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Subject: ENGLISH 12

Republic of the Philippines Descriptive Title: Media and Information Literacy

Region VI-Western Visayas Grade: 12-SHS
Bugasong, Antique Teachers: Ms. Connie O. Lam-an

Handouts in Media and Information Literacy

3. Social acceptance
Media Literacy- The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and
communicate information in a variety of forms, including print and
non-print messages.
 Types of Computer Addiction
 Information Overload
Information Literacy- a set of abilities requiring individuals to ‘recognize when is an excessive online surfing which results to efficiency at
the information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use the work and less family interconnection.
needed information effectively’.  Compulsion
is more time spent in online activities like gaming, bartering of
Technology Literacy- is the ability of an individual, either working independently or stocks and gambling which cause problem at works.
with others, to responsibly, appropriately, and effectively use technological tools.  Cybersex addiction
Media and Information Literacy- are the essential skills and competencies that is excessive time spent in surfing porn sites that could interfere
allow individuals to engage media and other information providers
effectively. with one's relationship.

Media- refers to the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver  Cyber Relationship
information or data. is excessive time spent in social networking sites to make
 A physical object used to communicate including mass media. relationship online than spending time with real persons like
family and friends.
Literacy- The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate
and compute using printed and written materials associated with varying  Different Symptoms of a Computer Addict Person
 Emotional Symptoms - These are feelings of guilt, anxiety,

 Computer Addiction depression, dishonesty, feeling of great happiness or excitement
 Computer addiction means the inability to control the desire of using (euphoric) in front of the computer, defensive, distress, escaping of
technology (like computers, smartphones, and the internet) or extreme work, isolation and cannot follow schedule.
use of the computer which makes the person uneasy or feel anxiety in the
absence of the gadgets. It affects the daily routine in life like work, eating,  Physical Symptoms - These include back pain, headache, increase or
or sleep affected which could lead to social problems, behavior change, decrease of weight, sleep disorder, carpal tunnel syndrome, blurred
relationships, and thought processes. or strained vision.

 Reasons why computer addiction exists:  Ways to prevent Computer Addiction

1. Depression  Set limit in using computers and doing online activities
2. Loneliness
 Talk to your family and friends and mingle with them most of the
time Copyright - A literal sense means right to copy. The owner of a
 Organize a non-computer related activity like sports copyright has the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, perform,
 Place your gadgets away from you when they are not needed. display ‘license, and to prepare derivative works based on the
copyrighted works. This protection is for “original works of authorship”.

Cyber Bullying Plagiarism- Taking text, ideas, images, sound recordings, or other
 A type bullying done online with the use of technology like computers, creative expressions that belong to someone else and representing them
laptops, and cellphone that can destroy the physical and emotional aspect as your own.
of the victim (called as bullied) by the one who does the act (referred as
bully). Basic Ethical Representation
 This may involve exposing embarrassing content about someone or  refers to the ethical perception of an individual. It is the reasoning
sending messages with the intention of hurting the receiver emotionally or behind his or her moral judgments and ethical practices.
 Bullying happens in face to face while cyber bullying happens in Types of Basic Ethical Orientation
cyberspace (means interconnected digital technology). 1. Divine Command Theories
 R.A No. 10627- Anti-Bullying Act 2. The Ethics of Conscience
3. Ethical Egoism
Cyberbullying can be prevented by doing the following: 4. The Ethics of Duty
1. Be optimistic. 5. The Ethics of Respect
2. Share the problem with the person whom you can trust. 6. Utilitarianism
3. Keep your password to yourself. Don’t share it. 7. The Ethics of Justice
4. Always check the content before posting or sharing it. 8. Virtue Ethics
5. Always log out your account after using.
6. Respect and love other people and yourself. Netiquette – Netiquette or network etiquette is a set of rules for
behaving properly online. (Shea, 1997)
Defamation- a statement that injures third party’s reputation. The civil
wrong of defamation includes both libel (written statements) and slander Guidelines to Cover the Bases of Netiquette
(spoken statements) Rule 1. Remember the Human
Rule 2. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that one

