CK Mkte401gd1-Hk1-2021.1 N10

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(Kèm theo Hướng dẫn số 297 / HD-ĐHNT-KT&ĐBCL ngày 09/06/2021 của Hiệu trưởng Trường Đại học Ngoại thương)


Tên học phần: MKTE401(GD1-HK1-2021).1

Họ và tên sinh viên 1: Nguyễn Trần Huyền My

Ngày sinh: 04/09/2001 Mã sinh viên: 1911150049
Họ và tên sinh viên 2: Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Mai
Ngày sinh: 08/07/2001 Mã sinh viên: 1911150045
Họ và tên sinh viên 3: Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Mai
Ngày sinh: 16/12/2001 Mã sinh viên: 1911150722
Họ và tên sinh viên 4: Hồ Ngọc Minh
Ngày sinh: 31/07/2001 Mã sinh viên: 1911150547
Họ và tên sinh viên 5: Dương Ngọc Minh
Ngày sinh: 26/08/2001 Mã sinh viên: 1911150241
Lớp tín chỉ: MKTE401(GD1-HK1-2021).1
Ngày thi: 18/10/2021
Ca thi: 2
Phòng thi: 01

Điểm bài thi Họ tên và chữ kí của giáo viên chấm thi
Bằng số Bằng chữ
GV chấm thi 1:

GV chấm thi 2:

Đề tài: “ANPASO – The opportunity to enter the Denmark market”


Q1: Nguyễn Trần Huyền My – 1911150049
Background:ANPASO, the Organic vegetable noodle, was founded in 2016 by Dang
Thi Tam with the mission of creating high-quality organic products. ANPASO has a
closed production process with organic hygiene standards from seed selection, farming
to harvesting and processing. After 5 years, ANPASO is available nationwide.
I show 3 market screening criteria to prove that European countries such as Germany,
Denmark, Belgium, and France are potential international markets for ANPASO.
- The first criterion is measurability:
+ Geographic: European consumers tend to have high purchasing power due to
their high personal income, being one of the strongest currencies (EUR) in the world.
+ Demography is on a critical basis: As European countries have an ageing
population, citizens tend to eat healthy food to increase life expectancy.
+ Economy: European societies spend more time and money on products, food by
choosing healthy and nutrient-rich food. (African countries are ‘knock-out’ on this).
- The second one is accessibility:
+ Language: Since English is one of the most spoken languages in the world, it is
easier when products and business negotiations are settled in English. (African markets
are ‘knock-out’ on this because Arabic is the most spoken language).
+ Lifestyle: The young in European countries in the 21st century take care of
themselves that they are in a tendency of “eating clean” (eat healthy food).
+ Political factors: As the EU is a political and economic union of 27 member
states, once ANPASO can trade with a member of Europe, it has a high chance to do
business with other countries that belong to the EU.
- The last: profitability: All characteristics contribute to the profit since European
customers have high purchasing power and an environment of economic growth.
My market screening uses both selection criteria and knock-out criteria. I did
preliminary screening by excluding countries in advance as potential future markets,
then I pointed out some potential markets for ANPASO to grow its business.
These criteria support ANPASO a market screening process and ensure that decisions
made and alternatives selected provide the desired outcomes as well as the Core
Values. Besides, they also establish a fair process that reflects the potential future
markets for ANPASO on a basis of measurability, accessibility and profitability.
Q2: Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Mai – 1911150045
Economic environment: Denmark is classified as an Advanced Industrialized
Country. Its per capita GNP is among the highest in the world. The economy is based
mainly on service industries, trade, and manufacturing; only a tiny percentage
population is engaged in agriculture and fishing. Denmark has been a member of the
European Union (EU) since 1973. It has a fixed exchange rate policy, Denmark’s
monetary policy is aimed at keeping the Danish Krone stable against the euro. In 2019,
the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) is officially ratified by the European
Parliament and Vietnam. It has eliminated import taxes on most Vietnamese products.
Denmark is the 7th largest organic consumer market in the EU. As 1% of overall food,
organic products account for 12% of Danish food sales1. The growing demand for
organic products in Denmark, in combination with the EVFTA, is expected to lead to
more trade opportunities for Vietnamese organic exporters, include ANPASO.
Political-legal environment: Denmark functions as a constitutional monarchy, with a
representative parliamentary system. The political system of Denmark is that of a
multi-party structure. Denmark is a politically stable country, also one of the safest
countries in Europe. The international relationship between Vietnam and Denmark is
good. Denmark is one of the first Western countries to provide development assistance
to Vietnam. By 2020, Denmark has been ranking 3rd among European ODA donors to
Vietnam. The production and import regulations and standards for organics are
harmonized in the EU. ANPASO should build relationships with the lead government
agency for organic farming (MEF) to facilitate address possible political risks.
Cultural environment: Denmark is a low-context country. The society has a
successful social structure, a high level of education, and an acceptance of gender
equality and sexual orientation. The official language is Danish; English is widely
spoken. Evangelical Lutheran Church is the official state religion. Informality is
typical in business life. There are no strict hierarchies between employees and
management. Democratic processes and structures are central to the Danish mentality.
Danish often focuses on healthier lifestyles, taste, quality and are concerned with
environmentally friendly production methods. Therefore, the potential for ANPASO
organic products to grow in Denmark is visible.

