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ID: 1631347
Class: Digital Bussiness 3


Electric vehicles (EVs) have evolved over the past decade, making
significant strides toward environmental sustainability. The primary
driver for embracing EVs lies in their potential to mitigate the
environmental impact of transportation, a major contributor to climate
change. While challenges such as high costs, range anxiety, and
charging infrastructure issues persist, ongoing technological
advancements and increased battery storage capacity make electric
vehicles increasingly attractive for both ecological and economic

Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles:

Initially, EVs demonstrated lower carbon emissions compared to
traditional gasoline buses. The efficiency of electric machines, requiring
less energy to cover the same distance, contributed to their reduced
carbon footprint. Additionally, EVs do not emit tailpipe emissions,
further enhancing their environmental appeal. Despite variations in
carbon emissions associated with production, electricity generation, and
disposal across different regions, it is generally acknowledged that EVs
exhibit a lower overall carbon footprint throughout their lifecycle.

Challenges in EV Production:
However, it is crucial to acknowledge that EVs impact the environment,
particularly during their production phase. The manufacturing of
batteries, which necessitates the extraction of delicate materials like
lithium and cobalt, contributes significantly to emissions. Extraction
often occurs in regions with lax environmental regulations, resulting in
habitat destruction, soil pollution, and water contamination. Efforts are
underway to address these concerns, including the use of materials with
a lower environmental impact and battery recycling initiatives.

Diversity in Energy Sources:

The source of energy used to charge EVs plays a pivotal role in
determining their environmental impact. Charging an EV with
renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, results in a nearly
zero-carbon footprint. However, reliance on fossil fuel-generated power
for charging could unintentionally increase carbon emissions. As the
electricity grid continues to depend on non-renewable sources, it poses a
challenge to achieving the full environmental potential of electric buses.

In conclusion, when compared to traditional gasoline-powered buses,
electric vehicles exhibit a significantly lower environmental impact,
representing a crucial step towards reducing carbon emissions and
associated pollutants. Despite challenges in the production and charging
phases, the decrease in tailpipe emissions offers positive implications for
environmental conservation. Nevertheless, substantial efforts are
required to address emissions from electricity generation to fully realize
the environmental benefits of electric vehicles. The integration of clean
energy sources and green technologies will be instrumental in ensuring
that electric buses contribute effectively to environmental conservation.


- Electric vehicles and their environmental impacts:

Electric Vehicles: Literature review of technology costs and carbon emissions - International

Council on Clean Transportation. (2021, November 24). International Council on Clean



- Life Cycle Assessment of Electric Buses: A Review:

Das, P. K., Bhat, M. Y., & Sajith, S. (2023). Life cycle assessment of electric vehicles: a

systematic review of literature. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

- The Environmental Impact of Battery Production for Electric Vehicles:

B, L. R. (2023, February 15). The environmental impact of battery production for electric

vehicles. Earth.Org.

- The importance of renewables for electric vehicle charging empowered:

Curran, M. E., Lazaroff, M. A., & McAllister, L. (2022, June 14). The importance of

renewables for electric vehicle charging.


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