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Peer-graded Assignment: Course Project

Week 8


Quiz: Week 8 Quiz

Final Submission
Peer-graded Assignment: Course Project Final Submission
Grading in progress
Reviews 4 left to complete
Review Your Peers: Course Project Final Submission

Knowledge is key in achieving the triple bottom line

KM by Kelly L McDermott
April 5, 2024 Like Flag submission


For the final part of the project, you should take

into consideration all feedback given to you from
your peers throughout the course, make the
appropriate adjustments and edits, and combine
all three parts of project into one written

You will be assessed on your ability to:

Construct an organized response

Follow the project specifications

Provide quality information

Use recommended resources

Demonstrate strategic thinking

Create a well written and professional
looking assignment

Synthesize and analyze data

Argue your points

For my final written project I will be writing about

the importance of educating growers in my area
(the mid west) on new ways of incorporating
better farming practices for more sustainability.
Knowledge and education is key making sure
growers know the benefits for the environment to
incorporate these practices.

Here are some practices that will help for a better

Precision agriculture: Is a modern farming
approach that uses advanced technology to
optimize crop production. It involves using tools
like GPS, sensors, drones, and data analytics to
make precise and informed decisions about
farming practices. with precision agriculture,
farmers can gather data on various factors such as
soil composition, moisture levels, and crop health.
This data helps them make more accurate
decisions regarding irrigation, fertilization, and
pest control. By applying resources only where
and when they are needed, farmers can reduce
waste, minimize environmental impact, and
increase efficiency. Precision agriculture
empowers farmers to make date-driven decisions,
optimized resource usage, and improve crop
yields while minimizing environmental impact. To
argue my point why growers should incorporate
precision farming into their operations verse the
old school way of standard agriculture with
precision agriculture farmers reduce waste, and
maximize yields which effects the triple bottom

Strip tilling and no-till farming are both

conservation tillage practices that have their own
benefits. Strip tilling involves disturbing only a
portion of the soil in narrow strips where crops
will be planted, no-till farming avoids disturbing
the soil altogether. Strip tilling can also help
improve soil health by reducing erosion,
improving water infiltration, and enhancing
nutrient availability. The tilled strips create a
favorable environment for seed germination and
root growth, while the untilled areas help retain
soil structure and organic matter. No-till farming
preserves the soil structure and organic matter to
a greater extent. It helps reduce erosion conserve
moisture, and promote beneficial soil organisms.
The undisturbed soil acts as a protective cover,
reducing the risk of soil erosion and nutrient loss.
Strip tilling can potentially save the grower money
by disturbing only a portion of the soil in narrow
strips, strip tilling reduces the amount of fuel,
labor, and equipment needed. This can lead to
cost savings in terms of fuel consumption and
labor hours. It also improves soil health and
nutrient availability, which can result in better
crop yields. With improved yields, growers can
potentially generate more income from their
crops. If farmers continue to use standard tillage
practices it can have a negative impact on the
environment and soil health, causing soil erosion,
loss of organic matter, and decreased water
holding capacity. It also disrupts the natural
habitat of beneficial organisms in the soil once
again creating an effect on the triple bottom line.

The USDA (The United States Department of

Agriculture) offers various programs to help
growers implement conservation practices and
enhance sustainability on their farms Here are
some programs that are available:
EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentives Programs:
Provides financial assistance to farmers to
implement conservation practices that address
natural resource concerns. This program supports
activities such as cover cropping, nutrient
management, and erosion control. Farmers can
apply and their local USDA NRCS office.

CSP(Conservation Stewardship Program) Offers

incentives to farmers who actively manage and
improve their existing conservation practices.
Growers can apply through their local NRCS office.

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) provides

financial incentives to growers to convert
environmentally sensitive land to conservation
practices. This program helps protect soil, water,
and wildlife habitat by establishing long-term
cover, such as grasses or trees, on elig

Sustainable farming is super important because it

helps protect our environment and ensures the
long-term health of our planet. It focuses on using
resources efficiently, reducing pollution, and
preserving biodiversity. By practicing sustainable
farming, we can maintain healthy soil, conserve
water, and promote the well-being of animals. It's
all about finding a balance between meeting our
present needs and preserving our resources for
future generations.


Please include a list of all resources and

references cited in MLA or APA format.


Martin County NRCS

Iowa State University

University of Minnesota


Assess the organization of your peers' assignment

using the following criteria:
0 pts
0 - No Submission / Incomplete Sentences /
Incomplete Submission
1 pt
1 - Information appears to be unorganized.
Presentation lacks logical flow and does not
give the necessary information or ideas.
2 pts
2 -Information is somewhat organized, but not
well-constructed. Presentation gives basic
ideas but does not explain the topic at hand.
3 pts
3 - Information is organized and well-
constructed. Presentation offers clear logical
ideas, and mostly explains the topic at hand.
4 pts
4 - Information is very well organized and well-
constructed. Presentation offers clear, logical
ideas and fully explains the topic at hand.

