CM LVIII 28 150723 Kumar V Pratap

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and energy charges based on actuals.

Autonomous Regulation and The first private passenger trains under
this initiative are expected to start oper-
Regulatory Risk ations in 2023.
Similarly, the coal sector has recently
Why Railways and Coal Should Not been opened up to the private sector for
Have Independent Sectoral Regulators commercial mining. Thirty-eight expl-
ored coal blocks were offered, for which
43 bids were received. For 19 blocks, there
were more than two bids, while for
Kumar V Pratap three, there was a single bid. To take this
initiative to fruition, the Ministry of Coal

The Ministries of Railways he clamour for an independent is open to the idea of a coal regulator.
and Coal have recently opened regulator for the railways has been However, to decide whether an inde-
gaining ground since the time pri- pendent railway or coal regulator is
up their passenger train and
vate passenger trains have been mooted. needed or not, we need to understand
commercial coal mining segments It is being reasoned that with an incum- why we want to regulate railway and
to private participation. With bent public sector monopolist in the sec- coal sectors, the experience with inde-
this, there is a growing clamour tor, private investment would not be pendent regulators in infrastructure sec-
forthcoming in the absence of unbiased tors so far, the international best prac-
for setting up independent
regulation, which translates into the re- tices, and given all this, how to address
sectoral regulators for these quirement for an independent sectoral the issue of regulatory risk to prospec-
sectors. This article argues that regulator. After the request for qualifica- tive bidders in railway passenger trains
railways and coal would be better tion for private participation in passenger and coal mining.
train services was issued (1 July 2020),
off “regulating by contract” or Need for Regulating
the clamour has become shriller. The ob-
that the independent sectoral jective of private participation in this Infrastructure Services
regulators in related sectors market segment is to introduce modern Given the need for attracting private inv-
may be given the regulatory technology rolling stock with reduced estment into infrastructure, the Elev-
maintenance requirements, reduced tran- enth Five Year Plan aimed at, inter alia,
responsibility of railways and
sit time, job creation, enhanced safety developing an environment which is
coal, respectively. and world-class travel experience to pas- both attractive to investors and also seen
sengers, and reduced demand–supply to be fair to consumers, especially since
deficit in the passenger transportation many infrastructure projects have an
sector (Press Information Bureau 2020). element of monopoly. This called for an
As per the plan, 151 private trains are to be environment in which either the market
operated over 109 routes, which will bring itself is competitive, giving consumers a
in private investment of about `30,000 choice among different suppliers, as in
Views are personal. crore. The concession period would be the case with telecommunications or
Kumar V Pratap ( 35 years and the bidding parameter freight container carriers, or concessions
is currently joint secretary in the Ministry of would be revenue share to the Indian are given to the most competitive bidders
Home Affairs. He was earlier dealing with Railways. The concessionaires would have in an environment where regulatory sys-
infrastructure policy and finance in the to pay a fixed haulage charge for path, tem limits user charges to reasonable
Ministry of Finance.
stations, access to railway infrastructure, levels and regulations set appropriate
12 juLY 15, 2023 vol lViii no 28 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

