Model Test 162

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Directions (1-7): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while
answering some of the questions.

Throughout this horrible week, my mind has repeatedly flashed back to Dec.
23, 2000. That was the day the Palestinians were offered a path to having their
own nation on roughly 95 percent of the land in the West Bank and 100 percent of
the land in the Gaza Strip. Under that outline, Israel would also swap some of its
own land to compensate the Palestinians in exchange for maintaining 80 percent

of its settler presence in the West Bank.
The Palestinians would control, in President Bill Clinton’s formulation, “Arab
areas” of East Jerusalem. And on the most sensitive religious sites, there would
have been divided sovereignty or jurisdiction, with Palestinians controlling the
Haram al-Sharif (including Al-Aqsa and Dome of the Rock mosques) and Israel

controlling the Western Wall and the holy space of which it is a part. There would
also be a return of many refugees into the new Palestinian state (without the
right of return to Israel itself).
There were a million complexities — and many errors made by the Israeli,
Palestinian and American sides along the way. But this offer pointed the way to

the sort of fair solution negotiators had been struggling their way toward for
years. It is hard to see this kind of option ever being on the table again. And the
Palestinians let it slip away. This memory (a) comes enduring (b) back because
the misery (c) that Palestinians and Israelis are now hauntingly (d) did not have
to happen. They could have reached some kind of moderately effective arrangement,
which would have given the two nations a chance to pursue their own destinies.
Another reason I think back on this history is the way a simplistic oppressor/
oppressed, colonizer/colonized, “apartheid Israel” narrative has been imposed on
this conflict.
The real history is much more complicated. It is the story of the Palestinians
who were offered a state in 1947 that the Arab states opposed. More recently, it is
the story of flawed human beings on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides, who
were confronted with a devilishly complicated situation. They worked doggedly
to secure peace and made real, if stumbling, progress to that end. It is the story
of how radicals on both sides undermined their efforts, leading to the bloodshed
we see today. This is what happens when the center does not hold.
1. Which of these statements is true based on the passage?
1) The Palestinians were offered a state in 1947 that they accepted.
2) The Israelis would control the Haram al-Sharif under Clinton’s formulation.
3) The Palestinians would have a right of return to Israel itself under the offer
made in 2000.
4) The author thinks that this kind of option will ever be on the table again.
5) None of these


2. What was the name of the US president who proposed a solution for the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict in 2000?
1) George W. Bush 2) Barack Obama 3) Bill Clinton
4) George H.W. Bush 5) Ronald Reagan
3. Choose the word which expresses nearly the opposite meaning of the given word.
1) oppose 2) scorn 3) evade 4) accost 5) affront
4. In the given question below four words are given in bold these four words may or
may not be in their correct position. Find the correct combination of words that

replace each other.
This memory (a) comes enduring (b) back because the misery (c) that Palestinians
and Israelis are now hauntingly (d) did not have to happen.

1) DA 2) CA 3) BD 4) DC 5) All Correct
5. Choose the word which best expresses the similar meaning of the given word.
1) adamantly 2) waveringly 3) movably 4) changeably 5) flexibly
6. What is the term used to describe the narrative that has been imposed on the

conflict according to the passage?
A) simplistic oppressor/oppressed
B) complex victimizer/victim
C) realistic colonizer/colonized

1) Only B 2) Only A 3) Both A & B 4) Both B & C 5)All of these

7. What is the phrase used to describe the situation when radicals on both sides
undermine the efforts for peace?
1) this is what happens when the center does not hold
2) this is what happens when the extremes take over

3) this is what happens when the moderates lose ground

4) Only 1 5) Both 2 & 3
Directions (8-10): In each question below, four words printed in bold are given.
These are numbered (A), (B), (C) and (D). One these words printed in bold might
either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out
the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any. Mark that word as your
answer. If the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate in the
context of the sentence then mark (E), i.e. ‘All Correct’, as your answer.
8. Udaan was among the first set of (A)companies to have tapped (B) convertiable
notes to (C)safeguard its (D)valuation when the funding winter had started to set
1) companies 2) convertiable 3) safeguard 4) valuation 5) All are correct
9. The old oak tree in the (A) backyard provided shade on hot summer afternoons,
where (B) generations of children had (C)sought refuge from the sun’s (D)
relantless rays.
1) backyard 2) generations 3) sought 4) relentless 5) All are correct
10. The scientist’s (A)braekthrough discovery had the potential to (B)revolutionize
renewable energy, offering a (C)glimpse of a greener and more (D)sustainable
1) braekthrough 2) revolutionize 3) glimpse 4) sustainable 5) All are correct


Directions (11-15): Rearrange the following five sentences (A), (B), (C), (D) and
(E) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the
questions given below.
(A) Since 1886 no one has lived in it, nor is anyone likely to live in it again.
(B) About three miles from the little town of Norton, in Missouri, on the road
leading to Maysville, stands an old house that was last occupied by a family
named Harding.
(C) Time and the disfavor of persons dwelling thereabout are converting it into a
rather picturesque ruin.

