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Mr. Bennet- He has a wife he married on the fire of youth and five daughters. Mr. Bennet hides himself away in
his library. He is a sarcastic person, and that makes him a very enterprising figure despite his shortcomings as a

Mrs. Bennet- she is the wife of Mr. Bennet. She is whiny, dull-witted, humorless, and boorish—the absolute
antithesis of our heroine—and the constant source of embarrassment to Elizabeth. Noisy and foolish, she is a woman
consumed by the desire to see her daughters married and seems to care for nothing else in the world.

Jane Bennet- the eldest in the Bennet family, is Elizabeth’s beautiful elder sister and confidante. Jane and
Elizabeth are very close to each other; she is cheerful, friendly, and good-natured, always ready to think the best of
others. She is in love with Bingley, Mr. Darcy’s best friend.

Elizabeth Bennet- the second daughter in the Bennet family, is an intelligent, lovely, and quick-witted favorite
child of Mr. Bennet. Her independent spirit is the reason why she is the favorite child of her father.

Lydia Bennet - is the youngest Bennet sister. She is her mother’s favorite because, like Mrs. Bennet, she is
preoccupied with gossip, socializing, and men. Lydia is described as having “high animal spirits and a sort of natural
self-consequence.” She is attractive and charismatic, but she is also reckless and impulsive. Lizzy also articulates her
fear that Lydia is on the road to becoming “a flirt in the worst and meanest degree of flirtation.”

Charlotte Lucas- is Elizabeth’s best friend. Charlotte does not view love as the most vital component of a marriage.
She is more interested in having a comfortable home.

Fitzwilliam Darcy- Dracy is the product of wealth and privilege. He is the male counterpart of Elizabeth. Darcy
was initially viewed as a presumptuous snob, but learn the true nature of his character along with Elizabeth

Charles Bingley- He is a handsome and wealthy man, though, unlike Darcy, his wealth comes from "trade." He is
the counterpart of Jane Bennet

Mr. Collins- Mr. Bennet’s cousin, a clergyman who will inherit Longbourn after Mr. Bennet’s death. He is an inane

Pride and Prejudice

In the story Pride and Prejudice, there is a family that lives in Longbourn, the Bennets family. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet
live with five marriageable daughters. From youngest to oldest, we have Lydia; Lydia is preoccupied with gossip,
socializing, and men; Catherine is delicate and apparently sickly; Mary is plain, bookish, and pompous; Elizabeth is
an intelligent, witty, and independent young woman; and Jane is a cheerful, friendly, and good-natured person.

The story of Pride and Prejudice started when a news reaches Longbourn that a rich young gentleman names Charles
Bingley has rented the nearby manor of Netherfield. Mrs. Bennet, who wants nothing but to see her daughters
happily settled and married to a wealthy man, wants to be acquainted with Mr. Bingley. She gets excited as soon as
she heard the news about it, seeing it as an opportunity for one of her daughter to be married with Mr. Bingley
considering that he has 4-5 thousand pounds a year is a fine things for her daughters. So she asks Mr. Bennett to
pay a visit to Mr. Bingley so their families can become acquainted with each other. And that is what Mr. Bennet did.
Mr. Bingley paid a visit to Longbourn but was not able to see Bennet’s sisters. Mr. Bennet invites him for a dinner
but Mr. Bingley declines it because he’s going out of town but says that he will be at the ball that will happen in the

So the ball happened. Mr. Bingley attends the ball with her sisters, Ms. Caroline Bingley and Mrs. Hurst, and his
best friend, Mr. Darcy, who stands out because of his awra. At the ball, the eldest Bennet, Jane, attracts Mr.
Bingley's attention. Mr. Bingley fell in love at first sight to Jane. They both danced four times and had a blast the
entire night. And Mr. Bingely said that Jane is the most beautiful creature he has ever seen. On the other hand, Mr.
Darcy was perceived as a pompous and arrogant man after he declined to dance with Ms. Elizabeth. When Bingley
encourages Mr. Darcy to dance with Elizabeth, Darcy said that " elizabeth is Tolerable but not handsome enough to
tempt him". Mrs Bennet is dissapointed by how he acts on the ball and says that Mr Darcy is a proud and
disagreeable man.

