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High-Performance Current Regulation and

Efficient PWM Implementation for
Low-Inductance Servo Motors
Jens-Onno Krah and Joachim Holtz, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— This paper reports on a standard microcontroller cannot handle different inductance values in the and axes.
implementation of a pulsewidth modulator and near-deadbeat Hysteresis-type current controllers satisfy these requirements.
current regulator for high switching frequency. The application is They exhibit poor harmonic characteristics instead, which
in high-performance positioning systems. The control strategy re-
lies on a simplified machine model without incurring performance makes them inadequate for high-performance applications.
degradations. Changes between different modulation strategies Complex hardware is required to maintain the switching
are programed depending on the modulation index. The values frequency constant [4].
of switching time durations are obtained exclusively by decision The alternative is digital current regulation. A preferred
making, thus minimizing computational load. Features like over- approach uses proportional integral (PI) controllers in syn-
modulation (OVM), dynamic OVM, anti-windup, and reduction
of switching frequency at thermal overload are included. chronous coordinates. The method exhibits only moderate
transient performance, lack of dynamic decoupling, and pa-
Index Terms—Permanent magnet synchronous drive, position- rameter dependency [3]. Alternative methods like deadbeat
ing servo, pulsewidth modulation.
current control [5] and predictive current control [6] require
accurate models of the machine and of the OVM nonlinearities.
I. INTRODUCTION This adds complexity to the digital algorithms and requires
high computing power. Although the use of a floating-point
L OW-INERTIA permanent magnet (PM) synchronous mo-
tors are used with preference in high-performance po-
sitioning systems. Owing to a large magnetic air gap, the
DSP facilitates the estimation of parameter variations [7],
hardware cost contributes considerably to the total product
leakage inductance is very low, which favors a fast current price. As high-performance positioning is mostly a low-power
rise. It makes the design of the current control system critical application, only standard microcontroller solutions will be
on the other hand. The problem is even more pronounced competitive in this particular market segment.
with the upcoming generation of ironless linear servo motors. This paper presents a solution that avoids the critical tradeoff
Such motors will be increasingly used in future machine tool between high-performance requirements and hardware com-
applications. plexity, particularly for applications requiring low leakage in-
The performance degradations of existing current regulators ductance PM synchronous motors, or linear positioning drives.
when applied to low-inductance machines are due to defi- Section II describes a high-switching-frequency pulsewidth
ciencies of the pulsewidth modulation (PWM) methods and modulator, also suitable for field-programmable gate array
shortcomings in the structural design of the current control (FPGA) implementation. The modulator features full OVM
system. Regarding PWM, the low leakage inductance requires capability, and a reduction of switching frequency to prevent
operation at high switching frequency, typically 16–48 thermal overload of the power converter, both without compro-
kHz. As digital solutions require digital signal processor mising on dynamic performance. The second section describes
(DSP) computing power, analog modulation techniques are a near-deadbeat current regulator. Performance issues such as
mostly preferred [1]. The drawbacks of analog current reg- dynamic decoupling, transient overshoot, and anti-windup are
ulators of the triangular intersection category [2] are: 1) the addressed.
phase lag error at higher speed; 2) reduced gain at steady-
state overmodulation (OVM) [3]; 3) poor – decoupling; II. PWM BY DECISION MAKING
4) poor dynamic performance at dynamic OVM; and 5)
complex hardware for anti-windup [2]. Analog controllers A. Principle of Operation
Paper IPCSD 99–29, presented at the 1998 Industry Applications Society For the implementation of a digital space vector modulator
Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October 12–16, and approved for publication under time critical conditions, on-line computation of the
in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the Industrial switching durations has been earlier replaced by retrieving
Drives Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Manuscript
released for publication February 23, 1999. stored information [8]. The approach described in this paper
J.-O. Krah is with Kollmorgen, Düsseldorf, Germany (e-mail: goes one step further. Instead of storing precalculated on- state durations in ROM tables, the components of the voltage
J. Holtz is with the Electrical Machines and Drives Laboratory, Wuppertal
University, 42097 Wuppertal, Germany (e-mail: reference vector are classified in a decision tree. Their re-
Publisher Item Identifier S 0093-9994(99)06507-X. spective signs and magnitudes determine both the on-state
0093–9994/99$10.00  1999 IEEE

Fig. 1. Pulsewidth modulator based on decision making, signal flow diagram; highlighted: reference voltage vector points to sector 2.