standards of service as in the case of air- extraordinary profits and the providers regulatory flipflops in the case of tariff
ports, ports and roads. The rationale for just make enough money to make it via- fixation for the Tata Mundra project are
regulating railway and coal services ble to provide the services. However, well known. For TAMP, we are too well
remains the same. large segments of the infrastructure aware of the case of Nhava Sheva Inter-
There is a huge exposure to regulatory markets are a monopoly, that is, we can- national Container Terminal, where the
risk in infrastructure sectors, because not, for example, have competing power revenue share to be paid to public au-
of the characteristics of infrastructure transmission lines catering to the same thority was made a part of costs to be
among which is high asset specificity, consumers as it would be economically taken into account in tariff fixation for
with little alternative use of these assets, and financially unviable to do so. Simi- the project, thus rendering the whole
and consequent sunk cost nature of inf- larly, private passenger trains would be idea of competitive bidding with reve-
rastructure investments. So, once capi- having a monopoly for the time that rail- nue share as a bidding parameter, a
tal is invested in building or refurbishing ways would not be able to run compet- farce. If the bidders are assured that the
an airport, a port, a road, a passenger ing trains from the same station. outgo on account of the bid would be
train or coal mine, the investor should Regulation is aimed at producing com- compensated, then there would be no ef-
not be subjected to arbitrary decisions petitive outcomes in the absence of such fective limit to what bidders would bid,
regarding user charges or output price; markets. Hence, there is a need for regu- because any amount that is bid would be
otherwise, there would be no invest- lating these services, so that passenger compensated by increasing the user
ment forthcoming. Tariff risk is the most service standards (punctuality, reliability, charges. This would make competitive
important regulatory risk and refers to upkeep of trains, etc) are reasonable so bidding of projects meaningless.
the risk that the regulator would not as to lessen the chances of monopolistic AERA has also been accused of approv-
allow cost-recovering user charge. One exploitation of users (normally, both the ing development fees on the consumers
of the ways of mitigating regulatory risk user charges and service standards are for Mumbai and Delhi airports post con-
is by setting up independent sectoral regulated, but user charges are not being tract, to the detriment of passenger in-
regulators, who would inter alia regu- regulated for passenger trains and the bid- terests. The Comptroller and Auditor
late user charges/output price and ser- ders would be free to set the user charges). General (CAG 2012) had pointed that the
vice standards. Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL)
An independent and autonomous reg- Experience with Independent had financed about 27% of the capital
ulation guards against politically moti- Sectoral Regulators costs through development fees, levied
vated government intervention or “hold Given the need for regulating infrastruc- on the passengers since 2009. Thus, de-
up” by the private sector. It is also ex- ture services, there are four infrastructure velopment fees enriched DIAL by `3,415
pected to provide a level playing field regulators in the country, namely Telecom crore at the expense of passengers. It is
with incumbent public and private play- Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), also anticipated that those who have bid
ers. For example, the existence of auton- Central Electricity Regulatory Commission aggressively for the recent bouquet of six
omous regulators will guard against ar- (CERC) and the states have State Elec- airports in India, would petition AERA to
bitrary action by the public sector de- tricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs), include the bid parameter (per passen-
partmental undertaking, Indian Rail- Tariff Authority for Major Ports (TAMP), ger fee or some variant, say development
ways or the public sector company, Coal and the Airports Economic Regulatory fee) as a cost element, while fixing air-
India Limited, which could lead to Authority (AERA). India probably already port charges for the airlines and the pas-
stranded private investments. This would has the highest number of independent sengers, which would reduce the com-
be a great source of comfort for the new sectoral regulators, which has compli- petitive bidding for airports to a farce.
private players planning to enter these cated and delayed decision-making and The disquiet with the functioning of
erstwhile public monopoly sectors. increased uncertainty regarding the busi- the existing sectoral regulators has been
A perfectly competitive market is the ness environment. expressed at the highest levels of the
gold standard for benign outcomes for The question we need to answer is government. For example, the Prime
society, including consumers, captured whether the existing sectoral regulators Minister, in his 2011 Independence Day
in the sentence, while have been able to mitigate the regulatory speech said:
he intends only his own gain … he is … led risk in their respective sectors. It has been In recent years, we have established inde-
by an invisible hand to promote an end which alleged that in the case of TRAI, there pendent regulatory authorities in many
was no part of his intention … By pursuing has been regulatory capture by the pri- areas. These authorities discharge many
his own interest he frequently promotes that vate sector, which is apparent from al- responsibilities which were earlier in the do-
of the society more effectually than when he leged partisan decisions of the regulator, main of the government itself. We have no
really intends to promote it. (Smith 1776) legislation which would enable monitoring
whether it is reducing interconnection us-
of the work of these regulatory authorities
In a long-term equilibrium, in a perfectly age charge (IUC), or the one whereby both and make them more accountable, without,
competitive market, price is equal to Vodafone and Airtel were being prevent- however, compromising their independ-
marginal and average cost so that the ed to practise valid market segmenta- ence. We are also considering enactment of
users do not have to pay any rent or tion strategies. In the case of CERC, the such a law.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW juLY 15, 2023 vol lViii no 28 13