(D) Its windows are without glass, its doorways without doors; there are wide
breaches in the shingle roof, and for lack of paint the weatherboarding is a dun

(E) An observer unacquainted with its history would hardly put it into the category
of “haunted houses,” yet in all the region round such is its evil reputation.
11. Which of the following will be FIFTH (last) sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
12. Which of the following will be FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E

13. Which of the following will be THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
14. Which of the following will be FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E

15. Which of the following will be SECOND sentence after rearrangement?

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
Directions (16-20): In this question a sentence divided into four parts denoted by
(A), (B), (C) and (D) has been given. Read the sentence to find out whether there
is any grammatical error in it. The error if any will be in one part of the sentence.

That part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is “No error”. Ignore the
errors of punctuation of any.
16. As news of police violence spread, (A) Patel community members, returning to
villages (B)/and towns from the rally,(C)/set fire government property. (D)/. No
error (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
17. A history of our world over the past (A)/ century is more fascinating than fiction
(B)/, filled with drama, (C)/ the unexpected overtaking events (D)/. No error (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
18. The General Financial Rules (A)/ were amended to disallow global tender
enquiries (B) / in such procurement of goods and services, with a eye on boosting
(C)/ the prospects of domestic micro, small and medium enterprises. (D)/ NO
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
19. With the U.S. leaving at (A)/ such a crucial point, it deprives not only Afghan
forces (B) / of the support they need, particularly the air power,(C) / (4) but also
affects their morale. (D)/ NO ERROR (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
20. Centre has to arrive at a balance (A)/ and have incentives that reward (B)/
manufacturers of vehicles (C)/ that are the most fuel-efficiency (D)/. No error (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E


Directions (21-23): In each question there is a statement followed by three starters

which are denoted by i, ii, and iii. Each starter is a group of first few words of the
sentence which on proper completion, is supposed to convey the same meaning of
the original statement. Find out which one or more starters can form grammatically
correct sentences(s) to convey the SAME meaning of the original statement.
21. India’s road accounts for the highest number of fatalities in the world. In a bid to
make India’s road safer transport minister has asked all major automakers to
adopt strict measures.

(i) All major automakers have been asked…….
(ii) In a bid to make India’s road…….

(iii) Adopting strict measures…..
1) Only (i) 2) Only (ii) 3) Only (iii) 4) Both (i) and (ii) 5) All
22. Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard
work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your

(i) still be calm …….
(ii) in the midst of…….
(iii) place where there is no noise…..
1) Only (i) 2) Only (ii) 3) Only (iii) 4) Both (i) and (ii) 5) All

23. In the present century, the world economy is fast changing and the education
sector is also passing through the same state. It is being revolutionized by the
new developments in science and technology media and internationalization.
(i) Media and internationalization…..

(ii) Passing through same state….

(iii) Revolutionized by the new———
1) Only (i) 2) Only (ii) 3) Only (iii) 4) Both (i) and (ii) 5) All
Directions (24-26): The sentence has a blank which indicates something has
been omitted. Which of the following words given against the sentence, fits the
blank in the given sentence both grammatically and meaningfully?
24. These provisions are aimed at ________ trade opportunities for developing countries,
ensuring longer transitional periods to _____with WTO obligations.
1) wail, moldy 2) tangibility, wandering 3) solemnly, trashy
4) effect, moaning 5) increasing, comply
25. The proximity of the site to the seacoast _________that the site could have served
as a _________settlement involved in maritime trade.
1) suggests, strategic 2) creepy, conspire 3) rampant, stride
4) staking, shatter 5) voracious, plead
26. Various pollution abatement _________taken by the Government, the water quality
________of river Ganga has improved.
1) initiatives, assessment 2) gnaw, persuade 3) banish, judicious
4) creepy, naïve 5) preside, convene


