Features of Nano Scale

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Distinct Features of Nanoscale

Scale at which much biology occurs The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) serves as the genetic
material of the cell and is only about 2 nanometers in diameter. Furthermore, the haemoglobin
that transports oxygen to the tissues throughout the body is 5.5 nanometers in diameter.
A good number of modern researches focus on advancing procedures, therapies, tools, and
treatments that are more accurate and custom-made than traditional methods and cause no
adverse effects on the body.
2. Scale at which quantum effects dominate properties of materials.
Particles with dimensions of 1-100 nanometers have properties that are significantly discrete
from particles of bigger dimensions. Quantum effects direct the behaviour and properties of
particles in this size scale. Among the essential properties of nanoscale that change as a function
of size include chemical reactivity, fluorescence, magnetic permeability, melting point, and
electrical conductivity.
3. Nanoscale materials have far larger surface areas than similar masses of larger- scale
materials. As we increase the surface area per mass of a particular material, a greater amount of
the material comes in contact with another material and can affect its reactivity.

The Effect of the Increased Surface Area Provided by Nanostructured Materials

Government Funding for Nanotechnology in Different Countries
1.U.SS National Nanotechnology Initiative
2.European Commission
3.Japan (Nanotechnology Research Institute, under the National Institute for Advanced Industrial
Science and Technology, AIST)
4.Taiwan (Taiwan National Science and Technology Program for Nanoscience and
5.India (Nanotechnology Research and Education Foundation)
6.China (National Center for Nanoscience and Technology)
7.Israel (Israel National Nanotechnology Initiative)
8.Australia ( Australian Office of Nanotechnolog

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