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506 Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol.

104 (2002) 506–512

M. Assunta Dessìa, Oxidative stability of polyunsaturated fatty acids:

Monica Deianaa,
Billy W. Dayb, effect of squalene*
Antonella Rosaa,
The propensity of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) to undergo oxidation plays an
Sebastiano Bannia,
important role in the integrity of biological membrane and lipid containing foods. The
Francesco P. Corongiua
ability of squalene (SQ), a naturally occurring dehydrotriterpene present in animal and
plant tissues, to protect linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids
a against temperature-dependent autoxidation and UVA (ultraviolet A, 320–380 nm)
Dipartimento di Biologia
Sperimentale, Sezione di mediated oxidation was assessed. The oxidation of PUFAs was protected in varying
Patologia Sperimentale, degrees, with highest protection observed for linolenic, arachidonic and docosa-
Università degli Studi di hexaenoic acids. Linoleic acid was less protected. At a molar ratio of 7:1 (PUFA:SQ)
Cagliari, Cittadella Univer- the inhibition of the oxidation process was 22% in the presence of linoleic acid and
sitaria, Monserrato (CA), about 50% in presence of the other PUFAs tested. The different protection exerted by
Italy SQ against PUFAs with different degrees of unsaturation may be accounted for by the
b Departments of Environ- higher stability of octadecadienoic acid hydroperoxide isomers compared with respec-
mental and Occupational tive PUFA hydroperoxides. Observing mild UVA-mediated oxidation and the temper-
Health and Pharmaceuti-
ature-dependent autoxidation reactions we found similarities in the oxidation pattern
cal Sciences, Graduate
School of Public Health and the protection exerted by SQ. These findings suggest that the reaction of autoxi-
and School of Pharmacy, dation is predominant and SQ acts mainly as peroxyl radical scavenger.
University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA Keywords: Squalene, PUFA, autoxidation, hydroperoxide, antioxidant.

1 Introduction the understanding of the role and benefits of natural an-

tioxidants on the cutaneous pathophysiology of photoox-
Squalene (SQ), a dehydrotriterpene hydrocarbon with six idative stress can depend on the selection of endpoints in
double bonds, is present in animal and plant tissues and the evaluation models of photoprotectants [12].
at high concentration in shark liver [1]. Nearly all tissues
synthesize SQ but it is generally converted to cholesterol. Squalene is a 30 carbon chain compound with 6 double
In adult human skin SQ accumulates to levels approach- bonds that is structurally similar to β-carotene. Recent re-
ing 10% of the total lipids and represents one of the major ports have stipulated that olive oil contains 0.2%–0.7%
components of human skin surface lipids [2]. Skin is con- squalene, the average squalene intake in the United
Research Paper

stantly exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light and hence may be States of America being 30 mg/day, and that this intake
under increased oxidative stress due to UVA-dependent can reach 200–400 mg/day in Mediterranean countries
free radical generation. Solar UVA (320 nm – 380 nm) is a (reviewed in Smith [13] and Newmark [14]). SQ, scaveng-
significant factor in the induction of skin lipid peroxidation, ing both free radicals and oxygen reactive species, has
as the amount of UVA radiation reaching the earth’s sur- been shown to protect mice skin against γ-irradiation
face is about 20 times greater than that of UVB (280 nm – [15, 16] and to be an important dietary cancer chemo-pre-
320 nm) [3]. UVA radiation has been suggested to be an ventive agent [13, 14, 17, 18].
important factor in carcinogenesis in animal exposed to
sunlight [4, 5]. The process leading to cancer is complex A model system for assessing the autoxidation of PUFAs
and it has been suggested that singlet oxygen reacting di- has been described [19]. This uses a reaction environ-
rectly with C=C double bonds to give peroxides might be ment without solvents and involves a mild UVA exposure.
involved, thus triggering autoxidation reactions [3, 6, 7], In this study we assessed the ability of SQ to protect
the products of which could act as second messengers polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) against temperature
affecting cancer genes [8, 9]. This oxidative stress sug- dependent autooxidation (to mimic exposure to varying
gests a protective role for antioxidants [10, 11]. However, temperatures) and to mild UVA (to mimic singlet oxygen-

