Arch 421 Prelim Notes

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Skyscraper, a very tall multistoried building. The name first came into use during the 1880s, shortly after the
first skyscrapers were built, in the United States. The development of skyscrapers came as a result of the
coincidence of several technological and social developments. The term skyscraper originally applied to
buildings of 10 to 20 stories, but by the late 20th century the term was used to describe high-rise buildings of
unusual height, generally greater than 40 or 50 stories.

Jeanne Gang on the future of architecture

Designer of Aqua Tower, the St. Regis Chicago, and the Lincoln Park Nature Boardwalk, Jeanne Gang is one of the best-
known contemporary architects in the world

The increase in urban commerce in the United States in the second half of the 19th century augmented the
need for city business space, and the installation of the first safe passenger elevator (in the Haughwout
Department Store, New York City) in 1857 made practical the erection of buildings more than four or five
stories tall. Although the earliest skyscrapers rested on extremely thick masonry walls at the ground level,
architects soon turned to the use of a cast-iron and wrought-iron framework to support the weight of the upper
floors, allowing for more floor space on the lower stories. James Bogardus built the Cast Iron Building (1848,
New York City) with a rigid frame of iron providing the main support for upper-floor and roof loads.

It was, however, the refinement of the Bessemer process, first used in the United States in the 1860s, that allowed for
the major advance in skyscraper construction. As steel is stronger and lighter in weight than iron, the use of a steel
frame made possible the construction of truly tall buildings. William Le Baron Jenney’s 10-story Home Insurance
Company Building (1884–85) in Chicago was the first to use steel-girder construction. Jenney’s skyscrapers also first
employed the curtain wall, an outer covering of masonry or other material that bears only its own weight and is affixed
to and supported by the steel skeleton. Structurally, skyscrapers consist of a substructure of piers beneath the ground,
a superstructure of columns and girders above the ground, and a curtain wall hung on the girders.
Buildings in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, including Q1 (centre), an apartment resort.
As the population density of urban areas has increased, so has the need for buildings that rise rather than spread. The
skyscraper, which was originally a form of commercial architecture, has increasingly been used for residential purposes
as well.
Chrysler Building, New York City.
The design and decoration of skyscrapers have passed through several stages. Jenney and his protégé Louis Sullivan
styled their buildings to accentuate verticality, with delineated columns rising from base to cornice. There was, however,
some retention of, and regression to, earlier styles as well. As part of the Neoclassical revival, for instance, skyscrapers
such as those designed by the firm of McKim, Mead, and White were modeled after Classical Greek columns. The
Metropolitan Life Insurance Building in New York City (1909) was modeled by Napoleon Le Brun after the Campanile
of St. Mark’s in Venice, and the Woolworth Building (1913), by Cass Gilbert, is a prime example of neo-Gothic
decoration. Even the Art Deco carvings on such towers as the Chrysler Building (1930), the Empire State Building
(1931), and the RCA Building (1931) in New York City, which were then considered as modern as the new technology,
are now viewed as more related to the old ornate decorations than to truly modern lines.
World Trade Center
The World Trade Center, designed by Minoru Yamasaki, as it appeared before the September 11, 2001, attacks, New
York City.
Willis Tower
The Willis Tower, Chicago, engineered by Fazlur R. Khan, 1973; photograph 1982.
The International Style with its total simplicity seemed ideally suited to skyscraper design, and, during the decades
following World War II, it dominated the field, notable early examples being the Seagram Building (1958) in New York
City and the Lake Shore Drive Apartments (1951) in Chicago. The stark verticality and glass curtain walls of this style
became a hallmark of ultramodern urban life in many countries. During the 1970s, however, attempts were made to
redefine the human element in urban architecture. Zoning ordinances encouraged the incorporation of plazas and
parks into and around the bases of even the tallest skyscrapers, just as zoning laws in the first decades of the 20th
century were passed to prevent city streets from becoming sunless canyons and led to the shorter, stepped skyscraper.
Office towers, such as those of the World Trade Center (1972) in New York City and the Sears Tower (1973; now
called Willis Tower) in Chicago, continued to be built, but most of them, such as the Citicorp Center (1978) in New York
City, featured lively and innovative space for shopping and entertainment at street level.