durations and the time sequence of the switching state vectors

at varying modulation methods. The switching frequency
is held constant.
Fig. 1 shows that the decision procedure is started by
entering the transformed reference vector
into a first structure, called decision tree I. A preliminary
set of the on-state durations and is determined here,
and the sector that is addressed by is identified. The
decision route is then fanned out, depending on which of the
six sectors is addressed. Each sector has a different decision
tree in this subsequent stage II. These decision trees provide Fig. 2. The reference voltage vector u3 in the u1 ; u2 -coordinate system.
the information to generate the switching sequence, namely:
• the final on-state durations can be decomposed as
• the segment in which the actual voltage reference
vector is located; (1)
• the modulation mode. Two different modulation modes
are used in the linear range. At higher voltage, two OVM where the vectors and coincide with the respective
modes [10], a bang–bang mode and the six-step mode can components in the axes directions.
be selected, depending on the actual operating condition. The active switching state vectors are considered
normalized to have unity magnitude. The normalizing voltage
The on-state durations are subsequently loaded to a timer
is then where is the dc-link voltage. Still referring
circuit. A state machine generates the inverter control signals
to the first sector, the stator voltage space vector, averaged
It also delivers a pulse train of frequency The pulses
over one subcycle is
are exactly placed in the center of the zero vector time interval
to enable sampling the fundamental component of the distorted (2)
load current.
The modulation law requires the actual stator voltage vector
B. Modulation Algorithm to equal its reference value
The modulation algorithm is derived with reference to the (3)
first 60 sector in the complex plane, shown in Fig. 2. This
sector is addressed whenever where is where and are the Cartesian coordinates of
the reference voltage vector. During each modulation subcycle in the stationary reference frame. Using and
of duration a switching sequence is generated, composed of (2) and (3) are solved for the switching
three switching state vectors and where durations
are the on-state durations of the respective switching
state vectors
Considering the two active switching state vectors and
in Fig. 2 as the coordinate axes, the reference voltage vector

As long as the linear modulation range is addressed, the

condition holds. The subcycle is then completed
by inserting a zero vector for the remaining time
The zero vector does not contribute to the volt-second balance
in (2).
The foregoing equations apply for the special case where
the reference voltage vector is located in the first 60 sector.
Generally, the vector may be encountered in any of the
six sectors. The general problem is solved by rotating
anticlockwise by an angle where is (a)
the sector number. This rotation locates any reference vector
in the first sector.
The rotated reference vector is inserted in (4) to compute the
switching durations. A reverse rotation is then performed to de-
termine the switching state vectors for inverter control. These
are and In
effect, and are the two switching state vectors located
adjacent to
For further simplification, the respective on-state durations
of the general switching state vectors and are expressed
as a percentage of the subcycle duration
(5a) (b)
(5b) Fig. 3. Locations of the switching state vectors in the complex plane. (a)
Original situation. (b) After transformation.
and the reference voltage vector in (3) is subjected to the
true. Hence, we have identified sector 6, and the switching
(6) durations are and These two
simple terms represent all of the arithmetic of the modulation
The result of this transformation is denoted as so as
Note that the transformation (6) into the flattened reference
to indicate that the regular hexagon, defined by the switching
frame Fig. 3(b) is only a particular way of doing the signal
state vectors in Fig. 3(a), gets flattened as shown in Fig. 3(b).
processing. It does not change the physical effect on the
The transformation offers the following advantages.
machine of the inverter switching states. The benefit is that
• The transformed sectors are separated by 45 lines. This the sector information and the switching times are directly
simplifies the sector identification, as only the magnitudes obtained from the voltage reference vector. The implemented
of and need to be compared. algorithm is still that of the original space vector modulation
• The numerical evaluation of the on-state durations gets (SVM) [9].
reduced to a single addition. Referring again to the
first sector, the on-state durations of the active
C. Switching Sequences
switching state vectors are obtained from (3) to (6) as
The sequence of switching states within a subcycle de-
(7a) termines the harmonic content of the machine currents, and
(7b) also the switching frequency. The SVM method gives the best
results at lower modulation index. It is characterized by the
Similar solutions exist for the other sectors. They are switching sequence
displayed in the right-hand portion of Fig. 4(a).
The decision tree shown in Fig. 4 represents the modula- (8a)
tion algorithm as derived from the foregoing equations. Its
condensed version, Fig. 4(b), illustrates that in any first, or generally in all odd subcycles, and
is the input variable, depending on which on-state durations (8b)
and and the sector information are obtained.
Let us assume, for example, that the transformed reference for the next, and all even subcycles. The notation in (8) asso-
voltage vector is located in sector 6: ciates to each switching state vector its on duration in brackets.
The first condition in Fig. 4(a) is then true, thus identifying Each subcycle is composed of three switching transitions.
the right-half plane in Fig. 3. The second condition is false, The zero vector, represented in (8) by or is shared
thereby selecting as the third condition, which is between two subsequent subcycles to permit sampling of the



