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Unit 5

WHAT ARE THEY? phrasal
get up give away
break up grow up verbs
1. Have to (tener

o d a l s
7. Will (futuro)
2. Have got to 8. Would (haría)
(tener que) 9. Shall (deberá)
3. Can (poder) 10. Should (debería)
4. Could (podría) 11. Must (debes de)
5. May (puede 12. Ought to (debería)
13. Be allowed to
ser posible +)
(ser/tener permitido)
6. Might (puede
ser posible -)
+ should, - shouldn't
+ ought to, - ought not to
+ must, - mustn't
+ need to, - don't need to
1. I should/shouldn't practice
MODAL VERBS + can, - can't
+ be allowed to, - not
more English. be allowed to
2. He ought to do his
homework by today.
3. You must do your 1. You can /can't go to
homework. Permission the party.
4. I need to put gas to my car. Suggestion
2. My boss is/isn't
allowed to give me
1. Can you wash the dishes?
2. Could you pick up your
3. Will you be able to go to
1. The students shall
the cinema?
4. Would you give me the
Making Making approve the exam in

test's answers? requests offers 2.

order to pass the course.
I will go to the gym.

+ can, - can't
+ could, - couldn't + will, - won't
+ will, - won't + shall, - shan't
+ would, - wouldn't
1. Page 42 exercise 1.
3. Page 51 exercises 1-3.
4. Page 56 exercises 3-4.
5. Page 57 exercise 1.
6. Write a paragraph including at least 10 modal verbs.
7. Speaking: record yourself reading the previous paragraph.
thank u
guys! :)

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