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OXFORD [UNIVERSITY PRESS. Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, United Kingdom, (Oxford University Press is a department of the University of ‘Oxford, It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing ‘worldwide. Oxford isa registered trade mark of Oxford University Presi the UK and in certain oer ‘Text © Howard Lincoln and Alison Page 2019 Original ilustrations © Oxford University Press 2019 ‘The moral rights ofthe authors have been asserted First published by Nelson Thornes Ltd in 2012 ‘This edition published by Oxford University Press in 2019) All tights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission. in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly ‘permitted by law, by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. 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Links to third party websites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information only. Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third party ‘website referenced in this work. Introduction Unit 1 Computer fundamentals and Information processing 144. Information processing 1.2. The basic computer system 1.3 Types of computer system 1.4 Primary storage 1.8 Secondary storage 1.6 Input 147 Output 1.8 Sofware 1.9 Operating systems 1.40 Evaluating a computer system 1.11 Troubleshooting hardware problems 4.42 Data and information 13. Ralabiity of online information 14 Data checks 2.8. The intemet 2.4 Mobile communication networks Practice exam questions Unit’3. Social and economic impact of ICT 8.1. The impact of technology 3.2 Misuse of data 8.3 Computer securty ‘3.4 Practical applications ‘8.8 Impact of emerging technologies 8.6 The word of work 8.7 Jobs in technology Practice exam questions Unit 4a Word processing ‘4.1. Editing and formatting text 42 Text layout 43 Document structure 44 Combining and merging 45 Helpful features 46 Mall merge ‘4,7 Creating a table of contents 4.8 Using forms to collect data oan Bares BESSE SSRBRRS BSESSSSE Contents Unit 4b Web page design 4.9 What is a website? 4.10 Panning the website ‘4.11. Creating a web page ~ content ‘and design 4.12 Publishing a web page 4a Practice exam questions ‘4b Practice exam questions Unit 5 Spreadsheets 5.1. Introduction to spreadsheets 5.2 Asitnmetic and logical operators 5.3. Calculations 84 Functions 5.5 Formatting a spreadsheet 5.8 Copy and Paste 1 7 Copy and Paste 2 5.8 Working with large spreadsheets 5.9 Sorting a spreadshest 8.10 Extracting information from & spreadsheet 5.11. IF function and multiple worksheets 5.12 Spreadsheet graphs 5.13 Import to a spreadsheet 5.14 Pivot tables Practice exam questions Unit 6 Database management 6.1 Database torms 6.2 Use of databases 6.3 Relational databases 6.4 Creating and amending a database 6.5 Input to a database 6.6 Searching a database .7 Database outputs Practice exam questions 76 78 BERS B8E88B 100 102 104 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 192 Unit 7 Problem solving and program design 7.1 Problem solving 7.2 Variables 7.3 Flowonarts 7.4 Logical tests end decisions 7.5 Loops 7.6 Pseudocode algorithms 7.7 A well-formed algorithm, 7.8 Conditional structures 7,9 Counter-controlied loops 7.10 Condition-controlled loops 134 138 198 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 Contents 7.11 Different kinds of condition: ‘8.8 Readabilty and variables controlled loop 184 18.6 Finding and fixing program errors 7.42 Logical operetors 156 8.7. Making programs from concttional 7.43 Testing 168 algorithms Practice exam questions 160 8.8 Making programs with loops 8.9 Reading data from a spreedsheet Unit 8 Program implementation 8.10 Working with en array 18.1 Programming languages 162 Practice exam quastions 8.2 Using VBA with Excel 164 'B.3 Program development 166 Glossary 4 Input, processing and output 168 Index ‘Access your support website for additional ‘content and ectivties here: 98437215 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 “This Study Guide has been developed exclusively with ‘the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) to be used as an additional resource by candidates, both in ‘and out of schoo), following the Caribbean Secondary Education Certitioate (CSEC®) programme. tthas been prepared by a team with expertise in the CSEC® sylebus, teaching and examination. The Contents are designed to suppor learning by providing ‘008s to help you achieve your best in Information ‘Technology and the features inchided make it easier for you to master the key concepts and requirements of the syflabus. Do remember to refer to your sylabus {or ful guidance on the course requirements and examination format! This Study Guide is supported by a website which includes electronic actiities to assist you in developing {900d examination techniques: Introduction + On Your Marks activities provide semole ‘examination-style short answer and essay type questions, with example candidate answers and feedback from an examiner to show wnere answers ‘coud be improved. These activities wil build your understanding, skil level and confidence in answering ‘examination questions. «Test Yourself activties are spectically designed to provide experience of multiple-choice examination ‘questions and helpful feedback wil rater you to sections inside the study guide 80 that you can revise problem areas. This unique