for odd and even subcycles, respectively. The switching se-

quences are different in any upper segment:
in the first sector and, generally,
In any upper segment, the active switching
state vectors and in (9)] exchange positions within the
A switching sequence in M-SVM has less switching transi-
tions. It entails a reduction of the switching frequency to 66%
as compared with SVM, when the subcycle duration is
not changed. It is an advantage of M-SVM that the harmonic
distortion decreases at higher modulation index. The effect is
displayed in Fig. 5.
This favorable property is exploited whenever the power
devices of the inverter are driven toward their margin of
thermal overload. The switching frequency and, hence, the
inverter switching losses are then reduced by changing from
SVM to M-SVM. The modulation index at which the
crossover between SVM and M-SVM takes place is reduced
(a) when the inverter temperature increases beyond a given limit.
The temperature itself is not measured. Instead, a thermal
first-order model is implemented in software to represent the
thermal time constant of the power devices. Their temperature
is estimated based on the machine currents and the type of
(b) The signal flow diagram Fig. 6(a) shows how the preferred
switching sequence (SVM or M-SVM) is selected. Referring,
Fig. 4. Decision tree I, representing the full functionality of a space vector
modulator. (a) Signal flow diagram. (b) Single-block representation. for example, to the lower segment of any sector, and assuming
that the modulator operates in the linear range
the condition decides between SVM and
M-SVM. The crossover value of the modulation index
is obtained from the thermal model. The value is high at
low inverter temperature, and vice versa.

OVM occurs when the reference voltage vector points
to a location outside the hexagon limits in Fig. 3(a). The
voltage capability of the inverter is then fully exploited, and
a switching sequence that equals the reference voltage vector
within a subcycle average cannot be delivered. OVM trades a
phase-angle error against a higher voltage magnitude. A higher
voltage is always available, unless the reference voltage vector
Fig. 5. Distortion factor d versus modulation index m; shown for SVM and is exactly centered between the hexagon corners. The tradeoff
for M-SVM.
leads to increased lower order harmonics of the machine
undistorted fundamental current space vector at the modulator The upper limit of the OVM range is the six-step mode,
clock rate [10]. where the switching frequency equals the fundamental fre-
The normalized harmonic distortion at SVM is plotted as quency; both the modulation index and the distortion factor
a function of the modulation index in Fig. 5. are then unity by definition [10]. A derivation is given in
An alternative switching sequence is the modified SVM (M- the Appendix.
SVM). It requires only two switching transitions per subcycle. The decision tree in Fig. 6(a) shows that OVM is activated
Considering again the first sector, the switching sequences by the condition This requires revising the
within the lower segment, defined by original on-state durations, as the total on time cannot exceed



