Why Did Britain Want An Empire?

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History Knowledge Organiser HT4: Why did Britain want an Empire?

What was the British Empire? Why did Britain want an Empire? The British Empire in India The British Empire in Australia

The British Empire was a group of Britain had many reasons to want an India was regarded as the ‘jewel in Despite being a barren and desolate
countries that were taken over and empire. Economically, the rich natural the crown of the British Empire’. It land, Australia was important to the
ruled by Britain. They took many resources available in Africa, Asia and provided her with rich natural British Empire as a penal colony. It
forms including dominions which had the Pacific earned the country a lot of resources such as tea, sugar, metal provided a destination for British
some degree of power, including their money as goods were imported and ore and diamonds. India’s position on prisoners to be sent to as prison’s in
own parliament, and colonies which exported. Politically, it made Britain a the edge of the Indian Ocean gave England and Wales were dangerously
were ruled directly from London. very powerful country and allowed the overcrowded. Prisoners helped public
the Royal Navy a powerful base to
spread of their influence across the works like road laying and bridge
police the Asian trade routes.
world. building.

The British Empire in Africa The British Empire in Ireland

Britain participated in the Scramble Ireland was Britain’s oldest colony.
for Africa between 1881 and 1914 It was first claimed for England by
when most of the continent was Henry II in 1171. The British passed
divided between the leading discriminatory laws and ruled with
European countries. Ghana an iron fist to make sure her closest
provided Britain with Gold, Nigeria neighbour did not cause her any
provided oil and Egypt the trouble.
ownership of the Suez Canal.

Attitudes to the Empire (I) Attitudes to the Empire (II) A Haunted Legacy?
Attitudes to the empire in Britain were Attitudes to the empire changed The British Empire has been a force
good. People celebrated ‘Empire Day’, significantly in the colonies. Many for good in the world including
children read comics about daring people felt as though the British spreading education, culture and
British explorers in the colonies and had stolen their resources and given sport to its colonies. However, it
leading members of the government
nothing back in return. The British also treated some of its colonial
declared the British Empire to be the
government turned to propaganda subjects brutally and some of the
saviour of people in Africa, Asia and
elsewhere. to change people’s minds. world’s major political problems
can be traced back to the empire.

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