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How To Use This Calculator:

1 Start by filling out the blue numbers in the "Client Metrics" table. Don't touch anything that is in black.
Those are auto calculated fields. 4 Then, all you have to do is create diferrent scenarios by using manipulating the cost per lead, lead to
appointment ratio, and appointment to close ratio from the "Data" table.
After filling it out, the fields from the "Breakeven Metrics" table are going to be automatically calculated.
2 They represent how much you can pay for each KPI to be at breakeven cost. 5 The metrics from the "Results", "Bonus", and "ROAS" tables will be automatically calculated based on the
metrics you input in the "Data" table.
With that info, you can fill out the 3rd table: "Agency Performance Bonus". These represent how much of
3 the final profit gets shared with your agency for each of the performance brackets. 6 For this sheet, the bonus is calculated based on Surplus of leads. That is, how many leads you generated
over the breakeven lead volume.

Client Metrics Scenario #1 Scenario #2 Scenario #3 Scenario #4 Scenario #5 Scenario #6 Scenario #7

Average Order Value $5.000,00 Cost per Lead $50,00 $100,00 $150,00 $250,00 $100,00 $200,00 $250,00

Profit Margin [1] 70% Lead to Appointment Ratio 20,0% 20,0% 20,0% 20,0% 20,0% 20,0% 20,0%
Lead to Appointment Ratio 20% Appointment to Close Ratio 30,0% 30,0% 30,0% 30,0% 50,0% 50,0% 50,0%
Appointment to Close Ratio 30% Total Marketing Cost (Pre-Bonus) $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00
Ad Spend $10.000,00
Agency Retainer Fee $2.000,00 Total Lead Volume 200 100 66 40 100 50 40

Total Marketing Cost (Pre-Bonus) [2] $12.000,00 Total Appointment Volume 40 20 13 8 20 10 8

Total Number of Closes 12 6 3 2 10 5 4
Breakeven Metrics Estimated Monthly Revenue $60.000,00 $30.000,00 $15.000,00 $10.000,00 $50.000,00 $25.000,00 $20.000,00

Allowable CPA [3] $210,00

Lead Volume 47 Surplus of Leads [4] 326% 113% 40% -15% 113% 6% -15%

Breakeven Cost per Lead [5] $252,55 Performance Bonus Bracket [6] 20,0% 10,0% 0,0% 0,0% 10,0% 0,0% 0,0%
Appointment Volume 9 Total Bonus Value $8.400,00 $2.100,00 $0,00 $0,00 $3.500,00 $0,00 $0,00
Breakeven Cost per Appointment [7] $1.333,33 Final Agency Fee (Retainer + Bonus) [8] $10.400,00 $4.100,00 $2.000,00 $2.000,00 $5.500,00 $2.000,00 $2.000,00
Number of Closes 2
Breakeven Cost per Close [9] $4.444,44 Total Marketing Investment [10] $20.400,00 $14.100,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $15.500,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00

Breakeven Revenue $10.000,00 Total Profit [11] $21.600,00 $6.900,00 -$1.500,00 -$5.000,00 $19.500,00 $5.500,00 $2.000,00
Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) 6,00 3,00 1,50 1,00 5,00 2,50 2,00
Agency Performance Bonus Return On Investment (ROI) 2,06 1,49 0,88 0,58 2,26 1,46 1,17

Return Bonus
0% ou maior 0%
50% ou maior 5%
100% ou maior 10,0%
125% ou maior 12,5%
150% ou maior 15,0%
175% ou maior 17,5%
200% ou maior 20,0%
How To Use This Calculator:

1 Start by filling out the blue numbers in the "Client Metrics" table. Don't touch anything that is in black.
Those are auto calculated fields. 4 Then, all you have to do is create diferrent scenarios by using manipulating the cost per lead, lead to
appointment ratio, and appointment to close ratio from the "Data" table.
After filling it out, the fields from the "Breakeven Metrics" table are going to be automatically calculated.
2 They represent how much you can pay for each KPI to be at breakeven cost. 5 The metrics from the "Results", "Bonus", and "ROAS" tables will be automatically calculated based on the
metrics you input in the "Data" table.
With that info, you can fill out the 3rd table: "Agency Performance Bonus". These represent how much of
3 the final profit gets shared with your agency for each of the performance brackets. 6 For this sheet, the bonus is calculated based on Surplus of Revenue. That is, how much revenue you
generated over the breakeven revenue point.

