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Parva-bhiga (Chapter-16) 95 He prevented his father, brothers and Hiranyaksa, and said that He is Lord Narayana, the unborn and etemal one, WaT: Feat at wernt sera: ora ere ferent a were fafaegra: 1g gH He is the Lord, the ancient Person, great Yogin, the soul of the universe. He is creator and dispencer of the destiny and he himself is self illumining besides being spotless. wert Jed aed yeorpfitera:! Sat: Teyana one: 11g 1 Treaet yeu feempeETETTT He is Pradhana, as well as Purusa, the ultimate Reality, the form of unchanging Mila- Prakyti, the lord of all the living beings, he moves in the minds of all, and is beyond the reach of gunas. Therefore, all of you should take refuge in invisible and indestructible Visnu.” Way: Uedtaewueatag: war Gc Stara Ganeed shed faeerere ort Water aed BR eoTTAA HG St TTisercentiertt areritiea:t At these words of Prahlada, Hiranyakasipu- the evil minded one, having been influenced with the Maya of Visnu, said to his son- “This Nrsitiha, devoid of strength has to be killed on all accounts. He hes arrived here at the instance of the god of death.” fare fart Git aa: we FETA: oll 7 freee garner wed Ret marta: Waa: aTeTavSAA I RII The extremely wise son said to his father, smilingly. “Don't denounce him, He happens to be Isvara of all the living beings, besides being indestructible. He is everlasting Mahadeva and is beyond time, Bre SA Fer: STE SLT aa: Gaubenfegg reat aareretn feet: 119 311 Frafedtste gion gga aftr Resa eva 9 3 srafaercarara wereeta Tat: Bt ferret feroerat WeTART: Now He is Visnu, the form of Kala, Therefore Kala can do no harm to him. Thereafter, the wicked Hiranyakasipu, much against the advice of Prahléda under the influence of Kala, started fighting with the everlasting lord Vignu. Then lord Ananta, with red eyes tore out the elder brother of Hiranyaksa (i.e. Hiranyakasipu) with his nails. fager ya werd gga wafage SST: WAT ST ARTS ATT: Ho Gt afaatearga: faetie amare a: Hera agi afeaira: WAU KI At the death of Hiranyakasipu the immensely valorous — Hiranyal getting frightened, deserting his son (i.e. nephew) Prahldda fled away from the place, Then Anubrada and other sons of the Daitya king were dispatched to the abode of Yama,! by the lions, which emerged out of the body of Narasirhha. Thereafter lord Vignu withdrew his Narasithha form. aa TH ee ae ATTA Ta ATT ae: NEeIS|TATA oot afta gar fewamereg Breas GUT fret Taf Then he himself took again to his own real majestic form of Narayana. After the departure of Narayana, Prahlda then crowned Hiranyaksa as the king of the Daityas. He also harassed the sages and the gods conquering them. TearTs Wey ATA vrATT) Ranfarar waaay gear a erottfirAyN oe He adored Siva, performing severe tapas and gota great son named Andhaka, who conquering Indrajit and others, created agitation on the earth ten Taree a ard Freavierem aA: Weare Sor: ufo 1. The god of death, identified with the name of Yama, said to be a son of Adharma by Nirrti or of Brahma or of Kali or of Maya 96 Karma-Purdia Thereafter he carried the Vedas in the nether- worlds and made them _infructuous. Consequently the faces of Brahma and all other gods faded out. Tren faammerergfaene eftarary 7H fevaferean Feparem TeeTUTeTAAA: NC Ql All the gods then went to the abode of Visnu and informed him about the painful situation. Then Visnu, the soul of the universe and the everlasting lord, thought about the means for the destruction of the demon. wRand gy ares Yo aa reer feoarerl gear at TERT S For that purpose, lord Purusottama (Visnu) took to the form of Svela Varaha (white boar) embodying within it the power of all devas and killed Hiranyaksa. ‘Spararcarara aearat eruitfirerg marae arererterrt Weare qeise 2 3 Then at the beginning of the kalpa, he redeemed the earth, which had been submerged in