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Chapter 3: Every Interactions shape us; how do Enigma – perception, mind, senses known as

everyday life and relationship mold our realities? ‘theory of mind’

Phenomenology Human Action - actions that are performed
deliberately and consciously by humans using
Promote an understanding of the relationship
their intellect and will.
between states of individual consciousness and
social life. Rationalization: This is how we use our thinking
to solve and provide specific solution for the
Rationalization: it examines the concept of social
problems. Human actions are concrete, physical,
reality in order to explain further the formation
and empirical phenomena (Observable, seasonal
and nature of social institution (FREEGS, Family,
patterns something that exists and can be seen,
Religion, Education, Economy, Groups and
felt, and tasted. Sensory, the use of different
State) the ultimate source of all meaning and
senses to interact and socialize. Realistic, those
value is the lived experience of human beings
social phenomena that exist in our society e.g
(Everyday Life)
divorce, racism, social movement).
Rationalization: centers on how particular
Rationalization: Human action is subjective
individuals and groups comprehend the word in
experience meaning intact, meaningful, and
which they live.
experiential understanding of both the emotional
Derived from the Greek word phainomenon – it is and cognitive impact in how they understand and
about perceiving and analyzing an observable interpret an event.
Rationalization: Society seems to be real only
Rationalization: common examples of natural because there are humans who actively
phenomena include lightning, earthquake, participated in it. Human are the social actors to
tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes etc.) transform the society (Social Progress, Human
Rationalization: What appears in human action, Equal rights, Freedom and Peace).
consciousness, thereby, understanding from the Human experience is largely subjective
point of view of the experienced individual.
Rationalization: subjective meaning, everything
Phenomenological analysis offers a unique mode we do contribute something to have a heathy
of thinking because it attempts to document society that are free form any hazard. This is
human experience as they are perceived by about investigating what people realy think about
humans in the level of their consciousness, as if the situation in which they actively participate.
they can be objectively studied. Objective E.g., human activities which includes our patterns
meaning, to help others make a good decisions and structures and language.
and judgements.
Social phenomena are perceived by human
Rationalization: ex. Survey, interviews etc. consciousness, this state is also known as
interviewing families and parents, talking to ‘practical consciousness’ it becomes their
kinds, and looking for patterns in our daily lives. ‘lifeworld’ where many things transpire, involving
The Enigma of Human Action how people deal with others and the world.
Rationalization: Practical consciousness, people a return to the concrete and lived human
become aware of what they are doing using their experience.
knowledge and senses. It is ability that
Rationalization: lived experience from out daily
individuals use to find a more optimal fit between
living is the ultimate source to gave a meaningful
themselves and the demands of the environment
through adapting, shaping, or selecting a new
environment in the pursuit of personally valued
goals. Note: Read and internalized the important ideas
Immanuel Kant – appearance is in the mind, of different phenomenologist
mental states of subjects.
One of the central enlightenment thinkers, age of All social phenomena make sense only in how
reason liberal mind. His theory includes the human consciousness – practical
‘transcendental idealism’ which emphasizes a consciousness – perceives it.
distinction between what we can experience (the
natural, observable world) and what we cannot Phenomenology is the study about an individual
(“supersensible” objects such as God and the makes sense of his surroundings. It has also
soul). It includes the following: given valuable insights into the role of culture in
shaping of the mind to explain the world around
Noumena – realm of thought, transcends human the individuals.
Rationalization: culture is a bout who we are,
Rationalization: constitute reality. Reality that how we define ourselves and how we make
inevitably exist in one society. it is our meaning of the world around us. informs
participation to address the crisis. It is our partial everything we do. Culture arises from the
perspective based on what can be experienced. community... it encompasses our entire mode of
Phenomena – realm of the human concepts of life, our ethics, our institutions, our manners and
time. our routines, not only interpreting our world but
shaping it.
Rationalization: it is our observation on how to
extend help to out community or society. It is our Symbolic Interactionism
partial perspective on what can be observed. States that the meaning we ascribe to object,
Wilhelm Hegel – developed a dialectical scheme processes, ideas, concepts, and systems are
that emphasized the progress of history and the subjective.
human. His theory includes ‘phenomenology of Symbol – something that represents an object,
spirit’ emotion, process in the real world. E.g., Cow is a
Rationalization: the relationship between self and symbol for a four-legged bovine.
others is the fundamental characteristics of Interaction – how the meaning of a symbols is
human awareness and activity. interpreted and modified through social
Edmund Husserl – the founder of interaction.
phenomenology, life of the living human subject –
Rationalization: it focuses on the way we act or Rationalization: relies heavily on the concept of
make conscious choices regarding our behavior rationality, which individuals doing, choosing, and
that poceed from how we interpret specific selecting the most cost-beneficial method of
situations. Meaning, we are social actors and coming up with the most benefit, and getting
must adjust our behavior based on the actions of results that would serve his or her goals and
other participants. pursuit in life. Rational choice theory, also sees
society as the creation of individuals interacting
Pragmatism philosophy – ideology of man is true
with one another – only that when they interact,
if it works satisfactorily.
they strive to get the most out of their limited
Charles Sanders Peirce the father of resources and given capacities in order to
pragmatism. maximize the benefits that he or she may get.
Rationalization: experienced from the society or
even education should about life and growth.
Note: Read and internalized the important ideas
That includes practical learning, which focuses
of chapter 4.
on the real-world applications, and experiential
learning, which involves learning through
experience not through simple ideas.
Society as the sum total of all interactions as
humans, including the interactions and activities
that we engage. Culture is shaping what would
be the basis of social interactions (language)
which plays a central role in the interaction of this
social construction (the foundation every society
to have a well-developed and organically
connected system.
Rationalization: it includes our culture, language
we use, human activities, behavior and pattern.
Symbolic interactionist believe that society is not
a static entity that appears before the individual,
but it is the actors that carry out the roles and
laws. The idea of having a society is at all
possible because of active individuals carrying
out their respective scripts and roles, all striving
to live out everyday events, respond to
challenges and resolve practical problems in life.
Mura rakog suko, pero love tamo. Ayie, puyo!
Rational choice Pag study na.
Individuals use their self interest to make choices -sirdenzy-
that will provide them with the greatest benefit.

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