combination of focused syllabus content and interactive examination practice will provide you \with invaluable support to nelp you reach your full ‘potential in CSEC® Information Technology. ‘Access your support website for additional ‘content and activities here: 1 Computer fundamentals and information processing What is Information processing? Information processing (IP) describes the manipulation of information to ‘make it more useful for a task. IP usually involves a computer of some escription. Computers store information electronically in the form of digital data. So, IP is about using a computer to manipuate digital data to create information. That information is used by people or sometimes machines to complete a task. '* Sales data may be processed using a computer to produce graphs showing sales trends over @ period. The graphs are easly read by a manager who uses the information to make decisions about which items of stock to order. (ee * Sensors on a modem car pick up data about the environment around the car. The data is processed by @ computer bul into the car allowing the brakes to be applied automatically 1o avold a collision. That can be 8 very useful outcome of information processing. Both examples illustrate how useful IP can be in our day-to-day Ives. ‘There are many other examples, some of which you will earn about in this section Industrial uses (Computers are used to contro! real-life processes, Examples include control of environments, control of industrial processes, and even fiying a plane. Process control systems work continuously, without a human operator. Process control In order to control a process in this way the computer system must have the following features. '* Sensor input: The system must constantly monitor the process that is being controlled. Electronic sensors take measurements and send them to the processor, An example might be a motion detector. '* Fast processing: The processing must be very fast. The computer must react in real time. For example, it a computerised autoplot is flying @ plane, it must make instant adjustments to the controls. * Output to control devices: The output from the processor will control devices or machines, For example, tne computer might move a robot arm or regulate the tlow of chemicals into @ mixture. ‘Automation ‘Automation is the use of process control systems to operate machinery, typically for making things in a factory. Traditional mechanisation means factories have machines that are run by human operators. Modern automation means the machines can work without a human operator. Of course, people are stil needed, even in automated factories, for example: ** to plan, program and build the automated system '* to make sure that the machines are working safely '* to deal with unexpected or extreme circumstances. ‘Commercial uses ‘Computers are used in offices, shops, banks and other commercial contexts, Data are typically input from the keyboard, or from macnine- readable documents, and the output is on the monitor screen, or as printout. Information retrieval ‘Another common use of computer processing in the commercial world is 10 find a single piece of information in a great mass of data. For example, when you use an ATM (sometimes called a ‘cash point’) the computer wil ind your bank record and check how much money is in your ‘account, To do this it must find your account instantly in the records of al the people with accounts at the bank. Nowadays, the largest source of stored data is the interet, and people ‘requently need to find information by searching worldwide using search engines such as Google. ‘Carry out your own research Information management fee a \When data are organised in @ structured way it is easier to tind and ‘process control. You might retrieve the necessary information. Many commercial systems are based —_| choose an aeroplane autopilot, fon the secure management of data, ensuring itis accurate, up to date ‘an automated factory macrine, ‘and accessible, In 1.13, you will learn how deta are checked to ensure ‘or any other example, they are accurate, Find out what the inputs to and ‘outputs trom the system are. Scientific uses Computers are used In many ways to support scientific research: '* to regulate experiments and maintain the experimental process xs * to take measurements, with precision, over long periods, or in extreme ‘conditions '* to process results, for example by performing calculations ** to store data and help search for answers '* to present results, for example in grephs, scientific papers and presentations «+ to keep records and to share results with other scientists, (eee ‘out calculations. The computer processes data to create useful information. Data A collective term for facts and figures of any kind. Input input means turning date and instructions into electronic form so they can be processed by the computer. PU The Central Processing, Unit of the computer. This is the harcware component in which processing takes place. Output Output means turning data held in electronic form within the computer system into a form that people can understand or ino ee inout (the mouse) Storage sxe) (Qrgare a2] Hosa The computer system A computers @ mechine for processing data. ‘© Processing means ‘changing’ or trenstorming # Data is a collective term for tacts ‘and figures af any kind, cluding words, numbers, and even sounds ‘and