MEdia Planning and Selection

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Weeks 10-12: Media Planning and Selection

 Media planning: Media planning is the process of determining the

most effective and efficient way to deliver advertising messages to a
target audience. It involves selecting the appropriate media channels
and allocating resources to maximize the impact of a marketing
campaign. Media planning aims to reach the right audience, at the
right time, with the right message, while optimizing budget allocation
and maximizing the return on investment (ROI).

a hypothetical scenario to illustrate media planning:

You're working for a marketing agency, and your client is a new
energy drink company launching a product targeted at young adults
aged 18-30. The client has allocated a significant budget for
advertising and wants to create a media plan to reach their target
audience effectively.

Understanding the Audience: Conduct market research to

understand the preferences, habits, and media consumption
patterns of the target demographic. You find that young adults
in this age group are heavy users of social media platforms like
Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. They also consume a lot of
online video content on platforms like YouTube and stream
music on Spotify and other similar services.

The procedure of media planning is not simple, as the advertiser is
having plenty of options to choose from traditional media like TV, print
media – newspaper and magazines, radio (and the options
accessible in all of these categories), as well as out-of-home media
that includes outdoor advertisements, transport advertisements, and
electronic billboards.
A marketer must address numerous important issues while
organizing the media for a campaign:

o Whom should we advertise or communicate to?

o Where should our advertisements be shown/run?
o What is the best or ideal time for our advertisements?
o Which is the best media that we should use to advertise?
o How frequently should we communicate the message to
our customers?
o What should be the budget requirements and limitations?

In order to answer these questions, the marketing team creates an

optimal media plan that allows them to meet the objectives. Once you
have the answer from the bahavioral data, you can easily select the
proper digital or tradition al media that best fits for your offer.

It is important to understand few keywords and ideas that will help in

examining the media planning and strategy process:

o Media planning: The number of decisions that go into

getting the information to the targeted users.
o Media plan: The actual document detailing these
o Media objectives: The objectives sought by the media
o Media strategies: The plans of action designed to attain
the media objectives.
o Medium: The general category of media channels such as
broadcast and print.
o Media vehicle: The specific carrier in a media category
(television, magazines, etc.).
o Reach: The number of potential audience members
exposed once to a media vehicle in a given period of
o Coverage: The potential audience that might receive a
message through a vehicle.
o Frequency: The number of times the receiver is exposed
to the media vehicle in a given time period.

 Media objectives: The objectives sought by the media plan. These

objectives focus on the role of media in achieving broader marketing
and communication goals. Media objectives typically align with the
overall objectives of the advertising campaign and help determine the
strategies and tactics used to reach the target audience effectively.
Some common types of media objectives include:
 Reach: This may involve increasing the overall reach of the
campaign or reaching specific demographic segments within
the target audience.
 Frequency: Frequency objectives aim to ensure that the target
audience is exposed to the advertising message with sufficient
frequency to achieve desired outcomes..
 Awareness: Awareness objectives focus on increasing brand
or product awareness among the target audience.
 Engagement: Engagement objectives aim to encourage
interaction or engagement with the advertising message. This
may involve metrics such as click-through rates, time spent with
the ad, social media interactions, or other forms of audience

You're part of the marketing team for a new line of eco-friendly home
cleaning products. The company wants to launch these products in
multiple markets and increase brand awareness while promoting their
commitment to sustainability. Your task is to define media objectives
as part of an integrated marketing communication plan.

 Reach: Increase brand exposure by achieving a minimum of 50%

reach among the target audience in each market within the first three
months of the campaign.
 Frequency: Ensure that the target audience is exposed to the brand
message at least three times per week across various media
channels to reinforce brand recall and awareness.
 Engagement: Generate a minimum of 10,000 social media
engagements (likes, comments, shares) per month across all social
media platforms to foster community engagement and brand

By setting clear and measurable media objectives, advertisers can

effectively evaluate the success of their advertising campaigns and
make data-driven decisions to optimize future media planning efforts.
These objectives serve as benchmarks for assessing campaign
performance and guiding resource allocation to achieve desired

 Media strategies: The plans of action designed to attain the media


A media planner starts drafting a thorough strategy to specify how

these objectives will be met once the media objectives have been

During this juncture, the planners need to work on three critical

decisions: targeted audience (geography), media category (media
mix), and media scheduling considerations (timing).

