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excessively in posing potential systemic

RBI’s Scale-based Regulations risk and shall be made subject to higher
and intensive regulatory framework.
for NBFCs
Anomalies in Regulatory
A Bevy of Anomalies Framework
In this context, we observed six anomalies
in the regulatory framework for NBFCs
Arvind Awasthi, Siddharth Shukla as laid out by the RBI and those practised
globally for identification and regulation

Certain issues regarding the he Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on of systemically important NBFCs.
scale-based regulation framework 22 October 2021 published the
scale-based regulation (SBR) for Divergence in the usage of systemi-
for non-banking financial
non-banking financial companies (NBFCs). cally important in India and in the
companies laid out by the Reserve The idea behind subjecting the sector to rest of the world as well as dichotomy
Bank of India are scrutinised. SBR is to align the regulations in line in coexistence of systemically impor-
These pertain to divergence with the changing risk profiles of NBFCs tant and significant: As regards the
which have grown substantially and first issue, globally, the term systemical-
with globally adopted definition
have become systemically significant in ly important financial institution (SIFI)
of systemically important and the past few years. For the purpose, the came into practice after the global finan-
differences in the usage of two NBFC sector will be classified into four cial crisis of 2008 and European sover-
literally identical terms, namely layers—base layer, middle layer, upper eign debt crisis of 2009 which were trig-
layer and top layer. There are three bas- gered due to the simultaneous failure of
systemically important and
es of division of these four layers, name- several financial institutions. This led
systemically significant, by the ly size, activity, and perceived riskiness. governments to extend bailout packages
RBI, coupled with irregularities Companies populating the upper layer, to the financial institutions that they con-
in the measurement of perceived will be termed as systemically signifi- sidered as too-big-to-fail (TBTF). There-
cant and they will be identified based after, a debate on identifying the SIFIs
riskiness, the adoption of the
on two criteria. First, top 10 asset-wise originated with the aim of pre-empting
binary concept rather than NBFCs will always remain in the upper the financial institutions which may be
the continuum concept of layer, and second, a parametric scoring an epicentre of the systemic risk and
systemically important NBFCs methodology will be applied on the sam- subjecting them to enhanced prudential
ple of 50 NBFCs, excluding the top 10, norms in order to mitigate systemic risk
with regard to top 10 asset
which will be chosen on the basis of their and avert the financial crisis. Before de-
size-based inclusion in the upper total exposure from the middle layer. fining the concept of systemically impor-
layer, inclusion of systemically Once an NBFC is identified to be placed tant, it is necessary to understand the
significant NBFCs for a minimum in the upper layer, then it will be given term “systemic event.” The term “system-
a period of a maximum of 24 months ic event” is defined as disruption to the
period of five years, supervision
to adhere to the enhanced prudential flow of financial services caused by an
on calibrated increment of regulations defined for the upper layer. impairment of all or part of the financial
business, and the relevance In the meantime, calibrated increment system and has the potential to cause se-
of the top layer. in business will be allowed through rious negative consequences for the real
supervisory engagement. economy (FSB 2009). Formally, the term
NBFCs placed in the upper layer will be systemic risk refers to “the risk of experi-
subject to enhanced prudential regula- encing an event such that the release of
tions for a period of at least five years even bad information on, or failure of, one in-
if it does not meet the parametric criteria stitution propagates across the system
for subsequent years from the date of its resulting in further failures of other insti-
inclusion in the layer. In order to move tutions” (De Bandt and Hartmann 2000).
out of the upper layer, the NBFC either It thus follows that any financial institu-
has to elude the criteria for classification tion posing a threat of systemic risk to
Arvind Awasthi ( for five consecutive years or voluntarily the financial system is known as a SIFI. A
teaches at and Siddharth Shukla scale down its operations. At the end, SIFI can be an independent and individ-
( is a research there will be a top layer which will con- ual institution or a group of financial in-
scholar in the Department of Economics, sist of those NBFCs from the upper layer stitutions on which special guard measures
University of Lucknow.