Directions (27-28): Choose the correct meanings of the bolded idioms/ phrases
given in the sentences, out of five given options.
27. But other recommendations muddy the waters, by confusing issues of individual
freedom with the imposition of various forms of responsibility.
1) to make things more complicated or confusing
2) hear news of something secret
3) fail spectacularly 4) to rudely reply 5) None
28. Staff and pupils spent Friday walking on eggshells, and at one point it was touch
and go if the school’s spring concert’s star attractions would arrive on time to be

1) doing something that you had stopped doing for a while

2) so completely frustrated and upset that you’re unsure what to do
3) to be extremely careful around someone in order not to upset them
4) help someone with something 5) None
Directions (29-30): In this question a sentence has been given and a word have
been given in bold, in the options a pair of words/group of words has been given of
which the former will be SYNONYM and the latter will be ANTONYM to that

particular word as used in the sentence. Determine the pair from the given
options and mark your answer accordingly.
29. Much of the early motor development of the child depends on learning and refining
such procedures, through play, imitation, trial and error, and incessant rehearsal.

1) Perpetual: persistent 2) unbroken: broken 3) timeless: ceasing

4) continuous: occasional 5) recurrent: eternal
30. These paintings depicted the fleeting moments, transitory effects of atmosphere.
1) monetary: permanent 2) short: staying 3) deciduous: mobile

4) fading: transient 5) wavering: volatile

31. If the present population of a village is 32500 and after 2 years it increases to
49.972 then what is the rate of increase per year?
1) 30% 2) 22% 3) 20% 4) 27% 5) 24%
32. In what time will a 360m long train running at a speed of 80km/h pass a man
running at 8 km/h in the same direction as the train ?
1) 12 sec 2) 15 sec 3) 18 sec 4) 22 sec 5) 25 sec
33. X bought some goods worth Rs 16000 and sold half of them at a profit of 25%. At
what profit percent must he sell the rest of them so as to make a total profit of
35% ?
1) 40 2) 45 3) 38 4) 34 5) 48
34. If 9 boys and 3 men working together can do 4 times as much work per hour as a
boy and a man together, what will be the respective ratio of work done by a boy
and a man for the given time ?
1) 3 : 2 2) 3 : 1 3) 1 : 3 4) 1 : 5 5) 4 : 1
35. Two girls, starting from the same place, are at a distance of 47.4 kms after
running for 3 hours in the opposite direction. If the speed of one of the girls is 9
km/h. What will be the speed (in km/h) of the second girl ?
1) 7.6 2) 6.8 3) 5.6 4) 8.4 5) 6.2


36. A, B and C start a business each investing Rs. 14,000. After 2 months A withdrew
Rs. 2000. B invested Rs. 2000 and C invested Rs. 4000 more at the end of the
year a total profit of Rs. 54,400 was earned. Find A’s share.
1) Rs. 14,800 2) Rs. 15,240 3) Rs. 12,360 4) Rs. 13,170 5) Rs. 16,900
37. Two years ago, the ratio of A’s and B’s age was 3 : 4 respectively. 6 years hence,
the ratio of their ages will become 11:14 respectively. What is the present age of

1) 36 2) 44 3) 48 4) 38 5) 50
38. A tank has 3 inlets P, Q and R and 1 outlet S. R fills the tank twice as fast as P

and 3 times as fast as Q. Also, the time taken by R to fill the tank is 5 th of the

time taken by S to empty the tank, which is 10 mins. How much time (in mins)
will it take to fill the tank if all of them are opened simultaneously ?

34 33 33 35 34
1) 2 2) 6 3) 5 4) 3 5) 4
43 43 46 43 45
39. If the price of Sugar decreases by 17%, what should be the approximate percentage
increase in the consumption of Sugar so as to Keep the expenditure constant ?

1) 25 2) 30 3) 22 4) 20 5) 27
40 What will be the respective ratio between the present value of a machine and its
value after 2 years if the rate of depreciation is 25% pa ?

1) 12 : 9 2) 25 : 16 3) 25 : 18 4) 12 : 10 5) 16 : 9
Direction (41-45): What approximate value will come in place of the question
mark(?) in the given question? (You are not expected to calculated exact value)
41. 9799.996 – 25200.022÷ 125.974=24.0224×?2
1) 80 2) 20 3) 200 4) 40 5) 400
42. 31.952-12.052+(2987.25+21.85)÷?=910
1) 85 2) 120 3) 90 4) 100 5) 115

43. 2?× 3 1730 =539.98÷3.11-83.9666

1) 8 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1 5) 4

44. 24.996÷9.98×39.9- 324.002 =?