Assess the correspondence with assignment

specifications of your peers' assignment using the
following criteria:
0 pts
0 - Submission does not correspond to the
assignment specifications.
1 pt
1 - A number of topics were not addressed or
attempted vaguely and did not correspond
with the assignment specifications.
2 pts
2 - All topics are addressed and most
correspond with the assignment
specifications, but not very clearly.
3 pts
3 - All topics are addressed and most
correspond with the assignment specifications
with some clarity.
4 pts
4 - All topics are addressed and all correspond
with the assignment specifications with great

Assess the quality of information in your peers'

assignment using the following criteria:
0 pts
0 - Submission does not contain quality
information and scientific research or reports.
1 pt
1 - Information has little or nothing to do with
the main topic.
2 pts
2 - Information clearly relates to the main
topic. However, no details and/or examples
are given to reinforce information points.
3 pts
3 - Information clearly relates to the main
topic. It provides one or two supporting details
and/or examples.
4 pts
4 - Information clearly relates to the main
topic. It includes several supporting details
and/or examples.

Assess the use of resources in your peers'

assignment using the following criteria:
0 pts
0 - Relevant source citations are non-existent
1 pt
1 - Submission is not based on scientific
2 pts
2 - Infrequent use of scientific resources to find
information and inconsistent source citations
throughout the submission
3 pts
3 - Frequent use of scientific resources to find
information and uses these to strengthen the
submission, but source citation is inconsistent
4 pts
4 - Successfully uses and cites scientific
resources to find information and uses these
to strengthen the submission

Assess the demonstration of strategic thinking in

the submission using the following criteria:
0 pts
0 - Submission does not demonstrate strategic
1 pt
1 - Submission appears mostly
straightforward/typical. No attempt is made to
extend ideas beyond the research evidence.
2 pts
2 - Submission demonstrates an effort made to
include original thinking and demonstrates
some use of originality, fluency, and/or
elaboration. However effort falls short in terms
of bridging the reader’s understanding with
ideas the student asserts.
3 pts
3 - Submission includes aspects that clearly
demonstrate some originality in thinking
about the concepts based on the evidence
found in research. Reasonable use of
originality, fluency, and/or elaboration helps
the reader get the message.
4 pts
4 - Submission includes aspects that clearly
demonstrate strong, original thinking about
the concepts based on the evidence found in
research. Effective use of originality, fluency,
and/or elaboration is clear to the reader.

Assess the written presentation and attention to

detail in the submission using the following
0 pts
0 - No attention to detail, grammatical and/or
spelling errors common.
1 pt
1 - The submission appears somewhat
“thrown together” with little attention to
2 pts
2 - Average time and care was taken in
completing the submission. There is attention
to detail, but not at the level of superior work.
Content and presentation somewhat meets
3 pts
3 - Evidence that time and care were taken in
completing the project, and some attention to
detail seems apparent. Appears the student
spent reasonable time on the content and
presentation of the submission.
4 pts
4 - Overall appearance of the work product
approaches a professional look and suggests
great attention to detail. Appears student
spent some time not only planning content,
but also with presentation quality of the work

Assess the synthesis and analysis of data in the

submission using the following criteria:
0 pts
0 - Submission demonstrates little ability to
understand the importance of information and
there were no attempts to make associations
between topics or to draw logical conclusions.
1 pt
1 - Submission demonstrates a limited ability
to understand the importance of information
and few attempts to make associations
between topics are to draw logical
2 pts
2 - Submission demonstrates the student can
understand the importance of information and
can generally draw logical conclusions, but
does not show evidence about the student’s
ability to make new associations between
relevant topics.
3 pts
3 - Submission reinforces the student’s ability
to assess the importance of information,
determine relevance to the topic, and apply
the information to draw logical conclusions,
but is less conclusive in terms of generating
new associations between relevant topics.
4 pts
4 - Student work product demonstrates the
student’s strong ability to evaluate and
synthesize information in order to reach
logical conclusions.

Assess whether or not arguments are well

structured in the submission using the following
0 pts
0 - Details are not in a logical or expected
order. There is no sense of writing structure or
logic in argument formation.
1 pt
1 - Many details are not in a logical or expected
order. There is little sense of writing structure
or logic in argument formation.
2 pts
2 - Some details are not in a logical or
expected order and can distract the reader
from the logic in argument formation.
3 pts
3 - Details are placed in a logical order, but the
way in which they are presented or introduced
tends to make argument formation points less
4 pts
4 - Details are placed in a logical order and the
way the arguments are formed and structured
effectively keeps the interest of the reader.

Please provide any written feedback and

comments that you have.

Submit Review

Comments left for the learner are visible only to that learner and the person who left the comment.

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