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Overview: tennis tăng, rugby giảm, basketball và badminton không đổi năm 2005 tennis là lớn

Body 1: năm 1985 tennis là 150 sau đó tăng mạnh đến 200 trong năm 1995 từ trước khi đạt
đỉnh vào năm 2005, trong khi basketbal không đổi giữ nguyên trong cả giai đoạn đó
Body 2: năm 1985 rubby gấp 5 lần badminton, trong khi badmintion không đổi thì rugby giảm
mạnh về 50 sau 10 năm. Trong năm 2005 thì tennis = rugby

The graph illustrates how many citizens joined in 4 categories of sports in a specific region from
1984 to 2005

Overall, it is obvious that the number of tennis players witnessed an upward trend between
1985 and 2005, while the opposite was true for that of rugby. On the other hand, the figure for
both basketball and badminton remained unchanged throughout the survey period.

Initially, just around 80 people were interested in basketball, whereas that of tennis was 150
people. Afterward, there was a significant increase to 200 people in citizens choosing to play
tennis before it peaked at 225 in 2005. In contrast, the data of basketball players stabilized
throughout the period.

Regarding the remaining sports, the number of people joining rugby was five times higher than
that of badminton in 1985. After 20 years, the figure for badminton players remained relatively
constant, while that of rugby experienced a dramatic decrease of 200 people. In 2005, the
statistics of participants in both badminton and rugby were equal at 50 people, making those
sports become the least favorite sports.
Overview: SK và USA cao nhất trong 2 năm khảo sát. Thêm vào đó, thay đổi britain là lớn nhất

Body 1: ban đầu, KS lớn hớn USA. sau 1 năm USA thay thế KS (tăng 170-20)

Body 2: 2001 internet không phổ biến ở Germany, Switzerland, Britain ( about 0,35%). bả 3 đều tăng
mạnh sau 1 năm, với Switzerland, Britain tăng lần lượt 120,80%, while britain tăng mạnh nhất với 230%

The bar chart and table illustrate the percentage of families with high-speed internet access, and
the change over two consecutive years in different countries from 2001 to 2002.

Overall, it is obvious that the proportion of households with high-speed internet connection was
the highest in South Korea and the USA throughout the survey period. Furthermore, the figure
for Britain witnessed the biggest change among 5 countries.
Initially, about 12.2 percent of South Korean families could access high-speed internet,
compared to 9.3% of USA families. After a year, there was a significant increase of 170% to
reach 25.11% of the population in the number of US households with high-speed internet, while
the growth of rate South Korean families was only 20%.

In 2001, high-speed internet was not common in Germany, Switzerland, and Britain, with only
roughly 0.35% of the population. All of these figures jumped dramatically over the years, with
Garmany, and Switzerland saw an increase of 80%, and 120%, respectively, whereas Britain
experienced the highest growth of 230%.

Overview: có một sự hiện đại hoá

Nature area-> thu hẹp
residential, commercial and industrial developments throughout the period đã được mở rộng

Body 1: phía nam

Streets of houses replaced by apartment blocks
Hospital and shops; railway station stabilized
School relocated and substituted shopping complex
Public garden -> factories and ware houses

Body 2: phía bắc

Woodland developed Adventure Park
Houses larger; park narrower
Large house with gardens -> hotel with golf course
School built

The maps illustrate the degree of development of Eastminster over a decade from 1999 to 2009.
Overall, it is obvious that there was a modernization of the village of Eastminter. The natural
areas that were supplied 10 years ago have been shrunk, while residential, commercial, and
industrial developments throughout the period have been expanded.

Look at the south side, the streets of houses were decreased significantly which were replaced by
apartment blocks. The hospital, shops, and railway station still settled in the south of the village,
and it stayed unchanged. In addition, the school was relocated and substituted by a shopping
complex. On the other hand, there was the replacement of public garden into factories and

In the north position, Woodland was developed into Adventure Park. It is noticeable the house
became larger, whereas the park adjacent to them became narrower over the following ten years.
Furthermore, a large house with garden has been removed to construct a hotel with golf course.
A new school also has been built next to the hotel.

Dàn bài
Overview: 7 stages; Bắt đầu từ việc thu gom ô liu và kết thúc với việc trữ hoặc bán thành phẩm.
Body 1
Olive tree-> gathered into beskets-> rinsing by cool water-> conveyor -> smashing machine->olive stone
and olive paste-The paste is put into bags with holes

Body 2: The next stage: bags were put into the a pressing device-> separating ->remove water-> extra
virgin olive oil-> either be stored or sold
Bài làm
The graph illustrates stages related to manufacture of olive oil sole in markets.

Overall, it is obvious that the procedure includes seven stages, beginning with collecting olive from olive
trees then taking them for processing, and ending with distributing olive oil in the market.

Firstly, olive trees supply the principal ingredient, olives are gathered into baskets. Then, the fruits will be
rinsed with cold water to remove all dirt, pesticides, and remaining insects. In the next stage, a belt is used
as a conveyor to carry hygienic olives to a tank for smashing, which results in the removal of olive stones
and the production of olive paste. The paste is put into bag with holes.

Next, the bags are put into the pressing device. When the juice is successfully squeezed, the fresh juice
will be processed by a specialized machine. After the extraction stage, the water is drained off from the
juice, leaving the extra virgin olive oil which will be stored in warehouses, ready to be purchased by

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