* Dedication: We dedicate this paper to the memory of Profes-

Correspondence: M. Assunta Dessì, Dipartimento di Biologia sor Francesco P. Corongiu who died on 17th August 2000.
Sperimentale, Sezione di Patologia Sperimentale, Università Francesco’s vision and leadership played a pivotal role in es-
degli Studi di Cagliari, Cittadella Universitaria, SS 554, Km 4.5, tablishing the Division of Experimental Pathology at the Univer-
09042 Monserrato (CA), Italy. Phone: +39-070-675-4125, Fax: sity of Cagliari. In addition to his great academic accomplish-
+39-070-675-4032; e-mail: ments he was a great friend to all who knew him.

© 2002 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 0931-5985/2002/0808-0506 $17.50+.50/0
Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 104 (2002) 506–512 Prevention of PUFA oxidation by squalene 507

dependent reaction) oxidation. We report that squalene 2.3 HPLC-diode array detector analyses
protected the oxidation of PUFAs at varying degrees and
Separation of PUFAs was conducted essentially as de-
suggest that these might be an important consideration
scribed in Banni et al. [19]. A Hewlett-Packard 1050 liquid
for the assessment of the photoprotective effects of natur-
chromatograph equipped with a 1040M diode array de-
al antioxidants.
tector (Hewlett Packard, Palo Alto, CA, USA) was used. A
C18 Alltech Adsorbosphere column (Alltech, Deerfield, IL,
2 Materials and methods USA), 5 µm particle size, 250 × 4.6 mm, was used for
all separations, with a mobile phase of CH3CN/H2O/
2.1 Autoxidation of PUFAs CH3COOH (70:30:0.12, v/v/v) flowing at 1.5 ml/min. PU-
FA hydroperoxides were monitored at 234 nm and PUFAs
All solvents used were high-performance liquid chro-
at 200 nm [19]. SQ was eluted with 100% methanol at a
matography (HPLC) grade (Carlo Erba, Milano, Italy).
flow rate of 1.5 ml/min and it was monitored at 203 nm.
Autoxidation of PUFA was carried out as previously de-
Second derivative as well as conventional UV spectra
scribed [19]. Briefly, 1 ml of a 3.6 mM solution in n-hexa-
were generated, using the Phoenix 3D HP Chemstation
ne of each PUFA (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO,
software, in order to confirm the peaks identification [20].
USA), were dried under vacuum and incubated in a Dub-
Further identification of components in the chromato-
noff water bath at 37 °C in a round bottom test tube. The
graphic peaks was performed with the help of reference
reaction was stopped, the mixture cooled to 0 °C and
compounds. Cis,trans-13-hydroperoxy-octadecadienoic
0.5 ml of CH3CN/0.14% CH3COOH (v/v) added, when
acid (c,t-13-HPODE) and cis,trans-9-hydroperoxy-oc-
about 70–80% of the PUFA were oxidized (linoleic acid,
tadecadienoic acid (c,t-9-HPODE) were purchased from
24 h; linolenic acid, 14 h; arachidonic acid, 10 h; docosa-
Cascade (Cascade Biochemical Ltd. London, UK).
hexaenoic acid, 5 h). Samples were then analyzed by
2.4 Characterization of SQ oxidation
SQ (Sigma Chemical ) was mixed with PUFAs prepared by-products
as above at the working final concentrations: 20, 40, 80, Characterization of SQ by-products formed during the
160, 240, 320, 400, 480 nmoles achieved by adding ap- autoxidation or UVA-mediated oxidation of PUFA in the
propriate volumes of 2.43 mM SQ in n-hexane. Samples presence of SQ was obtained by combining HPLC-UV
were then dried down and incubated at 37 °C for different analyses with on-line atmospheric-pressure ionization
lengths of time as described above. For comparative pur- mass spectrometry. In these analyses, NH4O2CCH3
poses ancillary experiments were performed using (2 mM) was added to the mobile phase to insure ioniza-
squalane (Sigma Chemical ), the saturated form of SQ. tion of the analytes. Pneumatically assisted electrospray
mass spectra were obtained on a Perkin Elmer/Sciex API
I mass spectrometer, equipped with an atmospheric-pres-
2.2 UVA-mediated oxidation of PUFAs
sure ionization source and an ionspray interface (Perkin
UVA-mediated oxidation of PUFAs was carried out on Elmer/Sciex, Toronto, Ontario, Canada). The interface
samples prepared as follows: 1 ml of 3.6 mM PUFA solu- was maintained at 5 kV, and the orifice voltage was set at
tions in n-hexane, was dried under vacuum in a glass 70 V. High purity air was used as nebulizing gas at an
round bottom test tube. Unstoppered tubes, transparent operating pressure of 276 kPa, and the curtain gas was
to UV radiation, were exposed to UVA monochromatic ra- high purity N2 flowing at 0.6 l/min, heated to 55 °C. The
diations (366 nm) at a fluence rate of 250 kJ/m2, a physi- analytes in the HPLC mobile phase, after photodiode
ological dose of UVA as suggested by Vile and Tyrrell [6], array analysis, were introduced directly into the nebuliza-
for various lengths of time. In all experiments, samples tion ionization source with no splitting of the effluent. The
were irradiated with the same lamp from a distance of mass spectrometer was set to scan over the range of m/z
30 cm in a thermostatic system at 20 °C. 280 to 600 at a resolution of m/z 0.1, and a rate of one
scan per 8.67 s.
The reaction was stopped, adding 0.5 ml of CH3CN/
0.14% CH3COOH (v/v), when about 70–80% of the PUFA 2.5 Statistical analysis
were oxidized (linoleic acid, 56 h; linolenic acid, 20 h;
arachidonic acid, 15 h; docosahexaenoic acid, 8 h) and INSTAT software (GraphPad software, San Diego, CA,
samples were then analyzed by HPLC. USA) was used to calculate the means and standard de-
viations of three independent experiments, involving trip-
Samples containing SQ were prepared as described licate analyses for each sample/condition. One-way ANO-
above, and used at the concentrations of 240, 320, 400 VA was used to test whether the group means differed
and 480 nmol. significantly.
508 Dessì et al. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 104 (2002) 506–512