14 juLY 15, 2023 vol lViii no 28 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

On the other hand, in the road sector, new Electricity Act (Amendment) Bill environmentally efficient mode of trans-
India has the highest number of public– proposes creation of a National Electri- port and the idea behind the proposed
private partnership (PPP) projects in the city Contract Enforcement Authority, Rail Tariff Authority was to set this im-
world (486 projects accounting for an thus eating into the domain of the exist- balance right, the proposal has not been
investment of $90 billion as per the Private ing electricity regulators. The mandato- actioned. If the Ministry of Railways
Participation in Infrastructure database ry and advisory functions of the electric- could not implement the cabinet approv-
of the World Bank [2020]), without hav- ity regulatory commissions include, for al for so many years despite the over-
ing an independent sectoral regulator. example, the following: adjudicating upon whelming rationale for setting the tariff
What is practised in the sector is “regu- disputes involving generating compa- structure right, the advent of private
lation by contract,” whereby the conces- nies or transmission licensees; specify- participation in passenger train services
sion contract has clauses that govern the ing and enforcing standards with re- is not enough for actioning this approval.
relationship between the public authority spect to quality, continuity and reliabili- Similarly, just like the road sector, the
and the private sector, ranging from ty of service by licensees; promotion of Ministry of Railways may practise “reg-
non-fulfilment of conditions precedent, investment in electricity industry. There- ulation by contract” with balanced risk-
force majeure events like the COVID-19 fore, this move of creating parallel regu- sharing between the public and the pri-
pandemic (which is classified as a non- latory structures may not be optimal in vate sectors. Concession agreements de-
political force majeure event, the relief theory for evolution of infrastructure fine the “rules of the game” so that ser-
for which is extension of the concession regulation in the country. vice providers can build financial mod-
period by the force majeure period), pre- So, there is nothing automatic about els and bid. Concession agreements have
mature termination, etc. It is not that the autonomous regulation once an inde- provisions regarding tariff determina-
sector does not have issues in private pendent sectoral regulator has been cre- tion and performance standards, which
participation, including disputes with the ated. Much depends on whether the reg- provide greater predictability and clarify
private sector, but it has devised strate- ulator has decision-making independ- risks and rewards for the private sector.
gies for tackling them, to make it the most ence (make regulatory decisions without Alternatively, AERA may also function
happening sector in Indian infrastructure. de facto prior approval of government), as the regulator for the railways, thus
It is well-accepted in the regulatory institutional and management indepen- creating a multisectoral regulator. Multi-
firmament that quality human resources dence (a regulator has control over inter- sectoral regulators would be a check
are scarcer than money (Tremolet and nal administration and protection from against proliferation of regulators, help
Shah 2005). Appointment of regulators removal from office for political reasons), build capacity and expertise, promote
in India may have led to issues in regula- and financial independence (a regulator consistency of approach, prevent regula-
tory capacity leading to compromised has earmarked secure and adequate source tory capture and save on costs. The United
regulatory substance, in terms of quality of funding). The Indian infrastructure States has a multisectoral regulator in
that hurts credibility. As long as inde- sectoral regulators are wanting in many the form of the Federal Communications
pendent sectoral regulators are seen as a of these aspects. Commission, the United Kingdom and
perch for retired bureaucrats (after all, Sri Lanka are mulling regulatory ref-
all the four infrastructure regulators are Recommended Regulatory orms, including multisectoral regulators
headed by retired bureaucrats), they will Option for Railways and Coal to streamline regulatory framework and
not be autonomous and look at the union As we have seen, in the passenger train eliminate overlapping regulations, and
and state governments before taking de- segment, the user charges are unregu- most states in Australia have multi-
cisions. Thus, though the Electricity Act lated, while the service standards men- sectoral regulators (Planning Commis-
2003 recognises the principle that tariffs tioned in the concession contract would sion 2008a, 2008b). The railway safety
should be cost-reflective (Section 61), we have to be enforced by the proposed rail- regulator (Commission of Railway Safe-
find that the difference between the av- way regulator. This is too limited a role ty nd) is already functioning under the
erage cost of supply of power and aver- for an independent sectoral regulator. aegis of the Ministry of Civil Aviation, so
age revenue realisation has widened to It should also be noted that the rail- this idea about AERA being a multisecto-
`0.72 per unit of power lately (Power ways already had cabinet approval for a ral regulator for the civil aviation and
Finance Corporation 2020). So, it can be Rail Development Authority (in May 2017) railways sector would only cement the
surmised that the role of independent and a Rail Tariff Authority in January relationship between these two modes
sectoral regulators in addressing regula- 2014, which has not progressed for many of transportation for the common good.
tory risk in infrastructure is quite suspect years now. India has one of the lowest
thus far in India. per kilometre (km) tariff for passengers
We should also be cognisant of the (Planning Commission 2014: 51), while available at
fact that even in sectors that have inde- having one of the highest per tonne-km
pendent sectoral regulators, the govern- tariff for freight to allow for cross-subsi-
Siddhivinayak Enterprises
B-006, Antophill Warehousing
ment is thinking in terms of parallel disation. The result is that though rail-
Wadala East, Mumbai 400 037
regulatory structures, for example, the ways are a much more economically and
Economic & Political Weekly EPW juLY 15, 2023 vol lViii no 28 15

