Lucia Enfedaque Seral - READING - THE CIVIL WAR

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The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) was a conflict between the Republican government and
Nationalist forces led by General Francisco Franco. It is often seen as a prelude to World
War II, with the Nationalists supported by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, while the
Republicans received assistance from the Soviet Union and International Brigades.

Causes of the war

The war was the result of deep political divisions in Spain. The Republicans, a coalition of
left-wing parties, sought social reform, while the right-wing Nationalists wanted to establish
an authoritarian regime. The assassination of a prominent right-wing politician in 1936
triggered the conflict.

Key events
The war began in July 1936 when Nationalist forces attempted a coup against the
Republican government. The country quickly descended into chaos, with both sides
committing acts of violence and repression. The Republicans controlled much of the country,
including major cities like Madrid and Barcelona, but the Nationalists were able to gain
control of the north and west.

International involvement
The war attracted significant international interest. The Soviet Union provided military aid to
the Republicans, while Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy sent troops, tanks, and aircraft
to support the Nationalists. Thousands of foreign volunteers, known as the International
Brigades, fought on the Republican side. Many famous writers and intellectuals, such as
George Orwell and Ernest Hemingway, reported on the war.

Outcome and impact

The Nationalists emerged victorious in 1939, establishing a dictatorship under Franco that
would last until his death in 1975. The war had a devastating impact on Spain, with
hundreds of thousands killed or displaced. It also served as a testing ground for new military
technologies and tactics that would be used in World War II.

The Spanish Civil War continues to have a lasting impact on Spain. For many years after
Franco's death, the country grappled with its past, as victims sought justice and the
government worked to establish a democratic system. Today, the war remains a sensitive
topic, with memorials and commemorations held to honour those who fought and died on
both sides.

In conclusion, the Spanish Civil War was a complex conflict that reflected the political
divisions of the time. Its impact was felt not only in Spain but throughout the world, as it
foreshadowed the larger conflicts that would soon follow.


A. What was the primary cause of the Spanish Civil War?
A. The assassination of a prominent right-wing politician
B. Differences in political ideology between the Republicans and Nationalists
C. Intervention by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy
D. The desire for social reform by the left-wing parties

B. Which country provided military aid to the Republican forces?

A. France
B. Germany
C. Italy
D. The Soviet Union

C. What was the outcome of the Spanish Civil War?

A. The Republican government remained in power
B. The country descended into chaos with no clear victor
C. The Nationalists established a dictatorship under Franco
D. The war resulted in a power-sharing agreement

D. Which famous writer reported on the Spanish Civil War?

A. George Orwell
B. Ernest Hemingway
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

E. What was the impact of the Spanish Civil War on Spain?

A. It had no lasting impact
B. It led to the immediate establishment of a democratic system
C. It resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and displacements
D. It served as a precursor to World War II

F. How long did the Nationalist dictatorship under Franco last?

A. 10 years
B. 20 years
C. Until his death in 1975
D. Until the end of World War II

G. What was the role of the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War?
A. They fought alongside the Nationalists
B. They remained neutral and did not participate
C. They provided financial support to the Republican government
D. They fought on the Republican side


1. The conflict in Spain was between the Republican government and Nationalist forces
under General Francisco Franco.
2. The war was caused by external factors rather than internal political divisions.
3. The Nationalists eventually took control of Madrid and Barcelona.
4. The war was of little interest to the international community.
5. The Nationalists won the war in 1939, leading to Franco's long dictatorship.
6. The war had a devastating impact on the economy of Spain.
7. The Spanish Civil War had no lasting impact on Spain.
8. In the future, the war will no longer be a sensitive topic.
9. The war was of little interest to the international community.
10. The war began in June 1936 when Nationalist forces attempted a coup against the
Republican government.

3.- Open Questions:

1. What were the main political divisions in Spain that led to the outbreak of the Spanish Civil
2. How did the assassination of a right-wing politician trigger the conflict in 1936?
3. Describe the key events that marked the beginning of the Spanish Civil War in July 1936.
4. How did international powers such as the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Fascist Italy
get involved in the Spanish Civil War?
5. Who were the International Brigades, and what role did they play in the conflict?
6. What was the outcome of the Spanish Civil War in 1939, and what type of regime was
established under Franco's rule?
7. How did the Spanish Civil War serve as a testing ground for military technologies and
tactics later used in World War II?

4.- Match definitions with the correct word

a. the act of engaging in armed conflict or fighting between opposing groups or
b. a type of irregular warfare involving small, independent groups using tactics
like ambushes and sabotage.
c. support or alignment with political beliefs favouring social equality, workers'
rights, and government intervention in the economy.
d. a plan or approach designed to achieve specific objectives in a military
campaign or battle.
e. individuals who have strong pride and loyalty towards their own nation or
ethnic group.
f. the use of explosives to attack and destroy targets, often carried out during wars
or conflicts.
g. a nation severely affected by prolonged conflict, resulting in widespread
destruction and suffering.
h. people who support a political system where the country is led by elected
i. to engage in physical combat or struggle in order to defend or uphold a belief,
principle, or cause.
j. to resist or oppose authority or control, often through acts of defiance or
k. people who are killed or injured as a result of war, accidents, or other
unfortunate events.
l. assaults carried out from aircraft, such as bombings or strafing runs on ground
m. involvement by another country in the affairs of a different nation, typically to
influence outcomes or protect interests.
n. to give up or yield to an opponent or enemy, usually after being defeated or
unable to continue fighting.
o. information that is biased or misleading, used to promote a particular political
cause or point of view.
p. to remove from power forcibly, especially through rebellion or revolution.
q. people who have been forced to leave their home because of war, persecution
or natural disaster.
r. a group of ordinary people who are trained as soldiers but are not part of the
regular army.
s. soldiers who protect the back of an army while it is moving forward.
t. attacks on a place by military aircraft dropping bombs.
u. being forced to leave your own country and live in another one.
v. when there is not enough food available for everyone to eat.

1. to surrender
2. republicans
3. military strategy
4. to overthrow
5. foreign intervention
6. leftist sympathies
7. aerial attacks
8. bombing
9. war-torn country
10. warfare
11. to rebel against
12. nationalists
13. casualties
14. guerrilla warfare
15. propaganda
16. to fight for
17. rearguard
18. militia
19. exile
20. refugees
21. air raids
22. food shortage

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