Source: USDA/FAS. Available at:
Q3: Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Mai – 1911150722
The choice of market entry mode can be regarded as a “frontier issue” in international
marketing. Depending on each company’s condition and target, there will be different
methods of market entry. 3 market entry methods that can be possibly used by

1. Licensing: Licensing is considered when a company wants to get into an

international market quickly with limited financial and risks. With the choice of
licensing, ANPASO is able to get its product into new markets much easier than if
they were doing the work on their own.
2. Wholly owned subsidiaries: If licensing makes firms unable to control products
in foreign markets, then wholly owned subsidiaries can provide the ability to delegate
greater control to these subunits, so wholly owned subsidiaries will provide the
advantages of high control, high presence and high reward for ANPASO.
3. Export marketing groups: When ANPASO decides to join with others as an
export marketing group, it is the opportunity of effectively marketing a complementary
product program to larger buyers. This entry mode allows ANPASO reach to the
foreign market with less associated risks than that come with other entry modes while
being beneficial to both parties.
A license is a cost-effective marketing tool when used well; however, ANPASO would
lose control of the production and marketing of the product. Licensing is related to
technological know-how, trademark…, which belong to the intellectual property field,
and the awareness of intellectual property of Vietnamese is generally poor. Licensing
might not be a favorable option for ANPASO for now. Wholly owned subsidiaries
would be a great choice if ANPASO wants to strictly control its business activities in
the foreign market; however, this entry mode seems to be too risky for ANPASO as
ANPASO is a new small SMEs and it could suffer from capital burden in this
situation. Working as a group might lead to conflicting views between firms; however,
in the situation that ANPASO is a new and small firm with limited human and capital
resources and no international experience, this methods is believed to be the optimal
recommendation for ANPASO, with the largest advantage is spreading the cost of
export activity for members of the group, which allows ANPASO to overcome its
barriers to internationalization.
Q4: Hồ Ngọc Minh – 1911150547

About the taste and culinary culture of the Danish people

− Breakfast and lunch: Danes often eat flour-based products or cereal products.
They do not have time to go home, so they usually eat right at their workplace.
− Dinner:The Danes often use a meat dish with potatoes and vegetables for dinner.
In particular, they like to eat pork products such as meatballs, pate, sausages, etc.
Diverse European dishes such as Pasta and Pizza are also gradually appearing on the
Danish menu.
− Behavior: It is very important to the Danes to protect the environment, they will
limit their use of plastic as much as possible
Potential product adaptations for ANPASO in Denmark market
1. Core Component (New product development)
− Cereal: Organic cereal is a convenient and palatable option for Danes’ breakfast
− Macaroni (noodles with a short tubular or short twist): In dry form, with sauce and
seasoning packets, easy to prepare for a quick and convenient lunch for the Danes.
− Vegetable Pasta: In the form of long pasta, serving dinner for the whole family,
pairing with other local food such as meatballs, sausages.
2. Packaging Component
− Macaroni and Cereals products should be packed in large cups so they can be
easily taken away and eaten for breakfast or lunch. Pasta should be packaged in
large packages (600g or more) to serve the whole family at dinner.
− Use paper cups, wrapping paper to protect the environment
3. Support services component.
− Develop delivery service or cook lunch, increasing convenience for customers.
− Develop a service to guide over the phone how to prepare dishes, how to combine
ANPASO’s products, especially with Vegetable Pasta for dinner

ANPASO's changes and adaptations according to the product component model are
based on research on the food habits, culinary behavior and culture of the Danes.
Those changes and adaptations will make it less expensive for ANPASO to educate
the market, and less time to become familiar to the Danes.

Q5: Dương Ngọc Minh – 1911150241
1. Advertising tool: “Mood and image” message
Denmark is the country of happiness, and the word “hygge” is this country’s well-
known word to express happiness. Therefore, if ANPASO's products are associated
with this Danish traditional phrase and feeling, it will certainly create a good
impression and trigger empathy among customers.
→ Factors might affect: Language and sociocultural differences: If the word “hygge”
is often misunderstood and put in the wrong advertisement’s contexts, it might create
some reversed effects → Solution: “hygge” means creating a warm atmosphere and
enjoying the good things in life. So, the advertisement should be associated with the
image of daily life, for example: a mother prepares a nutritious dish with ANPASO’s
noodle for her family and they enjoy good foods together.
2. Direct marketing: Online marketing - Free E-book for customers’ email.
An E-book containing different delicious recipes with ANPASO’s vegetable noodle,
an introduction of ANPASO and its products, and information about healthy eating
habits is an effective way for a new business about organic foods like ANPASO to
introduce its products and bring added value to health-oriented customers in Denmark.
→ Factors might affect: Sociocultural difference: There is one research showing that
Danes prefer reading real books to online books/ eBooks because it’s hard to catch up
with the flow of information and there are too many hyperlinks with overloaded
information → Solution: The E-book’s content should be brief and concise with lots of
lively images.
3. Sales promotion: Business promotion - Trade shows
Trade shows are popular in Denmark. Moreover, as Denmark is a very healthy-cared
country, there are a wide range of organic food trade shows around Denmark that
attract a lot of visitors. So, starting with joining some trade shows will be a suitable
first step for ANPASO to bring its product closer to new customers.
→ Factors might affect: Sociocultural difference: Danish communication ways are
plain-speaking, direct and frank, so managers might not get used to that since
Vietnamese people tend to use hidden-meaning words. → Solution: The manager and
staff should try to be humorous, easy-going and pretty informal when communicating
or try to be customers’ friends instead of being serious and formal.

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