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DIVERGE/CONVERGE Finals Presentation

The event is called Diverge/Converge because, from the many things that they learned
throughout the term, they will choose one key topic from each subject (so 5 subjects mean 5
key topics) and talk about these as stand-alone or independent ideas (Diverge) valuable to their
degree program. Then they will present these ideas as interconnected concepts that contribute
to their program (Converge). The students shall choose a theme for their talks that they can use
to anchor their message. These themes are Empathy, Identity, Language, and Change

THIS TALK IS MY FINALS EXAM. no pressure but i hope ull really write a good 5-7 min speech;
i guess thats about 750-800 words? :) if its really good ill pay u well pls

U can use Taglish pero mostly English dapat for me


The speech should be like a TEDTALK. The speech should give spontaneous vibes even if it’s
scripted. Also give familiar real life examples just like those tedtalks on youtube. For my talk, I
kind of wanna integrate who I am since Ted Talks usually work that way.

For this talk, we were given themes and I chose empathy which should be incorporated with the
talk for each of my subjects as well as my course. I’ll provide this info in this document also.

Note: Better to use first person “I”

Example: I remember encountering a customer haggling prices for a product…

Empathy is basically human understanding and this is used in business by how they understand
customer needs; its basically like human connection = friendship/relationship; maybe u can
insert or correlate that as well


1. Social Entrepreneurship

Key topic: Social enterprise (relate this to marketing and empathy) or u may also use the
topic Social innovation either way works


Social impact, business, marketing, and empathy are interconnected in several ways. Let's explore the
relationships between these concepts:

Social Impact and Business: Social impact refers to the effect an organization has on society, particularly in
terms of addressing social and environmental challenges. Businesses can create social impact by integrating
social and environmental considerations into their operations and decision-making processes. This can involve
implementing sustainable practices, supporting local communities, promoting diversity and inclusion, or
addressing societal issues through their products or services. By incorporating social impact into their
strategies, businesses can enhance their reputation, build stronger relationships with stakeholders, and attract
socially conscious customers and employees.

Social Impact and Marketing: Marketing plays a crucial role in communicating a company's social impact
initiatives to the public. Through marketing campaigns and storytelling, businesses can highlight the positive
contributions they make to society. This can include showcasing their sustainability efforts, philanthropic
activities, or initiatives aimed at addressing social inequalities. Effective marketing can raise awareness,
generate support, and engage customers who value socially responsible brands. By aligning marketing
messages with social impact, businesses can differentiate themselves in the market and attract a broader
consumer base.

Business and Empathy: Empathy refers to the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. In the
business context, empathy is essential for understanding the needs, desires, and concerns of customers,
employees, and other stakeholders. By cultivating empathy within an organization, businesses can create a
more inclusive and supportive environment. This can lead to improved customer experiences, stronger
employee engagement, and enhanced collaboration. Empathy also plays a crucial role in marketing, as it allows
businesses to connect with their target audience on a deeper level, understand their perspectives, and address
their pain points effectively.

Empathy and Marketing: Empathy is a vital component of successful marketing. By empathizing with their target
audience, businesses can develop a better understanding of their customer's needs, motivations, and
challenges. This understanding enables marketers to create compelling messaging, tailored campaigns, and
personalized experiences that resonate with their customers. By demonstrating empathy in marketing efforts,
businesses can build trust, strengthen relationships, and foster loyalty among their customer base.

For this subject, we had a project wherein we had to present a social enterprise as a group and we chose PURE OCEANS PH,
maybe this could help

2. Taxation

Key topic: Taxation, Fringe Benefits

- We can link taxation with business empathy and then fringe benefits as the


There is a link between empathy and taxation. When policymakers make decisions about taxation, they
should consider the impact that their decisions will have on the people who will be affected by those
decisions. This includes considering the impact on people's ability to meet their basic needs, their ability to
save for the future, and their ability to invest in their communities.

For example, policymakers could show empathy for low-income families by making sure that the tax system
does not place an undue burden on them. This could be done by providing tax breaks for low-income
families or by making sure that the tax system is progressive, meaning that people with higher incomes pay
a higher percentage of their income in taxes.

Policymakers could also show empathy for businesses by making sure that the tax system does not
discourage investment or innovation. This could be done by providing tax breaks for businesses that invest
in new technologies or by making the tax system simpler and easier to comply with.

There is a link between empathy and taxation fringe benefits. When employers offer empathetic fringe
benefits, they are showing their employees that they understand the challenges that their employees face.
This can lead to a number of benefits for both the employer and the employee.
For the employer, empathetic fringe benefits can lead to:

Increased employee satisfaction and loyalty

Reduced turnover, Improved productivity

3. Pricing Strategy

Key topic: 7Ps of Marketing or could be Business Environment in Pricing


The 7Ps of marketing, also known as the marketing mix, are a set of key elements that businesses use to
formulate their marketing strategies. These elements include Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People,
Process, and Physical Evidence. While empathy may not be explicitly mentioned within the 7Ps framework,
it can be linked to several of these elements. Here's how empathy relates to each of the 7Ps:

Product: Empathy is crucial when developing a product or service. By empathizing with the target audience,
businesses can gain insights into their needs, preferences, and pain points. This understanding allows them
to design and offer products that truly meet customer expectations, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction
and loyalty.

Price: Empathy plays a role in pricing strategies. By empathizing with customers, businesses can assess
their affordability and willingness to pay. This understanding enables them to set prices that are fair and
reasonable, balancing customer value with profitability.