3 Results
Oxidative patterns for all the PUFAs were similar, irre-
spective of their different oxidative stability due to the
number of double bonds. The oxidation parameters
(PUFA decrease and PUFA hydroperoxides formation)
were monitored at 1 h or 30 min intervals in this study.
In order to obtain an equivalent oxidative pattern for all
PUFAs, a preliminary set of experiments was performed
blocking the autoxidation, or UVA-mediated oxidation,
when PUFAs were oxidized to about 70–80%.
Fig. 1 shows the decrease of linoleic acid and the forma-
tion of its HPODE isomers during 24 h of autoxidation at
37 °C or 56 h of UVA-mediated oxidation at room temper-
ature (20 °C). Although the UVA-mediated oxidation at
20°C was slower than the autoxidation process at 37 °C,
the oxidation pattern was the same in the two experimen-
tal systems. The concentration of linoleic acid decreased
with time and the value of HPODE isomers increased
with a non-linear time course, in agreement with previous
reports [19, 21]. Linolenic, arachidonic and docosa-
hexaenoic acids had similar autoxidation pattern (Tab. 1 Fig. 1. Decrease of linoleic acid and formation of HPODE
and Tab. 2). The PUFAs showed the highest production of isomers during 56 h of UVA-mediated oxidation at 20 °C
PUFA hydroperoxides when about 40 % of their initial (A) or 24 h of autoxidation at 37 °C (B).
concentration was consumed (Fig. 1, Tab. 1, Tab. 2). This * = p <0.05; ** = p <0.01; *** = p <0.001 versus controls
point was reached at different times of incubation for the (samples at T = 0)