Fig. 6. Decision tree II; the structure adds the functionalities of M-SVM,
OVM, and bang–bang control to the space vector modulator in Fig. 4. (a)
Signal flow diagram. (b) Single-block representation.
Fig. 7. Extended complex plane, showing the switching state vectors and
regions of different modulation strategies. (a) Reference voltage vector 3 u
the subcycle duration. Note that the normalized subcycle m
located in the lower segment of the first sector; c : controllable value of the
duration is unity. mm
modulation index ; c governs the crossover between SVM and M-SVM.
The decision strategy is illustrated with reference to Fig. 7. u
(b) Reference voltage vector 3 located in the upper segment of the first sector.
Outside the linear modulation range, confined by the outer
hexagon in Fig. 7, OVM gets selected whenever the voltage
reference vector enters one of the hatched triangular areas.
The other outside areas, which are shaded in Fig. 7, refer to
bang–bang control, or to the six-step mode.
Also at OVM is the principle of a decision-based modulation
algorithm observed. The original switching durations and
as taken from decision tree I, are revised to fit into the subcycle
interval. The condition is Assuming, for example,
that the voltage reference vector is located in the lower
segment of sector 1, the revised value is determined by moving
along the dashed line in Fig. 7(a) toward the hexagon edge.
In terms of the original -coordinate system (1), the
original on-state duration changes to while
is maintained at its original value to complete the remaining
portion of the subcycle duration.
Fig. 7(b) illustrates the corresponding situation in the upper
segment of sector 1. It is obvious that the component in (1)
is now maintained at its original value, while the duration u
Fig. 8. Relationship between the phase angles arg( s ) and arg( 3 ) at u
(normalized value fills the remaining time of the subcycle. OVM; modulation index m
= par.
Hence, is the entry in the flow diagram Fig. 6(a)
for OVM in an upper segment. the relationship between the two phase angles and
While the magnitude of the effective stator voltage vector The control characteristics are identical to what is
is increased, a phase-angle error is introduced. Fig. 8 shows obtained by much more complex modulation methods [2].

operation and the six-step mode. It is the current control

system, rather, which determines the type of modulation. To
achieve this behavior, the current control system must be
adequately designed.


A. Machine Model
The dynamic analysis of the PM machine is based on
complex state variables [5], [11]. Space harmonics and rotor
eddy currents are neglected. The voltage equation in rotor
coordinates is


where is the stator voltage, is the stator current, is the

Fig. 9. Bang–bang operation. During a sequence of sampling intervals, the winding resistance, is the angular velocity of the rotor, and
reference vector moves into a neighbored bang–bang region. This leads to the is the stator flux linkage vector. The magnetic saliency of
selection of a different switching state vector.
the machine is modeled in (10) by the inductance tensor

E. Bang–Bang Control (11)

The bang–bang sectors in Fig. 7 are selected when
in the lower segment, or when in the upper segment. The direct and quadrature inductances and in (11) depend
The respective entries in the decision tree in Fig. 6 can be strongly on magnetic saturation. The stator flux linkage is
directly verified from an inspection of Fig. 7.
When a bang–bang sector is addressed, the selected switch- (12)
ing state vector is turned on for the full subcycle. Should this
occur in a dynamic condition at low fundamental frequency, where the magnet-induced flux linkage has only a -axis
the same switching state vector, for example, might con- component. The contribution of the stator current vector to
tinue to get selected during subsequent subcycles, as illustrated the stator flux linkage depends on its phase displacement from
in Fig. 9. Since the phase angle of is generally different the axis and on the degree of saliency. Both contributions
from that of a volt-second unbalance caused by the phase- are correctly modeled by the expression in (10) and (12).
angle error is likely to build up. The error is integrated by The differential equation for the stator current vector
the superimposed PI controller, and will get eventually
selected for a number of subsequent subcycles. The resulting (13)
effect is a drastic reduction of the switching frequency. The
stator voltage phase angle is still under full control, while the is derived from (10). Its graphic representation is the signal
voltage magnitude is at its maximum possible value. flow diagram of Fig. 10. The term in (13) represents the
The bang–bang mode offers two advantages. rotor-induced voltage. The shaded area on the right-hand side
• The inverter switching losses are reduced because the of Fig. 10 contains the dynamics of the mechanical system,
switching frequency reduces to less than one-third of being described by the differential equation
the original value. This entails less thermal stress in the
inverter and a higher current amplitude is then permitted. (14)
High currents are particularly beneficial in a transient
condition. where the electromagnetic torque is obtained as the
• The volt-second loss caused by inverter deadtime is component of the vector product. The load torque is and
reduced and, hence, the available fundamental voltage the mechanical time constant is
increases. The design of a current control system for the structure in
Fig. 10 is targeted at an implementation in standard microcon-
F. The Six-Step Mode troller hardware, however, without incurring compromises as
regards the dynamic performance. This objective was achieved
The bang–bang condition of the modulator may also in- by dispensing with the customary back-EMF observer and
voke the six-step mode. Six-step operation gets automatically disturbance estimator [7]. Further, an extremely simplified
established when the voltage demand increases at higher fun- machine model was used, in which the steady-state stator-
damental frequency. Other than the bang–bang mode, which is induced voltage from (10) and (12), and the resistive
associated to a dynamic condition, the six-step mode gets en- stator voltage drop are treated as unmodeled disturbances
abled at near steady-state operation. The pulsewidth modulator
itself exerts no influence on the selection between bang–bang (15)

