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Learning Objectives

Date: March 4, 2024 SOL: 8.13 Topic: Factoring Polynomials

Lesson Plan Language Objective

Students will understand that: Students will clearly explain their thinking in written
● Factors can be found. and verbal form during various points of the lesson.
Students will know:
● How to find the GCF
● How to distribute factors
● How to factor out a GCF
Students will be able to:
● Correctly factor polynomials.
● Identify the greatest common factor.
● Find the prime factorization of whole numbers
and variables.

Key Vocabulary: monomial, binomial, trinomial, polynomial, degree, standard form, leading coefficient,
degree of a polynomial, GCF, factor

Sequence/Activities Time
Introduction and Warm-up 10.3b: Students will complete the warmup activity individually. After 5-7 10 mins
minutes, the instructor will go over the warmup problems using the overhead projector. Instructors
can also use this time to introduce the topic for the day, answer any lingering questions, and provide
homework answers for the previous night’s homework.

Desmos 10.3c: Students will complete a Desmos activity that centers around distributing polynomials 15-20
using the box method. Students have been able to distribute using tiles, so the Desmos activity helps mins
to bridge the two methods together.
1. Go over each “special pattern” from slides 2-9 and prompt students with questions:
a. “What do you notice about this?”
b. “What is different about each case?”
c. “How could the different colors represent numbers or variables?”
2. Go over slide 10 as a class. Describe the FOIL method in detail.
3. Go over slide 11 as a class. Ask students to compare and contrast this slide with the last one.

Vertical Board Practice: Students will work with their table groups to correctly distribute polynomials Rest of
using the tiles method. Groups can choose to use the white boards around the room or their desks. Class
Instructors will be circulating the room to answer questions and guide activity.

Pass out homework.

Co Teaching Strategies

One Teach, One Assist: One teacher will act as the primary teacher while the other assists
students who have questions or who are struggling, especially during the vertical boards and
Desmos activities.

Differentiation (EL and SPED)

SIOP Features
Building Background Knowledge: The summary notes should be a culmination of all the topics
learned over the past few days. Vertical boards should reinforce the ideas taught and are used as
extra practice. Desmos introduces a new method of distribution but uses previous knowledge as a
Comprehensible Input: Instructors can rephrase questions and can provide vocabulary terms.
These concepts are also supported well with visuals, so instructors can use that to their
advantage. Instructors can also use hand motions to show the difference between positive and
negative correlation.
Strategies: Instructors can use the pacing feature in Desmos to pause students or speed them
ahead. Instructors can do one-on-one support during vertical boards and Desmos activity.
Interactions: Warmup should be done individually, Summary notes are done by instructor with
some student input, Vertical boards are a small group activity, and Desmos should be done
individually with some group and instructor input.

Language Processes

Daily Practices for comprehensible input:

Speech appropriate for students’ proficiency level (e.g., slower rate, enunciation, and
simple sentence structure for beginners).
Clear explanation of academic tasks.
A variety of techniques used to make content concepts clear (e.g., modeling, visuals,
hands-on activities, demonstrations, gestures, body language).

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