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Technical Skills Personality & Culture Fit

30% 70%

How To Hire A-Players &

Where To Find Great Talent
For Your Agency
When it comes to hiring A-Players, there are
2 main elements that your hiring process has
to accomplish:

1. Effectively vet for technical skills AND culture fit

2. Get enough good applications for you to
choose from.

In the Agency Scaling Masterclass I cover exactly

where to post your job applications to get the
highest quality candidates to apply.

If you haven't checked that out yet, make sure

you do!


Now, let's first cover how to Effectively vet for technical skills and
culture fit/personality...

At GrowYourAgency we have a very specific process we follow when

it comes to any hiring process.

It is composed by 5 steps:

- Application form
- 1-on-1 interview with gatekeeper
- Technical assignment
- 1-on-1 interview with gatekeeper and Founder
- Final offer

In the next page, I’ll break down the exact process we follow at
GrowYourAgency for each of these steps.

Here’s how each step works:


The application form is a series of questions to understand the

background of each applicant - both in terms of technical skills,
personality, and life situation.

Here, we ask questions about:

- Their past experiences related to the job they're applying for

- How they'd describe their ideal work environment?
- Where in the world they are?
- What is their main goal for this year?
- What is their main driver for wanting this position?

You can see that, as we mentioned in the Agency Scaling Masterclass

video, 70% of the time we are vetting for culture fit and personality,
and only 30% of the time we are vetting for technical skills.

Technical skills can be taught. Culture and personality cannot.

We then host this application form on Google Forms or Typeform

and get it out there for applicants (will show you in a minute exactly

We usually get anywhere from 100 to 300 applications, and select

20-50 potential candidates who proceed to the next stage of the
hiring process.


After selecting the potential candidates from all the applicants, we hop
on a call with each one of them. Usually, the leader of the area that the
role lies under is the one that takes the call.

So if we're hiring a media buyer, our lead media buyer or CMO takes
the calls.

If we're hiring a sales rep, our sales manager takes the calls.

If we're hiring a video editor, our creative director takes the calls.

The main goal of this call is to judge them on a more technical basis.

This varies a lot depending on the role, but let's say we're hiring a media

On the call, our lead media buyer would throw a few curve balls at the
applicants, asking about what they'd do in specific situations. We
usually pull a campaign on Ads Manager that is not performing and
ask them what would be their plan of action for getting the campaign
to perform.

We usually cover 2 to 3 different situations, to judge their understanding

of the topic.

Here you can also ask questions about their workflow, to see how it
would fit your current workflow.

After taking the calls, we usually disqualify the ones that are clear bad

This step of the process usually cuts in half the number of potential


In this technical assignment, we're again judging their technical skills.

You can get really creative with this one - all your judging here is their
workflow and how well they balance speed and quality.

For media buyers, we usually ask them to create a campaign structure

for 3 different clients from different niches, and then ask them to record
a 5-minute Loom explaining it.

For video editors, we provide them with a few minutes of footage and
ask them to create a 5-minute edit out of that and a few YouTube
thumbnails and title ideas.

The key in this one is to be very specific in what you're asking so that you
can judge their attention to detail. You can say that their assignment
video HAS to be a Loom (no other software allowed) and that the video
must be anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes, and anything outside of that
would be disconsidered.

If they cannot manage to do that, they won't be good at following


We usually like to give them around 48h to complete the task as well, so
we can see how short timelines will affect their quality of work.

Another tip here is creating "traps" on the assignments. In a recent

hiring process we ran, at the very end of the assignment we asked
applicants to wear either a black or white top in their videos. Most
people don't have enough attention to detail and end up missing that.


After this whole process, you'll realistically have only a handful of final
potential candidates, which most likely have very similar skill sets.

Then, all you have to do is jump on a call with them, this time the
founder (you) have to be present there, because the main goal of this
final round of calls is to judge who is the candidate that best fits your
company culture.

There are no hard rules here.

It's more of a gut-feeling that you develop overtime as you work with
more and more people and go through different hiring processes in
your company.

So, trust your judgment and go with it. You'll most likely be right.

I suggest you give it 24h to take a decision together with the

gatekeeper that helped during the hiring process and the rest of
your team.


Once the decisions is taken, all you have to do is jump on a call with
the selected one and make them an offer.

What we usually do at GrowYourAgency and all of my companies is

we offer people a 2-month paid trial.

That is, they work for 2 months as regular employees, but they know
that after their first 60 days there will be a decision as to whether or
not they'll effectively join the company for good.

This will put the candidate into a mindset of delivering the highest-
quality work they can, which is very helpful for the overall company

And after around 60 days you'll have a pretty solid opinion on whether
you made a good decision in hiring them or not.



The content you just saw is just the tip of the iceberg...

This is an extract from our flagship program: Copy Paste Agency.

If you want to learn...

- How to attract and sign high-paying clients on demand...

- How to create irresistible offers that convert on cold traffic...
- How to take your churn rate to single-digit marks, and get your
client retention to upwards of 2+ years...
- How to put together a team of A-Players that will run your agency
for you...

Then, make sure you book a call with our Student Integration Manager,

He’ll figure out whether you’re a good fit for the program, and
structure a plan to 2 ~ 5x your revenue over the next 90 days.

All you have to do is click the button below and find a time on his

Availability is limited. First come, first served.

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