Privacy – Freedom from unauthorized intrusion. Also called as one’s right follows in real life.
to privacy, it refers to the concept that one’s personal information is Rule 3. Know where you are in cyberspace
protected from public scrutiny. Rule 4. Respect other people’s time
Rule 5. Make oneself look good online
Obscenity and pornography- Obscenity and Pornography although Rule 6. Share expert knowledge
related, are not the same. Pornography is the term used to refer to any Rule 7. Help keep flame wars under control
material that uses the elements of nudity to cause sexual arousal among Rule 8. Respect other people’s privacy
the audience. A pornographic material is considered obscene when it Rule 9. Don’t abuse one’s power
crosses the line to a point that may be offensive. Rule 10. Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes.
began to express themselves through art, drawing pictures on cave
walls and carving stones into human shapes.
 Evolution of Media
Pre-Historic - Prehistoric refers to the time before the existence of
written or recorded history. According to archaeologists, the
Prehistoric Age occurred some 4.5 million years ago or
approximately 30,000 years ago.
Prehistoric Categorized in Three Archaeological periods:
1. Stone Age-
Periods of Stone Age Media and Information were being shared or relayed through:
a. Paleolithic (Old Stone Age)
b. Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age)  Cave Paintings
c. Neolithic (New Stone Age) - humans have knowledge about farming also known as (parietal art) are painted drawings on cave walls or
and developed style in hunting ceilings. mainly of historic descent, to some 40,000years ago
2. Bronze Age (around 38,000 BCE) in both Asia and Europe. Paintings are
3. Iron Age exceptionally identical and around the world and with animals
Prehistoric age, people discovered fire, developed paper from plants, and being the subjects that give the most dramatic images.
forge weapons and tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron. As the tool
were relatively crude, archeologists believe that a system of writing not yet The cave was discovered by a hunter in 1868, It was visited in
existed in this era. 1876 by Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola, a local nobleman. He
 Prehistoric men learned how to sharpen their tools for their day to returned in 1879 to excavate the floor of the cave’s entrance
day survival such as knives and spears for hunting. They also chamber, unearthing animal bones and stone tools. On one visit in
acquired the knowledge on how to use these materials in carving the late summer, he was accompanied by his eight - year old
stones. Eventually, this paved the way for them to create a system daughter, Maria, who was first noticed the painting of bison on the
for writing which marked the start of the historic period. ceiling of a side chamber.

 During PreHistoric Age at least two types of Homo sapiens lived
side by side- early Homo Sapiens (The Neanderthals) and a  Clay Tablets- Clay tablets were used as a writing medium,
subspecies, Homo Sapiens Sapiens, who looked more like modern especially for writing in cuneiform, throughout the Bronze Age and
human being. The Neanderthals were much larger and lacked a well into the Iron Age. Cuneiform characters were imprinted on a
chin. They used simple tools and had probably developed a wet clay tablet with a stylus often made of reed (reed pen).
language to speak to one another. For some reason, The
Neanderthals died out, leaving our species as the only human on Text on clay tablets took the forms of myths, fables, essays, hymns,
Earth. proverbs, epic poetry, laws, plants, and animals. Clay tablet used
 The surviving people-such as the Cro-Magnons- lived all over by the individual to record who and what was significant.
Europe during the stone age period.
 These prehistoric people built simple wooden huts, fished and  Papyrus – it is a plant material similar to thick paper that was
hunted deer and wild cattle, moving on in search of food. They used in ancient times as a writing surface.
 The English word ‘paper’ comes from the word ‘papyrus’ – but the covered by the art term woodcut, except for the block-books
Egyptians found many uses for the plant other than a writing produced mainly in the 15th century.
surface for documents and texts. Papyrus was a chunky, paper –
like matter produced from the core of the Cyperus papyrus plants Industrial Age
which was used in ancient Egypt and other Mediterranean  People used the power of steam and developed power-driven
cultures for writing way before the paper making in China. Also, machine tools to replace hand tools, established iron
papyrus was used as a food source, to make rope, for sandals, for production and the manufacturing of various products
boxes and baskets and mats, as window shades, material for toys including books through the printing press. Media and
such as dolls, as amulets to ward off throat diseases, and even to information were being shared or relayed through:
make small fishing boats.
1. Printing press for mass production (19th Century)
 Acta Diurna in Rome – It is the daily Roman official notices, a  a device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a
sort of daily gazette. They were carved on stone or metal and print medium (such as paper or cloth), thereby transferring the
presented in message boards in public places like the Forum of ink. Typically used for texts, the invention and spread of the
Rome. They were also called simply Acta. The first form of Acta printing press was one of the most influential events in the second
appeared around 131 BC during the Roman Republic. millennium.
 Dibao in China- A type of publication issued by central and local  The printing press was invented in the Holy Roman Empire by the
governments in imperial China. They have been called "palace German Johannes Gutenberg around 1440, based in existing
reports" or "imperial bulletins". Dibao were important because screw presses. Gutenberg, a goldsmith by profession, developed a
they were used as media for regulation and circulation of printing system, by adapting existing technologies to printing
government’s official reports and announcements to masses. purposes, as well as making inventions of his own.
2. Newspaper – The London Gazette (1640)
 Codex in the Mayan Region – A folding books stemming from the  It is a serial publication containing news about current events,
pre-Columbian Maya civilization, written in Maya hieroglyphic other informative articles about politics, sports, arts, and
script on Mesoamerican paper, made from the inner bark of advertising.
certain trees, the main being the wild fig tree or Amate (Ficus  Is usually, but not exclusively printed on relatively inexpensive,
Glabrata), this paper was named by the Mayas Huun, and low grade paper such as newsprint.
contained many Glyph and paintings.  The London Gazette is one of the official journals of record of the

