Progress Check Igcse

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Progress Check IGCSE Exam Question

Question: 0

The Qur’an teaches Muslims about their relationship with God. Write about this relationship using the
passages you have studied. (10MQ)
Success Criteria; Key words:
(Mark 1-3) Limited explanation. Lack of key terms and Revelation/Tawhid/ Shirk/
no verse quoted. Weak SPAG. Omnipotent/sustainer/attribute

(Mark 4-6) A range of explanations and reasons

Top Islamiyat students use;
described. Some key terms and more than one verse
‘This means that…….’
quoted. Good SPAG.
‘In the verse it describes ...’
‘This illustrates…’
(Mark 7-10) A wide range of explanations clearly
‘The main theme…’
explained. Extensive use of key terms and many verses
‘The surah is an example of’
referenced as examples. Excellent SPAG.
‘The surah inspires Muslim’s to …’
In Ayat-ul-Kursi, the verse “There is no god but He, the living, the self-
subsisting, eternal,” implies the oneness of Allah, Tawhid, and His authority
over all His creations. It also states how we need Allah to live, but He doesn’t
need anyone or anything to survive. The Ayat also implies how everything on
the earth and heavens belongs to Allah and how he has control over it all. This
shows how Allah is the only one worthy of worship, since He has unworldly
furthermore, in Surah Fussilat, the main theme is the same as Ayat-ul-Kursi,
Allah in himself. Although, Surah Fussilat also teaches how even the things
around like the sun and moon and everyday events like the change of day and
night are all evidence of Allah’s existence. The sun, moon and even us are all
part if His creation and He is our creator. Everything in us and around us all
evince to Allah extant. The Surah also conveys how if we like something, we
should thank Allah for it, instead of committing shirk, a major sin, and
worshiping the object we adore.
Lastly, Surah Al-Ikhlas shares the same theme as Surah Fussilat and Ayat-ul-
Kursi, Allah in himself. It states Tawhid, and how there is no one like Him,
since He has no heir and no parents either, He is alone and doesn’t is
independent. The Surah also emphasises how comparing Him to any of His
creations is impossible. It mentions how time and space don’t have any affect
on Him, but He can affect everything.
All 3 Surah can be used in a Muslim’s life in Salah, when we are praying for
forgiveness. They can also be used when we are waiting for a miracle to
happen. They help humans to understand Allah’s power and attributes, and
how He can control everything. The Surahs tell us how Shirk is a major sin and
is one of the worst things anyone can do.

Teacher Comment:
Well done some relevant points linking the surahs to the question.

DIRT Response – how can you improve your answer?

Add a further point referring to Allah and his relationship to his creation and a conclusion.

Salah is way of communicating with Allah and we do it 5 times a day, it’s one
of the best relationships, since we can ask for forgiveness and mercy. In
Salah, we use different surah of our choice depending on our need and
Wants, we can use any part of the Qur’an.
In conclusion, the theme of “Allah in Himself”, has been presented in various
parts of the Qur’an, in different Surahs and Ayats. The Surahs with the
theme all highlight Allah’s sovereignty and ascendency. The Surahs teach
Muslims to fear Allah since He has power over everything.

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