1) 12 2) 104 3) 82 4) 48 5) 96

45. +60.01% of 349.99=223.19
1) 18 2) 12 3) 8 4) 15 5) 24


Direction(46-50): Study the following graph and answer the given question :
The following graph depicts the number of books borrowed by four different
individuals (Pinku, Rina, Sia and Tim) from Libraries A and B in the year 2020.

Library A Library B

number of books borrowed from




Pinku Rina Sia Tim

46. Total number of books borrowed by Tim from both the libraries together is what
percent of that borrowed by Pinku from both the libraries together ?
4 1 2
1) 64 2) 60 9 3) 72 4) 62 5) 75
6 9

47. In 2025, number of books borrowed by Sia from library A was 25% more than that
borrowed by her from the same library in 2020. Also, in 2025, number of books
borrowed by Sia from library B was 20% more than that borrowed by her from
library A in 2025. What was the total number of books borrowed by Sia from both
the libraries together in 2025 ?

1) 164 2) 192 3) 148 4) 172 5) 198

48. What is the average number of books borrowed by Rina from both the libraries ?
1) 48 2) 42 3)36 4) 45 5) 38
49. What is the respective ratio between the total number of books borrowed by Pinku
and Sia together from library A and that borrowed by Pinku and Sia together from
library B ?
1) 8 : 3 2) 9 : 7 3) 6 : 5 4) 8 : 5 5) 8 : 7
50. What is the difference between the number of books borrowed by Rina from library
A and that borrowed by Tim from library B ?
1) 32 2) 24 3) 28 4) 12 5) 18
Direction(51-55) : What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
number series ?
51. 318 ? 309 282 218 93
1) 317 2) 312 3) 310 4) 314 5) 315
52. 63 ? 171 180 183 184
1) 157 2) 132 3) 125 4) 144 5) 118
53. 40 37.4 42.6 32.2 53 ?
1) 11.4 2) 18.6 3) 24.5 4) 31.3 5) 35.5
54. 128 64 96 240 ? 3780
1) 2360 2) 1640 3) 1240 4) 1420 5) 840
55. 8 15 28 53 102 ?
1) 148 2) 212 3) 199 4) 226 5) 174


Direction(56-65) : What should come in place of question mark (?) in the given
question ?
56. 91% of 712 = ?
1) 646.02 2) 645.12 3) 644.22 4) 647.92 5) 643.32

57. 21168  ? = 42 x 9

1) 56 2) 466 3) 58 4) 3136 5) 378

58. 9845 + 7432 = ? + 7777

1) 9650 2) 9550 3) 9500 4) 9600 5) 9450
59. 764.32 - 410.02 + 91.7 = ?

1) 450 2) 448 3) 444 4) 446 5) 442
60. 1548  36 = ?
1) 61 2) 51 3) 55 4) 43 5) 47
61. ?  34 x 16 = 304

1) 646 2) 596 3) 666 4) 636 5) 676
62. 633 + 523 = (?)2
1) 36 2) 1156 3) 34 4) 1296 5) 32

63. 2024 x 206 = ?

1) 2060 2) 20120 3) 2030 4) 2018 5) 204
64. 9999 - 5132 - 1487 = ?
1) 3420 2) 3380 2) 3400 4) 3440 5) 3460

65. 16 x 36  0.25 = ?
1) 2194 2) 2304 3) 2164 4) 2254 5) 2284
Direction (66-70): Study the given information carefully and answer the given
Eight people viz. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a square table.
Four of them are sitting at four corners of the table while four are sitting in the
middle of the four sides. The ones sitting at corners face the center while the
ones sitting in the middle of the sides face outside (i.e. opposite to the centre).
D sits second to the right of A. Two people sit between D and F (either from
left or right). H is not an immediate neighbor of A. B sits third to the left of C,
who face the center. E sits second to the right of B. One person sits between C
and H (either from left or right). E is not an immediate neighbor of D. G faces
outside (i.e. opposite to the centre).
66. How many persons are sitting between A and F when counted the right of F?
1) Six 2) Three 3) Seven 4) Four 5) Five
67. Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE as per the given arrangement?
(A) C sits second to the left of D
(B) G sits third to the right of F
(C) A sits third to the right of G
1) Only (A) 2) Only (B) 3) Only (C)
4) Both (A) and (C) 5) All (A), (B) and (C)

68. Who among the following person sits third to the left of G?
1) D 2) A 3) C 4) B 5) H
69. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions as per
the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which one of the following does
not belong to that group?
1) B 2) D 3) F 4) E 5) G
70. What is the position of G with respect to E?
1) Fourth right 2) Fifth left 3) Third right 4) Third left 5) Fifth right
Direction (71-73): In this question three statements followed by two conclusions

numbered I and II have been given. You have to take the given statements to be
true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then
decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements.