British government. It claims to be the oldest surviving English
 Printing Press using Woodblocks – A technique for printing text,
newspaper and the oldest continuously published newspaper in
images or patterns used widely throughout East Asia and
the UK
originating in China in antiquity as a method of printing on
3. Typewriter (1800)
textiles and later paper. As a method of printing on cloth, the  A typewriter is a mechanical or electromechanical machine for
earliest surviving examples from China date to before 220 AD, and writing characters similar to those produced by printer’s
woodblock printing remained the most common East Asian movable type. It operates by means of keys that strike a ribbon
method of printing books and other texts, as well as images, until to transmit ink or carbon impressions onto paper.
the 19th century.  Christopher Latham Sholes- The Father of the modern
typewriter. The man behind the QWERTY typewriter keyboard.
Ukiyo-e is best known type of Japanese woodblock art print. Most
European uses of the technique for printing images on paper are
4. Telephone
 It is derived from the Greek: τῆλε, tēle, “far” and φωνή, phōnē,  A punched card or punch card is a piece of stiff paper that can
“voice”, together meaning “distant voice”. be used to contain digital information represented by the
 A system for transmitting messages from a distance along a presence or absence of holes in predefined positions.
wire, especially one creating signals by making and breaking
electrical signals. Electronic Age (1930’s- 1980’s)
 The first telecommunication device was introduced by
Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.  The invention of the transistor ushered during this time. People
It is a system for transmitting messages from a distance along a harnessed the power of transistors that led to the transistor
wire, especially one creating signals by making and breaking an radio, electronic circuits and the early computers. In this age,
electrical connection. And through the telephone, people began Long distance communication became more efficient. The era was
to communicate even from a distance dubbed as “Age of Implosion”
5. Motion Picture Photography/Projection (1890) also called film
or movie, series of still photographs on film, projected in rapid
1. Transistor Radio- It is a small portable receiver that uses
succession onto a screen by means of light.
transistor-based circuitry. It is a pocket - sized device that is used
 . Motion pictures “moving pictures” included the adoption
mainly for information dissemination, and later on for broadcasting,
of synchronized motion picture sound, color motion picture
and entertainment like music, etc. It can be cheap and used a very
film, and the adoption of digital film technologies to replace
little electric power.
physical film stock at both ends of the production chain by
 Regency TR-1- was the first commercially manufactured
digital image sensors and projectors.
transistor radio, that released in 1954.
6. Commercial Motion Pictures (1913)  Sony TR-55- this radio, Sony became the 1st company to
 The Kinetoscope is an early motion picture exhibition device. manufactured the transistor and other components they
It was designed for films to be viewed by one individual at a used to construct the radio. The TR-55 was also the 1st
time through a peephole viewer window at the top of the transistor radio to utilize all miniature components was
device. The Kinetoscope was not a movie projector, but released in 1955.
introduced the basic approach that would become the  Sony TR-63- it was the first "pocket-sized" transistor radio
standard for all cinematic projection before the advent of ever made, was released in 1957.
video, by creating the illusion 2. Television – a system of transmitting a visual images and sound
7. Motion Picture with sound (1926) that are reproduced on screens, chiefly used to broadcast programs
 A sound film is a motion picture with synchronized sound, or for entertainment, information, and education.