After the ball that happened, Jane received a letter from Ms. Caroline Bingley inviting her to dine with them in the
Netherfields. So Jane requested a carriage to her father, but Mrs. Bennett said that no, you must go on horseback
because it looks like it will rain and if does you will have to stay the night. So Jane left riding a horseback and
arrived in the Netherfield, soaked by the rain. While having a supper, Jane started to feel unwell. The next morning,
Elizabeth received a letter from Jane informing her that she had gotten sick and would not be able to return home
yet. That letter made Lizzy worried for her sister; she’s anxious and determined to go to her siste r. And Mrs. Bennet
is not in favor of that, so they did not give Elizabeth a carriage or horse to ride on, and walking is the only
alternative for her to visit her sister and for Elizabeth walking does not matter, infact Elizabeth loves walking. So
Elizabeth walked 3 miles and showed up at the breakfast parlor. Elizabeth immediately checked on her sister when
she arrived. And after a while, the apothecary (the doctor) came to check on Jane’s condition and said that she’s still
sick and needs to rest. Elizabeth was supposed to be back at Longbourn by 3 p.m., but since Jane’s condition does
not seem well, Elizabeth feels the importance of staying with her sister. Ms. Bingley offered a carriage, but that offer
turned into offering Elizabeth to stay in the netherfield while her sister was still recovering, and Elizabeth openly
accepted it because that is also want she want. So a letter was sent to Loungbourn, informing Mr. and Mrs. Bennet
about Elizabeth staying at Netherfield with Jane.

So the two Bennet’s sisters stayed in the Netherfield with the Bingleys. Without Elizabeth and Jane’s presence, they
talk about how ridiculous Elizabeth looks with the dress that was 6 inches deep in mud and talk about her
determination on walking three miles. And Mrs. Hurst also talked about Jane, who is a very sweet girl, and wished
for her to be settled. But, considering the fact that the Bennet’s have a low connection, for them, the chance is less
for that to happen. Bingley’s sisters makes remarks behind Jane and Elizabeth. On the other hand, Mr Darcy begins
to appreciate Elizabeth’s on how she express her ideas in things. Darcy is worried about his growing feelings
towards Elizabeth.

Jane’s health does not improve. And receiving a letter from Netherfield, Mrs. Bennet, together with her three
daughters, come immediately to the netherfiled. They were amused by the beauty of the house. She is so very polite
to everyone in the house but she acts different to Mr. Darcy as she remember how Mr. Darcy acts in the ball where
she was ignored and treated rude by him. And Elizabeth is embarrass on how her mother acts. After their
interactions, they leave Netherfield with Mr. Bingley’s promise to Lydia’s request of having a ball as soon as Jane
gets well. After days of staying, since their mother did not send any carriage for them, Elizabeth told Jane to request
a carriage to Mr Bingley for them to go. The request was granted since Jane is in a good condition already so with
that Jane and Elizabeth were able to return to Longbourn.

When they returned home, Mr. Bennet is happy and relieved to have them back. While havinga breakfast, Mr.
Bennet informed his family about the arrival of his cousin, Mr. Collins, Mr. Collins is the one who will inherit the
state of Mr. Bennett since she has no son. He is a clergy man who Lady Catherine De Bourgh ( a well known lady
who lives in a mansion in the Rosings) so much as if she’s his god. Mr. Colins and the Bennet’s have had
disagreements in the past , that is why he wrote a letter asking Mr. Bennet to allow her visits in Longbourn. One of
his intention of visiting Longbourn is to marry one of the Bennets as it is also what Lady Catherine wants for him, to
be married. At first, his attention was initially drawn to Jane, but since Mrs. Bennet was already expecting an
engagement between Mr. Bingley and Jane, she made Mr. Collins to just like Elizabeth . So her affection was shifted
to Elizabeth