that RBI would consider to have grown are applied once they are designated as
Economic & Political Weekly EPW AUGUST 5, 2023 vol lViii no 31 25

SIFI. These measures could be revoked acknowledged that the financial institu- important are no different. But in the
after their business activities are stream- tions that pose systemic threat to finan- RBI notification of SBR framework, they
lined so that they no longer pose a threat cial system are distinguished as SIFIs. He have been used to designate different
of the systemic risk that could jeopardise also mentioned that the individual fail- sets of NBFCs posing varied degree of
the financial stability of the system. ure of NBFC-ND having an asset size systemic risk to the financial system.
They can also then be de-designated greater than `100 crore will not pose There is a dire need to remove the di-
from the tag of SIFI. This in fact suggests any systemic risk to the financial system chotomy in the use of two literarily iden-
that enough freedom exists for the regu- and hence recognising the distinguished tical phrases and bring consistency in
latory authority in designating and de- category of NBFC-ND as systemically im- the usage of same tag of “systemically
designating not only individual firms portant might not be appropriate. Further, important” as it is used differently in In-
but also those non-bank entities that he suggested that their collective failure dia and in rest of the world.
represent a homogeneous financial group can pose the threat of systemic risk to the
in terms of their business activities and financial system. Therefore, he regarded Irregularities in the measurement of
of a homoscedastic asset size. As a matter the entire NBFC sector or a subgroup of perceived riskiness: As regards the sec-
of policy response to the financial cri- NBFC, say gold loan NBFCs, as systemi- ond issue pertaining to the measure-
sis, the United States (US) passed the cally important. Despite pointing out a ment and parameters of perceived riski-
Dodd-Frank Act on 21 July 2010 and view divergent from the RBI’s classifica- ness, there is a parametric methodology
founded the Financial Stability Over- tion of systemically important NBFC-ND, for its measurement with respect to the
sight Council (FSOC) under it with the he accepted the nomenclature used by the upper layer, but there is no threshold de-
aim of supervising the systemic risk RBI. Additionally, the stated hypothesis fined in the notification for each param-
flowing form NBFCs and designating of Acharya et al (2013), that failure of in- eter. It is strange to notice that there is a
SIFIs. If material distress prevails at a US dividual NBFC do not pose any threat to mention of determination of threshold
NBFC, or the nature, scope, size, scale, financial stability was negated with the limits in the discussion paper put out by
concentration, interconnectedness or Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Ser- the RBI on 22 January 2021 but no such
mix of activities of US NBFC could threat- vices (IL&FS) company failing on its debt mention is made in the notification re-
en the financial stability, then that par- obligation in 2018. This consequently leased by the RBI on 22 October 2021.
ticular entity must be designated as SIFI. spread distress in the entire financial Defining the threshold is extremely im-
RBI has given the tag of systemically system, compelling the government to portant as every financial institution
important to NBFCs in 2006, prior to the extend its support to prevent any further poses a systemic threat of varying de-
global practice of adopting the concept chain of failures of financial institutions. gree to the financial system. But wheth-
of SIFI in the case of NBFCs in 2008. RBI Therefore, it can be argued that failure er that degree of systemic threat poses
classified a set of NBFC-non-deposit (ND) of a NBFC has the potential of spreading adequate potential risk to the financial
as systemically important based on their systemic risk across the financial system. system depends on whether the param-
asset size to extend prudential regula- The aforementioned facts are prima facie eters of systemic risk are over and above
tions to them. RBI used the nomenclature evidence for questioning the adequacy of certain threshold limit or not. Parame-
of systemically important to designate a the RBI approach for defining systemi- ters accompanied with the threshold
class of NBFC-ND having an asset size cally important NBFCs in India. will result in the estimation of perceived
greater than `100 crore which later was Further, the RBI has introduced a new riskiness of an NBFC. Earlier, FSOC laid
revised to `500 crore in 2014 and in the nomenclature of systemically significant out the three stage process for the deter-