71. Statements: Some roads are highways. Only a few highways are paths.
All paths are destination.
Conclusion I: All roads can never be paths.
Conclusion II: Some destinations are definitely not highways.
1) Both Conclusions I and II follow 2) Neither Conclusion I nor II follows
3) Either Conclusion I or II follows 4) Only Conclusion I follows

5) Only Conclusion II follows
72. Statements: Only a few cats are rats. All rats are dogs.
Only a few dogs are horses.
Conclusion I: All cats being horses is a possibility.

Conclusion II: Some horses are definitely not rats.

1) Both Conclusions I and II follow 2) Only Conclusion II follows
3) Only Conclusion I follows 4) Neither Conclusion I nor II follows
5) Either Conclusion I or II follows
Statements: Only a few drives are tests. All folders are tests.

All drives are libraries.

Conclusion I: At least some drives are folders.
Conclusion II: At least some libraries are tests.
1) Only Conclusion I follows 2) Either Conclusion I or II follows
3) Neither Conclusion I nor II follows 4) Only Conclusion II follows
5) Both Conclusions I and II follow
74. If it is possible to make only one meaningful four letter English word with the
first, the second, the third and the sixth letters of the word “MASCULINE” using
each letter only once, when counted from left to right, which of the following will
be the third letter of the word so formed from the left end? If no such word can be
formed give X as your answer. If more than one such word can be formed give Z as
your answer.
1) X 2) M 3) L 4) Z 5) S
75. Find the odd one out.
1) CGE 2) CEG 3) RVT 4) NRP 5) JNL
Direction(76-80): Study the given information carefully and answer the given
Eight people viz. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H live on eight different floors of a
eight storeyed building where ground floor is numbered one, the one above that is
numbered two and so on till the topmost floor of the building is numbered eight.
Only one person lives on each floor. Note: None of the given information is
necessarily in the same order.


Only two people live between B and H, who lives one of the floors below the
floor on which E lives. D lives in an even numbered floor below 6th floor. At-least
two people live between C and A. C lives odd number floor but not below fourth
floor. F lives immediate above the floor of G. F lives on an odd numbered floor
below A.
76. Who amongst the following person lives on top floor?
1) G 2) C 3) A 4) E 5) B
77. E lives on which amongst the following floor?

1) Third 2) Second 3) Seventh 4) Sixth 5) Eight
78. How many persons live between C and F?
1) Three 2) Four 3) One 4) Five 5) Two

79. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions as per
the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which one of the following does
not belong to that group?
1) D 2) A 3) B 4) G 5) C
80. Which among the following statement(s) is/are “TRUE” as per the given

1) H lives on an even-numbered floor
2) Two persons live between E and G
3) D lives above floor of C

4) H lives just above floor of D

5) None of the given statements is true
Direction (81-83): In this question relationship between different elements is
shown in the statement/s. The statement/s is/are followed by two conclusions.
Study the given conclusions based on the given statement/s and select the

appropriate option as your answer.

81. Statement: N  T > R = M  S = Q  K
Conclusion I: M < N
Conclusion II: K  R
1) Neither Conclusion I nor II is true 2) Either Conclusion I or II is true
3) Both Conclusions I and II are true 4) Only Conclusion I is true
5) Only Conclusion II is true
82. Statement: E = G  L  B = T < K  H = C
Conclusion I: L < C
Conclusion II: E  T
1) Both Conclusions I and II are true 2) Either Conclusion I or II is true
3) Only Conclusion II is true 4) Only Conclusion I is true
5) Neither Conclusion I nor II is true
83. Statements: S  T, W  U = S, R  W = V
Conclusion I: R = T
Conclusion II: R < T
1) Either Conclusion I or II is true 2) Only Conclusion I is true
3) Only Conclusion II is true 4) Neither Conclusion I nor II is true
5) Both Conclusions I and II are true


84. How many such pairs of digits are there in the number ‘91826753’ each of which
has as many digits between them in the given number (in both forward and
backward directions) as they have between them in the arithmetic numerical
1) Three 2) One 3) Five 4) Four 5) Two
85. If all the letters in the word ‘FASTENING’ are re-arranged as per the English
alphabetical order from left to right within the word, the position/s of how many
letters will remain unchanged after the rearrangement?

