no water.
tube in the thermostat, and the stainless-steel electrodes Nylon and Delrine (formaldehyde resin) were unsuit-
in the water resistance sensors; there were also no glass able, since they absorb a great deal of water.
components. The degree of water degassing was calcu- Schemes of two versions of a WPS for studying the
lated using formula (28) and exceeded 90%. effect of mechanical particles on water BS were pre-
Water was processed in the WPS for 3 h before mea- sented in [53]. These particles were grains of the ion
surements and was circulated continuously during the exchange resins that entered the interelectrode gap,
experiments. The total amount of water in the facility which had a high pulse field. The influence of these
was 80 l. A resistivity of ρ = 18 MΩ cm was maintained grains on the drop in BS was discussed in Section 2.4.
constant at T = 25°ë; during the night, ρ fell to 2– The WPS from [16] taken as the basic model was mod-
3 MΩ cm. No other information on the WPS is pre- ified to allow the possibility of pumping water to the
sented. test chamber through any combination of three filters
Paper [14] briefly describes a WPS (Fig. 11) connected in series: F1, retaining particles with dimen-
designed to treat and prepare water–ethylene glycol sions of >30 µm; F2, retaining particles with dimen-
mixtures with different mass compositions in order to sions of >0.5 µm; and F3, an organic filter (the dimen-
measure their permittivity ε, breakdown strength, and sions of the retained particles are not specified). They
relaxation time. The WPS had two loops. The main were of the following types: macropure, Barnstead #
loop included a reservoir with a liquid, circulated by a D0836 with a mixed resin layer; ultrapure D1, Barn-
pump through the DIC to the thermostat and then to the stead # D0809; organic free, Barnstead # D0820; and
test chamber with electrodes. The second loop was the outlet filter retaining particles of >0.2 µm (0.20 µm



filter, Barnstead # D0749). High and stable Eb parame- develop the surface. Packings are manufactured from
ters were obtained with these filters (see Section 2.4). metals, glass, polymers, ceramics, and other materials.
Large EPFs with a volume of insulating water of Packings in the form of Rashig rings with a typical
several cubic meters and more need additional sealed diameter and height of 50 mm are the most widespread.
reservoirs of sufficient volume. They initially store Most important are the designs of the bearing plates and
water, which is usually taken not from the water supply the redistributers of the liquid, as these affect the
line (ρ ~ 3 kΩ cm) but from turbine condensers of ther- regime and stability of the operating columns. The
mal power stations (ρ > 30 kΩ cm). The reservoirs operating principles of the columns and DCs, their
allow additional treatment of water in the WPS before operating regimes and structures, and calculations of
it fills the EPF units and is subsequently added to the their characteristics are presented in detail in [63] and
units if necessary; they also contain water pumped in are not considered here.
from the units when the latter are dismantled for pre- In concluding this section, we should note the fol-
ventive maintenance. lowing: In the WPSs of thermal power stations, sedi-
In order to obtain the required deionization and ments usually consisting of microorganisms, calcium
degassing characteristics, the water circulated through and magnesium carbonates, etc., form on the inner sur-
the EPF units usually passes through several parallel faces of pipelines on the side from which cold water is
purification loops with variants of parallel–series con- fed [64]. This leads to increased hydraulic resistance in
nections. Since the water BS decreases as a result of the pipes and a reduction of their efficiency of opera-
microbubbles forming from gases dissolved in the tion. The most efficient method for preventing biologi-
water and from the rapid absorption of gases from the cal pollution is chlorinating the cooling water by dop-
air, it is necessary to ensure how leakproof the EPF and ing it with reagents that contain active chlorine
WPS units are, along with the connecting pipelines and (calcium hypochlorite or other hypochlorites). Micro-
fittings. It is desirable that all of the EPF and WPS units organisms precipitating on walls or being in water die
allow rarefaction in them down to a few Torrs before and are easily washed away by the water flow. Spore
they are filled with water. The components must be pro- bacilli also penetrate from the air into the WPSs of
duced from metals that do not corrode in water (as a EPFs. Under favorable moisture and heat conditions,
rule, from stainless steel) and polymer materials that they actively multiply inside the WPS pipelines and
weakly adsorb water and do not reduce its BS. units, forming gel-like layers (mucus) up to 1 mm thick
on their surfaces and on the EPF high-voltage elements.