images. People input data and instructions The tuners fe Into the computer, the computer Cearyeten pate: carries out whatever processing It has been instructed to do, and the results are cutput from the system, ‘The other key fact about a computer is: * It'stores and processes data in an electronic form, All computers work using electricity. The data and the processes within the computer exist in a purely electronic form, The main functions of a computer system Computers may be used for many diferent purposes. But all computers ‘carry out four basic functions: input, processing, output and storage. Input means turning data and instructions into electronic form so they ‘can be processed by the computer, Processing: the computer processes input data according to input Instructions. This happens electronically in the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of the computer, Output usually means turning the results of the processing Into a form that people can understand or use. Sometimes, the output from ‘a computer is in form that another computer or device can use. A ‘computer might give instructions to meke a robot move, for example. ‘Storage means storing information ready for the CPU to use. Information is stored either electronically or in some other form that @ ‘computer can read (such es magnetic form), Computer hardware Hardware is a general term for all the pieces of equipment that make up a computer system. In general, ary part af a computer system that you ccan touch or carry isan item of hercware Items of nardware are clesstied according to the four basic functions of the computer system, “Input devices are used to put information into the computer. For ‘example, when you type letters on a computer keyboard, the keyboard turns the lettars into electronic signals, which are sent to the CPU. A ‘mouse is another example of an input device. '* Processors are found inside every computer system. In a modern ‘computer the processcr is called the CPU. '* Output devices produce results that are useful and useable by people. For example, a computer screen shows information as words and pictures that you can understand, a speaker system may play sounds ‘and music that you can hear, or @ robot will perform useful actions, ‘These are all examples of output, If a computer produces information ‘or actions in a form that you can read or use, then this is ouput, '* Storage devices are used to store data for the processor. For example, data can be stored on a flash drive or a hard disk drive. Ifyou look at the oisk you cannot see the data ~ fis in @ form that only the ‘computer can read and use, The input, output and storage devices are connected to the processor. They are called peripherals. KEY TERMS Inside the CPU Inside the processor of a ‘computer there are typically several electronic components. ‘© The Control Unit passes instructions to all the dferent pparts of the processor, so that they camry out the right tasks, in the right order. ‘© The Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) can perform calculations and transform data at lightning speed. ‘+ The main memory (also called the Immediate Access Storage or IAS) ‘stores the information that is beg processed by the ALU, ‘These components are joined by electronic connections called data buses. All these components are electronic and if the power goes otf, they stop working. ‘The components of the processor are typically fixed to @ motherboard, The motherboard has connections to the peripherals. The OPU ‘Create a diagram of the ‘computer you use at school. Mark at least one input and one ‘output peripheral. Draw an arrow. ‘to where you think the CPU is. eee) Computers are everywhere in our everyday ives. Computers vary in size, Power and cost. Some computers are so large they have special rooms bult to house them. Other computers are so small they can be worn ‘around a wrist or be hidden away behind the dashboerd of a car. In 1.3, you wil leern about ctferent types of computers and their uses. Super computers ‘There are some computer applications where vast amounts of data ‘must be processed very quickly. These are often scientific or military ‘applications. NASA, the American space agency, uses @ super computer to plan and contra its space missions. Meteorological agencies ise super computers to predict the weather. ‘Super computers are designed to process more data at much higher ‘speeds than other computers. They must also store large amounts of ata. They are very expensive, costing as much as $100 milion to build Running and maintenence costs are also very high. Super computers are Usually built for government agencies or large corporations, Mainframe computers ‘Some processes are so important to an organisation that it cannot ‘operate if the process fails. These are called businass cntical processes. ‘An online ordering system is business critical to an internet shopping site. A network of ATM cash machines is business rtical to a benk. Mainframe computers are used to run business crtical systems. ‘As with super computers, mainframes are housed in special rooms ‘and have large amounts of storage. The processes cerried out by ™maln‘rames are usually quite simple, 80 processing speed is less Important than reliably. Business critical processes must be available all the time, Personal computers Desktop computers are general use computers used in offices, schools