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No pcs/in
Total pcs
Item Steel Type Description Length/ml one section Total Length/ml Unit Weight Contr./kg Rate Amount
A.Steel Truss Fream memebers
1 70*50*3mm Diagonal Rafter(Common Rafter) 11 2 6 132 5.19 685.08 233.7 160,103.20
2 70*50*3mm Diagonal Rafter(Supporter) 7 2 6 84 5.19 435.96 233.7 101,883.85
3 70*50*3mm Centor ridge supporter 2.43 1 6 14.58 5.19 75.6702 233.7 17,684.13
4 60*40*2mm Diagonal Supporter 2.5 2 6 30 2.93 87.9 233.7 20,542.23
5 60*40*2mm Vertical truss members 52.2 1 1 52.2 2.93 152.946 233.7 35,743.48
6 40*40*2mm Diagonal truss members 108 1 1 108 2.31 249.48 233.7 58,303.48
B.Latice purlin -
7 40*40*2mm Top members 36.4 1 22 800.8 2.31 1849.848 233.7 432,309.48
8 25*25*2mm Bottom members 36.4 1 22 800.8 1.36 1089.088 233.7 254,519.87
9 25*25*2mm Vertical members 0.19 72 22 300.96 1.36 409.3056 233.7 95,654.72
C.Wall Steels -
9 40*40*2mm Left Elevation 32.4 1 5 162 2.31 374.22 233.7 87,455.21
10 40*40*2mm Right Elevation 36.4 1 5 182 2.31 420.42 233.7 98,252.15
11 40*40*2mm Front Elevation 16 1 5 80 2.31 184.8 233.7 43,187.76
12 40*40*2mm Rear Elevation 20 1 5 100 2.31 231 233.7 53,984.70
13 100*60*3mm Top tie beams 30 1 1 30 11.78 353.4 233.7 82,589.58
Total Carried(in Kg on site) 6599.12 3271.80 1,542,213.83
Total Carried(in Kg on Contrat) 6208.99 233.7 1,451,040.96
Difference in Kg 390.13 233.7 91,172.87

Item Steel Type Description Unit Contrat. In Unit Rate Amount

1 40X40X2mm ( SHS Diagonal and vertical truss kg 540.54 233.7 126,324.20 540.54
2 60X40X2.5mm (RHS diagonal truss ) kg 1123.2 233.7 262,491.84 1123.20
3 60X40X3mm (RHS Horizonatl truss) kg 694.51 233.7 162,306.99 694.51
4 40x40x2.5mm ( SHS Horizontal truss for wall ) kg 1687.8 233.7 394,438.86 1687.80
5 80x40x3mm ( RHS Top beam for shorter longer dxkg 550.14 233.7 128,567.72 550.14
6 30*30*2mm (SHS Lattice purlins) kg 1612.8 233.7 376,911.36 1612.80
Total Carried 6208.99 1402.2 1,451,040.96

Item Steel Type Description Length/ml

A.Steel Truss Fream memebers
1 70*50*3mm Diagonal Rafter(Common Rafte 11
2 70*50*3mm Diagonal Rafter(Supporter) 7
3 70*50*3mm Centor ridge supporter 2.43
4 60*40*2mm Diagonal Supporter 2.5
5 60*40*2mm Vertical truss members 53
6 40*40*2mm Diagonal truss members 109
B.Latice purlin
7 40*40*2mm Top members 36.4
8 25*25*2mm Bottom members 36.4
9 25*25*2mm Vertical members 0.19
C.Wall Steels
9 40*40*2mm Left Elevation 36.4
10 40*40*2mm Right Elevation 36.4
11 40*40*2mm Front Elevation 16
12 40*40*2mm Rear Elevation 20
13 100*60*3mm Top tie beams 36.4
Total Carried(in Kg on site)
Total Carried(in Kg on Contrat)
Difference in Kg

Item Steel Type Description Unit

1 40X40X2mm ( SHS Diagonal and vertical kg
2 60X40X2.5mm (RHS diagonal truss ) kg
3 60X40X3mm (RHS Horizonatl truss) kg
4 40x40x2.5mm ( SHS Horizontal truss for wall kg
5 80x40x3mm ( RHS Top beam for shorter lokg
6 30*30*2mm (SHS Lattice purlins) kg
Total Carried

Total pcs
No pcs/in one section Total Length/ml Unit Weight

2 6 132 5.19
2 6 84 5.19
1 6 14.58 5.19
2 6 30 2.93
1 1 53 2.93
1 1 109 2.31

1 22 800.8 2.31
1 22 800.8 1.36
72 22 300.96 1.36

1 5 182 2.31
1 5 182 2.31
1 5 80 2.31
1 5 100 2.31
1 1 36.4 11.78

Contrat. In Kg Unit Rate Amount

540.54 233.7 126,324.20
1123.2 233.7 262,491.84
694.51 233.7 162,306.99
1687.8 233.7 394,438.86
550.14 233.7 128,567.72
1612.8 233.7 376,911.36
6208.99 1402.2 1,451,040.96
Contr./kg Rate Amount

685.08 233.7 160,103.20

435.96 233.7 101,883.85
75.6702 233.7 17,684.13
87.9 233.7 20,542.23
155.29 233.7 36,291.27
251.79 233.7 58,843.32
1849.848 233.7 432,309.48
1089.088 233.7 254,519.87
409.3056 233.7 95,654.72
420.42 233.7 98,252.15
420.42 233.7 98,252.15
184.8 233.7 43,187.76
231 233.7 53,984.70
428.792 233.7 100,208.69
6725.36 3271.80 1,571,717.52
6208.99 233.7 1,451,040.96
516.37 233.7 120,676.56


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