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The concept of cultural relativism suggests that all cultural beliefs

and practices should be viewed within their own cultural context, rather than
being compared to the norms of another culture. This approach emphasizes
the importance of respecting and appreciating the diversity of human cultures
around the world. After clear thoughts about cultural perspectives and its
development, I believe that cultural relativism is a valid and important
concept. It recognizes that different cultures have their own unique histories,
values, beliefs and traditions that shape the way they see the world. So yes, I
do agree with cultural relativism.

One example from my own cultural practice in the Philippines that highlights
the importance of cultural relativism is the "bayanihan" tradition. Bayanihan is
a community spirit or practice of community cooperation that has been passed
down through generations in Philippine society. From a Western perspective,
this practice may seem unusual or inefficient because it involves physical effort
work. But looking through the lens of cultural relativism, we see that
Bayanihan is deeply rooted in Filipino values of cooperation, community and
mutual aid. It is not just about moving a physical structure, but about
promoting a sense of community unity and solidarity.

In this sense, cultural relativism allows us to appreciate and respect the

different beliefs and practices of other cultures, even though they may seem
alien or foreign to us. It encourages us to broaden our understanding of what it
means to be human and to recognize the rich diversity of human experience
around the world. I believe that cultural relativism can make us more moral
because it promotes empathy, tolerance and respect for others. By recognizing
and respecting the cultural perspectives of others, we can build bridges of
understanding and compassion that transcend cultural differences. It helps us
see the humanity in all people, regardless of their cultural background, and
reminds us of the importance of treating others with dignity and respect.

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