Client Metrics Scenario #1 Scenario #2 Scenario #3 Scenario #4 Scenario #5 Scenario #6 Scenario #7

Average Order Value $5.000,00 Data Cost per Lead $50,00 $100,00 $150,00 $250,00 $100,00 $200,00 $250,00
Profit Margin [12] 70% Lead to Appointment Ratio 20,0% 20,0% 20,0% 20,0% 10,0% 10,0% 10,0%
Lead to Appointment Ratio 20% Appointment to Close Ratio 30,0% 30,0% 30,0% 30,0% 50,0% 50,0% 50,0%
Appointment to Close Ratio 30% Total Marketing Cost (Pre-Bonus) $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00
Ad Spend $10.000,00
Agency Retainer Fee $2.000,00 Total Lead Volume 200 100 66 40 100 50 40

Total Marketing Cost (Pre-Bonus) [13] $12.000,00 Total Appointment Volume 40 20 13 8 10 5 4

Total Number of Closes 12 6 3 2 5 2 2
Breakeven Metrics Estimated Monthly Revenue $60.000,00 $30.000,00 $15.000,00 $10.000,00 $25.000,00 $10.000,00 $10.000,00

Allowable CPA [14] $210,00

Lead Volume 47 Surplus of Revenue [15] 500% 200% 50% 0% 150% 0% 0%

Breakeven Cost per Lead [16] $252,55 Performance Bonus Bracket [17] 20,0% 20,0% 5,0% 0,0% 15,0% 0,0% 0,0%
Appointment Volume 9 Total Bonus Value $8.400,00 $4.200,00 $525,00 $0,00 $2.625,00 $0,00 $0,00
Breakeven Cost per Appointment [18] $1.333,33 Final Agency Fee (Retainer + Bonus) [19] $10.400,00 $6.200,00 $2.525,00 $2.000,00 $4.625,00 $2.000,00 $2.000,00
Number of Closes 2
Breakeven Cost per Close [20] $4.444,44 Total Marketing Investment [21] $20.400,00 $16.200,00 $12.525,00 $12.000,00 $14.625,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00

Breakeven Revenue $10.000,00 Total Profit [22] $21.600,00 $4.800,00 -$2.025,00 -$5.000,00 $2.875,00 -$5.000,00 -$5.000,00
Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) 6,00 3,00 1,50 1,00 2,50 1,00 1,00
Agency Performance Bonus Return On Investment (ROI) 2,06 1,30 0,84 0,58 1,20 0,58 0,58

Return Bonus
0% ou maior 0%
50% ou maior 5%
100% ou maior 10,0%
125% ou maior 12,5%
150% ou maior 15,0%
175% ou maior 17,5%
200% ou maior 20,0%
How To Use This Calculator:

1 Start by filling out the blue numbers in the "Client Metrics" table. Don't touch anything that is in black.
Those are auto calculated fields. 4 Then, all you have to do is create diferrent scenarios by using manipulating the cost per click, average order
valaue, and store conversion rate from the "Data" table.

After filling it out, the fields from the "Breakeven Metrics" table are going to be automatically calculated.
2 They represent how much you can pay for each KPI to be at breakeven cost. 5 The metrics from the "Results", "Bonus", and "ROAS" tables will be automatically calculated based on the
metrics you input in the "Data" table.

3 With that info, you can fill out the 3rd table: "Agency Performance Bonus". These represent how much of
the final profit gets shared with your agency for each of the performance brackets. 6 For this sheet, the bonus is calculated based on Surplus of ROAS. That is, how much ROAS you generated
over the breakeven ROAS point.