and the home, The processor is stored in a single me that is smell enough to fit on a desk. Input and ovtput devi ‘separate components attached with cables. The desktop computer can be customised to suit the needs of an Individual. A keen game player can install a graphics card for better game play. A photograpner can install an extra disk drive to store: yephs. A person with di with @ specialist input device. Mobile computer devices ir smartphones, Mobile devices caartied easly. The dev he ‘A smaller case and built-in peripherals mean that mobile devices canno be upgraded and customised as easily as desktop computers. Wit! ‘more internet connections avaliable in public places, mobil mean that many people can use the internet from almost anywhere at Carry out your own investigation Cf super computers, Write @ short report. Who makes them? How fast are they compared with the computers you use at school? Give examples of whet they are used for. Some examples you Cn start your investigation with are Sumit anc Paces NASA). } Embedded devices Computer processors are now so small and light, they are bult into many personel and household devices from smart watches to ca ‘An embedded microprocessor makes another dev {and useful, For example, a microprocessor in @ car ‘consumption, automatic braking or air consitioning ‘car may have up to 60 microprocessors. more powerful n control fuel ystems. A modern sbedded microprocessors are usually designed to do a s thelr input and out hy to ‘Some have internet connectivity ile task and from the device they are built into. In 1.2, you learned that there is a Memory unit {also called the 1AS) Inside the OPU, This is the primary storage of the computer system. In 1.4, you wil leaon ‘about primary storage. Secondary storege 'scutside to CPU Pray storage Types of primary storage Primary storage inside the CPU is very quick and easy for the computer touse. ‘There are two main types of primary storage: RAM and ROM. RAM stands for Random Access Memory. The RAN stores the current instructions and data thet the computer is using. ‘+ RAM is read-write memory (which means it can store new data) ‘+ RAM is volatile, which means ifthe computer is switched off, or the ‘electricity goes off, all the data stored in RAM wil be lost. ROM stands for Read-Only Memory. ROM stores the instructions to start up the computer system, These instructions are fixed in the factory Where the computer was ult, ‘+ ROM [s read-only, which meens the instructions cannot be changed, ‘+ ROM is non-volatile, so these instructions are not lost wnen the ‘computer is tumed off Nowadays, there are also forms of ROM that can be altered after they leave the factory, These are known as PROM and EPROM, ‘+ PROM means Programmable Read-Only Memory. PROM is blank \when it leaves the factory, and the instructions are added later by @ programmer, But then they are fixed and cannot be changed, ‘* EPROM means Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory, If EPROM is exposed to ultraviolet light It is wiped clean, so it can be reused to store new instructions. ‘Any system that can exist in two distinct forms is called @ bi-stable system, For example, an electric Kght can be on or off, 80 itis bi-stable, Computer storage devices are bi-stable, and the information is stored in the form of on and of signals, Binary uses only 1 and 0s to represent data. Its used to desoribe the bi-stable information, (oan) Binary data RAM and ROM store data and instructions in binary form, typically as electronic signals that can be ON or OFF, We write an ON signal as a 1 and an OFF signal as @ 0. OF course if you looked inside the CPU you would not see any 18 and Os ~ this is just how we write about it. A single ON or OFF signal (a single 1 oF 0) is called a bit. This is short for Binary Digit. Byte ‘A group of bits big enough to store one letter (or other character) is called a byte. Typically there are eight bits in a byte. Storage capacity is measured in bytes (see the table), This much storage | Stores roughly Exact value Byte ‘One character Bbits Kilobyte ‘A thousand characters | 1,024 bytes Megabyte ‘Amiion characters | 7,048,576 bytes {exact usage varies) Gigabyte ‘Abilion charecters | 1,000 megabytes Terabyte ‘Atrlion cheracters | 1,000 gigabytes Word “The number of bits that can be processed in a single operation within the CPU Is known as @ Word. Larger and more powerful computers use a larger werd size, which means they do more processing in each operation. eee) ‘Access Computer access to ‘storage means thet there is @ ‘flow of data between the CPU ‘and storage. The CPU cen take data from storage {'read access’) ‘and put new data into storage (Cwite access’). ‘+ Sequential access The stored ‘away. A DVD is an example of direct access, Capacity The capacity of storage means now much data it can nold. ‘Access speed How quickly tna [processor can read data trom storage. Interface The connection ‘between any two systems ‘oF parts whicn allows them to communicate. Secondary ‘storage is connected to the [processor via an interlace. Storage medi: Storage media are the physical objects used to store data. Computers make use of many diferent storage mecia. Type ot | Howitstores | Features Main types storage | data Magnetic | Magnetism (on | Sequential access | There are many tape plastic tape) | (show) sizes and types Read-wite access | of tape, but tape