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While vs.


conjunctions of concession where as

w h i le

'While' and 'whereas' are confused by

learners as they are close in meaning. In this
lesson, we will learn their uses, similarities,
and di�erences.

What Is Their Main Di�erence?

While' is a flexible word that can be used to introduce a contrast between
two ideas or indicate that two actions are happening at the same time.
Whereas,' however, is a formal word used to highlight clear distinctions or
contrasts between two ideas.

P a r t s of S p e e c h
'While' and 'whereas' are both used to connect clauses. They are conjunctions. Have a

I read it while you were away.

I like books whereas my girlfriend likes movies.

While as a Noun
'While' can also be used as a noun. We cannot use 'while' alone and it is often
used to indicate data related to time. It is often accompanied by 'in a...,' 'once
in a...,' and 'worth your...'. For example:

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