Community Advocacy Project Format

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A Project Proposal

Presented to the
Faculty of the National Service Training Program
University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Subject NSTP-CWTS 1
(Civic Welfare Training Service )


Name of Proponent
I. Rationale
· Describe the community you selected.
· Brief context & situational analysis – what’s the problem?
Why advocate on the issue? Research the issue (examine information, data, and arguments)

Under this section you have to uncover the problem that needs to be addressed. Give a
brief description of the problem that you want to solve:
 Who are those affected?
 Why is there a problem?
 What are the problem main causes?
 What is the impact of the problem and future consequences?
 In what ways can the problem be solved?
 What evidence can support your definition of the problem?

II. Objectives
· Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-bound change objectives
 Specific: What is your focus?
 Measurable: Who? What? Where? When? How?
 Achievable: Is your goal realistic? It can be actually achieved?
 Relevant: What is the relevance to your mission? The goal successfully accomplishes
its mission?
 Timed: What is the time frame?
Identify three objectives

· What is the goal of your advocacy campaign? What do you want? (At the end of your
advocacy, what is the overall goal you want to achieve? State here your vision of change. In
order to be more specific, split your goals into specific steps according to your time-frame)
III. Beneficiaries
· Who will benefit from the project? (Describe them briefly).

IV. Proposed Activities and Timeline

Activities Objectives Methodology Timeline Resources Persons Expected

Involved Output

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