Promotion: Empathy is critical in crafting effective promotional campaigns. By empathizing with the target
audience, businesses can understand their motivations, desires, and challenges. This understanding allows
them to create marketing messages that resonate emotionally, connect with customers on a deeper level,
and address their specific needs.

People: Empathy is directly related to the people element of the marketing mix. By cultivating empathy within
the organization, businesses can create a customer-centric culture. Empathetic employees are more likely to
understand and respond to customer needs effectively, resulting in improved customer experiences and

In summary, while empathy is not explicitly stated within the 7Ps of marketing, it underlies several of the
elements. Empathy helps businesses understand and connect with their target audience, influencing product
development, pricing, distribution, promotion, employee behavior, process design, and physical evidence. By
integrating empathy into their marketing strategies, businesses can create more customer-centric and
emotionally resonant experiences, leading to greater customer satisfaction and long-term success.

For this one maybe go for examples ng brands na known to all ganern and be interactive

4. Professional Salesmanship

Key topic: Sales Forecasting

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It is an important skill for
sales professionals, as it can help them to build relationships with customers and understand their needs.
There are a number of ways that sales forecasting and empathy can be linked. For example, sales
professionals can use empathy to understand the needs of their customers and then use this information to
create more accurate sales forecasts. Additionally, empathy can help sales professionals to build
relationships with customers, which can lead to increased sales.

Here are some examples of how sales forecasting and empathy can be linked:

Empathy can help sales professionals to understand the needs of their customers. When sales
professionals understand the needs of their customers, they can create more accurate sales forecasts. For
example, if a sales professional knows that a customer is looking for a product that is both affordable and
environmentally friendly, they can use this information to create a sales forecast that takes into account the
customer's needs.

For this subject if it could help, we interviewed a sales manager and asked ab her job description, their process sa
company etc

5. Retail Management

Key Topic: Retail Trends

Here are some ways that empathy can be used in retail:

Listening to customers: One of the best ways to show empathy is to simply listen to what
customers have to say. This means being open to their feedback, both positive and negative. It also
means taking the time to understand their needs and concerns.
Personalizing the shopping experience: When customers feel like they are being seen and heard,
they are more likely to be loyal to a brand. Retailers can personalize the shopping experience by
using data to understand what customers are interested in and then providing them with relevant
products and services.
Creating a sense of community: Empathy can also be used to create a sense of community around
a brand. This can be done by hosting events, offering discounts to loyal customers, or simply
providing a welcoming and inclusive environment in-store.
Empathy is not just a nice-to-have in retail. It is a critical skill for success in today's competitive
marketplace. Customers are more demanding than ever before, and they are looking for brands
that they can connect with on a personal level. Retailers who can show empathy will be
well-positioned to succeed in the years to come.

Justine’s Background/Info that might help

● Marketing Student/Creative
● I study at THAMES INTERNATIONAL; a business school
● Has freelancing experience - graphic design, branding, and social media
● Started doing my projects when I was 19 as a side hustle
● I’m an empath; which was why I chose the theme as well
- You can add on to this as AS an empath, i understand peoples feelings
easily just like how businesses should understand their audience’s
feelings ab their products/needs etc
● MORE abt me:
- People know me as someone who loves aesthetics, fashion, beauty and
design. I'd describe myself as a "girl next door." This term is used to
describe a female archetype and fashion aesthetic. Its definition can vary
depending on the individual, but it typically refers to a wholesome woman
who is down-to-earth, kind and pretty. Essentially, that encompasses a
good friend.

- Not to sound conceited but yeah, I do consider myself as someone like

that. I feel as though I'm a girl people feel comfortable talking to informally
about anything, and I won't take it personally if I disagree with people. I
am emotionally mature, although I occasionally enjoy having fun and
partying. I also enjoy thinking, learning new things, and working.

- People typically know me as someone who loves everything aesthetic -

from fashion to design. And yes I do think a fashion enthusiast who
enjoys feeling and looking good, therefore I work to develop my own
sense of style. Aside from this, people know I love marketing and that I
enjoy working in the field as a creative (graphic designer)

******My previous course was Medical Technology, but I shifted as I couldn't see myself in that
career path anymore. Last 2020, I learned more about digital marketing (branding, social media
marketing etc.) through paid online courses. I also had someone I looked up to. Her name is
Nian Ellao, founder of Vyous Digital. I took her course and she became my mentor. I always
knew I had a passion for design, and had a growing interest about digital marketing. I
continuously pushed myself to learn and I decided to freelance part time. I was able to work with
a few entrepreneurs as a branding & graphic designer and I still am looking to grow in this
industry, especially now that I took the leap in taking up Marketing as my major.

I chose Thames because I loved the atmosphere of the campus. In addition, I think there will be
an abundance of opportunities that'll help me with my craft here at Thames. I'm also excited to
meet new people!Connection to emotions and imagination, empathy and sensitivity


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It's a powerful tool that can be used to build
relationships, create connections, and drive sales.

In today's competitive marketplace, customers are more demanding than ever before. They want to feel like they're more than just a
number to a company. They want to feel like they're being heard and understood.

That's where empathy comes in. Empathic marketers are able to connect with customers on a deeper level. They're able to
understand what customers are going through and what they need. And when they can do that, they can create marketing
messages that resonate with customers and drive sales.


simon sinek - understanding empathy

talks abt empathetic marketing/it all starts with human connection

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