Tab. 1. Decrease of linoleic (A) and linolenic acid (B) and polyunsaturated fatty acids hydroperoxide (PUFA HP) formation
during autoxidation at 37 °C and UVA–mediated oxidation at 20 °C. * = p <0.05; *** = p <0.001 vs controls (samples at
T = 0).
A Autoxidation UVA-mediated oxidation
Incubation Residual PUFA PUFA HP Incubation Residual PUFA PUFA HP
time [h] [nmol] [nmol] time [h] [nmol] [nmol]
0 3528 ± 41 71 ± 12 0 3501 ± 41 80 ± 8
4 3413 ± 90* 220 ± 14*** 16 3281 ± 66*** 192 ± 38***
8 2969 ± 156*** 440 ± 39*** 24 2682 ± 7*** 322 ± 52***
12 2548 ± 55*** 711 ± 12*** 32 2346 ± 53*** 469 ± 6***
16 1906 ± 43*** 704 ± 5*** 40 1868 ± 62*** 516 ± 39***
20 1408 ± 36*** 575 ± 50*** 48 1299 ± 71*** 479 ± 63***
24 954 ± 33*** 423 ± 35*** 56 923 ± 19*** 342 ± 19***
B Autoxidation UVA-mediated oxidation
Incubation Residual PUFA PUFA HP Incubation Residual PUFA PUFA HP
time [h] [nmol] [nmol] time [h] [nmol] [nmol]
0 3508 ± 33 7± 3 0 3750 ± 96 34 ± 1
2 3295 ± 9*** 46 ± 2* 4 2934 ± 62*** 151 ± 2***
4 3242 ± 25*** 140 ± 28*** 8 1606 ± 105*** 311 ± 12***
6 3031 ± 15*** 268 ± 48*** 12 1288 ± 65*** 257 ± 10***
8 2571 ± 28*** 426 ± 19*** 16 718 ± 34*** 142 ± 8***
10 2195 ± 44*** 449 ± 27*** 20 427 ± 21*** 85 ± 2***
12 1789 ± 39*** 443 ± 26***
14 1154 ± 57*** 316 ± 5***
Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 104 (2002) 506–512 Prevention of PUFA oxidation by squalene 509

Tab. 2. Decrease of arachidonic (A) and docosahexaenoic acid (B) and hydroperoxide (PUFA HP) formation during
autoxidation at 37 °C and UVA–mediated oxidation at 20 °C. ** = p <0.01; *** = p <0.001 vs. controls (samples at T = 0).
A Autoxidation UVA-mediated oxidation
Incubation Residual PUFA PUFA HP Incubation Residual PUFA PUFA HP
time [h] [nmol] [nmol] time [h] [nmol] [nmol]
0 3637 ± 58 6± 1 0 3402 ± 10 7± 0
1 3544 ± 82 17 ± 2 3 3265 ± 11*** 81 ± 10**
2 3526 ± 40 34 ± 8 6 2765 ± 175*** 236 ± 2***
3 3377 ± 12** 92 ± 8*** 9 1534 ± 12*** 278 ± 13***
4 3335 ± 87*** 155 ± 17*** 12 774 ± 17*** 181 ± 2***
5 3119 ± 20*** 250 ± 37*** 15 476 ± 41*** 91 ± 3***
6 2803 ± 45*** 345 ± 8***
7 2381 ± 48*** 407 ± 17***
8 1775 ± 216*** 362 ± 4***
9 1344 ± 138*** 287 ± 1***
10 813 ± 87*** 186 ± 41***
B Autoxidation UVA-mediated oxidation
Incubation Residual PUFA PUFA HP Incubation Residual PUFA PUFA HP
time [h] [nmol] [nmol] time [h] [nmol] [nmol]
0 373 ± 83 32 ± 93 0 3459 ± 15 21 ± 2
0.5 3662 ± 20 62 ± 1** 2 2873 ± 1*** 165 ± 4***
1 3447 ± 7*** 129 ± 1*** 4 2099 ± 48*** 229 ± 6***
1.5 3376 ± 45*** 231 ± 1*** 6 1320 ± 125*** 228 ± 1***
2 3096 ± 11*** 363 ± 26*** 8 573 ± 25*** 176 ± 10***
2.5 2593 ± 113*** 419 ± 5***
3 2056 ± 53*** 405 ± 12***
3.5 1664 ± 91*** 350 ± 31***
4 1412 ± 38*** 230 ± 17***
4.5 700 ± 8*** 142 ± 23***
5 442 ± 36*** 75 ± 3***