One day the Bennet’s sister were going to visit Aunt and Uncle Philips in the Meryton and Mr. Collin come with
them as she wants to be close with Elizabth. During their visit, Lydia met Mr. Denny and the group became
acquainted with Mr. Wickham. They also encountered Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy there. The encounter between
Mr. Wickham and Mr. Darcy does not seem good. There seems to be a tension between the two and it was observed
by Elizabeth. After their conversation they go their Aunt house and Mrs Philips invites the whole group to have a
dinner. In an arranged dinner at Meryton, Wickham had a chance to converse with Elizabeth about Mr Darcy,
making Mr. Darcy on the bad side. He tells Elizabeth they grew up together and Mr. Darcy’s father treat him like a
true son. He also said that the church ought to be his profession, and sinisisi niya si Mr. Darcy why she ends up
being an officer. He said Darcy’s father bequeathed him to have the best life with his gift, but that did not happen
because Mr. Darcy doubted the idea of his intentions. Elizabeth can not believe how can Mr. Darcy do that but
considering the personality and character he showed in the ball for Elizabeth it is not Impossible for him to do those
accusations made by Wickham.

After some time, the ball the was promise to Lydia has happened. Mr. Collins and Wickham were invited. Before
the ball took place, Mr. Collins had already asked Elizabeth to have the first dance with him, and Elizabeth had no
choice but to just accept it. In the ball, Elizabeth is looking for Mr. Wickham, but Mr. Wickham is not there, Jane
told her that Mr. Wickham was obliged to go to another place, and for Elizabeth, shes thinking that Mr. Darcy has
something to do with it. In the ball, Elizabeth bumped into Mr. Darcy, and Mr. Darcy asks Ms. Elizabeth to have
the second dance, out of astonishment, she says yes. So they dance and Elizabeth open an uncomfortable topic to
Mr. Darcy which is about his relationship to Mr. Wickham.

After the ball, Mr. Collins had the courage to propose to Elizabeth. But Elizabeth did not accept it.Mr. Collins was
thinking that Elizabeth was just playing hard to get and would soon accept his offer, because for him no one or no
woman will refuse such proposal that she was offering to Elizabeth, like having a wealth and house is something
that a woman will not accept. And that made Elizabeth more determined to not accept Mr. Collins proposal as she
was insulted on how Mr. Collins think about women especially how Mr. Collins think of her. Mrs. Bennet is very
upset to Elizabeth’s decision because she thought that their engagement will save the future of their state, but it did
not happen .

Jane again receives a letter from Ms. Caroline Bingley. It is said in the letter that they leave Netherfield to spend the
winter in Longdon. She also adds that she thinks her brother may marry Darcy's sister Georgiana, and that
made Jane upset. but Elizabeth still believes that Mr. Bingley will soon come back to her. And she suspects Mr.
Darcy and Ms. Caroline Bingley push Mr. Bingley away from Jane.

One day, The Bennet’s and Mr. Collins dine with the Lucas Family. And the next day Mr. Collins surprises
everyone with a proposal to Ms. Charlotte Lucas, Elizabeth’s best friend. And hearing the news about it Elizabeth
was surprise and dissapointed at the same time because that time Charlotte already knows what kind of character
Mr. Collins have as Elizabeth told her everything about him, But Charlotte said that she's already 27 years old but
she is still a burden for her family, and considering the characteristics and status in life of Mr Collins was such an
opportunity for her to live a new life.