These judgments are based on financial restrictions. However,

certain media alternatives are more cost-efficient than others,
regardless of budget. The media planner’s goal is to create the most
effective media strategy by distributing funding across media
categories, regions, and time.
Here are some common types of media strategies:

 Integrated Media Strategy: An integrated media strategy

involves coordinating and aligning advertising efforts across
multiple channels to create a cohesive and consistent brand
experience for the target audience. This approach ensures that
messages are reinforced across various touchpoints, such as
television, radio, print, digital, social media, and outdoor

o You're working for a tech startup that has developed an

app aimed at freelancers and small businesses. The app
helps users manage tasks, projects, and finances all in
one place, streamlining their workflow and boosting
productivity. The company is preparing for a national
launch and wants to create an integrated media strategy
to build awareness, acquire users, and drive app
o Understanding the Product and Target Audience: The
productivity app targets freelancers, solopreneurs, and
small business owners who need efficient tools to
manage their work and finances. These individuals are
tech-savvy, value flexibility, and are always looking for
ways to improve their productivity and streamline their
o Establish a strong presence on social media platforms
where the target audience is active, such as Twitter,
Reddit, and relevant industry forums. Collaborate with
influencers and thought leaders in the freelancing and
entrepreneurship space to endorse the app and reach a
wider audience. Launch targeted ads on social media
platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn,
highlighting the app's key features and benefits to
different audience segments.
 Targeted Media Strategy: A targeted media strategy focuses
on reaching specific segments of the target audience with
tailored messaging and content. This may involve using data-
driven audience insights to identify and target niche
demographic, psychographic, or behavioral segments through
precise media placements and messaging.
o You're tasked with creating a targeted media strategy for
a new line of premium pet food aimed at affluent pet
owners who prioritize quality and nutrition for their furry
companions. The goal is to increase brand awareness
among this specific demographic and drive traffic to
online retailers where the product is available for
o Understanding the Product and Target Audience: The
premium pet food line features high-quality, natural
ingredients, and is targeted towards affluent pet owners
who are willing to invest in their pets' health and well-
being. This demographic includes individuals who have
higher disposable income, value premium products, and
prioritize their pets' nutrition and lifestyle.
o Targeted Media Channels: Develop a targeted media
strategy that focuses on channels and tactics most likely
to reach affluent pet owners effectively:
 Target affluent pet owners with high-income levels
through online advertising platforms such as Google
Ads and Facebook Ads.
 Create high-quality blog posts, articles, and videos
that highlight the nutritional benefits of the premium
pet food line and provide valuable information on
pet health and wellness.
 Partner with pet influencers and bloggers who cater
to affluent audiences to create sponsored content
featuring the product and sharing personal
testimonials and reviews.
 Multichannel Strategy: A multichannel strategy involves
leveraging a mix of traditional and digital media channels to
reach the target audience across different platforms and
devices. This approach recognizes the diverse media
consumption habits of consumers and aims to maximize reach
and engagement by being present where the audience is most

 Branded Content Strategy: A branded content strategy involves

creating and distributing relevant, valuable, and engaging
content that aligns with the brand's values and resonates with
the target audience. This content may take various forms, such
as articles, videos, podcasts, infographics, or social media
posts, and it is designed to build brand awareness, credibility,
and affinity over time.

 Influencer Marketing Strategy: An influencer marketing strategy

involves partnering with influential individuals or personalities to
promote products or services to their followers. This approach
leverages the credibility and authority of influencers to reach
and engage with the target audience authentically through
sponsored content, endorsements, or collaborations.

 Localized or Geotargeted Strategy: A localized or geotargeted

strategy involves tailoring advertising messages and media
placements to specific geographic regions or locations. This
may involve targeting audiences based on their physical
proximity to stores, events, or points of interest, and delivering
localized messaging that resonates with their unique needs
and preferences.

o You're working with a regional chain of boutique coffee

shops that prides itself on offering artisanal coffee blends
and a cozy atmosphere. The coffee shops are located in
several neighborhoods within a metropolitan area. The
goal is to attract more foot traffic to each location,
increase sales, and strengthen the brand's presence
within the local communities.