different PUFAs, decreasing exponentially upon the num- centage of protection, calculated from the plot of concen-
ber of double bonds (Fig. 2). This data would also concur tration-dependent residual fatty acid and hydroperoxides
that the higher the number of double bonds, the greater formed. The protection exerted by SQ was the same in
the oxidative propensity of the individual PUFA. HPODEs the two experimental systems and it was linearly depen-
formation was about 1.5-folds higher than hydroperoxides dent from its concentration. At the highest SQ concentra-
formed during oxidation of the other PUFAs tested tion tested (480 nmol) linoleic acid was protected by 22%,
(Tab. 1, Tab. 2). The antioxidant activity of SQ versus while the more unsaturated PUFAs were protected by
PUFAs oxidation is shown in Fig. 3 and expressed as per- about 50% (Fig. 3). An ancillary experiment was per-
formed by substituting squalane for SQ. No protection
during linoleic acid autoxidation was detected at any
squalane concentration tested.

SQ consumption was higher in the presence of linoleic

acid than in the presence of the other PUFAs tested, dur-
ing both the autoxidation and the UVA-mediated oxidation
of PUFAs, and three major by-products derived from SQ
were formed (Fig. 4). The level of SQ hydroperoxide for-
mation varied upon the degree of unsaturation of PUFAs
Fig. 2. Correlation between the number of PUFA double either when taken at the end of the process (Fig. 5) or
bonds and the time of incubation needed to reach the when compared at the same time of incubation (Fig. 6).
maximum formation of PUFA hydroperoxides during aut- The SQ oxidation by-products were detected exclusively
oxidation at 37 °C. when SQ was incubated with PUFAs.
510 Dessì et al. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 104 (2002) 506–512

Fig. 5. Relationship between SQ concentration and SQ

hydroperoxide formation during PUFA autoxidation at
37 °C: A – docosahexaenoic acid; B – linolenic acid; C –
arachidonic acid; D – linoleic acid.

Fig. 3. Protection exerted by SQ at different concentra-

tions against PUFA UVA-mediated oxidation at 20 °C (A)
or autoxidation at 37 °C (B). Percentage of protection ver-
sus all the PUFA tested, calculated from the plot of con-
centration-dependent residual fatty acid and hydroperox- Fig. 6. Relationship between SQ hydroperoxide forma-
ides formed, is extremely significant (p < 0.001) from tion and incubation time during PUFA autoxidation at
240 nmol of SQL (system A) and from 160 nmol of SQL 37 °C: A – docosahexaenoic acid; B – linolenic acid; C –
(system B). arachidonic acid; D – linoleic acid.

sured. In this paper the ability of SQ to act as scavenger

4 Discussion
of peroxyl radicals and protect linolenic acid, arachidonic
The decreasing concentration of linoleic acid and subse- acid and docosahexaenoic acid autoxidation was as-
quent formation of HPODEs are important determinants sessed and compared with linoleic acid. Lipid peroxyl rad-
of autoxidizability of this fatty acid [19]. If this process is icals are the main reactive molecules during the temper-
slowed down, it becomes possible to use the system in ature-dependent PUFA autoxidation reactions in this
assessing antioxidant activity. Since the formation of study. However, and as is evident from previous studies,
hydroperoxides during the time course of linoleic acid using physiological doses of UVA radiation, singlet oxy-
autoxidation is not linear, misinterpretation of oxidative gen mediates UVA radiation-dependent peroxidation of
propensity can result when both parameters are not mea- PUFA, a reaction that can be potentiated by the presence

Fig. 4. Typical chromatogram recorded at 203 nm

of SQ and its by-products formed during linoleic
acid oxidation. Peaks were identified by their UV
and mass spectra.
Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 104 (2002) 506–512 Prevention of PUFA oxidation by squalene 511