water, carrying it over the tip of his tusk. Thereafter killing the enemies of the gods, he discarded his Varaha form. arta wefa feo wet fay: we TER fea wisrefcch weret fara cei AUR TRG Are TT TAT ATA aad faftragenferetrTEs TANG Then depending on his own divine Prakrti, lord Visnu reached his Supreme eternal abode At the killing of Hiranyaksa, the enemy of the gods, Prahlada— the devotee of lord Visnu, discarded the demonic temperament and started serving the people as their ruler, Getting devoted to Vignu, he duly performed the yajfias quite appropriately. Fmt aa Tet Teanhfanparary ae: HTT TT MRM TEAMTTAN 2 G11 By the grace of lord Vigqu, his kingdom was always without enemies, In due course of time, a Brihmana arrived in his abode. a woRMETATE Rare Urea Was areRiseed afer ct But influenced with the illusion of the gods, the Brahmana was not welcomed by Prahlida appropriately. Thus because of the arrogance of his being a ruler, the Brahmana was humiliated, MUTA ATTA: | ares Taree BreTOTPTATATAN <2 ar aifeectooreh feo farrert afieafa ‘sega weet qof wereer yerefatnc eu Because of the insult, the Brahmana with his eyes red in anger pronounced a curse on the demon king. “You are disregarding and dishonouring the Brahmanas by resorting to your Vaisnavi Sakti: That power of yours will be destroyed.” Thus speaking, the Brahmana atonce left the place of Prahlada, Wile ceniem: aisha yeaa: arerarare fettara ferate SATET TN 8 ot fageegeyes et aa eft fet wat: waa S Gute Tretor gw aRraurer Soret wereeafae: | Be a Wrage fawpn aa fafa gh Because he was cagerly attached to the kingdom he was deluded due to the force of the curse. He began to harass the leading Brahmanas. He did not understand Vignu, Not only this, Prahlada getting reminded of the killing of his father, felt enraged. Because of this, a terrific war was fought between Nardyana and Prahlda, the enemy of the gods. By waging such a great war he was defeated at the hands of Visnu. yeiearemererennteay yet ath want wee Farad ered great wat gat At that point of time, because of the glory of his earlier sarskaras, the divine knowledge about lord Hari dawned on him. Then he reached before Hari to take refuge with him. aa: wafe deta erat afeqee ree weribrrare PRA wi Since that time, the king of the Daityas became immensely devoted to lord Hari, the most excellent of all Purusas and attained Yoga. Parva-bhaga (Chapter-16) 7 feconafert: gr arretrartatn SHAT HEAT TGA T TIAA MS A Thus when the mind of Prahlada, the son of Hiranyakasipu, was so devoted to Yoga, then Andhaka, the great demon, usurped his kingdom which was quite vast. fame: wegen: weacergat eat eae uefa G1 Because of his birth from the body of Siva, the son of Hiranyaksa, became desirous of Uma, the daughter of the mountain stationed at Mandracala mountain. Ye area qua Wat yeafra:1 Soa THIS: HAMS In earlier times, thousands of house-holder sages were performing penance in order to propitiate Isvara, in the auspicious Daruvana (pine forest). ae: menfernett areata ger srrgtiaiiaten anitegafernteritg ct Once a terrific draught which was destroyer of all the living beings occurred in that country. There were no rains at all for a long time. aie ad Brat het arate ATT JAMAL STETE HTTTTOT & 8 Then the people of that place went to sage Gautama and demanded from him the food to maintain their lives. aia: weaad WE aga ga: ae qua fas Pfavieer aera go ont The intelligent Gautama, served enough of, food to all the people who had arrived there. Al the Brahmanas took food with Gautama, without any doubt. Ta a Wee ae Gear gat vitae aye farted sargdesara go gu After the period of twelve years, which was like the time of dissolution, the rain of welfare was showered and the world was filled with grain as before. Wa: WS Ahad: TaN TT weft chee srepteara sft AA: go BH frarannt & ar afsenct ware fier neesayd