Material Esp For Marketing Purposes

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Group names :

- Diar Nurseptia (2223230135)

- Kesya Nayla Putri (2223230097)
- Kristina Damayanti (2223230116)
- Pocut Aliya Mumtaz (2223230114)
Class : 2D

Sample of material ESP for marketing

Learning objective
 Be able to understanding Marketing as a Management Process.
 Be able to making strategic decision.
 Be able to understand what marketing is.
 Find parts of speech (noun,verb,adverb) used in the text.
 Know the definition of parts of speech (noun,verb,adverb).
 Be able to pronounce the words used in the text.

Read the text below carefully and do the tasks that follow the text. Study the list of
vocabulary down below first to help you understand the text.

1. Legitimacy (n): The acceptance and recognition of marketing as a valid business
2. Resource allocation (n): Distributing resources effectively and efficiently to achieve
marketing objectives.
3. Pragmatic (adj): Dealing sensibly and realistically with practical considerations.
4. Profitability (n): Generating more revenue than expenses, a key concern in marketing.
5. Non-profit organizations (n): Organizations focused on purposes other than making a
6. Strategic (adj): Relating to long-term goals and plans.
7. Evaluation (n): Assessing the effectiveness or value of something.
8. Performance targets (n): Specific objectives set for achieving marketing goals.
9. Relationship management (n): Building and maintaining positive interactions with
10. Market sector (n): A distinct subset of a market with specific characteristics.
11. Commercial enterprises (n): Businesses primarily focused on making a profit.
12. Marketers (n): Professionals responsible for planning and executing marketing
13. Customer (n): Individuals or entities who purchase or use products or services.

Marketing is a management process. Marketing has the same legitimacy as any other business
function and requires the same management skills. This requires planning and analysis,
resource allocation, control, and capital investment, well-trained personnel, and material
resources. Of course, it also needs to be implemented, monitored, and evaluated. Like any
other management activity, it can be done efficiently and successfully, or it can be done
incorrectly, leading to failure. Marketing is to provide customers with what they want. All
marketing activities should be aimed at buyers or end users of products or services. Too much
frustration to buyers. Marketing identifies and predicts customer needs. Both definitions
recognize that marketing is a set of actions to identify and predict customer needs, mainly
through market research and evaluation of received information.

Marketing meets the needs of customers. This pragmatic phrase warns marketers not to get
dazzled by the altruism of customer satisfaction. In the real world, a company cannot always
please everyone, and sometimes even marketers have to compromise. Marketers must work
within the resources of the organisation, especially within the agreed budget, and set
performance targets for the marketing function. However, profitability may be questionable.
Accepted by many non-profit organizations, from schools and universities to hospitals,
volunteer organisations, and radical organisations such as Greenpeace and Friends of the
Earth. Everyone must effectively and efficiently manage and manage their relationship with
different audiences and user groups, but there is no profit. Regardless of this important
background, most commercial enterprises exist for profit, so profitability is a reasonable
issue. However, some companies sometimes agree that the loss of a particular product or
market sector is necessary to achieve broader strategic goals
Task 1
1. What is marketing?
2. What do you think about function of marketing?
3. What are some key activities involved in effective marketing, according to the passage?
4. How does the text emphasize the importance of customer needs in marketing?
5. Explain the concept of “meeting customer needs” in marketing, considering the potential
limitations and compromises mentioned!
6. While profitability is a major concern for commercial enterprises, the text acknowledges
the existence of non-profit organizations that utilize marketing strategies. Give an example
from the passage!
7. Briefly discuss the potential conflict between profitability and broader strategic goals in the
context of marketing decisions!

Task 2
Write how to pronounce these words with phonetic.
1. Legitimacy
2. Customers
3. Market sector
4. Pragmatic
5. Strategic

A noun is a word that names something, such as a person, place, thing, or idea. In a sentence,
nouns can play the role of subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, object
complement, appositive, or modifier.
Pronouns are words (or phrases) you substitute for nouns when your reader or listener already
knows which noun you’re referring to.
Verbs are words that describe actions, whether physical or mental. Verbs also describe a
“state of being,” like the verbs be, become, or exist.
Prepositions tell us where or when something is in relation to something else.
Adjectives are words that modify (describe) nouns. Adjectives do not modify verbs or
adverbs or other adjectives.
Conjunctions are words that link other words, phrases, or clauses together.
Articles are words that identify a noun as being specific or unspecific.

Task 3
Underlined the words that are a noun, verb, pronoun, preposition, adjective, conjunction,
1. Marketing is a management process.
/ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ ɪz ə ˈmænɪʤmənt ˈprəʊsɛs./
2. This requires planning and analysis
/ðɪs rɪˈkwaɪəz ˈplænɪŋ ænd əˈnæləsɪs/
3. Like any other management
/laɪk ˈɛni ˈʌðə ˈmænɪʤmənt/
4. It can be done efficiently and successfully
/ɪt kæn biː dʌn ɪˈfɪʃᵊntli ænd səkˈsɛsfᵊli/
5. Marketing meets the needs of customers
/ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ miːts ðə niːdz ɒv ˈkʌstəməz/

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