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Three-Stage 80% Sourdough Rye Bread from Hamelman's "Bread"

One of my thoughts in purchasing a Brød & Taylor Folding Proofer was that I
would be able to make Three-Stage Detmolder rye breads with more precise
temperature control than I could otherwise achieve. After using this device for
fermenting other starters, fermenting doughs and proofing loaves over the past
couple of months, I my first rye by the three-stage Detmolder method
employing the Folding Proofer this weekend.

My one previous bake of a Detmolder 3-stage rye was almost 3 years ago.
rye-sourdough) I do recall that bread as having a delicious, sweet, earthy,
complex flavor. The bread I baked this weekend was the very similar 80%
Three-Stage Rye from Bread. This bread has an hydration of 78%. 37.8% of the
flour is pre-fermented.

As described by Jeffrey Hamelman in Bread (pg. 200), this method, developed

in Germany, “develops the latent potential of a mature rye culture through a
series of builds,” each of which optimizes the development of yeast growth,
lactic acid and acetic acid production, respectively. The builds differ in
hydration, fermentation temperature and length of fermentation.

Hamelman calls the three stages or builds “Freshening,” “Basic Sour” and “Full
Sour.” The first build encourages yeast multiplication in a moist paste
fermented at a moderate temperature. The second build is much firmer and is
fermented for a long time at a relatively cool temperature to generate acetic
acid. The third build is, again, moister, and it is fermented at a warm
temperature for a short time. This build is to increase the lactic acid content of
the sour. After that, the final dough is mixed.

Freshening Wt (g) Baker's %

Medium Rye flour 8 100

Water 12 150

Mature rye culture 4 50

Total 24

Ferment 5-6 hours at 77-79º F.

Basic Sour Wt (g) Baker's %

Medium Rye flour 100 100

Water 76 76

Freshening sour 24 24

Total 200

Ferment 15-24 hours at 73-80º F. (Shorter time at lower temperature.)

Full Sour Wt (g) Baker's %

Medium Rye flour 270 100

Water 270 100

Basic sour 200 74.1

Total 740

Ferment 3-4 hours at 85º F.

Final Dough Wt (g)

Medium Rye flour 422

High-gluten flour 200

Water 422

Salt 18

Instant yeast (optional) 8

Full sour 740

Total 1810


1. Mix all ingredients 4 minutes at Speed 1 then 1-1 1/2

minutes at Speed 2. DDT=82-84º F. (Note: Hamelman's times are
for a spiral mixer. If using a KitchenAid, I double these mixing

2. Bulk ferment for 10-20 minutes.

3. Divide into 1.5-2.5 lb pieces and shape round.

4. Proof about 1 hour at 85º F.

5. Dock the loaves. Bake for 10 minutes at 480-490º F with

steam for the first 5 minutes, then lower temperature to 410º F and
bake 40-45 minutes for a 1.5 lb loaf and about 1 hour for a 2.5 lb

6. Cool on a rack. When fully cooled, wrap in linen and let rest
for at least 24 hours before slicing.

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