recently published SBR notification, this in the SBR framework. NBFCs are desig- mination and identification of companies
asset size limit is recommended to be nated as systemically significant after which may pose threats to the financial
revised to `1,000 crore with effect from performing a parametric analysis on the system. In the first stage, six quantita-
1 October 2022. The designation of sys- sample of 50 NBFCs selected from the tive thresholds were laid down to filter
temically important used in India is in middle layer populated by NBFC-ND-SI NBFCs for further analysis. These were
wide variance with what is used at the and NBFC-D along with inclusion of top defined as asset size limit of $50 billion,
global level (Awasthi and Shukla 2022). 10 asset-wise NBFCs. This implies that the 15 to 1 leverage ratio, 10% short-term
The point of contention with the use of group of systemically significant is a joint debt ratio, etc. Moreover, while defining
this phrase of “systemically important” is set of systemically important non-deposit the assessment methodology for global
that although the use of “systemically im- taking NBFCs, which in essence means that systemically important insurers (G-SII),
portant” predates the use of it in the few NBFCs in the upper layer are those sys- International Association of Insurance
global economies, yet even after the global temically important NBFCs that have been Supervisors (IAIS 2016) has laid down a
acceptance of the use of the tag, the RBI designated as systemically significant. five-phase process for identification, where
continued to use this tag in the previous However, in literary sense, both the terms, in part B of phase II, they have determined
sense. Moreover, it needs to be men- significant and important, are used as the threshold and divided the sample of
tioned that the dichotomous use was not synonyms which implies that the tag of institutions into two groups—above and
latent. For instance, Acharya et al (2013) systemically significant and systemically below the quantitative threshold limit.
26 AUGUST 5, 2023 vol lViii no 31 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

The group above the quantitative thresh- company is designated as SIFI, then there including an affirmative vote by the
old limit will be subjected to further analy- is a procedure in place to de-designate it chairperson of the council, agrees to do
sis. Therefore, it can be convincingly as the concept of SIFI embodies cutting so. This is not the case in India and NBFCs
said that without the defined threshold, down the size, interconnectedness, and once tagged as systemically significant
measurement of perceived riskiness seems business activity of the institution till will have to adhere to enhanced regula-
to be standing on one leg. Additionally, the extent where no threat to financial tory norms for at least five years with the
the RBI has adopted the parametric scor- system stability is assured. Moreover, the leeway in the form of special provision
ing methodology in contrast with the glob- continuum distinction also implies that that they can move out even earlier if
al practice of adoption of an indicator- apart from a particular financial institu- there is a deliberate effort by the NBFC
based approach for identification of tion, some other financial institutions Board to scale-down the operations of
SIFIs. The parametric scoring methodology can also be designated as SIFI depending NBFCs in the upper layer (NBFC-UL) along
is comprised of quantitative and qualita- upon their threat posing capacity to the with the rider that the relaxation to
tive parameters. Size and leverage, inter- financial system. Therefore, the concept move out earlier will be nullified if the
connectedness, and complexity are the of systemically important makes a com- scaling-down of operation is because of
quantitative parameters with a cumula- pany subject to designation, de-designa- the adverse situation specific to the NBFC
tive weightage of 70%, whereas nature tion and re-designation in case it again that escalates its financial stress. Moving
and type of liability, group structure and poses a threat to the financial system af- out of the upper layer through special
segment penetration are the qualitative ter being de-designated. However, inclu- provision here implies only downhill
parameters with a cumulative weight- sion on the basis of asset size in the up- movement, that is, movement towards
age of 30%. Considering this strange per layer makes NBFCs permanently sub- the middle layer. Additionally, NBFCs in
mix of quantitative and qualitative pa- ject to enhanced prudential norms and the middle layer whose parameters are
rameters, the estimation of perceived they tend to follow the binary distinction approaching the threshold of parametric