Another factor influencing skyscraper design and construction in the late 20th and early 21st centuries was
the need for energy conservation. Earlier, sealed windows that made necessary continuous forced-air
circulation or cooling, for instance, gave way in mid-rise buildings to operable windows and glass walls that
were tinted to reflect the sun’s rays. Also, perhaps in reaction to the austerity of the International Style, the
1980s saw the beginnings of a return to more classical ornamentation, such as that of Philip Johnson’s AT&T
Building (1984) in New York City. See also high-rise building.
A listing of the world’s tallest buildings is provided in the table.
Tallest buildings in the world

year height* height* occupied

rank building location
completed (metres) (feet) floors

*To architectural top, as measured from the level of the lowest significant open-air pedestrian entrance to the
topmost architectural feature of the building, including spires but not including antennas, signage, flag poles, or
other functional or technical equipment.

Source: Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat.

Dubai, United
1 Burj Khalifa 2010 828 2,717 163
Arab Emirates

2 Shanghai Tower Shanghai, China 2015 632 2,073 128

Makkah Royal Clock Mecca, Saudi

3 2012 601 1,972 120
Tower Arabia

Ping An Finance
4 Shenzhen, China 2017 599 1,965 115

Seoul, South
5 Lotte World Tower 2017 554 1,819 123

One World Trade New York, N.Y.,

6 2014 541 1,776 94
Center U.S.

Guangzhou CTF Guangzhou,

7 2016 530 1,739 111
Finance Centre China

Tianjin CTF Finance

8 Tianjin, China 2019 530 1,739 97

9 CITIC Tower Beijing, China 2018 527 1,731 109

10 TAIPEI 101 Taipei, Taiwan 2004 508 1,667 101

Shanghai World
11 Shanghai, China 2008 492 1,614 101
Financial Center

12 Hong Kong, China 2010 484 1,588 108
Commerce Centre
Tallest buildings in the world

year height* height* occupied

rank building location
completed (metres) (feet) floors

New York, N.Y.,

13 Central Park Tower 2020 472 1,550 98

Saint Petersburg,
14 Lakhta Center 2019 462 1,516 87

Ho Chi Minh City,

15 Vincom Landmark 81 2018 461 1,513 81

Changsha IFS Tower

16 Changsha, China 2018 452 1,483 94

Kuala Lumpur,
17 Petronas Tower 1 1998 452 1,483 88

Kuala Lumpur,
Petronas Tower 2 1998 452 1,483 88

19 Suzhou IFS Suzhou, China 2019 450 1,476 95

20 Zifeng Tower Nanjing, China 2010 450 1,476 66

Kuala Lumpur,
21 The Exchange 106 2019 445 1,462 95

22 Wuhan Center Tower Wuhan, China 2019 443 1,454 88

23 Willis Tower Chicago, Ill., U.S. 1974 442 1,451 108

24 KK100 Shenzhen, China 2011 442 1,449 98

25 International Finance 2010 439 1,439 103
A smart building is a building in which cutting-edge technology enhances the user experience while optimising the
building’s management system and environmental impact.