sound technologically coupled to image, as opposed to a
silent film. 3. EDSAC- (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic System Calculator)
8. Telegraph  A large -scale electronic calculating machine in which
 A Telegraph is a communication system that sends Ultrasonic delay units are used for storage of orders and
information by making and breaking an electrical connection. numbers.
 It worked by transmitting electrical signals over a wire laid  EDSAC was developed by Maurice Wilkes and his team.
between stations.
 It is most associated with sending electrical current pulses 4. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)
along wire with Morse code coding  The first programmable electronic, general - purpose digital
9. Punch Cards computer, completed in 1945.
 able to solve “a large class numerical problem” through  To display images, LCD (liquid-crystal display) projectors
reprogramming typically send light from a metal-halide lamp through a
prism or series of dichroic filters that separates light to three
5. UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) polysilicon panels – one each for the red, green and blue
 One of the most commercial computers designed as a components of the video signal
commercial data-processing computer intended to replace
the punched-card accounting machines of the day. It could
read 7,200 decimal digits per second.
Information Age
The internet paved the way for faster communication and the
creation of the social network such as Facebook. People have used
6. Mainframe Computers- Referred to as “big iron” computers used
microelectronics to invent personal computers, smartphones, and
primarily by large organization for critical applications, bulk data
wearable technology. People easily share images, videos, voice and
processing such as census, industry, statistics, enterprise resource
data which are now digitalized.
planning and transaction processing.
7. Personal Computers – a multi-purpose micro computer whose size,
capabilities, and price make it feasible for individual use.  Web browsers: Mosaic (1993), Internet Explorer (1995)
 Blogs: Blogspot (1999), Livejournal (1999), Wordpress 2003
 Social networks: Friendster (2002), Multiply (2003),
Examples of Personal Computers:
Facebook (2004)
1. Hewlett-Packard 9100A
The Hewlett-Packard 9100A is an early programmable calculator,  Microblogs: Twitter (2006), Tumblr (2007)
first appearing in 1968. Early computers were meant to be used  Video: Youtube (2005)
only for calculations. Simple manual instruments like the abacus  Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality
have aided people in doing calculations during ancient times.  Video chat: Skype (2003), Google Hangouts (2013)
 The 9100A was the first scientific calculator by the modern  Search Engine: Yahoo (1995), Google (1996)
definition, i.e., capable of trigonometric, logarithmic (log/ln),  Portable computers: laptops (1980), Netbooks (2008), tablets
and exponential functions. (1993)
2. Apple 1 (1976)- The Apple Computer 1, originally released as the  Smart phones
Apple Computer and known later as the Apple I, or Apple-1, is an  Wearable technology
8-bit desktop computer released by the Apple Computer Company
(now Apple Inc.) in 1976. Traditional Media vs New Media

8. OHP LCD Projectors- (Overhead Projector) Traditional media includes:
 An overhead projector is made up of a base with a clear glass  printed media such as books, magazine, and journal.
top housing an interior light and an adjustable arm with a  Broadcast media such as TV, films and radio.
lens and a mirror. A transparent sheet is placed over the  Static web pages
glass top, and the machine “projects” the sheet’s written You can only rad the contents of print media and static
material onto whatever surface the lens is facing. web pages but you cannot interact or provide feedback right
away. In the same way, you can only listen and watch
9. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) broadcast media but you cannot interact with them.
 LCD projector is a type of video projector for displaying
video, images or computer data on a screen or other flat
surface. It is a modern equivalent of the slide projector or
overhead projector.
New media – includes the use of social media like Facebook, High level of reader engagement – Readers must decide to purchase a
blogging such as Wordpress, microblogs sites such as Twitter, newspaper and when they read it. increasing their level of engagement with
and media sharing sites like Youtube, among others. With these the content.
platforms, users interact with other users by posting comments,
images, and videos. Geographic specificity – Ads can target a local or national audience.

