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Summary and Reflection on Self-Selected Videos

Date: October 10th, 2023

Instructor: Pham Van Khanh
Full name: Nguyen Anh Phuc
Student ID: 23950010
Video title: “Can you change your sleep schedule” by TED-Ed
Length: 4 minutes and 37 seconds
Video link:
This video shows that people are split up into two catagories which are early birds and night
owls. Early birds usually wake up full of energy and gruadually becoming more exhausted. On
the other hand, night owls wake up long after the sun and becoming more energetic throughout
the day, usually peaking at sunset and they only hit the sack in the early hours of morning. In
accuality, people tend to be in the middle of these two catogories rather than being in only one.
This behaviour is controlled by our circadian system, which are clusters of nerves that in take
light in order to track the day-night cycle and adjust your internal clock, or circadian rhythm. The
circadian system doesn’t decide when is bedtime but it tracks how much light you usually get
and makes you sleepy accordingly. For instance, if you usuallu go to bed at 10p.m, you will fell
sleepy around that time everyday. Everyone’s circadian rhythms are different because of the
differences in harmonal quirks. The rthym will alter slightly with age, yet you’ll unlikely to grow
out of your body normal sleep schedule. We may not able to change the circadian rhythms, there
are some habits that help improve it like being consistent with your sleep schedule; by contrast,
there are also habits that hinders it like being unpredictable in your sleep habits, after a while it
can lead to illness and metabolic disorder.

Through this video and the information I learned from class last week, I found it fascinating to
learn about sleeping habits and the mechanic behind it. For the longest time I thought that only
when you go to sleep affect your overall sleep schedule, but now I know that your sleeping
habits only play a small part in when you go to bed. It is also great to know that there is noting
wrong in getting up late and being tired through out the first half of the day, as that just how our
body and it is not as bad as society portray it out to be. Some people just work better during the
early morning while some are more suited for pulling all-nighter. That just how our circadian
system operates and attempts to change it by force only lead to detrimental effect on our body
and metabolism.

Language focus
Spring out of bed: get up suddenly from bed feeling refeshed
Ex: I spring out of bed after a well rested sleep
Abuzz (adj): filled with noise and activity
Ex: The bus is abuzz with people in the morning
Stumble (v): stepping awkwardly while walking or running
Ex: He stumbles around the room because of his injured leg
Groggy (adj): Feeling dazed and weak from illness, sleep or drunkeness
Ex: She sleep to much, so she wakes up feeling groggy
Hit your stride: to become familiar with and confident at something you started doing
Ex: You’ll hit your stride sooner or later
Metabolic (adj): Relating to the metabolism or a living being
Ex: Athletes usually have higher metabolic rate
Baseline: A starting point for making comparison
Ex: This study provides a useful baseline for future comparison
Anchor (v): To make someone or something stay in one place by fastering firmly
Ex: The sailors anchor their ship to the port
Cluster (n): A group of similar things that are close together
Ex: This photograph shows a cluster of galaxies
Anterior (adj): positioned in front of something
Ex: she's injured the anterior part of her shoulder

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