delay introduced by digital signal processing in the present

application. The controller responds to dynamic changes by
supplying a defined volt-seconds pulse to the machine, thus
forcing the current vector to the desired location in a fast
process. Against this, the unmodeled disturbances (15) have
only low rates of change. They do not interfere with the
control, which justifies the use of the simplified machine model
of Fig. 11.
The current control system is implemented in rotor coor-
dinates. Its feedback signal is the fundamental current
obtained from the distorted load current by zero-vector center
Fig. 10. Complex signal flow graph of a PM synchronous machine; the time sampling. The arrangement is shown in the lower right
magnetic saliency is modeled by the time constant tensor s ; and the
inductance tensor ls : portion of Fig. 12.
The voltage required to nullify a current error within a
subcycle time is obtained from (16) and (17)


The corresponding volt-second value is generated

by the deadbeat controller on the left-hand side of Fig. 11.
Following the sampling process, a current error produces
the voltage for the duration of one subcycle. The signal
is delayed by and subsequently subtracted from the output.
It eliminates the original signal exactly when the current error
Fig. 11. Simplified machine model and near-deadbeat controller; the voltage
vector udist represents unmodeled machine properties as a disturbance. has been eliminated by the deadbeat action.
The unmodeled disturbances may not get perfectly canceled
and, hence, only near-deadbeat performance can be expected.
The subscript classifies this voltage as a disturbance. This In a continuous-signal representation, the deadbeat algo-
disturbance gets compensated in good approximation by the rithm models as an ideal differentiator. When added to an
output signal of an error integrator The existing proportional (P) controller, a proportional derivative
error integrator forms part of the current control system in (PD) controller is obtained; the differentiating time constant of
Fig. 12. If the integrator time constant is small, the disturbance the D channel is Such controller forms part of the current
does not exert a noticeable effect on the system behavior, and control system, shown as the PD channel in Fig. 12.
the differential equation (13) reduces to The required long-term accuracy is achieved by the error
integrator in the I channel. The input to the error integrator
(16) is delayed by one sampling interval since all commanded
changes are executed, and external disturbances are compen-
sated, within that very time by the near-deadbeat algorithm.
The associated signal flow graph in the shaded area of In the steady state, the integrator output is constant and equals
Fig. 11 represents the simplified machine model as an inte- the stator voltage of the machine.
grator, the time constant of which has the quality of a tensor The error integrator combines as a PI controller with the
aforementioned P channel. The two channels of the PI con-
(17) troller are separated in the graph in Fig. 12 as they receive
different input signals. In accordance with the simplified
The time constant tensor ensures that a step voltage input machine model in Fig. 11, the contribution of the P channel
of arbitrary orientation in space generates a change of the to the controller output signal also depends on the inductance
output current vector in a different orientation. The effect is a tensor thus taking care of the magnetic saliency of the
consequence of the magnetic saliency. Saliency produces the machine.
tendency of the current vector to move closer to either the The design of the PI parameters takes into account that
positive or the negative axis, whichever is nearer. this controller is relieved from handling transient conditions
by the parallel near-deadbeat channel. Also, the near-deadbeat
B. Current Controllers channel is inactive in the steady state. Hence the PI controller
The conceptual design of the current control system aims can be designed to establish the stability of a system that is
at achieving deadbeat behavior within one subcycle interval not subjected to large-signal changes. This condition permits
of the pulsewidth modulator. A solution to this problem selecting a very small integrator time constant for better
was described in [12]. Time-delay elements in the controller disturbance rejection. In particular, the error caused by un-
were used to compensate for a large time delay in the plant. modeled structures of the simplified machine model, having
The approach has been found expedient to deal with the time adverse effects on the deadbeat performance in principle,

Fig. 12. Control structure of a synchronous machine drive; complex signal flow graph.

gets extremely quickly compensated by the integrator signal.

The experimental results presented in Section IV demonstrate
that the compensation is almost perfect. Hence, the controller
assumes deadbeat performance in effect.