Smart buildings seek to meet the challenges of combining well-being and security with energy performance. To achieve
this, they integrate digital systems tasked with optimizing energy consumption while improving occupants’ comfort.
The ingenuity of these buildings also lies in their ability to learn and adapt in response to occupants’ behaviour patterns
. They are notably fitted with automated systems that adjust lighting, temperature and even air quality in real time,
depending on human presence and prevailing weather conditions.
Integrated systems collect data on an ongoing basis, thereby optimizing energy management to reduce both costs and
environmental impact. However, smart building design is not just about saving energy. It also involves the judicious
management of resources, such as water and waste, and ensures seamless blending into the urban ecosystem.
More than just living areas or workspaces, smart buildings become key players in the transition towards more
sustainable and resilient cities, reflecting the commitment to a development philosophy that considers both present
and future generations
How does the smart building concept contribute towards reducing a building’s carbon footprint?
Smart building design plays a key role in reducing a building’s carbon footprint. Incorporating innovative technologies
into the building makes it possible to optimize consumption in order to increase energy efficiency.
Resource management is fine-tuned through data collection, thus promoting responsible consumption and the
integration of renewable energies. Predictive maintenance also helps keep the building and its systems in perfect
working order.
As part of the deployment of its service offering, for several years Covivio has been developing its smart building
expertise and designing “smart ready” buildings offering maximum comfort for occupants. Specific features of these
buildings include: detailed data analysis for simplified and optimized daily management of the building,
an IT service offering of shared services…
…supplemented by individual custom services.
How does the smart building impact the occupants’ experience?
Smart buildings go beyond conventional technical advantages by harnessing technology for the benefit of people. This
approach is reflected in improved efficiency and productivity achieved through smart management of spaces and
As such, Covivio offers intuitive, user-friendly solutions allowing each occupant to easily log onto the building’s
infrastructure from any device, in keeping with the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) concept.
Smart building services are fully designed, set up and managed by Covivio and are available in all multi-tenant
Connectivity (mobile and Internet): provision of a secure reliable network.
Audiovisual solutions: meeting room facilities, business centers, conference halls, event and meeting spaces, etc.
Mobile application: Witco, a digital solution acting as a one-stop shop giving employees access to all on-site services.
Covivio’s 6,500 m² European headquarters are a perfect illustration of the Group’s smart building expertise. Named
“L’Atelier” and located in Paris, the building boasts fully-fledged smart building architecture while acting as a perfect
testing ground for Covivio’s teams to fine-tune the company’s “core model smart” and dream up the solutions of the
In the residential sector, Covivio also enhances the tenant experience by offering smart apartments allowing remote
control of lighting, heating and security systems via smartphone apps, providing a tangible improvement to the quality
of daily life.
BIM, a smart building performance driver?
BIM (Building Information Modelling) refers to a working method and set of technologies that make it possible to digitally
model a building, not only in its physical structure but also in its functional characteristics.
BIM facilitates the design, construction and management of smart buildings by providing detailed understanding and
effective management of all information related to the building. This approach enables better coordination between
various stakeholders, optimization of construction costs and timeframes, as well as more efficient management of the
building throughout its life cycle, thereby helping to maximize its performance.
What is BOS?
The BOS (Building Operation System) is a key innovation in smart building management that is often integrated through
BIM. In a sense, the BOS is the building’s “IOS”. By capturing data and analyses in real time, the system promotes
more efficient management and maintenance of the building throughout its life cycle.
The BOS acts as a common reference framework that centralizes and organizes data from multiple sources such as
digital modelling, building management systems (BMS), computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS),
tenant apps and IOT sensors. This information is qualified, enhanced and structured in such a way as to improve the
overall understanding of the building.
The BOS generates a set of dashboards offering a clear overview of occupancy, comfort, maintenance and
consumption. It also enables real-time warning escalation and the creation of automation scenarios, as well as
optimised building management. As a result, occupants enjoy a more comfortable and more responsive working and
living environment.
What are the main data security challenges facing the smart building?
