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Reliability Vs. Validity

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Explain the difference between survey reliability/precision and survey validity

Survey reliability and survey validity are both used to assess the quality of research by

indicating how well the methods, procedures or test measures something. Although both

reliability and validity vary in different ways, every researcher should consider them when

working on their research, when working on methodology as well as when analyzing the results.

Moreover, in quantitative research the two are of big help, and ignoring the two may lead to

some types of research bias at the end would be a big setback.

Some of the notable differences between the two include which information each

conveys. For instance, reliability tells you to which extent the obtained results can be reproduced

when the research is done again under similar situations that is, if the study is carried out again

under the same conditions the results should be the same (Middleton, 2023). Whereas, validity

tells you what the obtained results are supposed to measure that is what the study measures what

really its supposed to measure.

Secondly, on how they are both assessed, reliability is accessed by examining the

consistency of results over time, through different observers, and through the test itself. On the

other hand, validity is mainly assessed through examining how well the results correspond to the

earlier research and theories about the same topic (Middleton, 2023).

Additionally, on reliability, it focuses more on how consistent the result is for example if

the result is achieved over and over again under the same conditions, then the measurement is

considered to be reliable (Middleton, 2023). If you take some water and measure its temperature,

if the results happen to be the same over and over again then the result can be relied on. On the

other hand, Validity will give the accuracy of what the measure is really intended to measure. A

high validity result means that the results are corresponding to real properties and characteristics

in the real world (Middleton, 2023). Using the above example, if the thermometer gives different

results under the same conditions, then there are high chance that the thermometer has a

functional issue thus the results are considered invalid.

Conclusively, both survey reliability and survey validity are more effective when used

together. The results may be reliable but at the same time not be accurate to reflect the actual

situation. Validity is more important than reliability although it is harder to assess. In order to

ensure you get useful results, data collection methods must be valid and reliable and also ensure

that the research is all about what it is intended to measure.



Middleton, F. (2023, June 22). Reliability vs. Validity in Research | Difference, Types and

Examples. Scribbr.

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