Traditional Media New Media

Types of Media
 Media experience is limited  Media experience is
 Types of media are the different channels through which
 One – directional more interactive
information and entertainment are reach an audience.
 Sense Receptors used are very  Audience is more
specific (i.e. print media like books involved and can send
Three Types of Media
and newspapers make use of the feedback
1. Print Media
sense of sight, broadcast media simultaneously
2. Broadcast Media
3. Internet media or New media like radio users sense of hearing,  integrates all the
while TV and film use sense of aspects of old media.
sight and hearing.
1. Print media - refers to the print materials, such as books, newspapers,
and magazines, journals, newsletter and other materials that are Disadvantages:
physically printed on paper that can contain words and images.
Possibility of becoming ruined- Printers use inexpensive, low-quality
paper that becomes discolored and brittle
Different types on print media along with corresponding
advantages and disadvantages. Inability to target specific demographics or lifestyles: - Newspaper
readers are a diverse population. Ads in newspapers cannot target specific
Books- Refers to the reading material that can either be fictional or genders, ages, hobbies or economic class.
Short period of relevance- Most newspapers contain daily events and
Newspaper- Contains a wide range of articles which appear on the different news that lose relevance within a day or two
sections; such news, business, lifestyle, sports, and entertainment
sections. Newspaper can include several ad types, such as classified ads, Audience must be able to read- Newspapers are only available for those
and display ads. who can read and those who have access to shops or delivery

Advantages: 3. Magazine- Magazines can be consumer-related or business-related.
Large volume of readers- According to the surveys conducted by the Pew Consumer magazines include those focused in glamour, lifestyles, entertainment
Research Center, the data from 2018 indicates that 16% of adults go their and special interests.
news from a daily newspaper.
High Frequency – Most national and local newspaper organizations deliver 1. Higher quality physical product- Magazine printers use glossy,
daily. higher quality paper than newsprint.
2. Targeted lifestyle and demographic - Because magazine
Inexpensive – readership is segmented by gender, interest or industry,
advertisers can choose the most relevant publications.
3. Long period of relevance and usefulness -Magazines contain Advantages:
information and articles that can be useful for months or years,
such as recipes, research and informational pieces.  High viewer rates: Millions of viewers watch popular
Disadvantages: television shows or live events, like sports.
1. Low Frequency- magazine subscription often reach readers
monthly1  Ads appear automatically: Viewers see ads without making
2. Expensive- advertising in magazines can be more expensive than
any extra effort
advertising in newspaper
3. Competition – many magazines have similar audiences, which  Highly targeted to key demographics - Advertisers can use
leads to the increased competition for reader attention ad space.
market research for times block, channel and type of program
Journals -are scholarly periodicals aimed at researches or specialists. to target their desired audience.
Flyers - Is a handbill or advertising sheet handed out to people on the
street. Because it is designed to go far, it gained the name flyer.
 Flexibility – Television advertising allows for creative, emotional
or shocking methods of gaining viewer attention
- Printed on a page or in a leaflet intended for wide distribution
like a product for advertising purposes.

2. Broadcast media- media that reach target audience using airwaves as

transmission medium. It consists of entertaining information shared by
the different methods like television, radio, films or movies.

 Contrary to print media, broadcast media consists of audio and video

materials for public information, interest or leisure.
Examples of Broadcast Media.

Radio- It is more popular in rural areas because they are battery-operated radio
that people can be carried anywhere and even to the field to listen to news,
music and dramas.

- The first radio is attributed to the Italian inventor, Guillermo Marconi,
when he made the wireless telegraph in 1895.

Television- Equipped with electronic system capable of sending images and sound
by a wire through space.

- it provides audiences with audio and visual stimuli to deliver information

and entertainment, latest news, both local and international in real time
while the news is happening.

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