C. Signal Limiters
The control structure Fig. 12 contains three complex signal
limiters L1–L3.
Limiter L3 is a standard element in the I channel of any PI
controller. It constrains the integrator output to the maximum
stator voltage that can be supplied by the inverter at unity
modulation index.
The purpose of this limiter is better understood when
looking at a PI controller without signal limiter. Large-signal Fig. 13. Trajectory of the current space vector at six-step operation, syn-
current changes would then drive the integrator output to high chronous coordinates.
values and, hence, the modulation index beyond unity. The
modulator would saturate, and a persisting current error would
D. Current Control at OVM
let the error integrator output further increase (windup). A
negative current error, i.e., an undesired current overshoot, The upper limit of the OVM range is the six-step mode
would be produced to reset the error integrator. It is important, which produces highly distorted current waveforms. The tra-
therefore, to stop the error integration whenever the modulator jectory of the stator current vector in this operating mode is
saturates. shown in Fig. 13. It is plotted in rotor coordinates. Its shape
Merely limiting the integrator output does not solve the demonstrates that the current harmonics are particularly large
windup problem, since saturation of the modulator is non- in the axis, which is an inherent characteristic of the six-step
linear. The voltage limit is given by the hexagonal structure mode, and also of bang–bang operation. The high -current
in Fig. 3. The use of a modulator model [2] would add to harmonics should, therefore, be considered a desired effect.
the complexity of the system. A simple solution is the -axis They must not be inhibited by a compensating action of the
limiter L1 at the input of the error integrator in Fig. 12. The current controller.
limiter prevents an excessive increase of the integrator output This purpose is served by the -signal limiter L2 in the
in the presence of long-term errors. deadbeat (PD) channel of the current controller. Bang–bang
While the current control system operates with an unsatu- control is normally required during a transient condition in
rated modulator, limiter L1 has no impact on the performance, the base speed range. The transient voltage demand is then
since the near-deadbeat characteristic of the D channel elimi- very high, and the linear modulation range is exceeded. The
nates large-signal errors. Hence, the PI controller receives only best reaction in this situation is maintaining the selected active
small-signal errors. It operates as a linear controller, since the switching state vector in the on state, possibly for more than
limiters do not interfere. Its purpose just reduces to maintaining one subcycle.
small-signal stability, as previously explained. The torque-building component will then increase as de-
Limiter L2 only gets activated in the OVM mode. sired. However, a phase-angle error is necessarily introduced,

as explained in Section II-E. The -current error increases as

a consequence. Having passed through the -signal limiter L2,
the likely effect is just an angular displacement of the reference
vector within the far-outside region of the actual bang–bang
sector, Fig. 9. It is the error integrator in the I channel which
then accumulates the -axis error, so that eventually enters
an adjacent bang–bang sector. Only then is a change of the
switching state commanded.
A lower voltage demand than that of the six-step mode ini-
tiates OVM. The stator current trajectory is then intermittently
composed of sections of the six-step trajectory, Fig. 13. Also,
a high -axis current error must be tolerated here. The signal
limiter L2 inhibits the deadbeat channel to interfere with the
OVM strategy of the modulator. (a)