of iron and hydrogen peroxide [6]. In both the experimen- (Fig. 7). Yeo and Shibamoto [22] proposed that hydrogen
tal systems, SQ exerted a significant antioxidant activity. atom abstraction from SQ is likely to occur in the C-8 car-
At a molar ratio of 7:1 (PUFA: SQ) the inhibition of the bon. We confirm this hypothesis with the detection by
oxidation process was 22% in the presence of linoleic HPLC of the fragmentation byproduct, 6-methyl-5-hep-
acid and about 50% in the presence of the other PUFAs ten-2-one (6-MHO), generated by the 6-hydroperoxide in-
tested. The different protection exerted by SQ against termediate.
PUFAs that possess different degrees of unsaturation
may be accounted for by the higher stability of HPODE Using different experimental conditions, 37 °C in the
isomers with respect to the other PUFA hydroperoxides. absence of solvent, it has been demonstrated that SQ is
PUFA hydroperoxides containing more than 2 double more resistant to peroxyl radical attack than PUFAs [16].
bonds have the tendency to yield by-products not easily This might explain why SQ, together with SQ hydroperox-
converted to radicals capable of attacking other PUFA ide, is not able to propagate the chain reaction of lipid per-
molecules [21]. Therefore, substrates are exposed for a oxidation, working as protective agent. The lack of proox-
longer period to HPODEs with respect to the other PUFA idant activity suggests that SQ peroxyl radical is probably
hydroperoxides. As a consequence, SQ consumption stabilized by resonance in its isoprenic structure. SQ is an
was higher and its antioxidant activity was lower in the efficient quencher of singlet oxygen [16], that mediates
presence of linoleic acid than in the presence of linolenic, UVA radiation-dependent peroxidation of PUFA under
arachidonic and docosahexanoic acids. The highest pro- physiological doses of UVA radiation [3, 6]. The similarity
duction of hydroperoxides was attained when about 40% of the oxidation pattern and the protection exerted by SQ,
of PUFA was oxidized. Concentrations of 700 or 500 nmol between mild UVA-mediated oxidation and the temper-
for linoleic acid and about 400 or 300 nmol for the other ature-dependent autoxidation reaction, suggests that the
PUFAs tested were obtained depending on the experi- reaction of autoxidation is predominant and SQ acts
mental system. Under our experimental conditions, SQ mainly as peroxyl radical scavenger, irrespective of the
oxidation by-products were detected exclusively when initiator used to trigger the reaction. Under UVA radiation,
SQ was incubated with PUFAs. Therefore SQ hydroper- the formation of lipid peroxyl radical is time-dependent
oxide formation was related to the capability of SQ to and lacks the effect of temperature seen under the autox-
scavenge the lipoperoxyl radicals. A similar reaction to idation conditions.
that proposed by Yeo and Shibamoto [22] under UV irra-
SQ activity is linked to its double bond system since its
diation, may occur in the experimental condition reported
saturated form, squalane, does not exert any of the lipid
here, where a proton abstraction from SQ is followed by
peroxyl radical scavenging activity. SQ is one of the major
the generation of SQ hydroperoxide and SQ hydroxide
components of human skin surface lipids [2]. Nearly all
tissues synthesize SQ, that is generally converted to cho-
lesterol; however, in adult human skin SQ accumulates to
levels approaching 10% of the total lipids. Even though
the ratio PUFA: SQ at which SQ exerts its maximum ac-
tivity seems very high (7:1), this ratio mirrors what is pre-
sent in the skin surface [2]. The surface of hairless human
skin is especially vulnerable to damaging free radicals
generated by a number of physiological and biological
processes and to exposure to UV radiation. In hairy pri-
mates, namely Pan and Gorilla, SQ represents 0.1% only
of the skin surface lipids [23]. SQ is an endogenous prod-
uct that constantly accumulates on the human skin sur-
face, where it is the most susceptible to UV irradiation [8].
SQ hydroperoxide did not act as prooxidant in our exper-
imental conditions. This contrasts with the reports that SQ
hydroperoxide stimulates the melanogenesis process in
human keratinocytes [8]. Thus the ratio of antioxidant/
substrate concentrations is critical when assessing an-
tioxidant efficacy. Nevertheless, we report the inhibition of
PUFA oxidation by SQ and suggest that this might provide
Fig. 7. Proposed formation of SQ oxidation by-products, a defence against lipid peroxidation induced by autoxida-
SQ hydroperoxyde (SQOOH) and SQ hydroxide (SQOH) tion reactions. Moreover, measurement of thiobarbituric
during the reaction with lipoperoxyl radicals (LOO). acid reactive materials (TBARs) has been used to assess
512 Dessì et al. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 104 (2002) 506–512

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