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Is esports a sports?

Open ended questions

1. What's a really popular game everyone seems to love but you don't like?
2. What game have you spent the most number of hours on?
3. What was the first game you ever played? Where and when did you play it?
4. People play games on computers, phones, consoles and in arcades. On what kind of
machine or device to you prefer to play a game?
5. Is there an upcoming game you are looking forward to playing? What is it? What do
you expect from it?
6. What is your favorite all-time game? Why was it great?
7. What game are you playing right now?
8. These days, some gamers make a living from playing video games. Do you think
professional gamers are similar to the athletes in other sports? Why or why not?
9. What's a game you've spent the most amount of money on? 10. If video games
didn't exist anymore, what would you do?
10. If video games didn't exist anymore, what would you do?

1. PUBG mobile - I don't want to play this game not because of the game itself, I just
feel dizzy when I play this game.
2.Mobile Legends this I used to play dota before and this game have similar style of
gameplay so I love to play this game
3.GTA San Andreas a PC game, when my childhood days I used to spend most of my
free time to computer shop.
4.Phones, because phone is portable.
5. For now, I still hoping for dota 2 mobile to air even if only a beta test.
6.Dota 1, a strategic game where you can create chemistry with your squad and have
fun with the guys you're playing with.
7.Call of duty mobile.
8.In some ways they are in common like the way they used to earn, they earn money
from popularity and sponsors,
9.Call of duty mobile, I used to spend probably 300 pesos every month for a battle pass
where you can get free characters and gun skins
10. As I’m now, I prefer to play basketball even with/without video games

Closed ended questions

1. Are there any games you're really bad at?

2. Have you ever had to stop playing a game because it was too scary?
3. Do you prefer multiplayer games or to go solo?
4. Do you prefer co-op or player vs player?
5. Have you ever seen somebody get really angry when they lose?
6. Are video games addictive?
7. Is it true that most player of games are male?
8. Do you like games?
9. Do you play games these days?
10. Would you give up games for life and receive $500,000 in cash, or would you
refuse the money?




4.Player vs Player





10.Yes, give up on gaming

The person I interviewed is Mr. Mark Angelo Casem through messenger.

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