1. Client Metrics Scenario #1 Scenario #2 Scenario #3 Scenario #4 Scenario #5 Scenario #6 Scenario #7

Average Order Value $200,00 Data Cost per Click $1,00 $2,00 $5,00 $7,00 $1,00 $2,00 $5,00
Profit Margin [23] 70% Average Order Value $200,00 $200,00 $200,00 $200,00 $150,00 $150,00 $150,00
Store Conversion Rate [24] 5% Store Conversion Rate 5,0% 5,0% 5,0% 5,0% 3,0% 3,0% 3,0%
Total Marketing Cost (Pre-Bonus) $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00
Ad Spend $10.000,00
Agency Retainer Fee $2.000,00 Number of Visitors 10000 5000 2000 1428 10000 5000 2000

Total Marketing Cost (Pre-Bonus) [25] $12.000,00 Number of Orders 500 250 100 71 300 150 60

2. Breakeven Metrics Estimated Monthly Revenue $100.000,00 $50.000,00 $20.000,00 $14.200,00 $45.000,00 $22.500,00 $9.000,00

Allowable CPC [26] $7,00

Number of Visitors 1.428 Surplus of ROAS [27] 600% 250% 40% -1% 215% 58% -37%

Breakeven Cost Per Visitor [28] $8,40 Performance Bonus Bracket [29] 10,0% 10,0% 0,0% 0,0% 10,0% 5,0% 0,0%
Number of Orders 71 Total Bonus Value $7.000,00 $3.500,00 $0,00 $0,00 $3.150,00 $787,50 $0,00
Breakeven Cost per Order [30] $169,01 Final Agency Fee (Retainer + Bonus) [31] $9.000,00 $5.500,00 $2.000,00 $2.000,00 $5.150,00 $2.787,50 $2.000,00

Breakeven Revenue $14.200,00 Total Marketing Investment [32] $19.000,00 $15.500,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $15.150,00 $12.787,50 $12.000,00

Breakeven ROAS 1,43 Total Profit [33] $51.000,00 $19.500,00 $2.000,00 -$2.060,00 $16.350,00 $2.962,50 -$5.700,00
Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) 10,00 5,00 2,00 1,42 4,50 2,25 0,90
3. Agency Performance Bonus Return On Investment (ROI) 3,68 2,26 1,17 0,83 2,08 1,23 0,53

Return Bonus
0% ou maior 0%
50% ou maior 5%
100% ou maior 10,0%
125% ou maior 12,5%
150% ou maior 15,0%
175% ou maior 17,5%
200% ou maior 10,0%
How To Use This Calculator:

1 Start by filling out the blue numbers in the "Client Metrics" table. Don't touch anything that is in black.
Those are auto calculated fields. 4 Then, all you have to do is create diferrent scenarios by using manipulating the cost per click, average order
valaue, and store conversion rate from the "Data" table.
After filling it out, the fields from the "Breakeven Metrics" table are going to be automatically calculated.
2 They represent how much you can pay for each KPI to be at breakeven cost. 5 The metrics from the "Results", "Bonus", and "ROAS" tables will be automatically calculated based on the
metrics you input in the "Data" table.

3 With that info, you can fill out the 3rd table: "Agency Performance Bonus". These represent how much of
the final profit gets shared with your agency for each of the performance brackets. 6 For this sheet, the bonus is calculated based on Surplus of Revenue. That is, how much revenue you
generated over the breakeven revenue point.

Client Metrics Scenario #1 Scenario #2 Scenario #3 Scenario #4 Scenario #5 Scenario #6 Scenario #7

Average Order Value $200,00 Cost per Click $1,00 $2,00 $5,00 $7,00 $1,00 $2,00 $5,00

Profit Margin [34] 70% Average Order Value $200,00 $200,00 $200,00 $200,00 $150,00 $150,00 $150,00
Store Conversion Rate [35] 5% Store Conversion Rate 5,0% 5,0% 5,0% 5,0% 3,0% 3,0% 3,0%
Total Marketing Cost (Pre-Bonus) $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00
Ad Spend $10.000,00
Agency Retainer Fee $2.000,00 Number of Visitors 10000 5000 2000 1428 10000 5000 2000

Total Marketing Cost (Pre-Bonus) [36] $12.000,00 Number of Orders 500 250 100 71 300 150 60

Breakeven Metrics Estimated Monthly Revenue $100.000,00 $50.000,00 $20.000,00 $14.200,00 $45.000,00 $22.500,00 $9.000,00

