English Codes For Literature Essay - 240502 - 131559

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English Codes for Literature Essay

0 • Crea%ve Essay/ Writes own story.
1 • Incomplete Essay, basically a sentence or
2 • Incomplete Essay, just a paragraph or two.
3 • Incomplete Essay
• Completely incorrect plot recollec%on,
however, is naming a correct character.
However, storyline or plot does not
correspond with chosen text at all.
4 • Extremely flawed narra%on.
• However, does refer to the correct
5 • Flawed Narra%on.
• No Argument AT ALL
• Knows the character names etc., but makes
mistakes in recalling the plot
6 • Accurate Narra%on of PLOT
7 • Accurate Narra%on of PLOT with one or two
ideas that link with the topic/ ques%on.

8 • There is some argument developing but

• Some points rela%ng to the topic, but not
very well substan%ated or clear textual
examples aren’t provided.
• At this point there must be a clear intro and
9 • The argument is clear, many points support
the topic and argument. However, the
substan%a%on is lacking in textual evidence
and detail.
• Not all aspects of the ques%on have been
10 • ALL ASPECTS of ques%on are covered.
• A good interpreta%on of topic and a very
good understanding.
• There are no flaws in the recalling of
events, characters etc.
• Some arguments just need a bit more detail
and are a bit vague at %mes.
• At %mes links are missing that relate points
made back to the thesis statement.
11 • Essay is extremely coherent and well
• All aspects of ques%on are answered.
• All events and characters are recalled
• Most arguments are fully discussed with
only a point here or there lacking in sound
evidence or that is a bit vague.
12- 13 • An excep%onal essay.
• Lovely coherence.
• All points are well elaborated and clearly
• There are no vague points or lapses in
• No digressions from text and shows great
knowledge of the text.
14- 15 • Essay is flawless.
• The PEEL Method is followed correctly.
• There is no pointless narra%on, all points
are related to ques%on and clearly
discussed. All ideas are supported with
textual evidence.
• Learner has the capacity to make
impeccable judgements based on a
superior knowledge of the text.
• Learner thinks cri%cally about the text
(outside the box), but all claims and
arguments are textually proven and
supported by evidence from the play.
0 • Crea2ve
1-2 • Incomplete Essay
3 • Person is not wri2ng English. Has
mul2ple inser2ons of Vernacular
Language, Afrikaans etc.
• Can basically not read what the
essay is saying.
4 • Learner has wriPen essay in English.
• However, it is difficult to read and
follow at 2mes due to language
• Language is extremely flawed.
• NB: This is usually the lowest
language mark that is awarded.
5 • Essay is wriPen in English, marker
can read and understand
everything, but many language
errors are present.
6 • There is a clear flow to essay.
• Language has some errors, but it
doesn’t hinder the flow of reading.
• Intro and Conclusion and
paragraphing is well structured.
7 • Essay has less mistakes, only a few
• Introduc2on and Conclusion are
• Nothing is muffled.
8-9 • There are basically no mistakes on
essay at all.
• Excellent intro and conclusion.
• Tone and Register is Formal.
• No errors are made in using
personal pronouns etc.
10 • FLAWLESS! Not a single language
error related to spelling, sentence
structure etc.
• A small inaccuracy in punctua2on
may s2ll be allowed.

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