Mr. And Mrs Gardiner visit Longbourn for Christmas holidays. Mrs Garnider knew about Jane’s situation to Mr.
Bingley so they take Jane to Longdon. she stayed with her aunt, hoping to see Mr. Bingley there. But during her stay
in London, he only met Ms. Caroline Bingley .And is very evident that Ms. Caroline Bingley took no pleasure of
seeing Jane. Ms. Caroline Bingley said that Mr. Bingley knows about Jane being in town but he is much engage with
Mr. Darcy. And Jane conclude that Mr. Bingley is no longer cares for her.

As a promise to Charlotte, Elizabeth visited Charlotte in Hunsford. In there, Elizabeth had a chance to dine with
Lady Catherine De Bourgh, the woman who is all praise by Mr. Collins. In Lady Catherine De Bourgh's place,
Darcy was there because he is a nephew od Lady Catherine. Elizabeth was also able to meet Colonel Fitzwilliam,
Darcys cousin. One day while Colonel Fritzwilliam and Elizabeth are walking they open a conversation regarding
Darcy and Bingley being a good friends. Mr. Fitswilliam said that Mr. Darcy is a great friend to Mr. Bingley who
said to be saved Mr. Bingley to the most inconvenient and imprudent marriage. Colonel Fitzwilliam has no idea that
the person behind that marriage was Elizabeth’s sister, which is Jane. So in that conversation, Elizabeth learned that
Mr. Darcy’s objection and judgement is the reason of Jane and Bingley’s separation. That information made
Elizabeth very disappointed, she is angry about everything she had heard.
One day, Mr. Darcy visited Elizabeth and shocked her after he confessed his feelings to her, but since Elizabeth
knew everything about the actions he took, he rejected him and had a confrontation regarding the separation of two
lovers and various claims made by Mr. Wickham towards him. And Mr. Dracy did not deny the action he took
regarding Mr. Bingley's immediate leave in Netherfield, but he was disappointed in how Elizabeth made such
assumptions and negative blaming for him in regards to Mr. Wickham's case.

One morning, while Elizabeth is on her favorite walk, Mr. Darcy gave her a letter explaining his side of all the
sentiments they'd discussed. His reasons of separating the lovers was because he was worried that the Bennet family
was socially inferior. “In how many times he engages with Bennet’s family, he observes how her family, especially
Mrs. Bennet and Lydia, behave. There are certain characteristics about them that Mr. Dracy did not like. That is why
he felt an urge to push Mr. Bingley away from Jane. He thought that the intention was only for fortune because that
is what he observed. And about Mr. Wickham, yes, they grew up together as kids, and the late Mr. Darcy loved and
treated Mr. Wickham like a true son. But since the late Mr. Darcy died, Mr. Wickham has changed and fooled Mr.
Darcy in terms of money. And that Mr. Wickham never pursued the career in the clergy. He also planned an
elopement with Mr. Darcy’s sister, Georgiana, who was only 16 years old at the time, just for Wickham to inherent
some money.