While offering considerable benefits in terms of comfort and operational management, the smart building faces major
challenges in terms of data security. The connectivity and automation that guarantee the success of the smart building
are also backdoors for significant cybersecurity risks.
The security of people and property is a key issue in these buildings. With its plethora of connected devices, the smart
building requires specific and tailored cyber protection.
To effectively protect data in a smart building, robust security strategies are put in place, including access monitoring
and management, firewall installation and staff and user training on cybersecurity best practices.
Aware of these issues, Covivio has taken steps to improve data security in its buildings. With assistance from Mazars,
the Group launched a comprehensive cybersecurity assessment of its offices in France. This process involved mapping
the real estate portfolio to identify risks and assess existing cybersecurity measures. Based on this analysis, Covivio
developed specific recommendations and action plans leading to the drafting of a Security Assurance Plan. The plan
sets out the Company’s commitments and consolidates best practices in terms of cybersecurity, thereby ensuring
robust protection across the entire portfolio.
What certification and compliance criteria apply to smart buildings?
The certification and compliance criteria for smart buildings cover a range of key aspects including energy efficiency,
user experience quality, connectivity, data security and system interoperability.
Important certifications include the WiredScore and SmartScore international labels, which assess building
connectivity, the user experience and the sustainability of technological foundations. Meanwhile, the R2S
(Ready2Services) label guarantees well-being, performance and sustainability, applying specific criteria for
connectivity, network architecture and system security.
These certifications set high standards for building efficiency, sustainability and functionality. They ensure that smart
buildings are designed and managed in accordance with best practices, thereby offering sustainable benefits to users,
owners and the environment.
The smart building provides an integral solution to contemporary sustainability and technological innovation challenges.
It redefines our way of living and working by integrating digital and other technologies deep inside our living spaces,
thereby promoting energy efficiency, comfort and safety for occupants.
Given its compliance with strict certification standards and the attention paid to cybersecurity risks, the smart building
is a model for future construction, embodying a synergy between progress and respect for the environment.
And this synergy is the key to transforming, not only our physical spaces, but also our collective impact on the world
around us.
The advent of skyscraper marks a significant turning point in architectural history, urban development and engineering
innovation. Skyscrapers are exceptionally tall buildings that punctuate modern city skylines, serving as symbols of
economic prosperity, technological advancement, and urban density.
The late 19th century saw the emergence of skyscrapers primarily in the United States, particularly in cities
like Chicago and New York. Factors such as rapid industrialization, population growth, and limited space in urban
centers necessitated vertical construction.
Technological Innovations
The development of new construction materials and techniques paved the way for skyscraper construction.
The introduction of steel-frame construction by architects like William Le Baron Jenney and Louis Sullivan allowed
buildings to reach unprecedented heights.
Chicago School
The Chicago School of Architecture played a pivotal role in the evolution of skyscraper design. Architects such
as Daniel Burnham and Louis Sullivan experimented with steel frames, elevators, and curtain walls to create tall,
functional buildings.
The Home Insurance Buildings
Completed in 1885 in Chicago, the Home Insurance Building is widely considered the world’s first skyscraper.
Designed by William Le Baron Jenney, it stood 10 stories tall and utilized a steel frame, setting a precedent for future
skyscraper construction.
New York City
Became s global hub for skyscraper construction in the early 20th century. Iconic buildings like the Woolworth
Building (1913), Chrysler Building (1930), and Empire State Building (1931
) showcased architectural ambition and technological prowess.
International Influence
The concept of skyscrapers spread beyond the United States, influencing urban landscapes worldwide. Cities
like London, Hong Kong, Dubai, and Shanghai have embraced skyscraper construction as a means of addressing
urbanization and accommodating growing population.
Modern Skyscraper
Contemporary skyscrapers push the boundaries of design and engineering. Innovations in sustainable
architecture, materials, science, and construction techniques enable the creation of ever-taller and more
environmentally friendly buildings.
Symbolism and Identity
Skyscrapers often serve as symbols of economic power, cultural identity, and architectural achievement. They
define the character of cities and contribute to their global recognition.
In summary, the advent of skyscrapers represents a convergence of technological innovation, architectural
ambition, and urban necessity. These towering structures continue to shape the modern skyline and inspire awe and
admiration around the world.

