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Terra's documentary shows us the diversity and natural beauty of our planet. From the
Tanzanian rainforest to the Arctic ice floe and life in animal reserves, we see the
interconnectedness of living things and the importance of caring for our earthly home. The
impact of human activity and climate change in different regions of the world is also reflected.
Therefore, it should be prioritized to take care of the environment today, as it endangers the
lives of living beings; and the care of this should be promoted. Since, so much natural beauty
should be better exploited and much more valued.

Different animals are shown, and among them, a clan of ecologist monkeys that lived in a
jungle in Tanzania and how their life changed when their home was replaced by a tea plantation
and one of them was captured by a human. Shown in the video, the ecologists are ancient
monkeys that live in groups in the jungle. It is said that they mark their authority over a territory
with their cries. And they, unfortunately, are affected when their home is replaced by a tea
plantation, and because of that, one of the monkeys is captured by a human and taken to a
different world. An inhumane act committed by a person who, with the conscience they have,
should know the negative impact it has on the world.

It shows different animals, and among them, a clan of colobuses monkeys that lived in a jungle
in Tanzania and how their life changed when their home was replaced by a tea plantation and
one of them was captured by a human. Shown in the video, the colobuses are ancient monkeys
that live in groups in the jungle. It is said that they mark their authority over a territory with
their cries. And they, unfortunately, are affected when their home is replaced by a tea plantation,
and because of that, one of the monkeys is captured by a human and taken to a different world.
An inhumane act committed by a person who, with the conscience they have, should know the
negative impact it can have on the ecology groups.

On the other hand, it shows a green landscape, the plants, how their roots climb the trees and
charge them with life, forming a quarter of the world's diversity in the primary forests of the
Amazon. In addition, it is mentioned that in the Amazon there are 16 thousand different species
of trees. That is why the primary forests are a wonder of nature, a world that transforms carbon
into trunks and leaves and produces oxygen.

In addition, there are different types of plants, among them, carnivorous plants such as sundew
and other kind, those attract and trap their prey using smell, appearance and sensitive hairs, then
digest them in their juices. Carnivorous plants such as sundew and other type, and they use traps
to catch their prey. The sundew covers itself with dew to attract insects, and takes two to three
weeks to digest prey before releasing it into the wind. They also explain that the plants
developed attractive colors and scents to reproduce and attract pollinators.
And they mention that volcanoes, such as Bardarbunga in Iceland, are still active and emit gases
that affect the Earth's atmosphere.

Then, a little about shamanism is explained, how it was an answer to death and a means of
communication with the spirits of nature, and it allowed humans to negotiate the death of prey
with the spirits of nature.

Since early humans believed in the animation of the natural elements and communicated with
them, they filled the voids of their unanswered questions with art, expression and culture. And
then domestication, agriculture and animal husbandry arose from human consciousness.

Likewise, we always hear about the importance of bees and how essential they are to the world
and even to humans, and this is due to the pollination of fruit trees in California, but
unfortunately, their survival is threatened by pesticides and the massive importation of hives.

It explains how bees are guided by the smell and taste of flowers to find nectar and pollen, they
are scouts perform a dance to communicate the location of flowers to other bees. But sadly
mankind's use of pesticides to treat trees can poison bees and endanger their survival. For in
California, about 50,000 hives are imported each year to pollinate fruit trees. It is here where it
is evident the affectation that humans cause in nature, that the only thing they do, is to do good
to humanity since pre-historic times.

This also being evidenced by deforestation and human growth has forced the creation of nature
reserves such as the Okavango National Park in Botswana. The reserve is a sort of open-air
natural history book. The Okavango National Park is an exceptional territory that is home to a
great variety of wild animals. In addition, there are elephants, with 200,000 elephants living in
clans led by the oldest females. Elephants are important for the reproduction of acacia trees in
the region.

Another example of the negative impact of humans is in the Arctic region, where climate
change is affecting the lives of polar bears and the Nenets people. Polar bears are protected by
law, but this does not guarantee their survival. The Nenets people, who live in Siberia, are
seeing their territory melt due to climate change. As industrial civilization and commercial ships
are encroaching on the Arctic region, affecting the lives of the polar bears and the Nenets

Another affected environment is Bangladesh, the city of Dhaka is threatened by climate change
and coastal erosion, while in Chittagong, one of the world's largest ship demolition yards,
abandoned ships are dismantled to sell their steel. Dhaka has a high population density and is at
risk due to climate change and coastal erosion. In addition, in Chittagong, abandoned ships are
dismantled in one of the world's largest demolition yards. The demolition of ships is mainly
done by hand and the steel obtained is sold at low cost.

Explaining the negative impacts that humans are having on the world, and their inhumane
impact on living beings that do nothing but do good and contribute positively to the world,
makes it clear that immediate action must be taken to stop it before it gets worse. It is estimated
that by 2080, the planet will be almost destroyed, and this is caused by ourselves, who claim
that we seek the good and progress of the world, but the only thing they cause are inhuman
things in innocent beings like animals, and destroying the beautiful green nature that we could
take advantage of in a great way, but only mistreat and make it disappear, sadly, little by little.

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