1) Only S 2) Both F and N 3) Only N
4) Both G and N 5) Only E

Direction(86-89): Study the given information carefully and answer the given
A certain number of people are sitting in a straight line facing north. As
many people sit to the left of A as to the right of H. G sits third to the right of D,
who sits immediate right of A. H sits fourth to the right of E, who is not an

immediate neighbor of C. Only one person sits between D and L, who sits fourth
from the left end. C sits exactly between L and B. B sits immediate left of H. Only
three people sit between E and G.
86. How many people are sitting in a given line?

1) 22 2) 19 3) 20 4) 21 5) 18
87. How many people sit between H and C?
1) Six 2) Four 3) Eight 4) Seven 5) Five
88. Who amongst the following person sits fifth to the left of C?

1) L 2) C 3) G 4) E 5) A
89. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions as per
the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which one of the following does
not belong to that group?
1) A, L 2) G, C 3) H, E 4) H, B 5) A, D
Direction(90-92): Study the given arrangement of symbol, letter and digits carefully
to answer the given question:
W µ A @ Y O & 6 C Z 9 © € 5 % 2 U X I L B  7 E 4  8 J S
90. Which of the following is the seventh element to the right of the fifteenth element
from the left end of the given arrangement?
1) B 2)  3) 7 4) E 5) 
91. If all the vowels and symbols are deleted from the given arrangement, which of
the following will be ninth from left end of the given arrangement?
1) 5 2) B 3) L 4) X 5) 2
92. How many such numbers are there in the given arrangement, each of which is
immediately preceded by a consonant but not immediately followed by a consonant?
1) One 2) Two 3) Three 4) Four 5) None


Direction(93-95): Study the given information carefully and answer the given
Six students viz. P, Q, R, S, T and U are scored different marks in the exam.
At least two students have scored more marks than T. Only one person scored
between T and P, who scored more than T. R scored more than U. S scored more
marks than U but less marks than Q. T scored more marks than S. Neither P nor
R scored highest marks. S scored 76 marks.
93. Who amongst the following person scored highest marks?
1) R 2) U 3) P 4) Q 5) S

94. How many people are scored fewer marks than R?
1) No one 2) Three 3) One 4) Two 5) Four
95. What is the possible score of U?

1) 80 2) 78 3) 77 4) 79 5) 74
Direction(96-100): Study the given information carefully and answer the given
Eight boxes viz. A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and S are kept one above another in a
stack. No other boxes are kept in the stack other than the given boxes. Only three

boxes are kept between P and B. C is kept below B. Only one box is kept between
B and C. As many boxes kept above Q as below A. Only two boxes kept between S
and A. R is kept immediately below C. D does not kept above A.
96. Which of the following box is kept top of the stack?

1) R 2) C 3) A 4) B 5) Q
97. How many boxes are kept between D and C?
1) One 2) Two 3) Three 4) Four 5) None
98. As many boxes kept between R and B as between ___ and ___ .
1) Q, A 2) C, P 3) S, D 4) C, R 5) S, P

99. Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE as per the given arrangement?
1) Only one box is kept above A
2) Only two boxes are kept between P and B
3) Box S is kept two boxes below box R
4) Box R is third from the bottom 5) None of the given options true
100. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions as per
the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which one of the following does
not belong to that group?
1) S, C 2) Q, R 3) C, B 4) R, S 5) B, A

1.5 2.3 3.3 4.3 5.1 6.2 7.1 8.2 9.4 10.1 SCAN QR FOR
11.4 12.2 13.3 14.5 15.1 16.4 17.5 18.3 19.2 20.4 OUR RESULTS
21.4 22.2 23.3 24.5 25.1 26.1 27.1 28.3 29.4 30.1
31.5 32.3 33.2 34.4 35.2 36.1 37.4 38.4 39.4 40.5
41.2 42.4 43.3 44.3 45.1 46.4 47.5 48.1 49.5 50.3
51.1 52.4 53.1 54.5 55.3 56.4 57.4 58.3 59.4 60.4
61.1 62.3 63.3 64.2 65.2 66.4 67.3 68.5 69.2 70.1
71.2 72.3 73.4 74.4 75.2 76.3 77.1 78.3 79.5 80.2
81.4 82.1 83.1 84.3 85.3 86.4 87.1 88.5 89.3 90.2
91.4 92.1 93.4 94.2 95.5 96.3 97.2 98.5 99.4 100.1


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