Tepeafifa afigar: 1 go 3 All the sages then in consultations among themselves, said to the sage Gautama, “We intend to leave this place shortly.” Gautama then stopped the Brihmanas, saying, “You please continue to stay in my house comfortably for some time more, after which you can go.” wat aera YET Font wt ad wa a aeitd areerargtifares WET: 11 Ro¥il Then the Brahmanas created an illusory black cow and drove her near to the noble-souled sage Gautama, asgqdha gufaweren: wanitega:1 TS At TATAT BSAA WATT ATI ROG HL Looking at the cow, Gautama was filled with compassion and keeping in view her protection he lodged her in the cowpen. But because of her being an illusory one, she died with the simple touch. a viernes: arated werqht:t a ayafe er aeeT Taft BraISTATI Go GI Finding her to be dead, the great sage was filled with grief and feeling non-plussed, he was unable to take a decision. Then suddenly the sages spoke to the Ryi Gautama. Teer fsa wave yitem aasa 1 dheed meant aaa fe goon “You have attracted the sin of killing of a cow, therefore till such time this great sin continues to engulf you body, we shall not be able to take food from you, Therefore we are leaving this place. Ranisqam: weit Faareat YT Wy: wrayer Taf aM TAM oct After getting permission from the sage Gautama, all the Brahmanas proceeded on to the auspicious Devadaru forest, in order to perform penance as before. 7B dat area Sat irereat siterat yA: rate Sep aT PrETUTATTAATTT: | RoR The sage Gautama some how came to know 98 Kirma-Purdpa of the trick played by the Brahmanas with the creation of an illusory cow. He was filled with rage and pronounced a curse on them. ferafer aeftaren wererafeati: TEMA AM STUTSATTAT: WA: WAN Bon He declared, “You people shall be devoid of the three Vedas and shall become like the grave sinners.” Because of this curse, the Brahmanas, faced rebirth again and again. ad tna Saei vigt Famer anger citfercs: witteferer ga watitu een ate marth sarrenfarerit aarAgeM weraH WTAE: 1 LAAN Then they having been _—_uechista (unacceptable like leavings of food after meals), adored Siva, the Lord of gods as well as Visnu, the immutable deity with many stotras. They said, “Both of you are omniscient, and are great Yogis by your own sweat will. You are competent enough to free us from the sin.” Then the bull-bannered lord Siva, looking at Visnu who was standing nearby said, “How could the task. of these Brahmanas be established who are desirous of merits?” eB eerie ere RATT: | irate ore feeararetrert worry BATH Beet Then lord Visnu, who is dear to the devotees, looking at the bowed down Brahmanas, spoke to lord Safikara—also known as Gopati, a Acaral Tat uaereisfr wg ages wera oat Seafahrdet eet “O Lord, the one who is ex-communicated by the Vedas, even the slightest part of the merit is not left with him, because, O Lord Mahadeva, Dharma emerges from the Vedas. mente eRe We arent: wa Uae watt rear egg it O Maheévara, still because of your being compassionate on the devotees, we should protect all of them who are bound to fall in the hell. vente aqararat waorata mfr fetes orator aiearat ee eget Therefore, O bull-bannered lord, in order to delude the sinners, who have been discarded by the Vedas, we shall compose (Scriptures) which could save them.” Ua wea wat maa qaftom aan Tepmentr Sapratste fracas eect Tad rgd TaN AEA Ree Thus addressed by Visnu, the slayer of Mura, Rudradeva composed deluding Sdstras and Kegava too did the same, on being urged by Siva. Those Scriptures were the treatises of the cults of Kapala, Nakula, Vama, Bhairava, both of westem and eastern variety, Paitcaratra, Pasupata and thousands of other cults as well, Wel amie freer: Hato: werden Wer TRH A EL HEUPL TA: TAN Roll ard ag’ cts aftoramearen:) SRA THAT ATTN 82 a After creating such literatures, he said to the Brahmanas, “You having been out-caste