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Nama: Gilang Putra Abdi

NIM: 2110521037


Banyak orang berbicara tentang budaya organisasi dan memahami pentingnya budaya
tersebut dalam meningkatkan Kualitas Total, namun gagal untuk benar-benar memahami dan
menciptakan perubahan budaya. Apa itu budaya organisasi? Budaya merangkum 'cara
organisasi berfungsi'. Hal ini mencerminkan asumsi mendasar tentang cara pekerjaan
dilakukan. Hal ini mencerminkan apa yang 'dapat diterima dan tidak dapat diterima' -
perilaku dan tindakan apa yang dianjurkan dan tidak dianjurkan. Budaya dapat didefinisikan
sebagai 'cara kita menyelesaikan sesuatu di sini.


Setiap organisasi memiliki budaya dengan sistem nilai yang melekat, entah itu sengaja
dirancang atau berkembang secara alami. Untuk mempromosikan Total Quality Management
(TQM), pejabat senior harus berupaya menciptakan budaya di mana karyawan merasa bebas
untuk berkontribusi dengan ide-ide mereka, dan partisipasi dalam pemecahan masalah dan
pengambilan keputusan adalah rutin. Budaya organisasi mencakup nilai, perilaku, dan norma
yang membentuk identitas organisasi. Tanda-tanda fisik seperti desain kantor, poster, pesan
kepada karyawan, dan berbagai aspek lainnya mencerminkan nilai-nilai yang dianut oleh
organisasi, menunjukkan apa yang dianggap penting, dan apa yang tidak.


Management style is deeply influenced by our assumptions and the underlying culture
and values. Implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) hinges on cultural change,
starting with identifying necessary changes to combat low interest in quality and reinforcing
TQM principles through leading by example. Changing long-standing cultures rooted in
founder and senior management beliefs is challenging. Traditional companies often display
symptoms of an outdated culture unsuitable for TQM, including poor office layouts,
neglected facilities, and a focus on short-term results and punitive measures. Company
culture is shaped by stories and legends, which dictate acceptable behavior and feature key
individuals as heroes or anti-heroes, depending on the nature of these stories.

The foundation of culture lies in the prevailing values of an organization, which are
often overlooked but are crucial for managing change. Values are enduring beliefs that define
what is right or wrong, good or bad, and correct or incorrect. They may be challenging to
express in words but profoundly influence our behavior and organizational operations. When
organizational values clash with individual personal values, employees may distance
themselves from the organization. While some may adapt, long-term commitment to the
organization's goals diminishes, and employees may view their role merely as a means to an
end. Cultures that inhibit individual initiative and treat people as controlled resources are
detrimental to an organization's vitality, trust, and employee well-being.


Value statements express our intentions but don't automatically translate into behavior
change. Achieving this requires aligning managerial behaviors with specific value statements,
a deliberate process. It's not enough to display these statements in the reception area; we must
make them explicit to ourselves and others. Consistently coaching managers in these values
ensures that everyone within the organization understands and adheres to these standards.


Establishing a desirable culture with key values through consistent managerial

behavior is just the beginning; managing the transition to Total Quality Management (TQM)
is a complex and time-consuming process. Understanding the changes employees undergo,
their likely behaviors, perceptions, and the support they require is intricate. TQM represents a
radical, long-term cultural change strategy, emphasizing its "people-driven" nature and the
need for self-criticism, especially in management style, which can lead to resistance.
However, the power of organizational culture in promoting effective Total Quality should not
be underestimated. Managers wield influence over the implicit or explicit messages the
company conveys through its culture, with a responsibility to ensure it projects strength,
positivity, and a commitment to Total Quality.

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