äì-2-8-˜ë cationite and ÄÇ-17-8-˜ë anionite The total number of known spore bacilli is 400; they are
produced in grains with dimensions of 0.4–1.25 mm are present in all natural water basins, are not pathogenic,
the materials most frequently used in DICs for electro- and are therefore virtually uncontrollable. Analyses of
physical facilities. The grains swell in water, and the cat- samples of the mucus from WPSs of EPFs at VNIIEF
ionite and anionite densities become equal to ~1.15 g/cm3 have revealed the presence of >20 spore types. The
and 1.08 g/cm3, respectively. This must be taken into influence of this layer on the BS has not been studied;
consideration, since it is best to apply a DIC with a however, the mechanical particles that are not washed
mixed layer. Water must be therefore fed into it from away by the water flow penetrate into it and stick to the
top down, but not vice versa; otherwise, resins will be high-voltage parts. This can reduce the water BS.
distributed along the height according to their densities. Therefore, during the disassembly of EPF high-voltage
The design, operation, and characteristics of the DIC units for preventive maintenance, the surfaces of their
are similar to those of the WPSs of thermal power sta- parts are mechanically cleaned of mucus and rinsed.
tions, as well as the techniques and equipment for ionite The mucus considerably reduces the capacity of the
regeneration [54, 61, 62]. grid filters at the DIC inlets and outlets, and the grids
The DC is one of the most important units of a WPS. must also be periodically cleaned of mucus. Of course,
The reliability of EPFs depends largely on an appropri- spores will reduce the water flow more intensely
ate DC design and operating mode. To remove water- through mechanical filters with submicron and micron
dissolved gases from the liquid, it is required that water mesh dimensions. Unfortunately, the chlorination of
be naturally spread and flow downward in the form of water or the injection of acids into it in the WPS pipes
thin layers (monomolecular layers are preferable) in the of EPFs is prohibited. The WPS in [16] included a UV
rarefied DC volume. Water ring pumps usually produce sterilizer to prevent microorganisms from growing in
the rarefaction. Water spreading is achieved using “col- the water. However, the sterilizer characteristics are not
umn apparatuses” or “packed columns”, conventional presented and the effect obtained is not reported.
installations in chemical technology. They serve to
develop the contact surface between the interacting
phase flows and thus to increase the absorption, mass 5. COMPARISON OF THE CHARACTERISTICS
exchange, heat exchange, and other efficiencies. The OF COAXIAL STORAGES WITH DIFFERENT
packings themselves are loaded either in bulk (irregular INSULATING MEDIA
packings) or in a certain order (regular packings) on the Installations for studying nuclear fusion or creating
bearing plates (grids) in the apparatuses and serve to ultrahigh-power bremsstrahlung pulses for radiation



investigations must have an output impedance of ~1 Ω Table 11. Parameters of a coaxial line
in order to produce a pulse current of ≥1 MA in a load
at a voltage of several megavolts. Let us analyze and Parameters Water (ε = 80) Oil(ε = 3) Air (ε = 1)
compare the electrical and geometrical parameters of a/b 1.65 2.72 1.65 2.72 1.65 2.72
the coaxial storage units (cylindrical coaxial lines)
l, m 1.68 1.68 8.66 8.66 15.0 15.0
needed to solve this task, if insulating media with dif-
ferent ε are used in them. Um, MV 3.69 5.18 8.33 11.78 10.95 15.49
After an ideal coaxial line charged to a voltage U is Z, Ω 3.4 6.7 17.35 34.66 30.0 60.0
switched to a matched load R, it must transfer a con- a, m 1.21 1.41 2.74 3.2 3.61 4.21
stant power P for a time t equal to the double electrical b, m 0.73 0.52 1.66 1.18 2.19 1.55
length tl (4). The wave impedance Z of the line (5) and
Insulator vo- 4.9 9.0 127.9 241.1 388.1 721.9
R are matched when condition lume, m3
R=Z (29)
is met.