from the Vedic religion, should, performing the deeds as prescribed in the Sastras will keep on falling in the hell for many alpas, again and again You will then be born as humans. Then after the decline of all your sins, you will achieve salvation by the adoration of the lord. ated area aan Faepfate a: Uaiearfermpeat chfegarest meta: gee amet weet frerenrgufataa:) epee vreior aa AT TAT: YAU GZS Because of my grace, you will behave in this, way, otherwise, there is no scope of your deliverance. Thus both Mahadeva and Vismu, inspired those sages accordingly. The sages who were inimical to the asuras, kept on following the command of Siva and following the scriptures, they created other Sastras. frearenmarargasifacar went a Parva-bhaga (Chapter-16) 9 Ararat cireoenitel wera ez eI reat vienit fiat feorétat fast: wer are: Paras Vk A faiteiccitatind seruscraften: Displaying the results achieved by them, they started teaching their pupils. On the other hand, lord Siva, incarnating on earth, kept on begging for alms along with the Brahmanas. Siva wore the garland of skulls and had applied the ashes of the cremation ground over his body. He kept on deluding the entire world, Wearing the matted locks of hair over the head. Fifa wrddieet faomrafireasifa 2261 Frater ararest det gehere BRT ARTA RoI FST VPI He lefi Parvati with the illustrious Visnu and deputed Bhairava for the subjugation of the wicked people. He entrusted the care of Parvati to Narayana. der a a Toentragir fee a were fermyferaraq: TT RRC ‘eitesuartt Fra Rat a marty EN RAT: AT aATST BMPTAT AM fatfert waredi eine vier Ti Establishing his ganas as well as Indra there, Mahadeva left the place. Thereafter Visnu, the embodiment of the universe assumed the form of a woman and served MaheSvari, Brahma, Agni, Indra, Yama, and other best of the gods, taking to the form of damsels, kept on serving Parvati, the great goddess. Sra RET ATA, TTRTTACCTT: 1 23 oN wee wont aargafaem afeaerat tet were ae geifer:n 3 ant megan fifsrrnrmTs FAT RUMAH SET VR: TTA 23 a RTT SATS BT wat: wanes Bete Teton ea att Lord Nandisvara, the dearest of the lord Siva, stood guard at the entrance gate. At the same time, the evil-minded Andhakasura for kidnapping Parvati, arrived at Mandracala. Finding the arrival of Andhaka, Kalabhairava, the terrific form of Siva, stopped him. A terrific battle that caused hairs to stand on their ends, started between the two of them, gerinfa ¢ gear quent: We: Beet ten: Bee TAT e3 I The bull-bannered Kalabhairava attacked over the chest of Andhaka with his trident Thereafter, thousands of Daityas appeared there in the name of Sahasrandhakas. aan dereaecfatatit: wueranuit PearesesyeIT SATA: V3 4M ferret tear: det a aga: wash Seat wearer aA: 83 61 Fag: weeatehiigereat: orafaren 9 weet Weta AOTETA BVH eeRonftafert ferret raat aaismreafrger & pravitsa Tee e311 sarong aearsnfiggg:| Bret weg: GUE ayaTHeaT Lae ‘Nandigvara and others were defeated by those Andhakas. The extremely valorous eight ganas of Siva known as Gantakama, Meghanada, Candesa, Candatapana, Vindyaka, Meghavaha, Somanandi and Vaidyuta, started fighting with Andhakas with spears, saitis, double-edged swords, mountain peaks and battle-axes. Then the extremely valorous Daityardja, Andhaka, caught hold of each one of them by the feet and threw them all at a distance of a hundred yojanas (1 Yojana = 12 Kms., Then the horrible thousands of asuras, created by the demon attacked Bhairava simultaneously. There was commotion everywhere there and horrible sound was created. aga drat fa: yermera rey qerrant yaci Glafatit es gwon Bhairava started fighting carrying a trident with him, but he, the form of Siva, was defeated at the hands of the invincible army of Andhaka. Sram wruored aryganst farqyy Asqacumrentamysetat weTATTA gs gH

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