riskiness done by clubbing these param- instead of the continuum spirit. In addi- criteria for qualifying to the upper layer,
eters require statistical justification and tion to this binary distinction, the RBI will be informed so, to enable them to
logical consistency before deriving any has also partially adopted the continuum reorient their operations if they want to
inference about the risk profile of an concept in the upper layer where it has continue residing in the middle layer
NBFC. A thorough and detailed study of laid down a parametric scoring method- and do not want to graduate to the upper
assessment methodologies of global sys- ology for the inclusion of few NBFCs. In- layer. Therefore, averting the tag of sys-
temically important banks (G-SIBs), global corporation of both binary as well as temically significant also has implica-
systemically important insurers (G-SII), continuum concept in the same layer is tions with regard to restricting the busi-
non-bank non-insurer global SIFIs (NBNI indeed odd but true. Adoption of the ness of the NBFC to continue its working
G-SIFIs) and assessment methodology continuum approach is not fully incor- in the middle layer. And once an NBFC
for domestic SIBs laid down by the RBI porated in its true essence in the sense qualifies as NBFC-UL, it will be penalised
have revealed that an indicator-based that inclusion is being made conditional hardly and will be subject to stricter norms
approach is being followed to identify for a fixed time period of at least five which will act as a constraint in its
respective SIFIs. In each case, 100% years, provided the NBFC has not volun- growth for a minimum of five years. The
weightage is given to the quantitative tarily readjusted its business, instead of tag of systemically significant will act as
parameters and it is being mentioned the global practice of periodic revalua- a ceiling on its further growth. This
that qualitative parameters pertaining tion for the purpose of de-designation of would not happen with just two or three
to regulatory and supervisory judgment the NBFC which is the chief aspect of the NBFCs, but with at least 10 + n NBFCs
will complement the process of identifi- continuum concept. This point is further which are supposed to be in the range of
cation of SIFIs but these are considered highlighted in the subsequent issue. 25–30 companies. Such a huge number of
independent of the quantitative analy- NBFCs placed under stricter prudential
sis. Therefore, clubbing of quantitative Designation for at least five years along norms for a minimum of five years will
and qualitative parameters in the SBR is with a special provision are a devia- severely hit their growth opportunities.
strange, statistically unviable and not in tion from global practice: The fourth
conformity with the global practices. issue pertains to the minimum period of Implications of supervision on cali-
designation of SIFIs. In pursuance with brated increment in business: As re-
Adoption of binary concept rather Section 113(d) of Dodd-Frank Act, FSOC gards the fifth issue, after designating
than continuum concept of systemi- annually re-evaluates the designation of an NBFC-UL, the RBI has laid out that a
cally important with regard to top 10 SIFI given to NBFCs and allows to rescind maximum period of two years will be
asset size-based inclusion in upper the tag if the company is no longer meeting given to the NBFC as a transition period
layer: It is apt to mention that the con- the standards of designation. Rescind- for graduating from the middle layer to
cept “systemically important” is a con- ing of the tag will be implemented if the the upper layer and to adhere to the stip-
tinuum rather than a binary distinction council by a vote of not less than two- ulations. During the transition period
(Thomson 2010). This implies that if a thirds of voting members then serving, of two years, a calibrated increment in
Economic & Political Weekly EPW AUGUST 5, 2023 vol lViii no 31 27

business will be allowed under the su- what is the relevance of naming the re-evaluation of the tag of systemically
pervision of RBI. Supervised and cali- companies in the upper layer as systemi- important in the US. Moreover, aversion
brated increment in business will dis- cally significant, and second, if the us- to move up to the upper layer will also
courage NBFCs from taking risks and age of systemically significant contin- be a discouragement to the NBFC-ML to ex-
growing in their size because as soon as ues, then what should be the jargon for pand its business. NBFCs identified for the
they will be ready to take off, their wings the companies populating the top layer? upper layer will have a transition peri-
will be clipped with supervision for two od to adhere to enhanced regulations,
years. In such a scenario, NBFCs would In Conclusion and in the meantime, a calibrated incre-
