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He is a Greek thinker and

claims that everything is water.
5 Domains of Philosophy ______________
1. 18. ________ and __________ are
2. entities that idealist and the
3. materialist based their theories
4. upon.
5. 19. He called the truth as ideas or
6. Philo means _______________ forms and also referred as the
7. Sophia means Universals or absolute.
________________ 20. ______________: what is
8. It is a philosophical approach reality? Why does it exist? And
which is systematic; ordered how does it exist?
body of learning as any other 21. Soul exist in _____________:
sciences. the world of ideas.
____________________ 22. It is a work of Plato which
9. It sets the distinction between shows a reflection that
the philosophy and other distinguishes between
sciences. ________________ appearance and reality.
10. Uses one’s natural capacity to _____________________
think or observe the world and 23. ____________: How do we
people. ______________ distinguish good from evil or
11. Nothing happens without a right from wrong?
sufficient reason for its being 24. A strong sense of individualism
and existence. does not exist, but rather, the
12. It denies that a thing can be collective is emphasized.
and not be at the same time. ______________
______________ 25. Branch of philosophy that
13.It means that a thing, idea, or explores the nature of moral
person always has a name, virtue and evaluates the
concept and character for that morality and virtue human
being exist. actions.
14. Everything must either be or 26. This means that a person is
not be; there is no middle bound to duty and does not
ground conceivable. focus on what a person thinks
15. It is suspending one’s or feels about that situation.
judgement and conclusion ___________________
about a matter and mentally 27. The 3 authors of Teleological
exploring the pros and cons. Theory
___________________ ______________________
16. Referred to in metaphysics as 28. Ignores the consequences,
“True Reality”; fundamental duties and social contracts.
source and basis of all reality in ________________
the world. 29. The 3 proponents of virtue
_______________________ ethics.
30. A view that actions are morally sublime, comic, tragic, pathetic
right within a particular society and ugly. ______________
when they are approved by
45. Enumerate the importance of
law, custom and etc.
(31-35) - The Five Main Position of
31. c)
32. 46. A German Philosopher argued
that our tastes and judgements
regarding beauty work in
34. connection with one’s own
35. personal experience and culture.
36. deals with nature, sources,
limitations and validity of 47. The three dimensions of
knowledge. ____________ Filipino thought:

37. view that knowledge can be a.

attained only through sense b.
experience. __________ c.

38. it is a method that find a 48. Is to think or express oneself in a

general law according to which rational and logical manner.
particular facts can be judged. _______________
_____________ 49- 52
39. it is the concern of the phenomenology postmodernism
logician. ______________ existentialism logic
40. logic comes from the Greek 49. truth is based on person’s
work __________ and was coined consciousness ________________
by Zeno the Stoic.
50. it is accepted that truth is not
41. its concern is the truth or the absolute ______________
validity of our arguments
regarding such objects. 51. truth is based on exercising
__________________ choices and personal
42. he is the first philosopher to
devise a logical method. 52. truth is based on reasoning and
___________ critical thinking ________________

43. one of the successors of 53. he founded the phenomenology

Aristotle, founder of the which is essentially a philosophical
movement known as Stoicism, method ___________
derived from the Greek word Stoa 54. phenomenon comes from the
Poikile or ____________ Greek work means _______________
44. science of the beautiful in its
various manifestations including
55. distinguishes thought processes Part II
as it perceives objects of reality.
1. Is a defect in an argument and
to detect it, we examine the
56. is a series that continuously content of the argument.
revises our perceptions of reality. ________________
57. emphasizes the importance of
individual choice regardless of
Appeal to pity against the person
coercion of our beliefs and decisions.
Appeal to ignorance appeal to people
58. it rejects the convictions,
Appeal to force false cause
pretensions of modern western
tradition and more of an attitude and Equivocation hasty generalization
reaction to modernism. Composition begging the question
_____________ Division
59. stresses the importance of human 2. A fallacy following an
dignity. _____________ assumption that whatever has
60. the 3 concepts in interpreting not been proven false must be
meaning of facts: true. __________________
3. A specific kind of appeal to
a. emotion that is used by
b. exploiting his or her
c. opponent’s feeling of pity or
61. helps us uncover bias and guilt. _________________
prejudice and become open to new 4. Fallacy attempts to link the
ideas not necessarily in agreement validity of a premise to a
with our previous thoughts. characteristics or credentials of
_____________ the person supporting the
premise. __________________
62. The Two Parts of an Argument
5. Infers that something true of a
a. thing must also be true of all or
b. some of its parts ___________
63. based on observation in order to 6. Infers that something is true of
the whole from the fact that it
make generalizations, means from
specific examples and instances. is true of some part of the
___________ whole. _________________
7. An argument where strength,
64. draws conclusion from usually coercion or the threat of force
one broad judgement or definition. is a justification for a
_______________ conclusion. ________________
65. arises from a logical conclusion 8. Also referred to as
based on two logically constructed coincidental correlation not
premises. __________________ causation wherein the event
followed this one must have
been caused by this one.
9. An argument that appeals or 22. The 4 primary values in Hindus
exploits people’s vanities, thoughts:
desires for esteem and a.
anchoring on popularity. b.
____________________ c.
10. Type of fallacy which the d.
proposition to be proven is 23.Oldest Eastern tradition,
assumed implicitly or explicitly practiced by hundreds of
in the premise. millions of people.
11. One commits errors if one _________________
reaches an inductive 24. In Tibet, it was great;y altered
generalization grounded on into a faith called
inadequate evidence. _____________
12. A trappist monk said that 25. Who is the founder of
“there is no other way for us to Buddhism? ____________
find who we are than by a. Right aspiration
finding in ourselves the divine (_____________)
image”. _______________ b. Right conduct
13. It lies the idea of human (_____________)
being’s journey for absolute c. Right means of livelihood
truth. _________________ (___________________)
14. It is the root of the universe. d. Right endeavor
________________ (_____________)
15. The dual nature of human e. Right mindfulness
being according to Hinduism: (_______________)
a. f. Right meditation
b. (______________)
16. It is eternal but is bound to the g.
law of Karma. __________ h.
17. Hinduism claims that 26. Who’s writing is considered as
humanity’s life is an endless the most influential in the early
cycle or ________________ medieval period? ___________
18. Means a person’s soul moves 27. For Augustine, philosophy is
from animal to human or ______________
human to animal after dying. 28. Means fullness of living,
___________ feeling and state of goodness
19. Freedom from rebirth. experienced. _____________
________________ 29. Another medieval philosopher
20. Consist of an understanding claims that of all creatures
and realization of the human beings have the only
individual’s real self as opposed power to transform themselves
to lower knowledge. for the better. _____________
21. Is an illusion and a cause of 30. Treatises of Thomas Aquinas
wrong doings in life. a.
______________- b.
31.For Sebatu, negative feelings,
mind and attitudes are sign of
32. Different methods of
Forgiveness and Healing:
33.It is caused by desires and we
can alleviate suffering as the
Buddhist taught.
34. Can be rooted from our sense
of vulnerability and fear of
death. ______________
35. Means the state in which
absolutely free from all forms
of bondage and attachment.

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