Removable from | is rarely used in the computer | modern computer systems. Harddisk |‘Magnetism | Direct access _| See opposite page ona stack of | Read-wrte access | tor more on hard metal disks — | Usually fxed in| disks. inside the | ona machine computer case) | High capacity Optical | Microscopic | Direct access | CDs are used to disk pits burned | Read-only acoess | store music and, into a smooth | unless you have | large data fies. surface bya | the software to | DVDs have even laser, They | ‘burn’ new data _| higher capacity and are invisible to |onto the disk —_| are used to store normal vision | Removable very large amounts High capactty —_| of data such as owes, Solid State | Nicroscopic | Direct access | SSD memory Drives | sicon circuits | Read-wnite access | comes in the form (sso) Removable Of sticks or cards High capactty | that can be installed into a computer. Flash drives are light and fast and are often used in place of hard drives in Portable devices, Cloud storage Sectora |wecge:shaced) area ct sx Cloud storage uses the internet to transfer data between your computer and a large remote storage area called a data centre. The advantages and disadvantages of cloud storage over local storage are: * Individuals and organisations can buy as much or as litle storage ‘space as they need. * For most people cloud storage is cheaper. The cost is spread across Tao 8 rg shaped area many users. - * Data can be accessed from anywhere on any device. * Data is more secure tis’ lost it compute as, is lost ors stolen aaa Some people wory that data stored in the cloud is more vulnerable to udeen thett by hackers, Hard drive Abard drive is a stack of metal disks, which can be fixed inside or external to the main computer case. it can store a lot of data but you can only access the data if you use the computer where itis stored. The surface of a hard disk is divided into tracks and s (s0¢ Figure 1.5.1) by magnetic lines, ors ‘The disks spin and a read-write head moves across each disk in the stack, guided by the track and sector markings. When it finds the right Spot It can read existing data or write new data to the disk. Solid State Drives (SSD) are faster, smaller and lighter than hard drives. They are increasingly being used in place of hard drives, especially in mobile devices. ‘Aflash drve connecting vt 2 USB po Interface ‘An Interface is the connection between any two systems or parts that jlows them to communicate. Secondary storage is connected to the processor via an interface. ‘An interface typically includes * a port: the plug-in slot that lets you connect the storage medium into the computer * a butter: a temporary area of memory that holds data while it is being transferred to and from the processor. There have been many types of computer interface used in the past. In ‘modem computers most devices are connected using a Universal Serial Bus (USB) port, ‘Some specialised ports are stil used, mainly where high-speed connections are important, For example, screens are often connected to @ computer using a specialised port such as DisplayPort or High Defintion Mutimedia Interface (HDMI, Investigate at least three types of \When you buy peripheral devices its important to make sure the device | Storage, and waite a snort report ccan connect to your computer. ‘on each one. eae) Bort o See tornna Input simple data * An Optical Mark Reader (OMA) system detects the position of pencil marks on a page. OMR is sometimes used to mark multiple-choice ‘exam systems, ‘A bar code reader scans the bar code on a product. This represents ‘a code number, which is sent to @ Point of Sale (POS) terminal. A POS terminal has the same function as a cash register or til, but itis ‘computerised, Input letters and numbers Character reader Character readers can tell the difference between different letters and cother printed characters, so they can ‘read! text into the computer, * MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) is used to read numbers on bank cheques. This input device works by detecting special magnetic ink * OCR (Optical Character Recognition) works by recognising the shape of letters. Old-fashioned OCR systems require special printing styles, but modern devices can read all 1ypes of printing Keyboard When you press the liferent keys on the keyboard you select diferent letters and numbers. The keyboard sends electronic signals that represent the characters you have typed to the processor. Point-and-click Point-and-click devices let you — the user — move a ‘pointer’ on the ‘screen of the computer, so you can select and cick on cferent choioss, ‘The pointer detects the movement of your hand or finger end turns that ‘movement into electronic signals, which are then sent to the computer. ‘Some input devices work by moving them about * A mouse is moved about on a flat surface and sends a signal to the ‘computer as it is moved forwards, backwards and from side to side, You click a button on the mouse to ‘select’ whatever itis pointing at. * A joystiok is typically used with @ computer game. Like @ mouse, it lets ‘you move forwards, backwards and from side to side, (Other input pointers work by touch, * A touch pad detects the motion of your finger when you touch &, ‘without having to use @ mouse or joystick. * Atouch screen detects when you touch the display. This is an easy ‘way to select choices from an on-screen menu and