o Understanding the Product and Target Audience: The

boutique coffee shops target urban dwellers who
appreciate quality coffee, personalized service, and a
welcoming ambiance. The target audience includes
professionals, students, and coffee enthusiasts living or
working in the neighborhoods surrounding each location.

o Create location-specific social media profiles or pages for

each coffee shop to connect with local customers and
showcase unique offerings, events, and promotions.
Use geotargeted ads on platforms like Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter to reach users in the vicinity of
each location with tailored messaging and special offers.
Advertise in local newspapers, magazines, and
neighborhood publications to reach residents and
commuters in each area with targeted print ads or inserts.
Utilize outdoor advertising such as billboards, bus stop
ads, or sidewalk chalkboards strategically placed near
each coffee shop location to attract passersby and drive
foot traffic.

 Seasonal or Event-Based Strategy: A seasonal or event-based

strategy involves aligning advertising efforts with specific
seasons, holidays, or cultural events to capitalize on seasonal
trends and consumer behaviors. This may involve adjusting
media placements, messaging, and creative assets to align
with relevant themes and occasions throughout the year.
o You're working with a small ice cream parlor located in a
beach town that experiences a surge in tourism during the
summer months. The ice cream parlor specializes in
homemade, artisanal ice cream flavors and wants to
capitalize on the influx of visitors by creating a seasonal
or event-based marketing strategy.
Understanding the Product and Target Audience: The ice
cream parlor targets tourists, families, and beachgoers looking
for a refreshing treat during the hot summer months. The target
audience includes vacationers, locals, and families with children
visiting the beach town for leisure and relaxation.
Introduce seasonal ice cream flavors inspired by summer
fruits, local ingredients, and beach-themed treats to capture the
essence of the season.Offer limited-time promotions, such as
buy-one-get-one-free deals, discounts for beachgoers with
proof of admission, or loyalty rewards for frequent visitors.
Beachfront Activation:
Set up a pop-up ice cream stand or cart near popular
beach entrances, parks, or boardwalks to attract passersby and
beachgoers looking for a cool treat.
Partner with local vendors, beach rental shops, or tourist
attractions to cross-promote each other's offerings and increase
visibility among visitors.
Summer Events and Festivals:
Sponsor or participate in summer events, festivals, or
outdoor concerts held in the beach town to reach a captive
audience of locals and tourists.
Host ice cream socials, sampling events, or DIY sundae
bars at the ice cream parlor to create memorable experiences
and encourage repeat visits.

 Cross-Platform Optimization Strategy: A cross-platform

optimization strategy involves optimizing media placements
and messaging across different platforms and devices to
maximize reach, engagement, and conversion. This may
involve leveraging data and analytics to identify high-
performing channels and tactics and reallocating resources
accordingly to achieve the best possible results.
You're working with a mid-sized e-commerce
fashion retailer that sells clothing, accessories, and
footwear for men and women. SHEIN. The retailer
has an online store, mobile app, and active
presence on social media platforms. The goal is to
maximize visibility, engagement, and conversions
by implementing a cross-platform optimization

Understanding the Product and Target Audience:

The e-commerce fashion retailer targets fashion-
conscious individuals aged 18-35 who are active
online and seek trendy, affordable clothing and
accessories. The target audience includes fashion
enthusiasts, influencers, and social media users
who value style and self-expression.
Promote the retailer's mobile app through targeted
ads on social media platforms, email newsletters,
and website banners to encourage downloads and
Offer exclusive app-only discounts, early access to
new arrivals, and personalized recommendations to
incentivize users to download and use the app.
 Imagine you are developing a media plan for a new product launch of
sustainable bags in the Philippines. Which media channels would you
prioritize (e.g., digital, television, radio, print, outdoor) and why?

Activity and Assessment:

 Short Quiz or Essay
 Agency Analysis on hypothetical Clients given by Instructor

Works Cited:
Belch, G., & Belch, M. (2021). Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated
Marketing Communications Perspective. McGraw-Hill Interamericana de
España S.L.
Clow, K., & Baack, D. (2021). Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and
Marketing Communications (9th ed.). Pearson.
Gomez Albrecht, M., Green, M., & Hoffman, L. (2023). Ethical Concerns in
Advertising and Public Relations. In Principles of Marketing. OpenStax.
Retrieved from
Mishra, A., & Vijay, T. S. (2024). Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and
Marketing: Communicating in a Digital World (1st ed.). Routledge India.

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