mum voltage) using formulas (29)–(37). This line
The coaxial line must operate at the greatest possi- transmits an energy Y = 100 kJ (a power of 1 TW) in a
ble field strength Em that does not cause an unsanc- pulse with a duration t = 100 ns to a matched load. Let
tioned insulation breakdown. The maximum voltage to us assume that a water-insulated coaxial line has the
which the coaxial line must be charged is therefore negative polarity of the central electrode, which is con-
equal to ventional practice in accelerating electron beams. In
Um = bEm ln(a/b), (30) order to simplify comparison of the parameters of coax-
where a and b are the radii of the outer and inner con- ial lines with the three types of insulation, we take Em =
ductors, respectively. After the coaxial line is connected 100 kV/cm in all cases, which is close to the operating
to load R, the voltage Um across them is divided into field values (although, according to (13), the water BS
two equal parts and remains constant during the time is higher than the oil BS by 20% (the corresponding
the wave travels forward and back along the coaxial factors K = 600 and 500 from (13)).
line; this determines the line length The calculation results are listed in Table 11. It fol-
l, Ï = 1.5 × 108tε–0.5. (31) lows from these data that, when a 1-TW pulse is trans-
mitted from a coaxial line to a matched load Z, lines
The current through the load and the pulse power are with oil or gaseous insulation must be charged to volt-
defined by the expressions ages that are too high, compared to the voltage of a
I = Um/2R, (32) coaxial line with water insulation. As a result, the reli-
ability of these facilities is low. The creation of high-
2 2
P = U m /4R = 4.16 × 10–3b2 E m ln(a/b). (33) energy-capacity charging devices at such output volt-
ages, and of other EPF units, is a rather complex scien-
After time t elapses, the load receives the entire tific and technical problem.
energy Y initially stored in the line capacitance C:
In addition, coaxial lines with oil and gaseous insu-
2 2 –1
Y = 0.5CU m = 0.25U m tR lation have conductors of great lengths and diameters.
(34) Arranging them requires rooms and buildings with cor-
–3 2 2 0.5
= 4.16 × 10 b E m tε ln ( a/b ). responding dimensions. The advantages of water-insu-
lated coaxial lines are also obvious if these parameters
It follows from (30) that, if a/b = e ≈ 2.72, then, at are considered.
specified a and Em values, voltage Um reaches a maxi-
mum at the coaxial line: In view of the combination of water characteristics
and taking into account its low cost, incombustibility,
Um = Ema/e. (35) nontoxicity, and simplicity and safety of handling,
In this case, water is the most suitable insulating medium for obtain-
ing high-power electric pulses.
Z = 60ε–0.5. (36)
It should be noted that, when the central electrode
It follows from (33) that, for given Em, ε, and a, the has a positive polarity, the water BS is lower than the oil
maximum power in R is attained at a/b = e0.5 ≈ 1.65; BS by a factor of 1.67 (K = 300 and 500). This means
i.e., that, when the water-insulated coaxial line is calculated
Pm = 7.66 × 10–4 E m a2ε0.5. (37) for the prior parameters of the pulse transmitted to the
load, the radii of its electrodes also increase by a factor
Let us calculate the electrical and geometrical of 1.67, and the insulation volume increases by a factor
parameters of a coaxial line with water, transformer oil, of ~2.8. Even in this case, the radii will be smaller than
and compressed air insulations for two values: a/b = for an oil-insulated coaxial line, all other advantages
1.65 (the maximum power) and a/b = 2.72 (the maxi- being the same.



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The author is grateful to M.V. Volkov for his help in
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