perform other simple tasks. Touch screens are used on smartphones and tablet Jpistiique'at ines! tira yest computers such as the Apple iPad. input device, and write a short * A light pen lets you draw on a touch soreen, It gives you more control, | report on each one, Suggest at letting you draw lines and make more precise actions. This type of least one suitable application device can be used by graphic anists to create computer images. for each device inclided in your report. ‘Some modem computers have very few controls, and most of the input Is done by touching the screen. The Apple iPad is an example, Input sounds a ‘Sounds such as music and voioes can be input to the computer. * A microphone can be used to pick up voices, music and other sounds, n wich are then converted into electronic form to be processed or stored inside the computer. Musicians and record producers can use the computer to combine and mix sounds. Voice reponse. Some computer systems can distinguish between different words and respond to spoken commands. For example, some modern phones will ecogrise i you say a rame, and automaticaly place a cal to that person. Voice response can also be usetu for disabled people, who might not be able to see the screen or use a keyboard. Input images Images can also be stored inal the computer in electronic dial form + A dott camera takes photos that are stored in electronic form, + A.web cam is a video camera that records @ moving image and sends the signal over the internet. People use web cams to send video images to friends wno live far away. «A document scanner takes a picture of a document and stores i as an image. Sometimes this is combined with OCR so that the scenner can read! al the letters on the page and store it as text that can be edited. Sra ENErT roace” Other types of input Biometric systems Biometric systems recognise a person's physical characteristics, for ‘example, reading their fingerprints or is (eye) scan. They are mainly used {or security purposes, for example, to alow access to banks or military premises. ‘Sensors and remote control Robots and automated systems must be able to sense features of the ‘environment - for example, to detect where walls are - in order to move ‘about and perform other tasks, Sensors measure a range of features Including lignt, heat, pressure and so on, and send them to the compu system. ‘Arobot using S6ns0°8 7 the consvuetion industry rs Co Qutput is data trom the computer ina form that is readeble by people or useful to people. ‘Without output there would be no point Naving @ computer at all, So itis very important, In 1.7, you wil find out about devices which are used to output results from the computer. ‘The most common types of ‘monitor use Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) technology. LCD uses a thin layer of liquid crystals arranged as a grid of pixels. ‘The screen sit from the back ‘and each orystal acts as a fiter ccreating @ colour image. ‘The more expensive OLED technology weighs less and uses ess power. Itis used in some [Phones and tablet computers. Types of output (One way to classify output is according to how it may be read * In this section, we will look mainly at output that human beings can see ‘and understand, such as printed text or the display on the computer ‘screen, This is known as human-readable output © Computers can also produce output that can be input directly into another computer. Examples are bar codes (see 1.6). This is known as, machine-readable output. ** In addition, computers can output control signals to machines and ‘other devices, for example, to control industrial processes. This type of ‘output is very useful to human beings. ‘A printed output on to paper is known as a hard copy. An electronic copy of a document, for example, on a memory stick or attached to an email, is known as a soft copy. Visual display unit ‘The scree” of a computer is also known as a monitor or Visual Display Unit (VOU), The image on @ VOU is typically made up of many tiny dots of light. These dots ere called pixels. * Alow-resolution VDU has comparatively fewer pixels, and each pixel is larger. A high-resolution image is made up of e large number of very ‘small poe. This gives 4 clearer, sharper image. * VDUs come in many sizes. Large soreens have some advantages, 1s the image is bigger and easier 10 see. However, a small screen is, sultable for laptops and other mobile devices. There are many types of VDU defined by the technology used to [produce the image. The most common types of VDU use LCD or LED ‘technologies. Cathode ray VDUs are rarely used now because they are bulky and heavy and give low quality. There are advantages and Gisadvantages to each type. ‘Sometimes @ VDU serves as an input device as well as an output device: ‘see touch soreen input in 1.6. Printer Printers produce printed output from 2 computer on to paper, which can bbe read by people. There are two main types of printer, * Impact printers have a print head that strikes an inked ribbon against the paper. impact printers typically print one character at @ time. The most common type of impact printer is a dot matri printer. Impact printers are now rarely used. They are nolsy and the quality is low, ‘especially for images. They cannot print in colour. ‘+ Non-impact printers produce an image by projecting @ stream of ink

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