Major Teachings of Hadiths

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Major Teachings Of Hadiths

 Hadith 1
o Main Teachings
 Islam is based on sincerity
 Be sincere to Islam and people
o Implementation
 Sincere to Allah and Quran by following Sharia
 Sincerity to the Prophet was shown by his Companions when
they stood by him.
 Hadith 2
o Main Teachings
 Have concern for others around us
 This is part of our faith
o Implementation
 Countries giving refuge to people
 Give Zakaat to help people
 Think good about each other
 Hadith 3
o Main Teachings
 Every Muslim should be kind
 Should talk good and be hospitable
o Implementation
 Not curse or back bite
 Be calm during conflicts and try to solve them
 Abu Talha fed his hungry guests though he barely had food
and this was appreciated by Allah
 Hadith 4
o Main Teachings
 Islam is a simple religion
 For Paradise one has to follow basic rules
o Implementation
 Practise 5 pillars
 Be mindful of Haram and Halal
 Hadith 5
o Main Teachings
 Give examples of charity to follow in daily life
 Worship includes acts of kindness too
o Implementation
 Perform actions with intention of helping others
 Prophet(pbuh)used to share meals with poor
 Hadith 6
o Main Teachings
 Prevent others from evil
 Not doing this is weakest respond
o Implementation
 Correct social evils such as reporting theft
 Make people aware or wrong
 He (pbuh) prevented Meccans from wrong acts
 Hadith 7
o Main Teachings
 Best believers are ready to sacrifice for Islam
 Refers to spiritual and financial Jihad
o Implementation
 Strive by doing social work
 Companions financially contributed in Tabuk
 Hadith 8
o Main Teachings
 Martyr are also people who die practising Islam
 Allah rewards people who are obedient to Him
o Implementation
 Muslims can engage in other types of Jihad
 Fulfil rights of humans and Allah
 Hadith 9
o Main Teachings
 Earn from lawful means
 Respect is earned by doing hard work
o Implementation
 Stay away from corruption and bribery
 Be self-sufficient and grateful
 All Prophets earned by doing hard work
 Hadith 10
o Main Teachings
 Human rights are as important as Rights of Allah
 Should help people vulnerable to society
o Implementation
 Be aware of needs of people and fulfil them
 Abu Bakr used to help an old widow
 Hadith 11
o Main Teachings
 Great reward for people who care for orphans
 Reminds people to be kind and just to orphans
o Implementation
 Provide financial assistance and food to orphans
 Prophet(pbuh) was always kind to orphans
 Hadith 12
o Main Teachings
 Highlights responsibilities of rulers
 Tells them to treat people with love
o Implementation
 Remember Allah has all authority
 Always look for ease of people
 He (pbuh) would listen to problems of people
 Hadith 13
o Main Teachings
 Read Quran and implement it
 Quran keeps Muslims from going astray
o Implementation
 Read Quran daily with meaning
 Perform tarawih for recitation of Quran
 Hadith 14
o Main Teachings
 Principles of business transactions
 Be kind and fair in dealings
o Implementation
 Not take too much profit or interest
 Return money on time
 Khadija married Prophet(pbuh) for his honesty
 Hadith 15
o Main Teachings
 Muslims to be kind and merciful
 Allah rewards people who have these traits
o Implementation
 Do small acts of kindness
 Prophet(pbuh) forgave Quraish
 Hadith 16
o Main Teachings
 Declare Muslims as one brotherhood
 Muslims should support each other
o Implementation
 Help Muslims in war torn countries
 Ansars helped Muhajirs in 622 AD
 Hadith 17
o Main Teachings
 Being modest brings peace
 Be respectful of society
o Implementation
 Not be extremist or liberal
 Prophet(pbuh) never spoke loudly
 Appreciate Allah’s blessings
 Hadith 18
o Main Teachings
 Be humble as pride leads to hell
 True faith makes people close to Allah
o Implementation
 Not be arrogant by following Prophet(pbuh)
 Iblis was thrown out due to his pride
 Hadith 19
o Main Teachings
 Right path is tough but leads to Paradise
 Wrong path is easy but leads to Hell
o Implementation
 Reject all types of attractions that lead to hell
 Quraish bribed Prophet(pbuh) but he rejected it
 Hadith 20
o Main Teachings
 Allah does not look at worldly status of people
 Allah only cares about our intentions and deeds
o Implementation
 Actions based on sincerity not for false praises
 Bilal was appointed as muezzin for his faith

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