Aayush Puri Web Development Notes

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Date: 20/03/2024

Dear Aayush Puri,

Welcome to CognoRise InfoTech's Internship program! We're excited
to have you on board for a journey of learning and growth in our Web
Development Internship!!
During your 30 Day Internship from 20/03/2024-20/04/2024, you'll
have the chance to gain hands-on experience and deepen your
understanding of various concepts in a dynamic environment. Our
team is confident that your dedication and willingness to take on
tasks will contribute to a valuable experience for both you and us.
At CognoRise InfoTech, we believe in providing a supportive
orientation and focusing on skill development, ensuring that you're
well-prepared for future projects. Your time here will undoubtedly
equip you with the tools you need for success.
Thank you for becoming a part of our team. We're looking forward to
a rewarding and productive internship together!!
Best regards,
The CognoRise InfoTech Team


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