The same rationale holds for the pro- Jai, Shreya and Jyoti Mukul (2020): “We Are Open Press Information Bureau (2020): “Ministry of Rail-
to a Coal Regulator, Says Coal Minister Pralhad ways Invites Request for Qualification (RFQ) for
posed coal regulator, whereby the Min- Joshi,” Business Standard, 13 November. Private Participation for Operation of Passen-
istry of Coal should be practising “regu- Mahajan, S Anilesh (2020): “Changing Tracks,” ger Train Services,” 1 July,
India Today, 21 September. PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1635722.
lation by contract” or alternatively, CERC
Planning Commission (2008a): Eleventh Five Year Plan Prime Minister’s Independence Day Speech (2011):
may function as the regulator for coal, (2007–12), New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
thus creating a multisectoral regulator. — (2008b): Approach to Regulation of Infrastruc- gh/speech-details.php?nodeid=1045.
ture, the Secretariat for the Commission on Smith, Adam (1776): The Wealth of Nations, London:
References Infrastructure, New Delhi. W Strahan and T Cadell.
— (2014): India Transport Report Volume III Part 1, Tremolet, S and N Shah (2005): “Wanted! Good
CAG (2012): “Report of the Comptroller and Audi- National Transport Development Policy Com- Regulators for Good Regulation: An Evaluation
tor General of India for the Year Ended March of Human and Financial Resource Constraints
mittee, New Delhi: Routledge.
2012 on Implementation of Public Private Part-
Power Finance Corporation (2020): Report on Per- for Utility Regulation,” Report by Environmen-
nership: Indira Gandhi International Airport,”
Comptroller and Auditor General, Delhi. formance of State Power Utilities, 2018–19, tal Resources Management and Tremolet Con-
Commission of Railway Safety (nd): https://www. New Delhi, sulting for the World Bank, Washington, DC. mentRepository/ckfinder/files/Operations/ World Bank (2020): “Private Participation in Infra-
way-safety. Performance_Reports_of_State_Power_Utili- Structure Database of the World Bank (India
Government of India (2003): “The Electricity Act,” ties/Report%20on%20Performance%20 Country Snapshot),” viewed on 8 December, of%20State%20Power%20Utilities%202018-
ment.pdf. 19.pdf. country/india/.

16 juLY 15, 2023 vol lViii no 28 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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