E. Magnetic Saturation
The unmodeled disturbances, which are predominantly low-
frequency signals, do not impair the dynamic performance.
However, magnetic saturation does have an effect on the
deadbeat performance. The simplified model (16) depends
on the inductance tensor (17), the parameters of which may
undergo fast changes when the operating point changes. A
saturation model is, therefore, indispensable. The saturation
model consists of a table containing the components of the
inductance tensor as a function of the fundamental stator
current. It is important that the saturation condition (17) of the
simplified model gets updated every modulation cycle. The
table itself is created during a self-commissioning procedure.
The strongly nonlinear magnetic saturation characteristic
may cause undesired current overshoots if the applied stator Fig. 14. Current control at OVM in the steady state. (a) Periodic transitions
between M-SVM and OVM. (b) Periodic transitions between OVM and
voltage is little higher than the required value. Such situation bang–bang control.
is likely to occur when a positive, large-signal change of the
current is commanded. An overshoot is favored by the low in-
ductance values of the machine, which enable current changes The unavoidable current waveform distortions are seen not to
of rated magnitude within one subcycle. The inductances may interfere with the modulation process.
then change in a ratio of 1:6. It is almost impossible in a Responses to a current step change of rated magnitude
practical application to predetermine the exact volt-seconds are shown in Fig. 15. The comparison demonstrates that the
value required to achieve deadbeat response within a subcycle. near-deadbeat controller compensates the deficiencies of the
The imperfections of the simplified model may also contribute simplified machine model, while a regular PI controller would
to the error at large-signal excitation, but not decisively. produce higher rise time, overshoot, poor damping, and –
A simple, but effective cure to this problem is reducing crosstalk. Fig. 16 demonstrates how dynamic OVM invokes
the gain of the deadbeat controller by 10%–20%. Saturation- bang–bang control to achieve the steepest rise of the torque-
induced overshoots are, thus, avoided at the expense of a building -axis current. The penalty is a transient deviation
residual current error. This error gets almost compensated of the -axis current from its reference. The -axis error is
during the subsequent modulation interval. This is no penalty, corrected during the next subcycle.
as the switching frequency is very high. The anti-windup performance at a large-signal speed change
is shown in Fig. 17(a). The -axis current tracks its reference
value with minimum delay. The high-frequency oscillations
IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS following the transition to the higher speed level are precisely
The control system was implemented in a standard 32-bit executed as commanded by the speed controller. The phase
RISC microcontroller. The data of the PM synchronous motor currents of this process are displayed in Fig. 17(b) in an
are as follows: A, N m, expanded time scale. Minimum overshoot can be observed.
s The inverter operates at kHz and The near-deadbeat response is clearly visible at the trailing
V. Executing time for PWM is 5 s, and 35 s edge of The staircased waveform demonstrates that the
for current control, including all I/O operations. The current speed controller is clocked at 250 s. The dc-link voltage,
regulator is clocked at 16 kHz. in Fig. 17(a), sags during the acceleration. The dc-link
Fig. 14 demonstrates the performance of the closed-loop capacitor is subsequently recharged by the 100-Hz pulses of
current control system in two steady-state OVM modes [10]. the feeding single-phase bridge rectifier.



Fig. 17. Reaction of the current control system to a large-signal step change
of the superimposed speed controller. (a) Traces from top: speed reference
(b) !3 ; speed !; current reference i3q ; q-axis current iq ; dc-link voltage ud ;
reference waveforms: dotted lines. (b) Phase currents i and i shown in an
Fig. 15. Oscillographed waveforms at a current step change of rated magni- expanded time scale.
tude. (a) Near-deadbeat control. (b) PI control; iR : rated stator current.

in standard microcontroller hardware. To minimize the

computing requirements, the pulse sequence is generated by
decision making. Five different modulation modes cover the
modulation range from SVM to six-step operation, enabling
precise current control in the entire OVM region.
A near-deadbeat controller generates defined volt-second
increments at dynamic operation. An added PI controller
channel is provided in parallel to maintain the small-signal
stability of the system. The PI controller is relieved from
large-signal changes and, hence, can be optimized for fast
disturbance rejection.
The concept makes an accurate machine model obsolete;
neither is the use of state or parameter observers required. The
simplified model is represented by just an integrator. Magnetic
saturation and its spatial variation is modeled in terms of -
Fig. 16. Large-signal step response demonstrating operation of the current and -axes components.
control system in the bang–bang mode; iR : rated stator current. The algorithms for modulation and control are designed and
optimized for high hardware utilization. The sampling rate of
V. SUMMARY the current control system is 16 kHz. There is about 35% of
the processor time still available for superimposed controls,
This paper has described a control system for low- such as speed, position, and process control. Alternatively, the
inductance positioning drives operating at high switching switching frequency can be increased. Very high switching
frequency. A pulsewidth modulator and a robust, high- frequency can be obtained by implementing the decision
performance current control system were implemented algorithms in an FPGA.

APPENDIX feedforward bandwidth prediction,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol.