Allowable CPC [37] $7,00

Number of Visitors 1.428 Surplus of Revenue [38] 604% 252% 41% 0% 217% 58% -37%

Breakeven Cost Per Visitor [39] $8,40 Performance Bonus Bracket [40] 20,0% 20,0% 0,0% 0,0% 20,0% 5,0% 0,0%
Number of Orders 71 Total Bonus Value $14.000,00 $7.000,00 $0,00 $0,00 $6.300,00 $787,50 $0,00
Breakeven Cost per Order [41] $169,01 Final Agency Fee (Retainer + Bonus) [42] $16.000,00 $9.000,00 $2.000,00 $2.000,00 $8.300,00 $2.787,50 $2.000,00

Breakeven Revenue $14.200,00 Total Marketing Investment [43] $26.000,00 $19.000,00 $12.000,00 $12.000,00 $18.300,00 $12.787,50 $12.000,00

Breakeven ROAS 1,43 Total Profit [44] $44.000,00 $16.000,00 $2.000,00 -$2.060,00 $13.200,00 $2.962,50 -$5.700,00
Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) 10,00 5,00 2,00 1,42 4,50 2,25 0,90
Agency Performance Bonus Return On Investment (ROI) 2,69 1,84 1,17 0,83 1,72 1,23 0,53

Return Bonus
0% ou maior 0%
50% ou maior 5%
100% ou maior 10,0%
125% ou maior 12,5%
150% ou maior 15,0%
175% ou maior 17,5%
200% ou maior 20,0%
[1] Profit Margin = (price of product - cost of goods)/price of product

[2] Ad Spend + Agency Retainer Fee

[3] Maximum cost that the client can pay for a lead (not including agency retainer fee)

[4] This is what dictates the bonus bracket you'll get for this scenario. The surplus of leads means how
many leads you generated above the breakeven lead volume.

[5] Including the agency retainer fee

[6] The bracket from the table at the left bottom corner of this spreadsheet

[7] Including the agency retainer fee

[8] Total agency fee, including bonus and fixed retainer.

[9] Including the agency retainer fee

[10] Final agency fee + Ad spend

[11] Earnings after subtracting cost of good and total marketing investment

[12] Profit Margin = (price of product - cost of goods)/price of product

[13] Ad Spend + Agency Retainer Fee

[14] Maximum cost that the client can pay for a lead (not including agency retainer fee)

[15] This is what dictates the bonus bracket you'll get for this scenario. The surplus of revenue means how
much revenue you generated above the breakeven revenue.

[16] Including the agency retainer fee

[17] The bracket from the table at the left bottom corner of this spreadsheet

[18] Including the agency retainer fee

[19] Total agency fee, including bonus and fixed retainer.

[20] Including the agency retainer fee

[21] Final agency fee + Ad spend

[22] Earnings after subtracting cost of good and total marketing investment

[23] Profit Margin = (price of product - cost of goods)/price of product

[24] Conversion rate = number of sales/number of clicks

[25] Ad Spend + Agency Retainer Fee

[26] Maximum cost that the store can pay for a click

[27] This is what dictates the bonus bracket you'll get for this scenario. The surplus of ROAS means how
much ROAS you generated over the breakeven ROAS point.

[28] Including the agency retainer fee

[29] The bracket from the table at the left bottom corner of this spreadsheet

[30] Including the agency retainer fee

[31] Total agency fee, including bonus and fixed retainer.

[32] Final agency fee + Ad spend

[33] Earnings after subtracting cost of good and total marketing investment

[34] Profit Margin = (price of product - cost of goods)/price of product

[35] Conversion rate = number of sales/number of clicks

[36] Ad Spend + Agency Retainer Fee

[37] Maximum cost that the store can pay for a click

[38] This is what dictates the bonus bracket you'll get for this scenario. The surplus of revenue means how
much revenue you generated above the breakeven revenue.

[39] Including the agency retainer fee

[40] The bracket from the table at the left bottom corner of this spreadsheet

[41] Including the agency retainer fee

[42] Total agency fee, including bonus and fixed retainer.

[43] Final agency fee + Ad spend

[44] Earnings after subtracting cost of good and total marketing investment

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