 Late 19th and clearly 20th centuries
 Quite innate and even a bit whimsical in their design
Ex: Flatiron Building, New York City
- Completed 1902, 22 stories tall, triangular shape
- Daniel Burnham
- Marvel of engineering and design, featuring steel frame and unique Beaux-Arts faced
- Landmark and symbol of city’s architectural history
Chicago Board of Trade Building
- Completed 1930
- Holabird & Root
- Prime example of Art Deco. With striking design that features a central tower flanked by two
smaller wings
- Famous for its impressive statue of Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture, which sits atop
the central tower
 21 century

 Testament to the incredible creativity and innovation of the designers and engineers
Ex: Burj Khalifa, Dubai
- Currently the tallest building in the world
- Made primarily of reinforced concrete, a material that flows for a slender profile and increased
resistance to wind seismic force
Pearl River Tower, Guangzhou, China
- One of the most energy-efficient buildings in the world, with unique shape that allows for natural
ventilation and a double-skin façade that helps to reduce heating and cooling needs.
O-14 Tower, Dubai
- Honey comb-like exterior
 21st century
Ex: Bosco Verticale, Milan
- Pair of residential towers that features 900 tress and thousands of plants, creating hush, green
oasis in the heart of the city.
Lotte World Tower, Seoul
- Sleek, tapering form that was created using advanced computer modeling and simulation
techniques allowing architects to optimize the buildings shape for maximum efficiency and
aesthetic impact
Pin An Finance Center, Shenzhen
- Incorporate advance energy-saving and environmental control systems to create a comfortable
sustainable indoor environment for occupants.
 Poised undergo an even more dramatic transformation
 Advances in materials, technology, and construction techniques
 Potential for slimmer, and more graceful designs
 Ultra-high performance concrete and new steel alloys allowing for buildings that are not only taller but also
slenderer and elegant
 Super-tall, super-thin skyscrapers
 Advance nanotechnology making it possible to develop stronger and lighter materials
 More daring and ambitious designs
 Incorporation of new and innovative features that are designed to enhance well-being of occupants and the
 Includes biophilic design, incorporates natural elements like water, plants, and sunlight into building interiors
 Smart building system helps reduce energy consumption and improve air quality
Structures equipped with advanced technology and systems designed to enhance efficiency, comfort, safety,
and sustainability. These buildings integrate various sensors, actuators, and communication networks to monitor and
control different aspects to their operations in real-time.
- Served as the central nervous system of intelligent buildings, allowing for the automation and
integration of various buildings systems such as HVAC (Heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning), lighting, security, and access control. BAS enable centralized monitoring, control,
and optimization of building functions to improve energy efficiency and occupant comfort.
- intelligent buildings utilize a network of Internet Of Things (IOT) sensors and devices to collect
data on environmental conditions, occupancy patterns, energy usage, and equipment
performance. These sensors provide real-time insights that enable proactive patterns and utility
- It helps optimize energy consumption and reduce costs by monitoring energy usage, identifying
inefficiencies, and implementing energy-saving strategies such as demand response, load
shedding, and scheduling of equipment based on occupancy patterns and utility rates.
- Intelligent buildings prioritize occupant comfort and productivity by providing personalized
environments tailored to individual preferences. Adaptive lighting, temperature control, and
workspace optimization enhance comfort and well-being while fostering greater productivity and
satisfaction among building occupants.
- Featured integrated security and safety systems that leverage advanced technologies such as
video surveillance, access control, intrusion detection, and emergency response systems to
enhance building security, mitigate risks and ensure the safety of occupants.
- An algorithm that analyze large volumes of building data to identify trends, predict equipment
failures, and optimize maintenance schedules. Predictive maintenance helps reduce downtime,
extend equipment lifespan, and minimize operational disruptions.
- Intelligent buildings prioritize sustainability and environmental stewardship through green
building practices such as energy-efficient design, renewable energy integration, water
conservation, and waste management. These initiatives not only reduce environmental impact
but also lower operating costs and enhance the overall sustainability of the building.
- Intelligent buildings are designed to be scalable and flexible, allowing for easy integration of new
technologies, expansion of systems, adaptation to evolving needs and requirements.
In summary, intelligent buildings leverage advanced technology and data-driven solutions to create efficient,
comfortable, and sustainable environments that enhance the quality of life for occupants while optimizing buildings
performance and reducing environmental impact.

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