After a week, Elizabeth and Maria leave Hunsford and they stop in Longdon. They returned to Longbourn with Jane.
Elizabeth does not tell Jane about what she knew about Bingley’s immediate leave in Netherfield. So everything
goes back to normal. They spend their days doing their routins in Longbourn. One day Elizabeth was invited by his
aunt and uncle Gardiner to go to Derbyshire on holiday to have a summer trip. On their northern tour, they change
their route, and in their new route they will have a chance to visit Pemberly, the place where Mr. Darcy lives. And
Mrs. Gardiner wants to pay a quick visit in the mansion. At first, she didn’t want the plan considering all that
happened between them. But her aunt said that Mr. Darcy wouldn’t be home for days, which is why she agreed to
pay a visit for a short time. There, she discovered more about Mr. Darcy by the housekeeper’s report about him,
about Mr. Darcy’s good personality and what kind of brother he is.Elizabeth started to adore him. During her visits,
Mr. Darcy unexpectedly showed up. Their first meeting after what happened is supposed to be awkward, right? but
Mr. Darcy is very professional and does not let Elizabeth feel that way. Elizabeth was bale to meet georgina and Mr.
Bingley. He also invited Elizabeth to have a dinner in Pemberly. Everything is going well, but not until she
receives a letter from Jane. It is about Lydia, who ran away and had an elopement with Mr. Wickham. So Mr.
Gardiner and Elizabeth immediately return to Longbourn to help Mr. Bennet look for Lydia. Mr. Bennet blamed
hiself of what happened to Lydia as he let Lydia go to Brighton with regiment even if Elizabeth told him not to as
with Lydia’s personality, it is possible for her to be in danger and that what is happened. Elizabeth felt the same way
as she did not tell her family about what she heard about Mr. Wickham in Darcy’s letter. In this case, Mr. Darcy
worked and helped them silently; he was the one who found them and convinced Wickham to marry Lydia in
exchange for money. Mr. Wickham has no plan of marrying Lydia, and with Mr. Darcy’s offer, Wickham decided to
marry Lydia. So a letter was sent to Longbourn to inform the Bennet’sfamily that Wickham will marry Lydia on
condition to guarantee him only a small income. Mr. Bennet thought that Mr. Gardiners paid him a tidy sum of
money without knowing that it is all Mr. Darcy. After their married, they visit London, only for Lydia to bragged
about her married. The deeds of Mr. Darcy were supposed to remain secret, but Elizabeth learned about his
involvement after Lydia accidentally said that Mr. Darcy was present at her wedding.

After months, Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy came back to Netherfield. They visited the Bennets at Longbourn, and
Mr. Bingley had a chance to see Jane again. He admits to Jane that he leave Nethefield because he thought that Jane
is not interested in him. The visit of Mr. Bingley to Jane continue and one day he finally propose to her. He
confesses again, saying that his love is only for Jane. Jane is so very happy and heartily accepts Mr. Bigley’s

One morning, about a week after Mr. Bingley’s engagament with Jane an unexpected visitor came, it was Lady
Catherine De Bourgh. She came to talk to Elizabeth as “ an alarming report reached me 2 days ago I was told that
not only your sister was on the point of being most advantageously married, but that you, be soon afterwards united
with my nephew, Mr. Darcy. So basically she came to Longbourn to confirm it by herself about the news. So Lady
Catherine ask Elizabeth if Mr. Darcy already offer a marriage to her and Elizabeth claimed that no, he haven’t. Lady
Catherine said that her daughter was destine and their engagement was already plan out since they were born.
Elizabeth is all aware about it and for her if, if Mr. Darcy propose there is no reason for her to not accept it. And said
that if Mr. Darcy is neither by honour nor inclination confined to his cousin, why is not he to make another choice?
And if I am that choice, why may not I accept him” PERFECT SI BADING PALABAN. But Lady Catherine said
that no woman in a low class who has no connections will marry a man for my daughter. She criticized Elizabeth in
all aspects she could. But Ms. Elizabeth said that as long as Mr. Darcy does not object to the life and family she has,
they can be nothing to Lady Catherine. And telling Lizzy to make a promise not to marry Darcy but Elizabeth
declined to do that. So Lady Catherine leave Longbourn with dissatisfaction.

Days after, Mr. Darcy converse with Ms. Elizabeth about the action that her Aunt did, he was sorry for her and had a
chance to again confess with Elizabeth saying that her love and affection for her never change. And with Elizabeth’s
feelings towards Mr. Darcy, he accepted it. She also thank Mr. Darcy of what he have done for her Family.
Elizabeth immediately told her father about Mr. Darcy’s proposal and told him everything about what Mr. Darcy
had done in their family, especially in Lydia’s case. So Mr. Bennett asked Elizabeth if she really liked Mr. Darcy,
and she replied that she did and that she loved him. That is when Mr. Bennet gave his blessing to the lovers. Austen
ends the novel with the two lovers having a hapy marriage.

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