prefer to stay in the middle layer than to Scale-based regulations for NBFCs as laid ment in business will be allowed which
expand and move up to the upper layer out by the RBI is out of kilter in many has a penalising implication for those
where the unbridled growth of an NBFC ways with the globally established prac- companies showing good performance by
will be pruned. Such caging of growth tice for the identification and regulations taking care of their idiosyncratic as well
will create a dismal climate for the in- of systemically important financial insti- as systemic risk determinants. Finally,
novative character of NBFC sector which tutions. The first major deviation is the there is no methodology laid out for the
is their unique selling proposition. usage of the term systemically important inclusion of NBFCs in the top layer. Exist-
in India and in rest of the world along ence of the top layer implies that few
Relevance of top layer: Finally with re- with the dichotomous use of two literal- companies will have higher perceived
spect to the sixth issue, the top layer is ly identical terms, systemically important riskiness than those classified as system-
made with the purpose of including those and systemically significant in the same ically significant which defeats the pur-
NBFCs from the upper layer which the layer. Second, there are no thresholds pose of such categorisation. Moreover,
central bank will consider as having ex- defined in the parametric methodology no nomenclature is suggested for com-
panded in posing potential systemic risk. for the identification of NBFCs in the up- panies having the highest perceived
Currently, the RBI has kept this layer per layer along with coexistence of both riskiness among all NBFCs. Existence of
empty. The NBFCs placed in the top layer quantitative as well as qualitative pa- top layer has no parallel in the world.
will be subject to higher capital charges. rameters which requires statistical justi-
However, the RBI has not laid out any fication and logical consistency. Addi- References
parameters breaching which an NBFC tionally, systemically important is a con- Acharya, V, H Khandwala and T S Oncu (2013):
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the fact that a passing remark has been concept. Inclusion of NBFCs on the basis nal of International Money and Finance 39,
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which in the RBI’s opinion, have grown case of binary distinction. The RBI has 2013icp207-230.html.
substantially in posing the systemic risk laid out a minimum five-year period for Awasthi, A and S Shukla (2022): “Need to Redefine
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to the financial system. Since the imposi- NBFCs to reside in the upper layer which cial Company in India,” Vinimaya, Vol 42, No 3,
tion of enhanced prudential norms will be is in wide divergence with the annual pp 49‒55.
done at the upper layer and categorising
those companies as systemically signifi-
cant should be the last step in tackling
the potential systemic threat because Review of Women’s Studies
the basic motive behind identifying SIFIs May 28, 2022
is to treat and mitigate the threat posed
by them. But the existence of the top Performing Art/Performing Labour: Gender, Body, —Aishika Chakraborty,
layer implies that the companies popu- and the Politics of Culture Anagha Tambe

lating the top layer will have higher per- Women-only! Reframing of Erotic Lavani in Contemporary Maharashtra —Anagha Tambe
ceived riskiness than those classified as Dancing the Night Away: Erotic Outlaws of the Democracy —Aishika Chakraborty
systemically significant that is, compa- Corpo-activism: Dance and Activist Labour in the Work of
nies in the top layer are systemically Komal Gandhar, Kolkata —Prarthana Purkayastha
“more” significant than the companies Bodies in Waiting: Remapping Gender, Labour, and Histories of
the Indian Film Industry (1930s–1950s) —Madhuja Mukherjee
in the upper layer. This deduction is in
wide divergence with the global spirit of The Legacy of Balamani Ammal in Tamil Theatre: Affirming a History Lost
in the Conjunction between Social Respectability and Historiography of Arts —A Mangai
SIFI which implies that the designation of
SIFI is the final step in the event of iden- For copies write to:
tifying such institutions. In this context, Circulation Manager,
the existence of top layer raises two im- Economic & Political Weekly,
320–322, A to Z Industrial Estate, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg,
portant issues. First, if there are NBFCs Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013.
having higher perceived riskiness than email:
the systemically significant NBFCs, then
28 AUGUST 5, 2023 vol lViii no 31 EPW Economic & Political Weekly
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