33, pp. 1194–1202, Sept./Oct. 1997.
The modulation index is the normalized fundamental volt- [5] L. Springob and J. Holtz, “High-bandwidth current control for torque
age, defined as ripple compensation in PM synchronous machines,” IEEE Trans. Ind.
Electron., vol. 45, pp. 713–721, Oct. 1997.
[6] D. G. Holmes and D. A. Martin, “Implementation of a direct digital
(A1) predictive current controller for single and three-phase voltage source
- inverters,” in Conf. Rec. IEEE-IAS Annu. Meeting, San Diego, CA, 1996,
where is the fundamental voltage of the modulated switch- pp. 906–913.
[7] K. H. Kim, I. C. Baik, and M. J. Youn, “An improved digital current
ing sequence and - the fundamental voltage control of a PM synchronous motor with simple feed-forward distur-
at six-step operation. bance compensation scheme,” in Proc. IEEE PESC’98, Fukuoka, Japan,
1998, pp. 101–107.
The definition of the distortion factor is derived from the [8] J. Holtz, P. Lammert, and W. Lotzkat, “High-speed drive system
rms harmonic current with ultrasonic MOSFET PWM inverter and single-chip microprocessor
control,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. IE-23, pp. 1010–1015, Dec.
(A2) [9] A. Busse and J. Holtz, “Multiloop control of a unity power factor fast-
switching AC to DC converter,” in Proc. IEEE PESC’82, Cambridge
MA, 1982, pp. 171–179.
which does not only depend on the performance of the [10] J. Holtz, “Pulsewidth modulation for electronic power conversion,” in
pulsewidth modulator, but also on the machine impedance, Power Electronics and Variable Speed Drives, B. K. Bose, Ed. New
York: IEEE Press, 1996.
approximated by the leakage inductance This influence is [11] , “The representation of AC machine dynamics by complex signal
eliminated when the distortion factor is used as a figure of flow graphs,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 42, pp. 263–271, June
merit. The distortion factor is derived from the normalized 1995.
[12] J. Holtz and U. Schwellenberg, “A new fast-response current control
rms harmonic current scheme for line-controlled converters,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol.
IA-19, pp. 579–585, July/Aug. 1983.


Jens-Onno Krah received the Ing.-Grad. degree

where and are the rms fundamental components, and from the Engineering College Velbert, Velbert,
the rms harmonic components of the machine current and Germany, and the Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degrees
from Wuppertal University, Wuppertal, Germany,
voltage, respectively, and is the fundamental frequency. in 1983, 1988, and 1993, respectively.
Assuming that the machine is supplied by an inverter operated In 1988, he joined the Electrical Machines and
in the six-step mode, the harmonic voltage components can Drives Laboratory, Wuppertal University, where
his research was related to high-power ac traction
be easily determined from the rectangular voltage waveform, drives, the elimination of harmonics in the overhead
and we have from (A3) supply, and to application-oriented problems with
high-performance servo drives. He joined Seidel
- Servo Drives, Düsseldorf, Germany, in 1996. He is currently Director of
(A4) Engineering, Kollmorgen, Düsseldorf, Germany.

Dividing (A3) by (A4) yields the distortion factor

(A5) Joachim Holtz (M’87–SM’88–F’93) graduated in

- 1967 and received the Ph.D. degree in 1969 from the
Technical University Braunschweig, Braunschweig,
The distortion factor is a figure of merit that characterizes Germany.
the PWM quality. It expresses the THD such that it does not In 1969, he joined the Indian Institute of Tech-
nology, Madras, India, as an Associate Professor,
depend on machine parameters. and became a Full Professor and Head of the
Control Engineering Laboratory in 1971. He joined
REFERENCES the Siemens Research Laboratories, Erlangen, Ger-
many, in 1972. Since 1976, he has been Professor
[1] M. Sokola, M. Knezevic, and E. Levi, “A comparative study of current and Head of the Electrical Machines and Drives
control techniques for permanent magnet synchronous motor drives,” in Laboratory, Wuppertal University, Wuppertal, Germany. He is the author of
Proc. PCIM‘92, Nuremberg, Germany, 1992. more than 100 technical papers. He is the coauthor of four books and the
[2] A. M. Hava, S. K. Sul, R. J. Kerkman, and T. A. Lipo, “Dynamic holder of 28 patents.
overmodulation characteristics of triangle intersection PWM methods,” Dr. Holtz is a recipient of the Dr. Eugene Mittelmann Achievement Award
in Conf. Rec. IEEE-IAS Annu. Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 1997, pp. from the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, the Outstanding Achievement
1520–1528. Award from the IEEE Industry Applications Society, and the William E.
[3] R. E. Betz, B. J. Cook, and S. J. Henriksen, “A digital current controller Newell Award from the IEEE Power Electronics Society. He has earned five
for three-phase voltage source inverters,” in Conf. Rec. IEEE-IAS Annu. IEEE Prize Paper Awards. He is Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS
Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 1997, pp. 722–729. ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, a member of the Administration Committee of
[4] L. Malesani, P. Mattavelli, and P. Tomasin, “Improved constant- the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, and a member of the Static Power
frequency hysteresis current control of VSI inverters with simple Converter Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society.

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