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As a future psychologist, I hope to have a great impact as a professional, and be great at

what I do, and always look for everyone´s mental health. There are going to be many

ways in which I will be able to help others, and I consider that the principal way, is

through writing, for many reasons. One of them is that it is the most accessible way to

reach for people, also, it is going to be transcendental, since it is going to be maintained

over time, generating an impact on different generations, since, individually in a

common session, this does not happen and doesn´t have that impact.

The principal way to make a positive difference is by means of a book. It is something

so simple, but also something that´s always appreciated by humans and it has been

existed since forever, and it could make a difference in a lot of people, making them

think and meditate. A topic that I consider important to write about is eating disorders,

since it´s happening to have a very big influence nowadays in teenagers and even kids.

And this will be a pathology that will last for a really long time because society is

influenced by social media and beauty standards. So it won´t be only for them, also for

their parents so they can understand their children and help them through the process of


Another style of disclosing information is, a blog. This is a way for any student or even

professional to expand in many ways and help many of people through the internet, and

since this is something everyone uses every single day, it will be easy to make people

engage reading it and being able to even create your own community. One of the

advantages is that, for whoever is writing the blog, it will let them use their creativity,

even expanding their vocabulary, as Warschauer (1997) affirms, “writing modes

become more versatile”. On the other hand, for the lectors, it will make them learn
about themes, like the impact of, for example, public harassment or bullying, and spread

awareness. Also, let them be more open minded on other topics like sexuality. As a

blogger said, “my eyes have been opened to new destinations“(JamieAdStories, October

21st, 2021).

Finally, another way to make a positive impact in Psychology, is in a way that in the

present, will be just so easy and great to use it, and it is via Instagram. I know it might

sound as something so common, but, from my experience, it´s by this way that I

actually worked a lot in me, in my self-esteem. There was a user at Instagram that just

popped on my account one day, and just by pure curiosity started following it, and it has

been the best thing for me. Since that day, every single day, all I see in that account are

posts about self-love, how to take care of yourself mentally, learn to appreciate myself

and how to not let anyone go over me. And I think this has been a way for me to

evaluate myself and see in which scenario I was in because I thought I was the

healthiest person, mentally speaking, but this account made me realize so many things

that some of those topics are taboo and not talked very much in society, and I would like

to do that for someone else, and help people, just like I got help from them. Maybe

putting little tips to motivate people, or sending positive messages to their DM´s.

In conclusion, there are many ways to make an impact and a positive difference in your

career, but the most important and highlighting is through writing. In my case, in

Psychology, there are so many topics that can be treated, so many ways to help people

and mark a difference also throughout time, writing a book for example. Also reaching

to the most people possible, no matter distance or language, through blogs, or Instagram

that is so used nowadays. So that would be the way that I would make a positive

JamieAdStories. (October 21st, 2021). Why Is Reading Blogs Beneficial?
Warschauer, M. (1997). Computer‐mediated collaborative learning: Theory and
practice. The Modern Language Journal, 81(4), 470-481.

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